The January 2010 FArt Battle




You recognize her costume is from the CC but there are no clear CoH references? You're contradicting yourself here.
Johnny said the costume is similar to what could be made with the cox costume creator. The majority of those designs are similar to ones found from comic books. He's not contradicting himself. I also don't see him pointing the finger at anyone.

There was a flap over the application of the rules. He was questioning the application of those rules in some of the other entries which he found questionable. I think you're taking it a bit too personally.




Phew...thanks FD. That's exactly all I was trying to say...

Again, good luck all on the next round!

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2



Hopefully my reasonings for qualifying the pieces you found on the fence were adequate for ya, JK =)

Just to reiterate in case anyone missed it, I will always be judging more on your intent than your execution. If an entrant intended for a character to look like it came from the CoH universe, then they are abiding by the rules and qualified. If what they pulled off didn't get that intent across, then that's a weakness in their entry, and is exactly what the rest of the community is voting on.



Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
Johnny said the costume is similar to what could be made with the cox costume creator. The majority of those designs are similar to ones found from comic books. He's not contradicting himself. I also don't see him pointing the finger at anyone.

There was a flap over the application of the rules. He was questioning the application of those rules in some of the other entries which he found questionable. I think you're taking it a bit too personally.
I disagree.
The top in question looks just like one in the CC, he clearly saw it or he would not have mentioned the CC, but then said there was no clear reference. That is a contradiction.

I don't see what comic books have to do with it.

He called into question/singled out several entries as being unfit. Pointing the finger is just an expression describing that.
Fill in the blank with a different one if the finger reference is troublesome to you.

Took it personal? He raised his concerns and I addressed them point for point.
I defended several pieces and not just my own... sorry Bdub but I don't see what you mean by that?
Heck I even thanked him for his compliment in the midst of addressing his points. *shrug*

I'm not saying he (or anyone else) shouldn't raise concerns or question entries at all.
I have done so in the past and noticed/was going to again about Shia's piece this year...

Only thing is the ones I pointed out were in fact violations of the rules.
Jk was wrong and all the ones he pointed out met the criteria and have qualified... it bore mentioning.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Many of the tops in the cc are very similar to tops seen in comics. JK's position was that it was similar to ones in coh, but that similarity isn't sufficient to place it concretely in the coh universe--there have been lots of costumes like that in other places. If I saw this in someone's gallery with no comments, I would not assume that it was a cox character. It may not even occur to me that the image was in any way related to cox.

He called into question/singled out several entries as being unfit. Pointing the finger is just an expression describing that.
Fill in the blank with a different one if the finger reference is troublesome to you.
He didn't call any of them out for being unfit. He didn't make any qualitative statement about the work. He questioned whether or not they fulfilled the guidelines laid out in the contest. They are not the same thing.

Took it personal? He raised his concerns and I addressed them point for point.
I defended several pieces and not just my own... sorry Bdub but I don't see what you mean by that?
Lol that's what I mean. Defended them against what? He wasn't attacking those pieces, he was questioning their relevance to one of the rules. Wassy has defined that rule as based on intent. If rule was based solely on the image itself without printed description or statement of intent, then I would agree with JK's point about grey area.




Well, at least FD understood what I was trying to say. In "my eyes" there were some gray areas. I used some entries as examples that seemed to me as questionable as Shia's. I asked about them, Wassy said they were good...and that's that.

Globals: Johnnykat & Johnnykat2



Originally Posted by Wassy View Post
I've uploaded all the pieces to the FArt Competition 2010 page on my website

I used the artists' comments from dA and added my own thoughts to each piece. I get traffic from other boards and stuff that I visit, so hopefully it will bring you guys even more acclaim. Check it out!
Guess everyone uses Firefox? I only see a bunch of red X's in IE, but everything's fine in Firefox.

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Originally Posted by Lousy_Day View Post
Guess everyone uses Firefox? I only see a bunch of red X's in IE, but everything's fine in Firefox.
Which version of IE?

EDIT: Looks fine to me in IE 7 and IE 8. I don't have a version of IE6 to test with at the moment, but I've kinda stopped paying attention to IE 6 when I'm coding stuff up as it's use is declining rapidly (thankfully)



That's the same version I'm using for testing. Is this on a work computer? They may have some policy stuff in place on IE which might screw things up.

Not entirely sure what your issue is if you're running IE 8... Anyone else seeing the same thing LD is?

additional edit here: LD, can you get to directly in IE? That's the image it's trying to load.



I'm on my home computer. Yes I can see that image. I actually see the small thumbnail on the right side going through all the entries, but all the other images are red X's, and I can't click on January to see all of them at once like I could in Firefox.

