The January 2010 FArt Battle




How big is this mystical external drive (not to derail my own thread or anything)?



1TB or One Terrabyte.
Read another way 1,000 Gigabytes (for those that still measure in gigabytes. )

I actually posted the "longer version" of an answer here just so it wouldn't become a threadjack Wassy.

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



The olympics in ancient greece, all the compeditors competed naked... just an idea :3



I've already done up my rough outline.

I'm in about 3 different contests this month plus my normal 'to do' list, so I'm trying not to waste any free time I've got this month. Let's hope I can pull it all together.



You may have to set aside trivial things like eating, sleeping, and bathroom time to keep up, Juggy!

Also, the main post has now been edited to include a sample piece by The Foo and a link to the mirror of the competition on my website.



Nice work on the website, peeps.



Thanks. I'm glad you guys are liking the website. There's some bits and bobbles that won't show up until people start submitting stuff. So get to work!

And a shout out to Swanzy is necessary here, as he came up with the idea for the logo.



Originally Posted by The_Foo View Post
Nice work on the website, peeps.
Very good job on site! *Thumbs Up*




Originally Posted by Frost View Post
And a shout out to Swanzy is necessary here, as he came up with the idea for the logo.
I just drew a crappy thumbnail sketch. You made it the awesomesauce it is.

great job on the website overall



Wow, this is beginning to look real professional. Maybe the devs will join in with RP titles, login promos and such this year (nudge, nudge)?

The Olympics is a nice theme, both with how it connects with the greek/canon mythos and with prime specimens competing in general . Lots of possibilities here.



Originally Posted by Projectionist View Post
Wow, this is beginning to look real professional. Maybe the devs will join in with RP titles, login promos and such this year (nudge, nudge)?
My guess is that if the devs go too involved they would want to keep the entire contest more PG-13 so it was suitable with the rest of the official content...



so i decided on a character to use... now to figure out if i will actually have enough time to sculpt something.

tween akumetsu, kakashi, and moving across the country i cant even start till the 12th >_< and at that point i might have a comm to start on *fingers crossed* neat rabbit character.

mrarg... i wanna do it... i demand more days inthe month >_>



Originally Posted by DrainBamage View Post
so i decided on a character to use... now to figure out if i will actually have enough time to sculpt something.

tween akumetsu, kakashi, and moving across the country i cant even start till the 12th >_< and at that point i might have a comm to start on *fingers crossed* neat rabbit character.

mrarg... i wanna do it... i demand more days inthe month >_>
Just get ANYTHING that could at least qualify in. There's no elimination this month, this month is to get a head count of the contestants, and so someone can win immunity for next month ^.^



I decided to base mine on the Olympic torch run, with Ms. Liberty and Statesman.




Lol when I said I had a bright idea I too was thinking of the Torch but in perhaps a different way... I know of at least one other who is focusing on the torch as well hahah. Yay for mobmind?

One --> Artz Giveaway <-- To Rule Them ALL!

I will settle this. ORANGE FTW! - Ex Libris



This is on the second page? For shame. This would never happen if I were FArt Champion.



Hmmm, well, I've never done one of these, so this should be fun. I have an unfortunate talent for getting 3/4 of the way done with a project and then bombing for some reason or another... but this sounds like fun.

<starts brainstorming>



Glad to have you on board!



Hmmm, I think my "stick figure olympics" will be done to enter but I'm having trouble meeting the hot chick requirement...



Throw on a triangle for a skirt and huge circles for boobs and I'll give it my seal of approval!



Draw little flame lines on her.



I would groan like you're supposed to at that joke... but I love stupid humor. So instead I'll lawl.




Originally Posted by Caemgen View Post
Hmmm, I think my "stick figure olympics" will be done to enter but I'm having trouble meeting the hot chick requirement...
Funny; that's the stage I'm at right now.



You are ahead of me I missed the opening of this and OMEFFINGGOD it's already the 7th




Jeez, people. I already finished mine. You gotta pick it up, man!