Some PvP Advice for PvErs/New Players




Originally Posted by black_barrier View Post
i am here to make people angry.
this is common knowledge.
Oh, ok.

You have my pity then.

"The side that is unhappy is not the side that the game was intended to make happy, or promised to make happy, or focused on making happy. The side that is unhappy is the side that is unhappy. That's all." - Arcanaville
"Surprised your guys' arteries haven't clogged with all that hatred yet." - Xzero45



Originally Posted by MajorPrankster View Post
Oh, ok.

You have my pity then.




Well, the first 10 posts or so were helpful at least. Being an uber leet PvPer is no excuse to be a jerk.

In my experience, the hardcore PvP crowd tend to be elitists that brag about how awesome they are when they win, and accuse you of cheating when they lose. Not all of them are like that, I'm not going to paint with too big of a brush here.

But, the fact remains that people who are new to something do not want to have their face rubbed in the fact that they are not good at it yet. A new PvPer who is repeatedy ganked and farmed is a PvPer who will probably not be back. I'm not saying handle them with kid gloves or go easy on them. Just saying, give them at least a fighting chance. It's difficult to learn anything when you are dead 2 seconds after the timer finishes counting down.

On Pinnacle, there was a group of villain players that, for quite a while, would roam RV and mass gank anyone who entered the zone. Because of that, RV was dead for a long one wantd to go into a zone where they would be TP Foe ganked upon setting foot in it. A lot of those players seem to have left and RV is FUN again. There are players on both sides, and there aren't too many people being jerks. It is a much better environment for a player new to PvP to learn. I actually saw someone point out the mistake a newbie made after beating them, instead of saying "lulz lrn2plynub". The newbie thanked them and put up a much better fight the next time around.

My advice:

Be aware of your surroundings at all times. If someone from the opposite faction leaves your line of sight, expect them to be attacking you very soon.

I PvP mostly with heroes, and I have learned that if a villain team is attacking in an organized fashion, there WILL be a stalker waiting to hit you...expect it.

Don't pop too many inspirations in a panic when you get hit. There is nowhere to replenish them in most zones, and if you burn though them all in the first fight you're screwed. Also, if you pop 3 greens in a row, you won't be able to heal at all for 15 seconds. In PvP 15 seconds is a long time.

That's about all I can think of, hope it helps some.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ConFlict View Post
In every form of competition there is two groups of people. One is the gentlemanly player who does his best to always exude good sportsmanship.
This is definately me. Comes from playing rugby, literally a word of back talk to the ref, was a penalty against you, or 10 yards ground if the opponents had a penalty.

Even in the professional game, there is a little more leeway for genuine questions, but they normnally come from the captain or vice captain, and back chat gets the same penalties.

For me it makes for a far more fun game to particpate in (these days watch) than the continual torrent of abuse that is laid towards a referee in football (scoccer) from the players.

B_B wrote:
you should not tell anyone how to behave in a game that is already governed by rules. free will, what con said, etc, etc. the least regulated pvp is, the more fun it is. that has always been my experience.
Thats your idea of fun, it isn't mine. Again if people are reaching out to others such as me, (the existing for want of a better term casual PvPers) to particpate with them, surely to attract me to play regularly shouldn't they listen to what they would like and their issues ?

(Note: Im not claiming that the issues I have are universal, but the trash talking one does come out time and again from different sources)

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



back to the original post......

-Keep moving at all times, the second u stop most likely you'll be attack by a stalker..SS+Sj is a must imo

-Never stray away from other players on your side or team!!! youll get ganked real fast!'

-dont try to pve in the pvp zone, youll just get distracted and ganked eventually

-to avoid droning dont get close to the other sides base, its gonna happen....

-people will talk $hit in the zone all the time, dont let it aggravate u, next thing u know your getting reported for talkin back.

50 fire/dev--50 dark/thug--50 earth/storm--50 fire/regen--50 earth/thorn--50 kin/rad
50 TA/archery--50 stone/mace--50 Rad/em--50 Cold/Energy--48 dark/elec--50 grav/rad--45 SOA--40 PB--46 Bs/Fire--50 Ar/Dev--50 Trapz/Dark--50 elec/em tank--50 elec/earth--50 Ghostwidow--50 elec/Therm--50 cold/dark



i forgot to add this one:

- don't use the term "gank" around experienced pvpers; teaming is not an exploit.



