When are the levels going to be fixed?




Originally Posted by VonHooner View Post
I am sure that there are other threads relating to this but tbh I cannot see them easily so I thought that I would post the question here.

When in heavens name are the diff levels going to be fixed for SF/TF'S?????

As leader of the Handprints SG which spans both sides I have to say that the result of the wimpy diffs has had a DRAMATIC negative effect on members, seeing many long term players leave the game and those that are staying getting fed up of running flashbacks for (certainly on Villains side) poor merit reward numbers just so that they can play their toons against foes that are worthy.

To be quite frank I could not care less whether people get their MO badges on a -1 diff if this is the alternative, obviously I would rather they got them and had a bit of a challenge but this 'fix' is killing the enjoyment of the game for a lot of my members (of which until recently I had over 90 individual accounts).

Gone are the days of Handprints LGTF races where 16 people would rock up and do the TF on 5th diff with no ghosting to see which team could go fastest. I16 was a truely wonderful thing, the super SK system making organising events so much easier but now their seems to be no point that it is easier to get teams without struggling with half the team not being able to get an SK when the SF/TF we want to run is just too damn easy. For a brief while we enjoyed the new diff levels bringing us new challenges, but this was snatched away because a few could get a badge too easily leaving the rest of us hard core players floundering and wondering why we bothered slotting our toons at all if all we are going to fight are whites and yellows.

Please, please, please, please fix this issue before we loose anymore people to boredom and easy repetitive play!!!!

Rant over
Instead of ranting, you could get a little creative to see there IS a temporary solution for those who just want a little bit more challenge.

Turn on the following 2 options when starting the TF/SF:
  • Enemies buffed
  • Players debuffed



Originally Posted by Another_Fan View Post
Thats just plain scary.
It's not that scary
I think all it means is that when they were designing the game, they coded the difficulty slider to affect all missions - so trying to make a new slider that only affects TFs is probably not so easy.

@Golden Girl

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Originally Posted by Catharctic View Post
Instead of ranting, you could get a little creative to see there IS a temporary solution for those who just want a little bit more challenge.

Turn on the following 2 options when starting the TF/SF:
  • Enemies buffed
  • Players debuffed
Yes. Or is this not difficult enough for people? Is difficulty soley based on mob size and what level they spawn? Wouldn't using these sliders on TFs accomplish the same result as fudging level spawn with the new settings?

Loose --> not tight.
Lose --> Did not win, misplace, cannot find, subtract.
One extra 'o' makes a big difference.



Originally Posted by Moderator 08 View Post
This particular fix was to temporarily deal with a number of issues that the enhanced difficulty options in I16 generated. No one issue was the cause of this, and this fix is temporary.

Getting the difficulty sliders to work properly with Task Forces and Strike Forces is definitely something we are working on. This is something that is important to us, but any fix to the TF/SF Difficulty Slider is risky in that it is code which effects the whole game. We have to be very careful when working with this code because any changes can have significant and unforeseen ramifications. It takes a lot of time, especially testing time, and if we're going to take this amount of time we want to deliver a fix to you guys that isn't just a work around hack, but that delivers a fully working product.

We know this is frustrating, and this frustration has been well communicated to the Dev team. We'll communicate with you more on this issue as things progress.

Many many thanks for the update! I love being updated even if it's just a note that it's being worked on.



Thought this was going to be a complaint about the damn level 40 paragon protector elites spawning in level 30ish missions. Seen them be as high as 6 levels above the mission owner / team level and they're pretty much impossible to kill on most teams.

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Nah. I would have agreed if they had the same powers as the lower level ones, but they don't have Moment of Glory or Unstoppable so they're aren't much trouble for an average team. A total PuG could well have problems. On the other hand, a team that regularly plays together will wipe the floor with them.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Huh. Well that sucks. Could we at least get the old Diff system re-enabled specifically for TFs/SFs? I'd be happy if we could just set them as parameters like timed/deaths/etc.

Originally Posted by eltonio View Post
This is over the top mental slavery.



Originally Posted by Coin View Post
Heh, this comment from anyone always amuses me. Srsly, how is anyone other than the devs supposed to be able to supply information like this? Can someone not just post that they know of people who have done something without people assuming that they are talking about everyone in the game??

