Share your combos




I thought that I would make a thread about peoples combos so people can have an idea what other people use as theyre combos.

(sorry if someone else has already made a thread like this for I didn't check).



Here are my Combos... I also make a combo out of peanut butter, jelly, and white bread.

Though I'm guessing that's not what you mean, and otherwise have no clue what you're talking about.

Global @StarGeek original is still the best!
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Possibly the OP is wondering about unusual primary/secondary combinations?

I've got several of the usual suspects - SS/Inv, Claws/SR, Thugs/Poison and that well known cure for insomnia Bots/FF - but since I pick powers based on character concept I do end up looking beyond the obvious sometimes...

I have an Ice/Traps Corruptor, whom I've barely played so far but who puts out ridiculous amounts of slows.

An NRG/Dark Corruptor, who's actually quite effective - using KB to bounce enemies back into the tar pit they've just trudged through is amusing.

And a Bots/Poison MM, who I rolled because I have a weakness for puns and had picked up the name Dr Digitalis.



I don't think any of my characters' combos are particularly rare or odd, as I always tend to pair up powersets that have powerful synergies (then I justify that pair-up with a concept/bio, to partly conceal my powergaming nature ) - but you can judge for yourself, as all 17 of my L50 character combos are listed at the link in my signature and my lower level ones are: Illusion/Rad Controller, Plant/Electric Dominator, Archery/TA Corruptor, Claw/Invul Brute, Dark/Sonic Defender, Shield/SS Tanker, Energy/Mental Blaster, DB/WP Scrapper, Ice/Ice Blaster, Fire/Kin Controller (not played since I7 though), Broadsword/Shield Scrapper, Sonic/Energy Blaster and a newly made Peacebringer.

I have played non-standard combos without synergies in the past, but they always ended up being deleted as I found their performance lacklustre compared to my other characters.



Damn, I wanted to mention Bots/Poison first. It's a fun build, by the way, with a lot of single target damage output.

Besides that one, I have an Inv/Dual Blades tank, a good combo for aggro hoarding; an Empathy/Radiation defender, and a Claws/Dark Scrapper.

I always base my character's power selection solely on concept. If I come up with an interesting idea that calls for a Trick Arrow/Assault Rifle combo, I'll do it even if the constant redraw is a hassle.



I loves my Claws/WP Scrinvincibilius

I use the term "Scrinvincibilius" to describe him because he's a Scrapper that is...invincible. And the size of a bus. >_>

Before you question my sanity further, it really is an excellent combo. The only way I run out of endurance (save Sappers and other annoyances) is if I walk in and slaughter most of a group and keep on going to the next group. Literally non-stop. Other than that my bar wont go below ~75% unless something has some random Electric power I never knew about

On the damage, it's insane. I rarely hit below 150 with Focus, Evisc and Shockwave. Even Slash surprises me once in awhile and goes over that. Even if it's Lethal damage only Ghosts give me problems (Mostly associated with their -Acc/ToHit/MeSlashyYouDie-y). Everything else falls pretty quick.

The defenses are pretty insane too. It's probably because of my Regen but it might be because things just dont live long enough to do noticable damage. Even those Alpha Strikes that are supposed to be WPs downfall aren't *that* bad. Nothing a red or two cant fix.

It's definitely more fun in a full team on +3/x8, but it's possible to solo on whatever difficulty you see fit. IIRC, I'm running on +1/x6 mostly for the influence.

(I may or may not put in numbers later today. It depends if I remember...)

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I have found my Gravity/Trick Arrow Controller can root, lockdown, debuff large numbers of mobs quickly and most attacks also take down flyers. And none of the roots and holds are broken with damage. And no knockbacks.

Not a good soloer unless very patient, Its slow, and usually boring though since everything is locked down. Seldom die since few things actually can hit you and the damage output of the sets in minimal.

But great with scrapper duo, nothing runs away.



So many alts....just too much fun with the costume creator and with Mid's planner, and I end up with:

Archery/Mental, Fire/Elec, Ice/Elec, Energy/Energy, Psi/Energy

Earth/FF, Ice/FF, Fire/FF, Plant/Storm, Ill/Storm, Ill/Rad, Fire/Kin

Dark/Dark, Storm/Archery, FF/Rad, Kin/Elect, Rad/Sonic, Storm/Dark

MA/WP, MA/SR, Dark/WP, Katana/Dark, BS/Regen, Spines/Dark, Katana/WP, DB/Inv, DB/WP, Dark/Inv, Claws/Inv, Elec/Shield

Shield/SS, WP/SS, Shield/Dark, Dark/Dark, Inv/Axe

Human-form PB, triform WS

Robots/Dark MM, SS/SR Brute, SS/WP Brute, Dark/Shield Brute, Fire/Kin Corrupter, and more to come once Going Rogue is out...