-Even in a game about superheroes, you are not Superman. Never assume you can beat your opponent by yourself by virtue of who you are. Get help, get a team, and work together to kill anything that cons as an enemy as fast and often as possible. Soloists usually find themselves on the bad end of an enemy team.

"the reason there are so many sarcastic pvpers is we already had a better version of pvp taken away from us to appease bad players. Back then we chuckled at how bad players came here and whined. If we knew that was the actual voice devs would listen to instead of informed, educated players we probably would have been bigger dicks back then." -ConFlict



Play with players of higher skill, and as others have already said, don't get mad when defeated.

Make sure you can realize when someone is in tier 9 or has popped an accolade.

In most situations make sure you have hiber/phase/or uber tier 9 for escape purposes.

Although I think it is the stupidest thing in the game, the flight pack works when phase/hiber T9 is not recharged yet.

Understand the deficiencies of your build and do the best to cover those with inspirations.

RV LOLZone play makes you better in arena.

Understand what toggles are necessary against a certain opponent, this is most important when heat xed.

Sometimes an all out frontal assault is not the wisest course of action.

In order to PvP on a consistant basis transfer (or make a new) toon an Freedom.

I am PL in RL.

Freedom- Magnet Man, Hott Sauce, Stand-Up Comic



My 2 cents to the rant;

I played 4 years varsity center on a football team, I would ****-talk anyone in front of me, goading them into anger made them easier, made them reckless.

In any place where it is possible to gain an advantage that is allowed within rules, players will exploit it.

I have found that talking "****" gets me ALOT more kills in zones, as I am often singled out and persued, which gives me an advantage of using superior tactics over someone, even if its as simple as bringing the fight into the spiders/npc's.

Its that and the constant hatred and contempt the outside community has always really showed the PvP community tends to cause bitter feelings and vile anger, I take psychology class's, and seeing HOW the PvP community has been treated over the development of the game leads to bitter-ness and favors the "****" talking side of the competitiveness.

Although I doubt barrier knows or recognizes any of this is up for further debate (<3 u barrier, in a non-**** kinda way)


You won't earn the wrath of god for using inspirations.

Move, Move, and if u type, use a bind like I do, /bind Enter ++up$$begin_chat or however its made, I dunno off the top of my head/

KSing isn't bad, its a sign of intelligent target prioritization

Have fun, join the **** talks, its a game, laff at it.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post

Well, the first 10 posts or so were helpful at least. Being an uber leet PvPer is no excuse to be a jerk.

In my experience, the hardcore PvP crowd tend to be elitists that brag about how awesome they are when they win, and accuse you of cheating when they lose. Not all of them are like that, I'm not going to paint with too big of a brush here.

Frankly, I doubt you've met many actual "elite" PvPers. Most of them were pretty indifferent to the rest of the community. You probably ran into PvPers who claimed to be elite. Those are fairly common.

I'm not exactly the type to start droppin' knowledge on people like I actually know anything, but just for the sake of hopefully being constructive:

To new PvPers: Note that CoH PvP has always been a game where logistical know-how is key. Know what is happening around you - and know what the implications of those things happening around you are. Come to have an understanding of the dynamics of the game. Knowing what you are doing is overpowered. Yes, the skill required to PvP is minimal compared to what it once was, but whatever. You are here now. Do your best and try to have fun.



I doubt most people could name 5 "elite" pvpers that still play. for those that want to try though heres a hint, no one that has posted in this thread so far is an "elite" pvper.



Originally Posted by Void View Post
I doubt most people could name 5 "elite" pvpers that still play. for those that want to try though heres a hint, no one that has posted in this thread so far is an "elite" pvper.
what aboot now?



PvP advice to PvErs? Alright, here goes:

Go somewhere else.



Originally Posted by Silit View Post
Frankly, I doubt you've met many actual "elite" PvPers. Most of them were pretty indifferent to the rest of the community. You probably ran into PvPers who claimed to be elite. Those are fairly common.
I never said "elite", I said "elitist".

Acting like you are better than everyone else makes you an elitist.

