NCSoft and Massively




Originally Posted by Doc_Hornet View Post
From the original fan-written "Vicarious Existence" article the second poster in this thread cited as the start of all this :

"...I do see a large risk to Paragon Studios if GoRo doesn’t pull in the numbers they’ve told management it will."

That's all you need to read of the aritcle to decide not to take it very seriously. The article's author has no more idea what numbers have been "told" than you or I or the Man in the Moon. Or that ANY number was "told." Unless, of course, that author possesses some super Joe Biden secret ninja skills with a side order of Chuck Norris telepathy.
Keep in mind that there's an entire investment strategy industry that turns a profit just from advising its clients what to buy/sell solely based off market/industry speculation w/o access to real and current numbers. Of course it helps to build a portfolio that takes into account a company's current financial status (Dun and Bradstreet is a good economic indicator - but not the only one and certainly not the best) but without real-time current information its still possible to predict a company's future performance with some accuracy using just historical performance data, recent profit/loss trends and abnormal shake-downs at the executive level without having access to real and current numbers - which this blogger has managed to include in his assessment.

Most definitely this article hit a raw nerve *somewhere* inside NCsoft otherwise they wouldn't have made a public rebuttal. That NCsoft made ANY comment at all is a huge mistake that lends more creedence to the article than it deserves. That's not the blogger's **** up - that's Marketing's.

Personally I'd still worry that anyone inside NCsoft took it seriously at all... regardless of whether or not its true.



Originally Posted by Rubberlad View Post
Actually, I think the rebuttal is a big mistake. Having been a fan of the game for all 5 years, I've *NEVER* seen a marketing executive make such a defensive and unusually direct "that's so not true!" response to negative press before. It just smacks of desperation somehow - usually NCsoft just brushes off negative press or sweeps it quietly under the rug so as not to draw more attention. This rebuttal however does the complete opposite... Couple this with the front page reminder coincidently posted on the same day reminding everyone that now's the time to cash in on the Loyalty program...
Umm... You do realize that this paints an absolutely no-win situation for the game's makers and publishers? If they are silent, then that will be taken as tacit agreement with the doom calling. And yet if they protest, that's taken as a sign of desperation, reinforcing the doom calling.

I mean, reallly now.

American Steele: 50 BS/Inv
Nightfall: 50 DDD
Sable Slayer: 50 DM/Rgn
Fortune's Shadow: 50 Dark/Psi
WinterStrike: 47 Ice/Dev
Quantum Well: 43 Inv/EM
Twilit Destiny: 43 MA/DA
Shadowslip: 50 DDC
Final Rest: 50 MA/Rgn
Abyssal Frost: 50 Ice/Dark
Golden Ember: 50 SM/FA



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Hey, guys... Can someone give me a stool or a ladder or a leg up or something? I know there's more to read in this post, but I just can't seem to see past this sentence.
I can help.

The first paragraph is about telling BABs he's wrong and that there's a ton riding on GR, because all the stuff we got in the last six issues (you know, Ouroboros, Cimerora, AE, dominator buff, leveling pacts, merits, power customization, and 2x proliferation) has sucked. It also goes on to tell them (the devs) that their job is easy, and also that they should spend their time fixing the gobs of nonspecific issues with the game.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
No offense BaBs but you guys do have alot riding on GR, more so than you realize. The past 6 issues have been garbage.
[gonna repeat myself here, buuut...]

Past 6 issues have been garbage?




You know, I've often said that you seem to play a different game than the rest of us. This pretty much seals it. The last 6 issues may not have been perfect (though to me, they were mostly, almost overwhelmingly, positive), but garbage?!?

You're either being a total drama-queen, or you're a glutton for punishment. I know that if any game I played put out 2-years worth of what I considered garbage, I'd have been long-gone.

So which is it?

Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Considering how easy it is for you guys to make missions (from just looking at how the AE is) there is no reason why we shouldnt have had *** loads of dev content post AE.
GR is the reason that there hasn't been much new content. Where do you think the new content development is focused?

Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
I am looking forward to GR beta but only to know whether I am going to keep playing CoX or to just play Aion only. There are alot of glaring problems in CoX that have yet to be addressed and depending on if alot of that gets cleared up that will determine how well GR does.
How well GR does has little-to-nothing to do with how (perceived or real) current issues are "cleared up". The success of GR will be solely determined by how much neat new stuff it brings, and how much that adds to the existing gameplay.

Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
To be honest this will be the first time in all my time being subscribed to CoX that I might actually end up quitting. I been thru all the statesman's vision for the game changes, all of castle's heavy handed nerfs, stood by as our game markets became a ceasepool of greed and corruption, and patiently waited out the lack of real content. Well at this point I am done waiting and hope what you guys are making is worth the wait.
1) If you think Castle delivered (and that's a simplistic view anyway) "heavy handed nerfs", you need to talk to players of other MMOs and learn what "heavy handed nerfs" actually are.

2) The "cesspools of greed and corruption" (corruption?) are due to actions of players, not the devs. Also, the markets are just fine now.

3) You're gonna have to wait another 3-6months.

Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
So far I am not impressed based on the hero-con stuff and thats mostly due to not allowing you to choose any AT you want to start on any side at creation.
Which was never the intent of GR, nor promised.

Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Not everyone is going to want to go thru the GR arcs just to make a hero brute or stalker, or even a villain tanker.
Tough noogies. Sometimes you have to work a bit to get what you want. Also: WAAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaah.

Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
The other issue that I know is going to give you guys more grief in the long run is why you guys dont want to merge the hero/villain markets. Essentially what you are doing is going to kill 1 side of the game. These are just a few things that needed to be pointed out as some form of a wake up call. For some of us players yes this is CoX last chance.
Blatant speculation. The only way this will happen (my blatant speculation now) is if side-switching is easily accomplished, in terms of time required.



Something a lot of people forget:

When WoW came out (just a few months after CoH), the boards were awash with, "WoW's going to kill the game!" or various permutations of that...5 years on, CoH is still here. If WoW didn't kill CoH, what can?

@Deadedge and @Dead Edge

Peace through power! Freedom is slavery!
Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from a yo-yo



Originally Posted by UberGuy View Post
Umm... You do realize that this paints an absolutely no-win situation for the game's makers and publishers? If they are silent, then that will be taken as tacit agreement with the doom calling. And yet if they protest, that's taken as a sign of desperation, reinforcing the doom calling.

I mean, reallly now.

If anything, I realize that Marketing overreacted.

That's a true statement regardless of whether anyone believes that the COH brand is failing or still very much successful.



I totally agree with EvilRyu. We don't work inside NCSoft or Paragon Studios, but we can tell from our personal dislike of the last few issues, this game will FAIL if Going Rogue doesn't sell well.

It makes SENSE!



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
The other issue that I know is going to give you guys more grief in the long run is why you guys dont want to merge the hero/villain markets. Essentially what you are doing is going to kill 1 side of the game. These are just a few things that needed to be pointed out as some form of a wake up call. For some of us players yes this is CoX last chance.
Oh, please. You make this point the capstone of your argument? We've all seen that the market is one of your pet peeves but to suggest that the game is going to live or die based on what is down with the market is utterly absurd.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by Deadedge View Post
Something a lot of people forget:

When WoW came out (just a few months after CoH), the boards were awash with, "WoW's going to kill the game!" or various permutations of that...5 years on, CoH is still here. If WoW didn't kill CoH, what can?
Admitedly that was rather a lean time. I can recall several SGs that didn't make it through that rough patch and out the otherside.

Some good came of it however, I joined my current coalition SGs because of that. Then as COV came along we grew and expanded the coalition. That which did not kill my interest, just made it stronger. I was active and took steps to make my game play time more enjoyable.

The point is very sound. WoW didn't kill us, and if we can survive that we can survive just about anything as long as development remains active.

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by dispari View Post
i can help.