For the record, i know of people who have left this game for varying reasons, some of which are bugs exactly like this one which has a detrimental effect on peoples enjoyment of it. Can I quantify how many? Course I can't! But surely the fact that even one person has left directly because of a specific thing can't be seen as a good thing?

Anyway, the power of the Mod has spoken and given us some info, at least. Whilst it might not be exactly what we want to hear (ideally, that the fix is sorted, the game will work flawlessly and all will be world peace and kittens in just 5 days ) at least we know something is happening now
The fact that no one but the Devs have that information is the whole POINT. If no one has the information... than don't make the assertion that "many people" have left.

I think Obsidius's point was not that he should somehow get magical non-existant numbers, but instead to illustrate that one shouldn't make baseless claims. If one has seen (i.e. anecdotal evidence) then make it clear, don't say "tons of people " or "lots of folks" or "no one is on anymore, cuz they quitted." [Note that those are just examples.] Instead, one should say, "a lot of the folks on my friends list have gone missing" and such, make it clear from whom and how the information you purport was originated.



[QUOTE=Thirty_Seven;2425738]The fact that no one but the Devs have that information is the whole POINT. If no one has the information... than don't make the assertion that "many people" have left./QUOTE]

The reason that I have lost 30% of the SG is not an assumption, they have posted to our forums to say why they have left or suspended subscription

I just wanted to make a point and get a timescale from someone, I think it is great to see a red name responding and I am pleased that they are working on it. I just hope that the solution will be soon, it is a shame that this has tainted i16, everything else was great and IMO one of the best issues since RWZ and inventions were introduced.



Originally Posted by VonHooner View Post
The reason that I have lost 30% of the SG is not an assumption, they have posted to our forums to say why they have left or suspended subscription

I just wanted to make a point and get a timescale from someone, I think it is great to see a red name responding and I am pleased that they are working on it. I just hope that the solution will be soon, it is a shame that this has tainted i16, everything else was great and IMO one of the best issues since RWZ and inventions were introduced.
... It has not tainted the game. I hate to be the reality breaker here, but most casual players run TF's on level 0... and they do make up the majority of the playerbase. The people here on the forum? The people posting and reading in this thread? Are a distinct minority. I can easily screen-cap and point out over 150 players across 5 different global channels, 7 different SuperGroups, and some of the coalitions that do not touch the forums. Out of the people I personally know and talk to in the game, discounting the Rookery thread, I've seen around 10 to 15 actually posting.

Yes, the players who do run TFs on an increased level are not casual players. Yes, the non-casual player is the backbone of CoH's playerbase. They are the ones that are more likely to organize events within the game. They are the ones more likely to tell non-players about the game and get them to try City of Heroes. They are indeed valuable to the development staff, not just for money, but for providing /bug and /petition reports in the game since they are more likely to notice when something has gone screwy.

However, it's already been pointed out that those after a challenge have a way to simulate the effects of level changes by taking intentional debuffs to themselves and buffing the enemies they face. If you thought Faathim the Kind TF was hard on Unyielding, try going at it with Rularuu buffed and you debuffed.

So those complaining because they can't set a diff level by the fateweavers or fortanatas, Get Over Yourselfs.



Originally Posted by White Hot Flash View Post
Yes. Or is this not difficult enough for people? Is difficulty soley based on mob size and what level they spawn? Wouldn't using these sliders on TFs accomplish the same result as fudging level spawn with the new settings?
This got mentioned on my thread of the same name, they are largely useless. They are locked at the beginning of a TF and have no sliding scale they are flat buffs/debuffs to accuracy and damage and they are big enough to be absolutely crippling to non-purpled toons at many levels while having virtually no effect on a well slotted high end toon.

White conning enemies are pretty pathetic to a half decent team with DO/SO's, add in the player debuff and those DO/SO users are down to -20%-10% accuracy base and whiffing away. Yay, isn't the game fun, I get to spend all day missing!

Or we can buff the enemies and watch stray enemies one shot the SO user squishies due to their damage buff while the IO'ers run around having all the fun.