Yes I actually like to play all of these, whenever I can! Each one is special and fun, and plays differently depending on the team and the mission/TF. I don't really have a "main" character.

Hope this gives others some ideas... ^_^



1 scrapper combo that doesnt get enough credit that is hellafun is an ma/da

Grav/thorn dom was a blast. Wormhole to thorntrops anyone?

Other than those 2 im pretty much a concept player.

Ice/ice. or Fire/fire. That kinda stuff.


Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yeah, I like Blasters too.



I have a Broadsword/Dark Armor scrapper that is now softcapped and damn near immortal unless I'm hit with a metric butt ton of defense debuffs.

I also have a Sonic/Devices blaster. I only know of a handful of others in the whole game (there's probably more than that, I only know of a handful)

Fire/Regen scrapper, rolled for concept and not for the fact that it's a PvP FOTM (which amused me no end when I found out)

Fire/Trick Arrow controller. To date the only controller I have ever leveled past 25.

My main is a Claws/Regen scrapper, and absolutely nucking futs. Still a blast to play 4+ years later.

Redside I have: Dark/Nin stalker, Dark/SR brute, Dark/Kin corruptor, Thugs/Dark MM, and a Fire/Rad corruptor (hmm, which of these things is not like the others?)

I roll mostly for concept, or because I come up with a name I dig. I'm fond of puns and wordplay, so I end up with some interesting names. Claws and Effect is my main, my Sonic/Devices is named Marshall Stack (it's actually his legal, given name), I have a Fire/Fire blaster named Return to Cinder. Pyrohemia is a word I made up that has an actual definition, pyro means "fire-related" and hemia is a blood disorder (like the suffix of leukemia). His blood combusts on contact with air, so he has a medical condition known as pyrohemia. (One of my favorite concepts out of all my characters)

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



All my combos are concept-based. For example, I have yet to roll a Bots/Arch MM (I'm sure I will someday) because I have not had any idea strike me to explain one.

What I normaly do is have some name drop into my lap ("'Sniper Cheese' - all yellow costume with black Dots option so he looks like Swiss cheese... AR/???... hm...") and work from there.

The funny thing about this method is I start reading up on the powersets after I've decided what I'm going to take and so far, I have not ONCE hit on the FotM uber-combos, I always seem to end up with the gimpier AT combos. But I do have fun playing anyways.



If your wanting unusual combos, eh, lets see. I have a couple, but i always challange myself to work up a concept that can explain the odd combo..

I have an AR/Cold Corr. That's not typical i think. He was a mobster that got "iced"... litterly... in a freezer... but he didn't die.. pulled a mister freeze, but keeps his trusty tommygun with him, along with his new cold powers. I calls him Joe Blue. (his skins blue now.)

I built a Rad/Sonic/NRG defender, named Acid Rock. His concept is, he's an old time rock and roller who woke up one day after a weekend of partying, in the hospital, with a bunch of new, random superpowers, and no idea how it happend. He has sonic screem, radation powers, superspeed, teleportaion, invisiblity... all kinds of stuff he can do, and no idea how or why, or even if he's discovered all his potentual. That was the best concept i could come up with to explain a char i purely made to be my TF specialist defender... (yeah, yeah, kind of a cop out.. but still... lol)

I made a Bots/Dark... called Techo Mumbojumbo... a person who always wanted to be a witch, but wasn't gifted with magic. Instead, she was gifted with genious techo mind, and uses that to mimic magical powers. And ofcourse, robots. (think techomages from B5)

And then there's the homage Char. i made to my old Asherons Call avatar. I remade her, as best i could, here in CoH. In AC, she was a 4 school mage. Here, she's a fire/ice/elec blaster with teleport. (teleporting was the only real means of travel back in the old ac days. )

Then i have my Spines/Elec scrapper I just made. (like 3 months ago) He's an alien. A primitive alien that was a slave/body guard to a more advance alien race, who crashed on earth. The master died, and our hero, being more premitive, has no idea how to get home, or even where home is. His electirc spines spring up from his body as a defencive mechinisue for all his people. Being raised with the solo purprose to protect his master, he decides to protect the nice people on earth form the mean ones. heh.