The first paragraph is about telling babs he's wrong and that there's a ton riding on gr, because all the stuff we got in the last six issues (you know, ouroboros, cimerora, ae, dominator buff, leveling pacts, merits, power customization, and 2x proliferation) has sucked. It also goes on to tell them (the devs) that their job is easy, and also that they should spend their time fixing the gobs of nonspecific issues with the game.



Originally Posted by Deadedge View Post
Something a lot of people forget:

When WoW came out (just a few months after CoH), the boards were awash with, "WoW's going to kill the game!" or various permutations of that...5 years on, CoH is still here. If WoW didn't kill CoH, what can?
Silver bullets. /nod

Or, possibly, DCUO and/or Old Republic. If those two launch at nearly the same time, and are good, quality games (I have faith in you BioWare), then that combination might be enough to pull enough subs away long-term... maybe.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Wow...are the comments there always so brutal?

I had no idea so much was at stake with Going Rogue, you think someone here would have said something about the future of the entire NCWest division riding on our expansion pack.

I find this comment particularly amusing
So, The NCexecs "clearing up" anything just looks worse IMO. Maybe if BABs, Castle or Posi (not SexyJay, what would be the point? The man makes zero sense) I'd be more willing to hear it.
It's even more amusing, and possibly more representative of the posters intelligence if you include a bit more of it.
So, The NCexecs "clearing up" anything just looks worse IMO. Maybe if BABs, Castle or Posi (not SexyJay, what would be the point? The man makes zero sense) I'd be more willing to hear it. But, they aren't breed (or paid) to tap dance around the negative image of the NCsoft corp.
um..... what? I honestly have no idea what word he meant to put where he has "breed". I'm always astonished at how many people post in a public forum and make zero effort to proof-read their writing. This has the unfortunate result of putting the reader in a position where they can not distinguish between someone with a good idea but poor communication skills -or- a gibbering moron. Maybe he actually believes NCSoft is breeding an entire species of corporate spokesmen.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
The past 6 issues have been garbage.
I wish they'd made that a pop up info window when I logged then, then I would have known not to enjoy them.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post


REALLY!!! I loves me some GARBAGE!!!

Sorry, you guys kept saying 'Garbage'. One of my favorite bands. Carry on.



The way I heard it, CoX ran (some would say quite well) with fifteen people once. Presumably, if the bottomline dictates, it could do so again and the game would indeed remain afloat...most likely with continued West Coast development. If Hero-Con (between those that attended and those that wish they could) is any representative indication, there are enough "hardcore" aficionados to sustain the franchise into the foreseeable future at some minimum development level.

That said, I don't think we should trivialize the potential importance of Going Rouge. In my mind, GR, is Paragon Studios' "bet" that they are doing the "right thing" with a beefed up organization. One way to gauge how that "bet" pays off is with the impact on subscriptions. I'm sure that those mainly concerned with NCSoft's profitabilty will make a connection between "new hires" and the "bang for buck" that resulted.

The fact is, there are a lot of things (development directions) this, now resource richer, franchise could be undertaking. For example, I happen to be a "nut" for base development. We get a lot of empathy (even on the "cruel" forum and even from the devs sometimes)... just not a lot of action. I think the pvp community, the "revamp zones" community or the "pick your development gripe" community could easily make a similar case.

My hope is that the Going Rouge "bet" pays off... not only in terms of new and exciting game play... but in terms of sustaining the larger resource commitment. My further hope is that GR's success will eventually lead to long promised development in other areas.

The opposite conclusion (from a GR "bust" perspective) is not something I want to think about.

One man's terrorist is another man's freedom (or freem?) fighter; just as one man's exploit is another man's feature.



Yes, BAB, the commenters there are that brutal. If you thought the lines here drawn between the "fanbois" and the "haters" were bad, at Massively, they're worse. It's downright depressing reading them.

Re: the new zones vs revamps, this is what I would love. I would give a great deal for Paragon Studios to hire a small team whose SOLE purpose is to go back and revamp the earlier stuff to bring it up to speed with the later editions - whether it's making ALL the contacts 'phone in' the way the new contacts pop up, reworking earlier missions to give them the 'oomph' that some of the later ones have, and adding new content to underutilized zones (Dark Astoria, Faultline, the Shadow Shard, the Fab, etc).

