End of Vet Rewards?

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I just wonder why 36 doesn't come with a free tailor session.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I'm actually suprised at how much I wholeheartedly disagree with you guys.

I absolutely love the vet reward system, and it gives me something to look forward to every 3 months. Every single vet reward has had something I thought was neat and could use at least once. Every. Single. One.

I think moving it to making people wait a full year to get their next vet reward is one of the worst ideas I think I've ever heard a fellow vet suggest, and frankly, I'm quite suprised at how flippant some of y'all are about it.

If you don't like the vet reward, don't use it. Simple as that. You can ignore it, just like the market system.

Just don't take away my quarterly vet reward because you're tired of it.

Don't like the boxing outfit? Cool. I know at least 5 people for each one of you who has at least one character that uses at least one item from it (not even including me). Don't want to use those extra inventory slots? That's cool too. Just fill your salvage/recipes up to where they normally would have filled up to before, and refuse to put any more in. Simple as that. I'll take mine though. Don't use your respecs? I've respec'd some of my characters' builds over 12 times. Think I get some use out of those vet rewards? Frick yeah.

Point being?

Ignore it if you want to. It's not like they're forcing them on you. You have to claim them for goodness' sake, so you don't even have to see a vet power listed in your power list if you don't want to!

Not wanting to put a trenchcoat on one of your toons is as simple as scrolling past that option! Ever think of that one?

Sorry for the soapbox rant, but c'mon, guys! This is FREE STUFF they're givin' us here... You'd rather pay for a respec than get one for free as a vet reward?

It's sometimes mind-boggling the stuff I see complained about on here... New booster pack? "OMG, it costs money! I pay money to play this game, I should get this for free!" FREE vet reward? "OMG, this vet reward sucks! They should just stop it all together!"



Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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Alien: my beef isn't with the system itself; I rather like it. However, if they keep at the current rate I am always going to be over two years behind, and there's nothing I can do to change that. This is the only bit about the system I dislike.

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I love the vet system, (assemble the team, reveal, base transporter, sands of mu, nemesis staff, blackwand), all have a home in my builds. I hope they keep it up until the lights go out.



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Just hit 66 months and I see nothing really special this time around. 5 more Salvage slots, 5 more Receipe slots, and 1 new auction slot. Honestly, I rarely need all the slots I have. I wonder if the Devs are phasing the whole thing out?
I'm not a marketeer and I couldn't disagree with you more.

This is one of the best vet rewards ever. As a vet player I continue to make new alts regularly, and having more slots at low levels is pure win.

Keep 'em coming devs!

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Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Veteran rewards have always been a mixed bag for me. On the one hand, I like the rewards, and the idea of rewarding veteran players. On the other, the fact that if they continue releasing them at the current rate I am never going to get all the rewards or the badges is something I don't like.
*shrug* That becomes a moot concern if they allow your prepaid time to count for vet reward grants. For example, my two accounts are paid up til late 2011 (annual re-up in July plus the promotional deal with the added months) but I can't get those vet rewards until those specific months have passed. Typically for MMOs, upfront money is good (which is the primary reason for pre-release 'lifetime' and long term subscription deals and even post-release, in the case of LOTRO and SOE's stable of games) so why not reward that investment with the reward program for....long term investment? Granted, due to responsibilities in other games and a far more conservative personal finance philosophy (read: ragequit over purple patch & "I'm not paying for more than one MMO at a time"), I only have 51 (or 54, I forget) months accrued to this point. But, I've paid up far further than many (and I'd easily ante up for two more years, right now, even though this isn't my primary MMO) so is my investment less than that of a month-to-month subscriber (who can leave at any time for any reason and produce no further revenue)?

I think if vet rewards truly rewarded paid time (and not past paid time as it exists now), the whole "I'll never be able to get that" issue could be largely mitigated (though not eliminated since they cap how far in the future you can prepay).

@Remianen / @Remianen Too

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Wouldn't that just make 57-66 month vets who are paying for a year ahead of time complain, possibly requiring them to make rewards an extra year out, thus defeating the entire purpose?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Maybe I'll feel the same when I get to 66 months but seeing as I just hit 30 a few days ago. I'm hoping that they keep the vet rewards rolling. It probably helps that I noticed my next 3 or 4 rewards are ones that I've been anticipating and looking forward to for awhile.



I'm with AlienOen on this one:

I love the Vet Reward system. I look forward to my three-month presents. Heck, even when I take extended breaks from the game, I keep my sub active so that I do not miss out on a reward.

And honestly, the sour grapes from people from want the system shanked because they have to wait to get the current month rewards really boggles my mind.

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I'm still hoping that the 72 month reward is the LAST reward. End it there.

Be well, people of CoH.



I'm personally hoping it ends on 99 months. That seems like a nice round number (stopping before it gets into the triple digits), and 8¼ years is a long time for a series of awesome "thank you" rewards.

And after that, of course, continue giving out costume and respec tokens and extra character slots on schedule, but don't have any associated badge.

