End of Vet Rewards?

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Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
You're still missing the fact you don't determine "broad appeal." How do you know the recipes slots, etc do not appeal to a broad spectrum of players?

This whole thread was created with a false premise; your opinion being the defining word on appeal. Newsflash...it's not.

Ya know, I don't need to write a ten-page essay on the comparative appeal of the 66-month reward compared to say the 60-month. If you find this one is the best thing since sliced-bread, that's...wait for it...YOUR OPININION! The same as my original post was my opinion, I didn't think I needed to spell that out for you. Everyone else on this thread was fine with simply saying, in so many words, "I disagree and do or don't think the rewards will continue" and I am fine with an open discussion, but assuming imposing my opinon on everyone else by simply asking the question is just not fair. I don't think the guy that posted "These rewards sux!" got such a bad rap!

"Samual_Tow - Be disappointed all you want, people. You just don't appreciate the miracles that are taking place here."



May have something to do with the extreme amount of time to acquire rewards. 66 months? This game will hopefully keep going for 5 or more years but some people will never see 66 months if that doesnt happen. I think thats part of the reason why they stopped costume parts and temp powers earlier.

I myself am still hoping that we can one day either buy veteran rewards ahead of time by purchasing mass amounts of subscription time or by just buying the rewards via micro transactions.

Friends don't let friends buy an ncsoft controlled project.



Personally the luster sort of disappeared from the Vet Reward System in my opinion. I'm approaching the 48 month mark and kind of looking for ward to that but let's face it... I have older characters that have as many as 60 free costume token (in game) plus all the ones I get as a VET. That does come in handy occasionally when I design a Holiday outfit or whatever but just how many times do I need to keep changing outfits on a 50 level that I have tweeked the costume on numerous times already?

The Respecs are the same way.. I have been around long enough that between Paragon Wiki, Midi's Planner, and just a good knowledge of the game and power sets from teaming I can't recall the last time I did a Respec trial for any other reason than the badge and the merits I could earn plus most of my characters have one free one sitting in game as well.

Costume pieces?... Okay when wings and Trenchcoats first appeared I was thrilled like everyone else but I have over 40 characters on the Virtue server now, between 2 accounts, and not one wears a trenchcoat and all of two have wings. Wings in particular lost it's shine when they turned right around and started offering recipes for ones that looked cooler and even started selling them (The Valkyrie set).

Base Items ... are sort of cool but unless you are the base leader, or designer/archetect, how many players actually use them? Not to mention the players that don't even bother joining a Super Group making that whole "REWARD" pretty much useless.

Vet powers?... They come in handy at lower levels but with no ability to enhance them at some point they just become an End drain that misses as often as it hits and unless I am in a battle against an AV and nothing else has recharged (Yeah that happens a lot) I rarely even use them so they are just another all but worthless icon taking up room in my trays.

Don't get me wrong it's all nice and I can't recall the last time I ever had to PAY for a costume at the Tailors and the few times I have messed up a power selection it's been nice to just click a badge and fix but they are hardly anything I consider earth shatteringly important. It may be time to just end the system or, as one poster suggested, cut back to a yearly reward and make it something good.. like an accolade style power that ups my Hit Points, End, Recovery rate, Etc. Or how about added power slots so at say 72 month I get to pick another power, from any pool or my mains, and enhance it sort of like I was a 52 or 53 level. (No I am not suggesting adding any new powers to primary or secondary powers.. just giving a player the chance to say add a pool power and one or two sets of enhancements to make it worth using).

The Power Packs they sell offer up better rewards, in most cases, than what we get for being loyal to the game and a brand new player with zero vet badges can buy those their first day in game. Maybe it is time to just end the system or at least revamp it so it actually seems like a reward. And Devs if any of you actually read this.. try creating a vet reward and then not turning right around and offering it, or better, to a 1 week old player. The excuse that some younger players complained "But I want wings too and that seems so far off I will never get to have them" just doesn't hold water with me. My response to that would be.. "Well when I started I had to RUN everywhere until level 14 because there were no Newpaper/Radio missions and Raptor Pack available to anyone above level 5 or that wanted to buy one for 30 days. There was no Wentworths and I had players in their 30s still using Training Origin and Double Origin enhancements because it was all I could afford. If I wanted a particular BADGE from a contact in some cases I'd have to purposely let my self get defeated so I didn't outlevel the contact before they finally gave me that mission..since there was no Time Travel Portal that let me do them any time and even award merits for waiting and doing them after I outlevel that contact. I'm a VET and there are others even older in game than I am so if you want a bright shiny new power, or whatever.. Try playing the game a while and earning it instead of whining until someone gives or sells it to you!" LOL

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�Those women are prostitutes? You said they were raising money for stem cell research!� � Sheldon



I think that vet power is a very good one really. It's useful for a lot of people, but it's not so useful or desirable that it's unfair on the newer player. That's kindof the level they need to be. If they do a power or a costume, it has to be something that is vaguely replicable or not something that someone REALLY wants or needs, especially when we're now at the stage when, let's be honest, we're getting to the point where a new player might not be able to get a power because the game finishes.

