NCSoft and Massively




Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
It's an odd world where you're the pollyanna, Nethergoat.
I'm not sure how eiscounting what amounts to a bunch of unsupported outsider speculation makes me a Pollyanna....but I'd sure look cute in a blond pigtailed wig!

EDIT: Because if GoRo doesn't bring a sizeable number of players into / back to CoH/V, NCsoft is pretty unlikely to keep maintaining current resources into Paragon Studios for this title. At last official check, there were less than 125k players in CoH/V and I've got reason to believe that this number may have further declined.
I had this argument with someone else a while ago, so I'll just summarize-

I don't care if the game grows or how much money NC pumps into it, I just want to doors to stay open so I can keep playing. I was content with the updates we were getting before the recent big push- a return to those days wouldn't bother me.

I'm confident the game is healthy enough to keep chugging along basically indefinitely, whatever reception awaits GR.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Garbage in terms of dev content. AE doesnt count, 99% of those arcs are crap and you know it. Reused powers ported to different ATs is not content, recolored powers are not content. Cimerora was no where near big enough and the arcs too small and too few. And dont get me started on that epic phail of the M.Bison TF that we got. We flatout told them that TF wasnt dev worthy from a story standpoint yet they didnt change it much. So yeah the past 6 issues were garbage.
Matter of opinion (though I do understand what you are getting at). The AE, Powerset Proliferation, and Power Spectrum are among my favorite issues to date. They are fantastic and give those interested in developing there characters' stories with more than just leveling numbers a lot to work with.

They do count for a lot of us. Opinions of course may and will vary.

However, did you ever stop to think that these great QoL advancements they've been giving us over the past few issues may well be the offshoots of the Going Rogue work they've been doing? It sounds like they are working very hard to deliver exactly what you are asking for on a much larger scale than standard Issues. And they are devoting the time and resources to get it right, rather than rushing content out the door.

Remember, the team had been reduced to about 15 members (if I recall) by the time Cryptic sold the rights. Since then they have ramped up to more than triple the staff. That does not result in a sudden tripling of output; the new staff still needed to be brought up to speed with the system and so forth. Now they are working on what sounds like not only massive new content, but a significant tech improvements as well.

The new toys they've given me with AE, proliferation, and Spectrum will tide me over for a bit while I wait for GR.



Originally Posted by BigFish View Post
LOL! That brings up one of my favorite anecdotal quotes: Writing is the easiest profession in the world, if you enjoy sweating blood!

Give it up, you're only digging yourself a deeper hole
Indeed. Some people like to believe writing is easy or that they could do it better than those people getting paid to do it, but it really was that easy, everything would be Nobel, Academy, Emmy, and Pulitzer Prize worthy.

Obvious answer is that it isn't. Even the greatest authors have more iffy things that they have published. Creative work is bloody hard, and having it be recognized is just as hard, if not more so.

Anyway, I just see this as more negativity from Massively. Every article I have seen on MMOs from them consistently puts CoX in a bad light, and suggests that it is soon to be supplanted by the other superhero MMOs (they had an article a month or so back about the top MMOs in five years, and the top superhero MMO was obviously going to be either CO or DCU). They wanted a sequel from CoX awhile back, too, and even though GR will supply a lot of that (they wanted a new graphical look with it), now they think GR will make it or break it for a whole software division that does not just include CoX.

Really, game media hasn't been all that nice to CoX, for some reason. Everyone wants to talk about the new games coming out, and how WoW is all that and a bag of chips.

As for the rest, NCsoft obviously has made decisions to close games, but that doesn't really make me nervous about CoX. Those games weren't doing well after their investment, and they had to let them go. If people are holding them accountable for not holding on to a game that wasn't profitable, I fail to see how that is NCSoft's problem.

As it is, NCSoft has owned CoX alone for awhile now, and we're still here. They've invested in it big time and have an expansion coming. People would be silly to think that CoX won't be around for a long time after Going Rogue, even if it doesn't do super well (which I'm not sure how that will happen). The future has a lot of possibility, and this game has at least a few more years future, if not more.

Dooooooom! doesn't cover this article, or some of the posting here.

Guide: Tanking, Wall of Fire Style (Updated for I19!), and the Four Rules of Tanking
Story Arc:
Belated Justice, #88003
Synopsis: Explore the fine line between justice and vengeance as you help a hero of Talos Island bring his friend's murderer to justice.
Grey Pilgrim: Fire/Fire Tanker (50), Victory



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Really, game media hasn't been all that nice to CoX, for some reason. Everyone wants to talk about the new games coming out, and how WoW is all that and a bag of chips.
Sometimes I think it's because CoH/V isn't just another stock MMO. They've actually done things a little differently -- which makes it better than many in my book. They bucked some established trends and are thus labeled a "lesser" MMO for it.