Unless the teams power synchs up perfectly with the level of debuff you end up making it not fun for someone due to the all or nothing nature of the buffs. About the only time they are useful is for a pure high end team wanting to make life tougher.

The best thing the devs did in my opinion in this game was the SSK/difficulty slider allowing a team to on the fly create a difficulty setting that challenged them, regardless of the relative powers of the teammates in all but the most hand picked purpled out builds. It allowed us to run top difficulty TF's to really give some of our slotted favourites a decent run out. That option is dead, it has to be done on flashback or regular content, so no more mixed teams for a start (Bye ITF and LGTF) unless you rustle up the arc and no running the TF content.

The devs dropped about 3 absolute stinker patches in a row after I16 and while credit to them, they've fixed most of the issues this one left is a biggie. I've watched SG interest in TF's drop dramatically and this is hitting the population of the game in general from what I see.

Editted to add this:

Originally Posted by Je Saist View Post
Yes, the players who do run TFs on an increased level are not casual players
Without giving offence, this is twaddle and you know it. When was the last time you joined a pug and it was running on team size/+0? Really. Outside of the first 10ish levels I can't remember a single time, it had gotten to the point where I thought +2 was the standard difficulty. It's very, VERY rare in my experience that teams run on +0 and I'd be surprised if there were many out there who could say differently.

The pellet with the poisons in the Vessel with the Pessel, the Chalice from the Palace has the brew that is true...



Well at least we have a red name comment on this issue now, but as usual amounts to "Soon TM"

I can see where people are coming from in that not all are interested in running tough diff TF/SFs, but for those of us that do, I miss it greatly. Gone are the days when you could get sometimes a couple of levels on an ITF, and now the exp rate is much less. Gone are the days where my Domi thought for half a milisecond before running in, as he just isn't scared of +0 bosses.

I think GG was right on the money, put a difficulty slider in the mission contact, and don't include a -1 option. I can see why this was done for arcs etc, so that low damage toons could still solo, but putting this option on TFs was always going to be a joke. But then tbh, I always saw the -1 option as cowing to people who create low damage toons and expect to solo, or people who just want to speed run things.

So please Devs, sort out this problem, as it is plain to see that it is affecting the playerbase even if on these forums it appears to be a minority.

The members of my SG and I eagerly await this to be fixed properly without managing to mess anything else in the game up royally.



Originally Posted by VonHooner View Post
The reason that I have lost 30% of the SG is not an assumption, they have posted to our forums to say why they have left or suspended subscription
No one is disputing the loss of people in your SG or your knowledge about their motivation. The point was that this is NOT a representative group. The very fact that they all knew each other makes it non-representative of the general game population. If your SG had some sort of theme or common goal, that would make them even less representative of the population.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



I believe that we all acknowledge it's a problem, and it's been brought up a few times since TF/SF/Trials lost the ability. However the OP reads a lot like fix it or I (we) will ragequit.

Generally those who defend the game react badly to someone threatening to ragequit over a bug. The Devs have acknowledge it's a temporary change and is planned to be fixed. However the conning system for TF/SF/Trial is known to be different than standard missions before and obviously the coding is different enough that the fix isn't quite straightforward.

All I can council is patience and to remind you that the fix won't be coming as fast as you want (which was about a week after they "broke" it).

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If people are leaving the game because the TF level bug then they were ready for a break any way tbh.

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CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
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A work around that I have used at times is to have a lower level toon lead the TF. If you're doing a 50 TF, you won't lose any powers, but you can effectively cause the enemies to be +1 through +5 to you. You can even ask someone to start if for you and then quit if you only have 50s running (since I believe the levels are locked through the TF), but this of course is not an option if you're trying to run with a full team of 50s.

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I wish they would just go back to the -1 allowable setting, really who cares its just a badge and its not even part of an accolade, there's no advantage for a toon that has the badge over a toon that dosent, and i want to fight 54 AVs in my TFs again instead of this yellow and white crap.



Originally Posted by Angelstar View Post
Without giving offence, this is twaddle and you know it. When was the last time you joined a pug and it was running on team size/+0? Really. Outside of the first 10ish levels I can't remember a single time, it had gotten to the point where I thought +2 was the standard difficulty. It's very, VERY rare in my experience that teams run on +0 and I'd be surprised if there were many out there who could say differently.
Yeah, I'm confused too.

