End of Vet Rewards?
yeah, some of the vet rewards are a little "meh" to "worthless", but they have 22 vet badges which award some type of reward, im sure they are just trying to think of new ideas because if they wanted to add a vet reward with a power, they would have to design the power and all the internal stuff to go along with it. a good suggestion would be to start a thread in the suggestions section about stuff for future vet powers.

Just hit 66 months and I see nothing really special this time around. 5 more Salvage slots, 5 more Receipe slots, and 1 new auction slot.
That is a super awesome vet reward for anyone interested in the market.
Just because you don't grasp its utility doesn't mean it's crummy and the devs are giving up.
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They're probably running out of ideas for Vet rewards. I mean, when you're giving one out every three months, it's easy to exhaust the mind.

well, lets be fair, i'm getting the 66 in a few days, but putting a much wanted shiny at the over 5 year mark is kind of daunting to any player starting today. vet rewards have been great, but after a certain point putting anything too amazing in becomes a disincentive for people just starting, besides, city traveler is still pretty darn good.
Now to add some more than +rep normally constitutes.
The Vet reward system is getting a bit...long in the tooth shall we say and I, personally, reckon it's probably time to end it. It's getting to the stage now where if a new player joined, it'd already be an 'eternity' in videogameland (seriously can't think of any game I still play after five years..ones I occasionally go back to but none I've had installed consistently for five years on every computer I owned in that period...when was Half-life 2 released?) for them to rack up even to the current mark.
Say end it at 6 years and be done with it. Yes those vets are going to lose out on a new shiney every 3 months from then on in but they already have 6 years worth of shiney.
Perhaps keep it as the current kind of reward, the slots and some merits but no more danged costume pieces...seriously...waiting a year and a half for proper angelic wings is a bit eh... (just coming up on the Nem staff/Blackwand one myself on the EU servers...would have had it sooner but was playing on the US servers and forgot to resub for a month).
They're unlikely to revolutionise the vet reward system while it's still running and in my mind it does kind of need to be revolutionised.
A costume item token at every vet reward point where you would normally get a costume, lets you pick which costume reward you want for that account, that way if someone wants wings at 3 months, they can but they put off getting Trenchcoats until later. When a 'power' choice would normally be awarded people would get a power choice token (They could pick Sands of mu/Ghost-slaying axe, Nemesis Staff/Blackwand, the various pet powers, base teleporter etc.).
That way it avoids the 'dull months' (those Greek letter chest emblem rewards, in my openin, are 'teh suck' but that's just me) and definitely keeps new players incentised to keep playing...they can't get all the cool stuff at once and everyone has a different idea of what is desirable or not (like I would have taken Belly-Tees and Kilts over Trenchcoats for example...).
Anyway...that's just me kind of rambling...sorry...
Just hit 66 months and I see nothing really special this time around. 5 more Salvage slots, 5 more Receipe slots, and 1 new auction slot. Honestly, I rarely need all the slots I have. I wonder if the Devs are phasing the whole thing out?
I was thrilled to get my vanguard thingy that gave me more salvage capacity.
Obviously, YMMV.
If they don't end the program altogether, I'd suggest making it yearly instead, so the next reward would come at the 6-year mark. Every three months seems excessive, even a little desperate (though I know it is well-intentioned, of course). I'd then like to see them revise the existing rewards a bit so people can mix and match some of them, within limits.
Just hit 66 months and I see nothing really special this time around. 5 more Salvage slots, 5 more Receipe slots, and 1 new auction slot. Honestly, I rarely need all the slots I have. I wonder if the Devs are phasing the whole thing out?
Given that the devs refuse (rightly) to increase the ability to hold items, that award is like gold.
You just don't realize it.
Mechano's got some good ideas. I would love to see a system like that implemented.
Veteran rewards have always been a mixed bag for me. On the one hand, I like the rewards, and the idea of rewarding veteran players. On the other, the fact that if they continue releasing them at the current rate I am never going to get all the rewards or the badges is something I don't like.
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though again, a fair way that i think would alleviate this is turn it into a token based system, at certain intervals you get costume tokens, costume change, respec tokens and power tokens. have them at intervals that generally matched the rate the things were given at, and then let people choose what items they got, you just 3 months in and want boxers, but not trenchies, cash in the costume token on the boxers instead. that way new items will still be instantly available to old farts like myself but the new players dont get excluded from something that may fit their concept but is prohibitively far away. powers like the wands and melees are maybe at an every 6 months, and the rest can be divvied up by people more patient than me. Vet rewards are a cool system, but given our supposedly unusual retention rates, its hard to shake some of us. also people who get second accounts would also have more freedom of how they cashed in their rewards.
I'll be due for the 66 month reward soon (in a day or two I think) and would like more storage...
However I do agree with others that maybe once the 6 yr mark hits, stop with every 3 months and just do a vet reward every year...I mean I am a loyal customer...but...*shrugs* I don't know...in one hand I'd love to be 'rewarded' by getting cool powers like a tp power that allows me to travel to any zone/mission every 5 mins but...having that as a vet power might upset some...
Maybe for the 6 yr. reward (or 7 yr) they'll give us first wave beta invites for CoH 2!
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I was surprised as how much I dig "Reveal". Never thought of such a power, and when I first read the description I was pretty "Meh". Now it is my favorite vet power, hands down.
Not all the vet rewards are going to be great to everyone. I never, ever use the boxing costumes. I'll never use most of the free tailor sessions. I rarely use the vetspecs, though they are nice to have just in case I screw up. I rarely pull up my pets. I'm pretty sure there are people that are really into all the things I just mentioned.
I just hope that sooner or later the the devs will take my suggestion and give us a Little Black Book, that gives all the contact's cell numbers. If you call them when you are too low a level for them they'd just tell you to talk to them later. And you could also use the "book" to call the "Go see so-and-so" so you don't have to go chat with the pvp contacts or the dude in the hollows or whatever again for the hundredth time.
Until we get this, I don't want the vet program to end!
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I just hope that sooner or later the the devs will take my suggestion and give us a Little Black Book, that gives all the contact's cell numbers. If you call them when you are too low a level for them they'd just tell you to talk to them later. And you could also use the "book" to call the "Go see so-and-so" so you don't have to go chat with the pvp contacts or the dude in the hollows or whatever again for the hundredth time.
Until we get this, I don't want the vet program to end! |
For my part, I don't really feel strongly either way. If they just decided no more new vet rewards after this batch, then fine. If they want to keep going with it, that's good too. If they do keep going, I think the best way would be to have less "showoffy" things that people really want such as powers and costume pieces, and go instead for stuff that's nice to have, but not teh awesomesauce. This latest one hits that right on the head.
Other things I might like to see in upcoming vet rewards would be things like a free rare recipe roll, free character slots, a free rare salvage roll, a free mystery gift (as from the winter event), and other things along those lines. They're good, but if a newbie wants one too, s/he has plenty of ways to get it themselves.
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boxing costumes |
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Given that the devs refuse (rightly) to increase the ability to hold items, that award is like gold.
You just don't realize it. |
If you don't see the value of it for your own personal use, that's just fine. But I certainly don't think it indicates the end of the Vet. Program. Heck, I eagerly await my next award. February 1 is just around the corner.