Luckily, I've never worried about self-proclaimed "experts". I know what I enjoy and am glad the Paragon Studios team is continuing to keep this game vibrant and viable.



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
You might enjoyed them but we know the devs can do better. I dont know why you all are just not seeing this. Am I so wrong to set the dev standard so high? If they did awsome work before then why didnt they continue to do that? The past 6 issues have been phail because I know they can do better. I am not saying issues 1-10 have been perfect either but its more dev worthy content than the past 6 have been. Thats what I am saying. If you all want to keep the standards that the devs have so low then all it does is open up more room for the competition (provided we get some I dont count CO) to move in and steal players. For the record am I saying what I am saying not because of the Massively article because I know those things are biased but because the devs need to know this, we all know you can do better. I have a ton of friends who left CoX for Aion because there was flatout nothing worth playing in CoX. At least now there might be a chance they will come back but only if GR is content heavy.
People who left because they ran out of things to do in the game won't be back anytime soon. If they do put more money down it will be for a month or two and then they will run out of things they enjoy again and go elsewhere. One expansion won't feel the void.

I think the fact the only another NCsoft game seems to be a real sub sapper indicates CoH developers are on the right track. I mean the other new game new exactly what the audience wanted and what was on the market already and still fell short.



Originally Posted by Grey Pilgrim View Post
Indeed. Some people like to believe writing is easy or that they could do it better than those people getting paid to do it, but it really was that easy, everything would be Nobel, Academy, Emmy, and Pulitzer Prize worthy.

Obvious answer is that it isn't. Even the greatest authors have more iffy things that they have published. Creative work is bloody hard, and having it be recognized is just as hard, if not more so.
As someone who's made a habit of turning out mediocre writing, I have to agree with this completely. Anyone who believes writing ANYTHING, much less a compelling interactive game arc, is either sorely misguided, has never tried to create anything of his own, or has a suspiciously one-sided view of his own work's merit vs the merit of other people's work. Writing is not a quick, easy, effortless endeavour, and I'm not going to listen to anyone who claims otherwise.

Ask the writers. Or, hell, ask the many Architect arc authors. A good, decent arc that breaks monotony, presents you with something interesting and handles things in an unexpected way is not the work of 15 minutes of writing text. From experience, a good, decent 5-mission arc is the work of AT LEAST a weekend, full-day work days, or a week in-between other things, and it's by FAR not an easy thing. I've spoken against the Architect a lot, but the biggest reason I no longer make arcs for it isn't player response or system viability. It's because it takes sheer, honest-to-God effort that I'm not just not prepared to put in any more.

And this thread has been an exercise of disconnect for me. I keep seeing people pan... Just about everything in the game as "this is garbage, that is garbage" and so on and so forth, yet when I think back, I can remember being ecstatic about every single one of those issues. And I've always been excited about the game in general, as well. I've never felt that "CoH has to introduce this or it's going to DIE DIE DIE MUAHAHAHAHA!" If people were phrasing this as "If they don't do something soon, I am going to leave." then I would have neither problem not quandary. But apparently the forum is chock full of people who are not many times smarter than me, but also clairvoyant, because they are able to project their own reaction over the entire game's inevitable future, no matter what AN ACTUAL DEVELOPER might say about it. Specifically since he's the one who's held to be always truthful (since he is).

In fact, I don't know why I even bother. This is like pre-Issue doom without the Issue.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Issue 10 Content
5 Arcs
Leventera 6 missions (Introduction) and 3 missions (Ben decker)
Serpent Drummer 7 Missions
Gaussian 6 Missions
Dark Watcher 6 Missions

1 repeatable contact (Borea)
1 TF (5 Missions)

Issue 11 Content:

The Pilgrim (4 Missions)
Lazarus (4 Missions)
Tesseract (3 Missions Villains only)
Twlight's Son (4 Missions Hero only)
Silos (Hero) 5 Missions
Silos (Villain) 3 Missions

Issue 12 Content
Montague 5 Missions plus Fedex and crafting
Percy Winkly 5 Fedex and Door

Ashley McKnight (i) 5 Fedex and Door
Ashley McKnight (ii) 3 Missions
Darrin Wade 5 Missions

ITF 4 Missions
Repeatable contact

Issue 13
Mecedes Sheldon 3 Hero Arcs (10 missions plus a couple of hunts)
Mecedes Sheldon 1 Villain Arc 2 Missions, plus a hunt and 2 Fedex

Daedalus 2 arcs 6 Missions
Sister Airlia 2 arcs 6 Missions

Issue 14
AE intro (not really an arc but an amazingly well put together tutorial, I hope GR's new tutorial is of this standard)

Issue 15
Barracuda SF and Khan TF

Issue 16
No new 'dev content'

So had ER said the last 3 Issue had been light on content, I could have actually agreed, but I fully understand that the content Devs will have be working on GR during that time.
(A few bones thrown to us in that time would have been great I admit)

Issues 11, 12 and 13 were on a par with 10, 8, 5, 3 and ahead of Issue 9, 6, 4.