If I win the $80M Powerball this Saturday, I will fly to PS's offices, and HAND you guys a $2M check to cover the first year's salaries for the folks you'd have to hire. How much would it cost? (I don't know what the writers get paid, or how much it would cost for BAB to get a subordinate or two to help animate the stuff. $50k/year per writer? $60k?)


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Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Wow...are the comments there always so brutal?
Yeah, partially for the controversy they use for stirring up frenzy and that they are obsessed with WoW's success.

I get a kick of how WoW suddenly (supposedly) changed the measuring stick single handed. Before, a game with 100k+ subscribes was a gigantic success. Now apparently if a game can't break the 1 million mark, it's doomed to fail inside of 1 month.

Yeah, no. I don't buy that. Running with that logic, every single MMO before it would have never made it past one month (Everquest included, which peaked at an official count of 430k). It's actually nice to see that the ones making the decisions don't give that new measuring stick any real merit.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
Wow...are the comments there always so brutal?
Whenever NCsoft is involved? Yes. And I'll tell you why:

- - - - -

When you catch a child with a cookie that they just stole out of the cookie jar, and you ask that child "Did you just steal a cookie?", the child truthfully answers "No." How is that a truthful answer? The child has truthfully answered the question that they heard, which is not the question you asked. You asked, "Did you steal a cookie?" What the child heard is, "Do you consent to a spanking?"

When you tell your manager, "I heard a rumor that I'm going to be laid off in three months, is it true?", your manager truthfully answers "No," even if he has been informed that yes, you will be laid off in three months. If he has been informed that you will be laid off in the next three months, how is his answer a truthful one? He is answering the question that he heard, which is, "Is it okay with you if I don't do any actual work for the next three months, and instead work on updating my resume and finding another job?"

When you ask NCsoft, "Is one of your MMOs in trouble, are you considering shutting it down?", NCsoft always truthfully answers "No," even if they have already set a metric that they suspect can't be met and a date on which the shutdown will occur if that metric isn't met. If they already know that the game probably isn't going to hit that metric and they've already picked a shutdown date, how is their answer truthful? They're truthfully answering the question that they heard, which is not, "if I spend my recreational time leveling a character up and equipping them, and recruiting my friends into a group to play your game with, am I wasting my time, should I instead be looking for a different game that'll still be here a year from now?" The question they hear is, "Do you want an extra $180 from me between now and when the game shuts down, or not?"

- - - - -

Look, here's what we all know. In the last year, NCsoft has doubled their initial investment in the game, buying out Cryptic. And they've tripled the annual budget for maintenance and development. Several months after they made that announcement, for the first time in four years, they stopped reporting quarterly subscription numbers for City of Heroes. In the intervening 8 or 9 months, we haven't seen much evidence, from where we're sitting, that subscription revenue has gone up.

Now, it's possible that add-on pack revenue has gone up enough to pay the increased expenses; in that intervening time, Paragon Studios has been pretty aggressive about selling add-on packs and other micro-transactions, probably raising the average subscriber cost by $5 to $10 a month for costume packs, extra character slots, character renames, character moves, paid respecs, extra mission-architect slots, and so on. So maybe NCsoft Corporate is happy that their investment is producing revenue growth. But we'd be crazy to believe that, given NCsoft's track record.

Several games in a row now, NCsoft has gone for the Hail Mary pass on failing games: invest heavily in one last major expansion that's supposed to fix all of the problems with the game and make it so exciting that subscription revenues grow explosively. Several games in a row now, when all those expansions did was slow the hemorrhage, they have pulled the plug. And every time, so far, that they have done this they have lied and lied and lied to our faces about whether or not they were considering pulling the plug right up until about 2 weeks before they pulled the plug.