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Just hit 66 months and I see nothing really special this time around. 5 more Salvage slots, 5 more Receipe slots, and 1 new auction slot. Honestly, I rarely need all the slots I have. I wonder if the Devs are phasing the whole thing out?
I'd imagian there'll be more vet rewards. Ending them at 66 months would be, an odd number to pick IMO. 5.5 years? If i had to end the program, it'd have been at 60 months... (5 years even) or now, at 72. (6 years even) Not in the middle... but that may be my OCD talking... >.>
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As someone just about to hit the 60-month mark, I wouldn't mind if Vet rewards become annual after 72 months (after all, we need to make them reach an even year and the 66 month one has already dropped for some).
And it would be fine with me if it just becomes something like the annual extra character slot and/or a vetspec. It doesn't need to be anything visually seen by others, but something that often comes in handy and has been given before - repeats are fine if they are something useful. Much as I love new costumes and temp powers, I have to agree that adding "shinies" beyond the vetspec-type thing (a consumable) does make them look nigh-unobtainable to newer players. Merits in small amounts would also be a "consumable" and the added storage that dropped at 66,while not "consumable", doesn't rub anyone's nose in the fact that one player has the reward and the other doesn't.
I guess what I'm saying is that the following types of Vet Rewards fall into my scheme of Consumables:
Character Slots
Costume Changes
OK, while not "Consumable"
Added Storage at the Market or on the Character
(I can't think of a second example, I will edit this if I think of one)
Not OK (the most visible to other players)
Costume Bits
Temp Powers
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Just hit 66 months and I see nothing really special this time around. 5 more Salvage slots, 5 more Receipe slots, and 1 new auction slot. Honestly, I rarely need all the slots I have. I wonder if the Devs are phasing the whole thing out?
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