There is a huge difference between the true elite and the elitists. For example, the true elite seldom feel the need to brag about a match long after it is over. And if you beat them, they won't accuse you of cheating. The elitists that think they are the top tier will do both quite frequently.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
I never said "elite", I said "elitist".

Acting like you are better than everyone else makes you an elitist.

There is a huge difference between the true elite and the elitists. For example, the true elite seldom feel the need to brag about a match long after it is over. And if you beat them, they won't accuse you of cheating. The elitists that think they are the top tier will do both quite frequently.
the perception of pvp elitism is a misinterpretation of trash-talk. a very very stupid misinterpretation. sg's like awesome avengers, ujl, DR, integrity and such were always open to new guys, even if they had never pvp'd before. hell, i joined ujl having been a hardcore Repeat Offenders/Superteam style PVE-er (dark days). basically, before me and melda made ujl into a more serious pvp team (ie, we actually started planning lineups instead of throwing random toons into matches and hoping **** worked), ujl was a farming vg in freedom with an arena team (hence the jokes on how people joined ujl saying they'd pvp, get 50s and leave (circa i9)). and even after we got serious, if you didn't have a pvp toon, we'd farm you one. syph joined with a stone/elec brute as his only 50. 3 weeks later we had him playing practice matches on an elec/therm and a ice/sonic corr.

proud bunch? hell yes. spending 4 hours on test 4 nights a week practicing = damn right i'm better than some random dude that just stepped into RV a week ago. should that discourage that random dude? only if he's doesn't like competitive games; hence, he or she should stick to farming BM and killing behemoths.

also, the "true elite" difference your making is trash. you're making stuff up. i suggest you consult a dictionary sometime.



Originally Posted by Void View Post
I doubt most people could name 5 "elite" pvpers that still play. for those that want to try though heres a hint, no one that has posted in this thread so far is an "elite" pvper.
Yeah, sorry I'm late.

But seriously, I could name 5 elite PvP'ers. The average is a lot lower now, so it's much easier to pick out the best. We had a thread about it recently, and most posters mentioned the same 5-6 guys.



Originally Posted by Void View Post
I doubt most people could name 5 "elite" pvpers that still play. for those that want to try though heres a hint, no one that has posted in this thread so far is an "elite" pvper.
Void and I are elite at tetris though, so watch out.



Originally Posted by Supermax View Post
Yeah, sorry I'm late.

But seriously, I could name 5 elite PvP'ers. The average is a lot lower now, so it's much easier to pick out the best. We had a thread about it recently, and most posters mentioned the same 5-6 guys.
All the elite PvPers are gone. They knew when to give up. What's left are the Noob Elite.



Originally Posted by SmegHead View Post
The real elites quit the game son.
im not your son, dad



Thank you all that had constructive advice, it will be put to good use. Further advice is welcomed, and once again thank you all for your donations of information.



Originally Posted by Silit View Post
Void and I are elite at tetris though, so watch out.
dont mess with the inventors of the triple reverse easy 8 T SPIN combo.



Originally Posted by Void View Post
dont mess with the inventors of the triple reverse easy 8 T SPIN combo.



Happened to come up on this thread while checking into pvp as I've only had little experience. I've had a few run-ins in pvp zones while on badging teams and it has been quite a bit fun. I have no idea how pvp was prior i13 which I hear was a more decent pvp system. I came right on the heels of i13 and this being my first mmo I had no desire to get into pvp at that time. I've played numerous fps games so I can most certainly say trash talking isn't an "elitest" problem, but part of any pvp game. Its like anything, eventually you learn to tune it out. Something that is golden about this game is the ignore feature...with other games you can usually turn of chat or mute speech if its supported by the game. Losing is part of any competative game and expecting to lose a lot is some great advice. Still I think black_barrier stated it best when he said,
"damn right i'm better than some random dude that just stepped into RV a week ago. should that discourage that random dude? only if he's doesn't like competitive games; hence, he or she should stick to farming BM and killing behemoths." I think this sums it up for any pvp oriented game.



Originally Posted by Tokyo View Post
All the elite PvPers are gone. They knew when to give up. What's left are the Noob Elite.

Good advice in this thread till the idiocy started.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!