I7 added the 40-50 redside content
I2 added a lot (Hollows, Eden, Shard)
I1 added the 40-50 blueside

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Zikar View Post
My favourite comment there is "Champions 5 years from now will be a far better game than CoH is today."

Basically, they're saying that it'll take 5 years for Champions to be better than CoH, provided CoH stops updating today...

I'm not one for the whole CO vs CoH thing, but that made me laugh

I loved stupid blog they linked to.

CO is out, CoH is DOOOOOOOMED!
Aion is out, CoH is DOOOOOOOMED!
ST MMO is coming out, CoH is DOOOOOOOMED!
[INSERT HERE] is coming out, CoH is DOOOOOOOMED!

This has been trumped up again and again (and again and again!) and still hasn't happened.

Will CoH take a hit from it? Sure! It's another product competing for people's entertainment dollar.

How bad will it be? Nobody knows. Because it's not simply a matter of "new, shiny, better, SQUIRREL!"

It also ignores the two key issues.

1: Some people wind up coming back.
2: Some people wind up playing BOTH.

The whole marketing equation for MMOs (of which CoH is a prime example) is not an immutable binary equation (stay forever/leave forever).

The blog, and Massively failing to understand this is what causes their "point" to face-plant at something above terminal velocity.

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Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
NCsoft went form releasing far more information than their competitors to something more closer to the industry norms about any individual game for a publically traded company.

Personally, I liked that we could track the numbers, but gievn that the industry did not rise to the higher standard it really was only a matter of time before such information was pulled.

Thinking it is about COX is simply amazing, compared to the losses in revenue and subs from Lineage and LII.
If you listen to the conference calls with investors that are released in conjunction with the quarterly financials, it is pretty clear why they pulled those numbers. The chief concern of investors at that time was whether Aion, then in Korean launch, was going to leach subscribers from the two Lineage games - in other words, investors were concerned that the company would have fewer net additional subscribers than forecast. As you said, it had nothing whatsoever to do with CoX.

I personally thought it was a disservice to investors at the time. However, it does put them more in line with the industry norm. Very few companies give out real numbers.

The best someone could manage at this point is to average out dollars spent per subscriber during the period they did release numbers, and come up with a subscriber equivalent based on today's revenue stream. It's a bit more complicated than that since you'd have to account for a slightly different revenue model (more costume packs now) and you would have to adjust for a wildly fluctuating S. Korean won rate (and basically ignore the fact that Euros and pounds contribute as well as US dollars, since the sales aren't broken down within those regions).

Still, this quarter's results aren't encouraging, even considering that the won was getting stronger. Sales are, unfortunately, down. This in the first (partial) quarter with direct superhero competition. Down, but not disastrously down.



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
The past 6 issues have been garbage.
I'm sorry, that's bull. They've introduced several major systems into the game. Sure, there isn't TONS of content falling from the sky because of it. But to characterize it as "garbage" is completely uncalled for.

Considering how easy it is for you guys to make missions (from just looking at how the AE is) there is no reason why we shouldnt have had *** loads of dev content post AE.
Simply because you can create a mission in AE doesn't mean that hooking them to real contacts elsewhere in the game is correspondingly easy.

You have to have or create a contact.

You have to place a previously unplaced contact.

You have to add the mission/arc to their missions list.

You have to set it up so that it properly pulls a door somewhere in the zone.

Plus a bunch of other stuff I probably don't know about or am just too lazy right now to logic-chain my way through.

Also, ask some of the authors who spend days/weeks getting their missions tweaked just SO, how easy it is to turn out "good" content at a rapid pace.

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I have little doubt the devs could churn out a mission a day.

However, at that rate they would be about as meaningful as the current paper missions, just in 3-4 mission 'throwaway' arcs with little tie to the story of the game.

Good content takes much more creative effort

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post
I had no idea so much was at stake with Going Rogue,

You need to read these forums more often.



Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
Simply because you can create a mission in AE doesn't mean that hooking them to real contacts elsewhere in the game is correspondingly easy.

You have to have or create a contact.

You have to place a previously unplaced contact.

You have to add the mission/arc to their missions list.