Other then them. My other alts would be, IMO, fairly common builds...

@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...



Well, since I've never repeated a pri/sec combination and I've something in excess of 50 characters above level 20 I'll stick to the ones I've gotten to 40+.


  • Invulnerability/Stone Melee (50) - fantastic durability with good ST damage and a ton of mitigation.
  • Stone/EM (50) - superior durability with Stone Armor of course, but rather lackluster in damage output when I leveled the character in issue 8; shelved completely with the nerf to Energy Transfer.
  • Stone/Fire Melee (50) - Stone Armor's unmatched durability coupled with the fantastic AOE and ST damage of Fire Melee, in my opinion the ideal pairing with Stone Armor.
  • Broadsword/Regen (50) - great damage output and fantastic survivability early fading to about midrange survivability in the late game. Still a lot of fun.
  • Spine/Regen (50) - top notch AOE damage output from the low levels on; best used against large numbers of relatively soft targets. Ideal for facing huge numbers of minions.
  • Broadsword/Shield (50) - probably the best all around killing machine I've ever played, the damage output of Broadsword and, with some IO investment, enough durability to tank for an 8 man team. My current default choice for running solo.

  • Dark Miasma/Dark Blast (50) - the premiere tohit debuffer; capable of maintaining better than a -100% tohit debuff on the bad guys before taking into account the contribution of Dark Servant. Low damage but it will ensure that nothing can hit you or your team.
  • Radiation Emission/Radiation Blast (50) - great all around debuffer who's quite capable of soloing and a solid team player. No real downsides here.

  • Mind/Kinetic (50) - fast starter with good single target damage/control early, it matures as a solid performer and team player.
  • Fire/Radiation (50) - one of the highest damaging combinations in the game with the huge numbers of a mature Fire controller coupled with the safety of the buff/debuffs in Radiation. Teams of Fire/Rad controllers trivialize the hardest content in the game.
  • Plant/Storm (level 43) - good control and quite a bit of AOE damage but lacking in punch for single targets it makes a nice team player mowing down the minions rapidly while keeping the LT & Bosses occupied. Beware that Storm can be difficult to use properly; random knockback is generally not a good thing so you'll need to learn how to use it effectively.
  • Illusion/Radiation (level 40) - possibly the most flexible controller build in the game it's best with single hard targets and weakest against large numbers of enemies. Always a welcome teammate with no significant drawbacks.
  • Archery/Energy (50) - fantastic AOE damage capable of dropping an entire 8 man spawn in 5 seconds from 80' away... and it can do that every 30 seconds. What more need I say?
Keldians (Hero Epic AT)
  • Tri-Form Peacebringer (50) - great jack of all trades, it's capable of blasting with good AOE and ST damage in Nova form, tanking with the durability of a Fire tank in Dwarf form and scrapping/minor healing and controlling in Human form. Difficult to master and somewhat frustrating to build due to a severe lack of slots but once mastered it can fill any hole in the team's makeup.
  • Fire Melee/Willpower (50) - good damage with adequate durability; it seems to be roughly comparable in survivability to a well built regen. The Fury mechanic frequently gets you in over your head due to constantly running from group to group to keep your damage up.
I'm not even going to try to count up all the many, MANY characters in the 20-40 range; suffice it to say that there are representatives of most AT's primaries or secondaries among them.

COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.



My favorite combo is highly skilled teammates with a casual attitude.



rad/cold corr; ice/rad corr; sonic/cold corr; ice/traps corr; ill/rad troller; plant/storm troller; robo/ff MM; robo/dm MM; robo/pain MM; necro/dm MM; emp/ele def; ff/energy def; ele/fire brute; db/stone brute; bs/reg scrapper; huntsman; nightwidow/fort (sec build); ill/kin troller

Helge corr lvl 50 rad/cold
Helge2 corr lvl 50 ice/rad
Techbothelge MM lvl 50 robo/dark
Helge Mauz def lvl 50 emp/ele
illuhelge troller lvl 50 illu/rad
Wiederbelebter helge nk lvl 50 bs/reg
Maennerschreack nightwidow lvl 44
Quantenjaeger ws lvl 3



Here you go:

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I go for Concept most of the time. Sometimes the combo comes first, and concept later. I never make a 'flavor of the month' intentionally. I usually find out after I've made and played for awhile.