My current idea of choice for the 99 month badge would be similar to City Traveller, only it would work for every power pool. You'd be able to skip the prerequisite powers, but you'd still be held to the minimum level of the powers (level 14 for tier 3, level 20 for tier 4). Hellooooo Health and Stamina without Swift and Hurdle, and Tough and Weave without Boxing or... wait, no, just Boxing. Who takes Kick?

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Main Villain: Evil Gulzow-Man (Victory) 50, 1193 Badges
Mission Architect arcs: Doctor Brainstorm's An Experiment Gone Awry, Arc ID 2093

Originally Posted by Nethergoat View Post
it's NEVER too late to pad your /ignore list!



Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I'm actually suprised at how much I wholeheartedly disagree with you guys.

I absolutely love the vet reward system, and it gives me something to look forward to every 3 months. Every single vet reward has had something I thought was neat and could use at least once. Every. Single. One.

I think moving it to making people wait a full year to get their next vet reward is one of the worst ideas I think I've ever heard a fellow vet suggest, and frankly, I'm quite suprised at how flippant some of y'all are about it.

I think some folks are forgetting that the Veteran's Reward system is, uh, for Veterans. It's extra incentive/thank you/whatever for staying on for so long and contributing to the game's long-term success. It's also, in theory, motivation to keep your account from lapsing.

Yeah - newbies will take awhile to catch up on these later ones, and it's very likely that somebody starting today may never reach a 66 month award (CoH2 one day?). That's okay....that's not the point of the rewards. I'm pretty sure I managed to get my first several 50s before there was a Veteran Reward system, and I'm sure new players can get there without those rewards too (heck, with XP smoothing, debt reduction, patrol experience, etc... it's even easier). Many of the rewards actually help others on the team that may not have the award (Assemble the Team, Reveal, Base Items).

You don't want to isolate your new players by putting super-cool unattainable things in the Vet system and it's arguable that may have crossed that line at times, but it's not like they are taking away anything from new players. The new player experience today is much better than what somebody getting a 66 month rewards this month experienced with their first 'toon (ED/I5 comments aside, natch).

I just rolled up my first Flight-at-level-6 alt last week....and it was pure win.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
I'm still hoping that the 72 month reward is the LAST reward. End it there.
Please just let it end somewhere.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Just hit 66 months and I see nothing really special this time around. 5 more Salvage slots, 5 more Receipe slots, and 1 new auction slot. Honestly, I rarely need all the slots I have. I wonder if the Devs are phasing the whole thing out?
I love this reward. It's quite possibly the reward I use most after the attacks. I probably get more utility out of the slots than out of the team teleporter, and I use that all the time.

In response to several other posts in the thread: I'm sorry, but asking the devs to stop the veteran's reward system because you'll always be behind is ridiculous. The rewards are for whoever does get to that mark, regardless of whether anyone ever gets there again. If you get to any given mark, you get that reward. Someday, there will be people who don't get all the rewards because the game will close down before they can be subscribed long enough. That's OK - they'll get the rewards for the time they were subscribed, and that's what they're supposed to be for.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
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Shadowslip: 50 DDC
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Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
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Originally Posted by AlienOne View Post
I'm actually suprised at how much I wholeheartedly disagree with you guys.

I absolutely love the vet reward system, and it gives me something to look forward to every 3 months. Every single vet reward has had something I thought was neat and could use at least once. Every. Single. One.
I never said I disliked it. I did; however, say that I think they're running out of ideas for rewards. After all the previous rewards in the vet system, where do they go from now? What more could they give the playerbase?



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
I never said I disliked it. I did; however, say that I think they're running out of ideas for rewards. After all the previous rewards in the vet system, where do they go from now? What more could they give the playerbase?

What more could they give the playerbase without giving unfair advantages to long-time vets?

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



I had posted this idea in the Suggestions forum, but since this topic is active, I thought I might give it another go to see if it might receive better acceptance.

Generally, Vet powers have a tendancy to be be of some small little usability, creating ease of use for a player without being a game breaking development if a character hasn't earned it yet.

My idea is this.

How about a Trainer Teleport power? How many times have you been done with a mission with a low level character, but a trainer is long ways away and you are on a team.

Have the power take you to trainer in the same zone as you are, or if you are in a hazard zone with no trainer, to a trainer in the last zone you were in that had a trainer.



After seeing just a few of the things they're including with Going Rogue, I don't doubt they're fully capable of using their brains to come up with something else for a future vet reward. They have in the past, and they will again.

If they TRULY don't have any new ideas (as you're suggesting), they'll most likely pull from ideas the playerbase has in the "Ideas and Suggestions" section of the forums, or they'll post a poll on "which of these would you like for your next vet power?"

As of yet, they have not (to my knowledge), so I'd assume they've got something planned. This isn't a "brand new system." It's been on the their planning table for quite some time--and given the fact that they were working on Going Rogue over a year before they announced details on it, I think it's safe to say they may just have the next 4 quarters of vet rewards already planned out.

I may be wrong, but... I think that's a better attitude to have than...