With the old settings things like end AVs and such weren't changing. End of LRSF was always level 53s regardless. So the only thing the difficulty setting was changing was all the enemies inbetween AVs.

Pretty much all teams can run at +2. There's no reason to suggest that a group doing an ITF can't handle +1 Cimerorans and has to run on +0. If that's true, they're going to have a really hard time with the AVs who are happily 53. So no casual TF team is going to run below +2 because A) it's not going to affect the AVs and stuff anyway, B) there's no reason to fight weaker enemies on the way to the AV, unless you can't handle them, in which case you can't handle the TF itself.

I've pretty much never been on a team past level 10~15 that's running on +0. And while I have been on +0 TFs, those were speedurns for merits only (which I find boring). So if anything I'd suggest the OPPOSITE... which is to say only non-casual players would run on +0, because they're rushing for reward, not crashing through for fun.

I've done tons of TFs, both leader and participant, with friends, VGmates, and strangers. +2 is the norm. I've never had someone suggest we run on a lower difficulty unless it's strictly for the merits. And those aren't casual players.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



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Nuff Said...
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Originally Posted by Effy_On_Malibu View Post
Union in general is loosing members that's easy to see

That's all that needs to be said.

The main problem in my opinion isn't lack of subs, it's lack of people logging in. I bet there's a fair few people with active EU subs that don't log in for whatever reason. I know of at least 20 accounts that are active but are never logged in because they're on the US servers or just having a break and not wanting to lose any vet time and i'm sure there's many more like it.

I know this is hijacking this thread a little but it's about time the dev's started to look at accounts signing in, not just active accounts as their figures for EU population.

Because, lets face it. Anyone who plays EU side knows it is now pretty darn silent.

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
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Originally Posted by Rent_ View Post
That's all that needs to be said.

The main problem in my opinion isn't lack of subs, it's lack of people logging in. I bet there's a fair few people with active EU subs that don't log in for whatever reason. I know of at least 20 accounts that are active but are never logged in because they're on the US servers or just having a break and not wanting to lose any vet time and i'm sure there's many more like it.

I know this is hijacking this thread a little but it's about time the dev's started to look at accounts signing in, not just active accounts as their figures for EU population.

Because, lets face it. Anyone who plays EU side knows it is now pretty darn silent.
Depends where you look. Population might not have broken any records, but it also hasn't broken any *bad* records either.
And this is from someone who can *only* get online after 5pm (thank YOU, damned Uni internet firewall...)

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Well in the near 4 years I have been playing on Union I have never seen it so quiet, I logged on last night at 19.30 gmt and there were 60 people online in total on the searches, yes yes I know that some will be hidden but even so.....

Back on thread I would like to know if we are likely to see a result on the diff levels before Christmas?

I don't really care whether people agree or disagree on whether this is causing people to stop playing I was merely using my knowledge of why people have stopped logging in as evidence that this continues to be a problem for me.

I know that there are other factors to people not playing, I also know that not everyone plays the game the same, I do not play TF's/SF's for quick easy merits some do, I play the game to challenge the toons I spent years building and changing and changing again and so forth and I know that this issue is known about and being worked on but how long is temporary?
I personally do not want to trot around on a relatively empty server until GR.



Originally Posted by Rent_ View Post
If people are leaving the game because the TF level bug then they were ready for a break any way tbh.
Which is, of course, completely irrelevant.

A feature that was enjoyed by a significant number of people was "temporarily" removed and has now been gone for a while. It needs to be fixed, regardless of whether people are getting emo or ragequitting over it.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Which is, of course, completely irrelevant.

A feature that was enjoyed by a significant number of people was "temporarily" removed and has now been gone for a while. It needs to be fixed, regardless of whether people are getting emo or ragequitting over it.

PvP first. Wait in the line like the rest of us

CoH PvP SG = SuperUnion - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
CoV PvP VG = Disruption - Co-Leader - Union/Freedom
Global = @Rent & @Rent.

Playgroup are all **** - Global Handle