DB/WP (reroll of a Kat/Regen Scrapper)






Bots/Pain Dom

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--The Question, JLU



From among my 43 50s, I would recommend these as the most fun and powerful:


Ice/stone - huge mitigation via KD, great aggro handling without taunt
WP/SS - poor taunt aura, great damage and survivability


ElM/shield - softcap and do ridiculous things
Kat/SR - really smooth levelling, near softcap melee with one divine avalanche from lvl 17


Arch/mental - AoE death in ridiculous quantities


The classic fire/kin is hard to beat, plant/emp in teams is cool.

Others, if you're going to exemp a lot, the best tank in the 20s is a kheld with tricked out dwarf form, I have a PB that will be in either dwarf or nova form, pretty much never human, cheap IO build and tanks the mid level TFs great.

It's true. This game is NOT rocket surgery. - BillZBubba



I base my decisions on a 60/40 combo of Thematics/effectiveness while solo.
I'm not huge into teaming, and I like to be self sufficient.


Rad/Energy (The poms look so good when yellow/green)


Earth/Sonic (Sonic waves breaking up sidewalk)
Illusion/Rad (Both sets colored gold to show futuristic tech for my ex Robo/FF)


BS/Fire (Lots of damage, active defense, looks really good with Legacy chain costume)
Fire/Regen (My own brand of speedster)


Shield/EM (Trying to scrank up a storm without being useless as a tank)


DM/Elec (Void hunter. Static Shield looks like warshade wisps when purple.)
Stone/WP (Troll juggernaut)
Elec/Inv (AoE expert)
Claws/SR (Claws+Fury, had to try it.)


Fire/Stone (Lava Tsoo)




Elec/Cold (Malta Sapper)
Arch/TA (Redneck Manhunter)
AR/Dark (Nemesis Clockwork General)
Dark/Storm (Skull/Egyptian sandblaster)
Fire/Traps (Skyraider General)
Sonic/Kin (Goldbricker Prince)

Robo/Therm (Therm died dark purple)
Thugs/poison (Vazhilok)
Ninja/FF (Another Tsoo)
Mercs/Pain (Nanomite covered soldier)

Official Old Angry German Guy of CoV.
My Characters:



Originally Posted by Deus_Otiosus View Post
My favorite combo is highly skilled teammates with a casual attitude.

We have a winner!!!

Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary

Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yeah, I like Blasters too.



My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary

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Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
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Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
My favorite combo is Faceplant/DebtCap with the TeamWipe Ancillary
Yeah, I like Blasters too.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Yeah, I like Blasters too.

I tend to stick with builds that make sense in my head... I'm sure that ice/fire or fire/ice blasters are awesome... but I can't bring myself to make one as I can't justify the concept. I've tried to get past this and have to a small degree I figure I can justify assault rifles (or archery for that matter)/anything and anything/devices by saying well he can manipulate element X but chooses to use assault rifles or devices also.

So most of my builds tend to stick to that line of thinking and when I deviate from it I almost don't enjoy playing the toon... I made a rad/energy blaster... I can't play him... it just doesn't feel right

Global @radubadu
Usually playing one of the following toons blueside on Virtue:
Cadler 50 WP/SS tanker
Radubadu 46 Fire/Fire blaster
Hell Runner 35 Fire/Fire brute



Fire/Rad: My all time fave. It was love at first spawn. Any more than two Frads on a team is pretty much game-breaking. They shouldn't let you do it.

Earth/Storm: Earth has the lockdown to keep Storm's mayhem in check, and there's just so much synergy between the two sets. Stuns, Knockdowns, Slows.

DM/Shield: it took a little while to blossum, but once you get Soul Drain, it makes Shield Charge a nuke ready for pretty much every mob, with now crash.
I just rolled a BS/Shield, I hope its as much fun.

Dark Armor/EM or WM: havent rolled one, but I've seen quite a few running around. The idea is stacks stuns on stuns on stuns.

The only villain class I ever seem to enjoy.
Bots/Dark: low maintenance, high destruction. When Com officer farms were hot, a tried a whole bunc of combos to 32 to test drive them, and none seemed as fun as my Bots/Dark.

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