While we're on the subject of suggestions, why not offer vets a 3rd build for all their characters? Surely someone who's been around for 6 or 7 years is going to have a TON of toons (I know I do), quite a few of them setted out, and already using the 2nd build for various things (PvP, Exemping down for a specific few TFs, Teaming/Solo build), and might like to try a 3rd build on their toon for "experimental builds," without ruining their already setted-out 1st and 2nd builds...

Sure, there will be people out there that cry "doom!" and say "I don't even use my 2nd build!" But, think of it this way. It's improving "QoL" for a vet (in case they ever DO want to do that), and it's not "gamebreaking" for the rest of the playerbase.

I'm sure there are a ton of ideas the rest of the playerbase can come up with as well. The "idea tree" hasn't been exausted because you can't think of anything....

Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
AlienOne's Human-Form Warshade Guide (Old guide+New guide = 12,000+ views!)



Ooohhh that's actually quite good Havoc....

It's not a costume so zero complaints there (seriously costumes as vet rewards needs to stop, it just peeves off one set of people, makes another set feel smug and there's endless bickering about it...), it's not like the City traveller where people can complain it's 'overpowered' and it's quite useful for vet players...

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post

What more could they give the playerbase without giving unfair advantages to long-time vets?
I'd like to see toon rename tokens or server transfer tokens



Originally Posted by Dr_Mechano View Post
A costume item token at every vet reward point where you would normally get a costume, lets you pick which costume reward you want for that account, that way if someone wants wings at 3 months, they can but they put off getting Trenchcoats until later. When a 'power' choice would normally be awarded people would get a power choice token (They could pick Sands of mu/Ghost-slaying axe, Nemesis Staff/Blackwand, the various pet powers, base teleporter etc.).
This is really a great idea.
I love and i hate this system. I love it, when i get a new vet reward.
But i hate it much more, when i think about that there will always be 10 rewards that i will never get.
I hit the 36 last weekend.

I would even say, let us choose what ever vet reward we want, not depending if there is normally a power or a costume rewarded normally.
Or give the possibility to choose not before 12 or 24 months.
Or make the shiny things only available to choose at 12, 24, 36 months etc.
But which things are the shining ones?
The travelpowers with lvl 6? The slots increase? Maybe a costume?
It´s like about the whole game. You can´t make it right for everyone.
There are rewards that you like and others that you don´t like.

I don´t see why they should stop the system if it provides money.
There would be no incentive to keep the subscritpion running if you want to take a break from the game for a month or longer.



Originally Posted by Kryhavoc View Post
I had posted this idea in the Suggestions forum, but since this topic is active, I thought I might give it another go to see if it might receive better acceptance.

Generally, Vet powers have a tendancy to be be of some small little usability, creating ease of use for a player without being a game breaking development if a character hasn't earned it yet.

My idea is this.

How about a Trainer Teleport power? How many times have you been done with a mission with a low level character, but a trainer is long ways away and you are on a team.

Have the power take you to trainer in the same zone as you are, or if you are in a hazard zone with no trainer, to a trainer in the last zone you were in that had a trainer.

I never meant to give the impression that I was unappreciative of the reward, but merely wondered why it wasn't something with broader appeal like the suggestion above.

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
I never meant to give the impression that I was unappreciative of the reward, but merely wondered why it wasn't something with broader appeal like the suggestion above.
For someone who cares about crafting, more storage space is a godsend. For someone who doesn't, it's 5 more salvage drops I can wait before I have to futz with my inventory again or go sell stuff. Pragmatically speaking, that's has far wider appeal than say, a costume set.

And while I do like the Trainer TP idea, its application as a PL helper does give me pause. Not to mention its probable use as yet another shortcut power. I suppose those concerns are mitigated somewhat by the high vet level.

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Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
I never meant to give the impression that I was unappreciative of the reward, but merely wondered why it wasn't something with broader appeal like the suggestion above.
You're still missing the fact you don't determine "broad appeal." How do you know the recipes slots, etc do not appeal to a broad spectrum of players?

This whole thread was created with a false premise; your opinion being the defining word on appeal. Newsflash...it's not.



Originally Posted by Scythus View Post
I did; however, say that I think they're running out of ideas for rewards. After all the previous rewards in the vet system, where do they go from now? What more could they give the playerbase?

Before the last announcement of awards I couldn't imagine anything else that could be given to us as a vet reward that wasn't another token for this or that. Then they told us about city traveller and reveal and I loved it! (I now find I have to use reveal to see all the map, it just seems wrong not to)

You think they are running out of ideas for rewards, but I fail to see upon what basis you have founded that presumption. Just because *I* can't think of anything else doesn't mean that someone else, especially someone else who has been planning this for a long time (or at least has had a long time to plan it) doesn't have any ideas as the previous paragrph demonstrates.

As for should there be a finite end to vet rewards... I am not sure. I can almost see peoples point of 'but then there will be ten months of vet rewards I can never get' but my cynical self suggests that the cry in that case would transform into 'how come the vet rewards no longer reward vets?'.

I colour myself undecided on that score.