I don't think they should end the system, it's a nice little thing and encourages people to keep their accounts going. Tweak it maybe, have some system where you choose your powers with some system to stop someone picking all the best stuff first, but not remove or end it.



To the people who prefer to end the vet reward system (or make it annual at some point) because they can't catch up otherwise or feel that they're always be behind:
What you are actually saying is, that you prefer to have NO vet rewards at all, if the alternative is that someone who is playing (and paying) longer can get something you have still to wait for. I'm glad that you are the minority.

And to those who seem to believe that the devs are out of ideas:
I haven't seen any hint at all that this might be the case. Just leave it to the devs. And if they really do need fresh ideas they just need to read through the forum and they'll find more than enough to create vet rewards for several years.



As to the OP, I personally find the +5 recipes VERY useful. But I use both the market and the inventions system regularly. The increased slots means not having to choose between deleting booty vs. interrupting a good roll of play with a trip to the blackmarket or wentworths.

As to the larger question of what could be given to vets in the future? How about vanity powers of all sorts that summon NPCs for silly emotes for one:

  • blueside:
    • [autograph session]
    • [photo shoot]
    • [journalist]
    • [groupies: female]
    • [groupies: male]
  • redside:
    • [shakedown]
    • [mug]
    • [backalley deal]
    • [insight dissent]
    • [evil assistant]

These aren't costume parts or costume change emotes or even powers given to super-long-term vets. They would be fun, dumb character +NPC emotes. If need be, small bonus buffs similar to dayjobs could be attached to them. But not really necessary IMO.



Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
As to the larger question of what could be given to vets in the future? How about vanity powers of all sorts that summon NPCs for silly emotes for one:
  • blueside:
    • [autograph session]
    • [photo shoot]
    • [journalist]
    • [groupies: female]
    • [groupies: male]
  • redside:
    • [shakedown]
    • [mug]
    • [backalley deal]
    • [insight dissent]
    • [evil assistant]

These aren't costume parts or costume change emotes or even powers given to super-long-term vets. They would be fun, dumb character +NPC emotes. If need be, small bonus buffs similar to dayjobs could be attached to them. But not really necessary IMO.
I like it.

Branching Paragon Police Department Epic Archetype, please!



Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
And Devs if any of you actually read this.. try creating a vet reward and then not turning right around and offering it, or better, to a 1 week old player.
I do hope the devs read this because there are a lot of good ideas in this thread. However, as far as your point, that better versions of the vet rewards are offered to everyone, I think a few things need to be taken into account.
Let's look at the Valkyrie wings: yes, they are pretty kickin'. But even though they are available to a new player on the first day, that new player has to pay an extra $10 or whatever for them. Vet reward wings are "free" in the sense that every player has to pay the same subscription fee for however many months. It's only natural that paying extra for something will get you better stuff (if you think the Valkyrie wings are better. Some don't. There are also no Demon style Valkyrie wings). It might also be good to bear in mind that the veteran wings were used more as a test for wings in general. Either way, as a veteran with wings, you still have access to two types of wing that no one else, even new players who buy the Valkyrie set, does when you create a character. Not to mention the fact that wing recipes are not the easiest things to get on a level 1 character, if you really want something that isn't angel/demon/valkyrie at creation.
Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Well when I started I had to...
But you don't have to anymore. Yes, things were rough, back in the day. Now they're not.
Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Try playing the game a while and earning it.
As a veteran, you've earned the right to talk to new players like that. However, you're complaining about the fact that the veteran reward items are useless, and there are better ones available to everyone. Of course, if they're available to everyone, that means they are also available to you. If you want to make a new character, your life is much easier now. Cherish that, instead of complaining that the new kids these days have it so easy. Not to mention the fact that the veteran rewards, while perhaps useless to you, are in large part not entirely useless to everyone. No one is going to find every vet reward the coolest thing ever. Some people like some rewards, others like different rewards. That's the nature of this beast.
Originally Posted by Wicked_Wendy View Post
Maybe it is time to just end the system or at least revamp it so it actually seems like a reward.
This seems to be the problem with your thinking. You want something that is way better than anything the new players can get, but that won't happen. The purpose of vet rewards is NOT to give vets an "I win" button. The program is designed to give players fun little things as a token of appreciation, and to show off the fact that they've been around for a while. No longer do veterans have to say: "Well I was around before ED;" now they have the badge to prove it. That's what this program is for. You're not going to get anything as cool as you want, because it would affect gameplay to an extent the devs don't want. Some vets are going to use some of the stuff, thinking "Hey, cool, I can do this now, or look this way with that new costume now." Others will set the badge as their title and say "Neener neener neener I'm so cool I have 66 months on my account and you don't and I have all this stuff that you can't ever get haha!" To each his/her/huge's own. The point is, they are free rewards, and just because they're not good enough for some people doesn't mean they have to escalate in the quality of their awesome.

Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Mechano's got some good ideas. I would love to see a system like that implemented.
I agree completely.



Another approach to make LATE LATE vet rewards acceptable in general:

Hows about vet rewards that offer similar SHARED functionality, like the portable workbench. The vet chooses between a few aesthetic thematic options (as we can now with our combat pets) and summons a magic ward/grows a tree/unfolds a device/etc. that allows all nearby players or teammates to:

  • Access their personal vault storage
  • Access and drop a limited number of items on the market
  • Purchase inspirations
  • Access a tailor (of either full or limited capabilities--i.e. costume only, no powers?)
  • Sell enhancements
  • "Slow time" by adding time to a currently active timed mish
  • Reveal ALL glowies or prisoners on the map (granted we actually get the reveal last glowie functionality for everyone)

And of course put these on incredibly long timers, such as 2-12 hours.

Basically little perks that add some aesthetic flavor to the vet but also creates something that has situational use and doesn't make teammates green with envy but rather appreciative. I know I've felt that way when I've teamed with folks who have a [portable workbench] that they drop midway through a series of missions so folks can lighten their recipe inventories without deleting. And with my one (of 30+ alts) I actually bothered to get that accolade on, I also have been able to help a team out once or twice--or simply drop it at the market for all around to use.

Again, just some ideas for ways to deal with 6 and 7 year vet rewards to come up with non-costume-item, non-yet-another-respec-and-costume-change, non-city-traveler-that's-so-unfair-type rewards but still feel unique, special and prestigious. In fact, if you come up with a dense enough list to choose from, each with a different functionality, the next four vet rewards could write themselves as you let players pick one from a list of say 7-10 different functions for their reward. 3 months later, pick a second such reward from the same list. And so on.



Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
that was totally like a 'we ran out of ideas' costume they just threw onto a vet badge. I don't think i've ever seen anybody using them. if i had that many months time played i'd totally copy a Punch Out! costume for an SS'er, though.
My character, First Round Knockout, begs to differ. She uses the full boxing outfit: shorts, belt, boots, and gloves. It does make using the buttons on vending machines difficult though.



End of Vet Rewards?
I hope not. My superiority complex needs constant reinforcement.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Myriad View Post
To the people who prefer to end the vet reward system (or make it annual at some point) because they can't catch up otherwise or feel that they're always be behind:
What you are actually saying is, that you prefer to have NO vet rewards at all, if the alternative is that someone who is playing (and paying) longer can get something you have still to wait for. I'm glad that you are the minority.
No... that's not what I'm saying. I'm saying still award them every three months, but put them out every 4 to 5 months. Not sure where you got this "if I can't have it, no one can" idea from.

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Originally Posted by SilverAgeFan View Post
As to the OP, I personally find the +5 recipes VERY useful. But I use both the market and the inventions system regularly. The increased slots means not having to choose between deleting booty vs. interrupting a good roll of play with a trip to the blackmarket or wentworths.

As to the larger question of what could be given to vets in the future? How about vanity powers of all sorts that summon NPCs for silly emotes for one:
  • blueside:
    • [autograph session]
    • [photo shoot]
    • [journalist]
    • [groupies: female]
    • [groupies: male]
  • redside:
    • [shakedown]
    • [mug]
    • [backalley deal]
    • [insight dissent]
    • [evil assistant]
These aren't costume parts or costume change emotes or even powers given to super-long-term vets. They would be fun, dumb character +NPC emotes. If need be, small bonus buffs similar to dayjobs could be attached to them. But not really necessary IMO.
That's so frikkin' hilarious that I would actually go for something like this... I mean, standing there with a bunch of NPCs signing autographs and having your picture made with them?


I love it.


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

76 characters and Twenty-four 50s later, I still love this game.
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Originally Posted by Iannis View Post
that was totally like a 'we ran out of ideas' costume they just threw onto a vet badge. I don't think i've ever seen anybody using them. if i had that many months time played i'd totally copy a Punch Out! costume for an SS'er, though.

Hey my main has the "champion" belt on constantly!!!!! All my characters wear one on their main cossie once they have reached level 50.

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Originally Posted by Anti_Proton View Post
Just hit 66 months and I see nothing really special this time around. 5 more Salvage slots, 5 more Receipe slots, and 1 new auction slot. Honestly, I rarely need all the slots I have. I wonder if the Devs are phasing the whole thing out?
Can I have your extra slots? I'll gladly take them

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