The main site looks fine, but when I mouse over the menus (Home, Commissions, etc.) a red X box appears again but I can still click them.

My Web Site and Portfolio
My DeviantArt Gallery



Hrrrrrm. That's strange, I'm not seeing any of that at all... You have javascript enabled yes?



If Javascript wasn't enabled you'd know about it probably. Was just a long shot.

Like I said earlier, anybody else seeing what LD is seeing? I think I need some more info to figure out what's going on.



Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
Many of the tops in the cc are very similar to tops seen in comics. JK's position was that it was similar to ones in coh, but that similarity isn't sufficient to place it concretely in the coh universe--there have been lots of costumes like that in other places. If I saw this in someone's gallery with no comments, I would not assume that it was a cox character. It may not even occur to me that the image was in any way related to cox.
So if someone is ignorant of what's in the CC they wouldn't relate the two images.
Okay I get that but you are not ignorant, nor is Johnnykat by his own words.
You can't have it both ways.

Regardless... you don't have to "assume" anything...

Looks sufficiently concrete to me.

Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
He didn't call any of them out for being unfit. He didn't make any qualitative statement about the work. He questioned whether or not they fulfilled the guidelines laid out in the contest. They are not the same thing.
But he would still be wrong in both cases.

Hey I'm all for making fine distinctions if it turns a wrong into a right...
but when it turns wrong into well... still wrong, then I tend to care less. *shrug*

It's has already been decided and isn't going to be changed by any of this. Right?

Originally Posted by FrozenDeath View Post
Lol that's what I mean. Defended them against what? He wasn't attacking those pieces, he was questioning their relevance to one of the rules. Wassy has defined that rule as based on intent. If rule was based solely on the image itself without printed description or statement of intent, then I would agree with JK's point about grey area.
So if I understand you're saying if something that didn't happen had in fact happened then you would agree with Jk... umm good thing it didn't happen then?
...and, speaking of people unnecessarily defending other people, remind me again why I'm having this discussion with you???
You wouldn't be defending Jk would you? Against what? He isn't being attacked, he is being told he was wrong on this occasion.

FD "I think you're taking it a bit too personally."

Right then, moving on...
I'll be over in the February thread lookin @ da pinups.

Originally Posted by Lousy_Day View Post
Guess everyone uses Firefox? I only see a bunch of red X's in IE, but everything's fine in Firefox.
Yeah Firefox here but I also have IE6 and Google chrome on other machines if you need something tested.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



So if I understand you're saying if something that didn't happen had in fact happened then you would agree with Jk... umm good thing it didn't happen then?
Ugh. He made his point and then she clarified her rules. That resolved the issue of something qualifying. His perspective is still something to be considered when an individual is voting. Wassy said as much herself.

...and, speaking of people unnecessarily defending other people, remind me again why I'm having this discussion with you???
Honestly? Because you can't restrain yourself.

You wouldn't be defending Jk would you? Against what? He isn't being attacked, he is being told he was wrong on this occasion.
FD "I think you're taking it a bit too personally."
Chris, argue till you're blue in the face over whether he was right or wrong. He was stating an opinion. I think you mischaracterized his position so I posted. A little tiny post. It was just a few sentences. It was an itty-bitty teeny weeny little post. Go back and look at it. It's small! A very modest unassuming post that wouldn't stand out in the crowd. Your are truly being a hardass over nothing. And don't respond, we've moved on to pinups!




Honestly? Because you can't restrain yourself.
Two way street brother.

...A little tiny post. It was just a few sentences. It was an itty-bitty teeny weeny little post. Go back and look at it. It's small!
You are belaboring a meaningless point here. The size of the post is irrelevant and you know this as well as I do.
Someone clever enough need only post a single poorly chosen word to provoke a response.

And don't respond... !
Not cool BW.

I will respectfully agree to disagree with you but I only said I had moved on to pinups... I never forcibly told you what you can or cannot do.
Seriously, this isn't even a "don't bother responding because I won't read it" suggestion. You are giving me an order here.

To which I say... no.

Not cool.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



Time to shelve this thread and tit-for-tat chat and move on.

The City Scoop Art Correspondent/Writer "ART IS IN THE EYE OF THE BEHOLDER"//"Don't hate because VexXxa is HOT and you're NOT." - JOHNNYKAT



Dramah! -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN



Frozen and CR need to both not post anymore.

That's an ORDER.



You're gonna get it now.



I say they fight it out like real men.

Each of you gets to pick a female champion and they'll have it out in a duct tape showdown. Whomever is left moving gets to win the thread. -the original Fire/Dark Corruptor -
The Guide to BURN