If you do read the comments over at Massively, one comment you will see on a regular basis is that because of those lies, there are thousands of potential customers who've sworn to never play another NCsoft game ever again. People who can't be persuaded to give City of Heroes: Mission Architect or City of Heroes: Going Rogue or even an unrelated game like Aion a fair chance, because they are just that angry about being lied to right up until server shutdown. Maybe if NCsoft corporate had told us the truth about, for example, Tabula Rasa or Auto Assault, some (but by no means all!) of the players would have packed up and left for other MMOs. So lying to those people for a year did milk them of another $180 or so per person lied to who only stayed because they were lied to, however many people that was. I hope NCsoft really enjoyed that $180. It's the last $180 they're ever going to get out of them. No matter how good their future games are; they sacrificed all future revenue, from that customer, by lying to them for that last $180.

- - - - -

What do we want? Well, frankly, what we want is for this game to succeed.

But whether or not the game is going to succeed, what we really want is to break the legacy of lies. From where we sit, it seems patently obvious to us, based on NCsoft's past management practices, that when they doubled-down on City of Heroes, they almost certainly set a metric that the game had to meet, and a date by which it had to meet it, or they are going to pull the plug. What we really want, right now, is to know four things:

1) What metric for success did NCsoft set for City of Heroes?
2) What's the deadline to meet that metric before they take action?
3) Is City of Heroes on track to meet that metric by that deadline?
4) If City of Heroes does not meet that metric by that deadline, which seems more likely to you? That they will do what they did when CoV didn't meet its metric, and merely slash 75% of the development budget, or if they will do when Tabula Rasa and Auto Assault and Dungeon Runners didn't meet their metrics, and pull the plug on the servers?

If we don't get an answer to those questions, we will assume the worst.

If we get answers that tell us what the metrics are, and when the deadline is, and why you think you'll make that metric or why you think the game will survive the inevitable cuts when it doesn't, we'll be quietly relieved.

If we get an answer that says, "there is no deadline and there are no metrics," we're going to assume that you're lying to us, and even if you're not, there very probably isn't anything you can do to convince us otherwise, not after all the times NCsoft has lied about this subject in the past.

- - - - -

And THAT is why the comments over at are so negative. Any further questions?



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Hey, guys... Can someone give me a stool or a ladder or a leg up or something? I know there's more to read in this post, but I just can't seem to see past this sentence.
honestly man, the content was preordained by the poster's name. ER has been ER for as long as I remember, and thats classic ER.



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
It's a tough gig, we've got a lot of hard work ahead of us, but I really do think that the best days are still to come and I hope you guys will stick around for the ride.
Been on the ride for 63+ months and if the game is still around for 63+ months more I plan to still be riding. I've not jumped ship yet. I played WoW for a while. I beta tested The Matrix Online. I open beta tested Champions Online and have debated giving it a try for the 30 free days. I'm looking cautiously forward to DCUA. I'm excited about Star Trek Online. I have high expectations for The Old Republic (even went back through KotOR 1 and 2). And yet through all that I've maintained an active CoX account and always find myself coming back here and comparing the other games to it. From what I've seen of Going Rogue I'm only that much more excited.

If some of those other games are good then I'll give them a try and if I like them, then I'll have to find a way to pay a second game fee again. I don't see anything stealing my love away from CoX, especially with GR coming. I was here pre I1 and I'll be here post I100 if it goes that long. Massively obviously has no clue what they're talking about.

50s - Energyman, Elec^3 Blaster - Light Bringer Prime, Triform PB - OxyStorm, Robo/Storm/Mace MM - Widow Lotone, NW - Psi-Vox, Ill/FF/Earth Control



Damn, the markets turned into a cesspool of greed and corruption and I missed it!?!

Not fair, not fair at all.

There are no words for what this community, and the friends I have made here mean to me. Please know that I care for all of you, yes, even you. If you Twitter, I'm MrThan. If you're Unleashed, I'm dumps. I'll try and get registered on the Titan Forums as well. Peace, and thanks for the best nine years anyone could ever ask for.



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I wish they'd made that a pop up info window when I logged then, then I would have known not to enjoy them.
/e clipboard

GG, you just crossed your Normal/Cutting snark post line. We need to see an increase in smilies to rectifiy that!

(Seriously, the snark is funnier than the smily posts, moar plz ^^ )

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.