You have to set it up so that it properly pulls a door somewhere in the zone.

Plus a bunch of other stuff I probably don't know about or am just too lazy right now to logic-chain my way through.

Also, ask some of the authors who spend days/weeks getting their missions tweaked just SO, how easy it is to turn out "good" content at a rapid pace.
Actually, I believe this is a two-layer trap.

Ryu claims that content is easy to make because of AE. I mean, all you do is slap some enemies into a mission, add some text, and it's content right?

He also claims that 99% of AE missions are garbage.

So what's to stop dev content from being garbage if it's just created with AE stuff? Sure they have great writers, but there are plenty of great writers amongst our player base. Even if it comes out with a compelling story, it's still just the same defeat and glowie missions with the same gangs.

The only way for the devs to create new content that's fun and interesting is to come up with new ideas and, as a dev (Positron?) actually put it, do things we can't do yet. That's what happened with the new TFs. They implemented new ideas, new powers, and new enemies.

So on one hand, Ryu claims it should be a cinch to just throw some stuff together and release it as dev content. On the other hand, if they did that, Ryu would be here complaining that the new dev content is crap. To make new stuff, the devs need time. Time Ryu doesn't want to give them, because this stuff should be "easy." They can't win, no matter what route they take.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
Actually, I believe this is a two-layer trap.

Ryu claims that content is easy to make because of AE. I mean, all you do is slap some enemies into a mission, add some text, and it's content right?

He also claims that 99% of AE missions are garbage.

So what's to stop dev content from being garbage if it's just created with AE stuff? Sure they have great writers, but there are plenty of great writers amongst our player base. Even if it comes out with a compelling story, it's still just the same defeat and glowie missions with the same gangs.

The only way for the devs to create new content that's fun and interesting is to come up with new ideas and, as a dev (Positron?) actually put it, do things we can't do yet. That's what happened with the new TFs. They implemented new ideas, new powers, and new enemies.

So on one hand, Ryu claims it should be a cinch to just throw some stuff together and release it as dev content. On the other hand, if they did that, Ryu would be here complaining that the new dev content is crap. To make new stuff, the devs need time. Time Ryu doesn't want to give them, because this stuff should be "easy." They can't win, no matter what route they take.
The two arguments coming so close in the same thread have forced me to conclude he's not very bright.
He knows he doesn't like things done with one method but somehow thinks that same method should produce rapid fire silver with some gold on occasion.



Originally Posted by Hallowed View Post
Ahahahahahahahaa... <gasp> hahahahahahahah...hah... heh... wooo... <snicker><chortle><wheeze>.

DR/Michelle/Sauraiko, would you care to address this one?
Actually... okay, short form answer. Yes, they have professional writers (note the single 't' in the word, please) on staff. Their job is to plumb the depths of the story bible (or else the new internal Wiki that Hero 1 mentioned at the 'con), and come up with new content. Great. Easy. No problem.

And I'm sure they could churn it out quite fast... if they continued to use the same maps and models as they have before.

Which then has people grousing that really it's no different than any other content from before.

Which means a) new models, b) new maps, c) new powers, or d) some combination of a, b, and c.

Which means now BAB and SexyJay have to get in on it (for new models), Ken Morse and the art team and whoever handles world/map design (for new maps), Castle (for new powers, never mind BAB AGAIN if there are new animations involved).

Then there's testing it, QAing it, etc etc etc.

And let's say they try and do something new, so it's NOT just a rescue/click/defeat all? Even more testing, QAing, and so on.

All because one of the professional writers came up with new content.


Dark_Respite's Farewell Video: "One Last Day"
Book I: A Tale of Nerd Flirting! ~*~ Book II: Courtship and Crime Fighting - Chap Nine live!
MA Arcs - 3430: Hell Hath No Fury / 3515: Positron Gets Some / 6600: Dyne of the Times / 351572: For All the Wrong Reasons
378944: Too Clever by Half / 459581: Kill or Cure / 551680: Clerical Errors (NEW!)



Originally Posted by Joe_Schmoe View Post
I totally agree with EvilRyu. We don't work inside NCSoft or Paragon Studios, but we can tell from our personal dislike of the last few issues, this game will FAIL if Going Rogue doesn't sell well.
No. The game won't FAIL. It may not pull in tons of new customers, but it won't necessarily fail because of that.

COULD it fail because of an atrociously bad GR flop? Sure!
COULD it fail because of an asteroid come hurtling down and flatten Paragon Studios with everyone in-house and working? Sure!

Is like LIKELY? Not at this point. GR, from the little we've seen of it thus far, is looking to be a decent addition to the game. Sure, it's not "We rewrote the graphics package using the Unreal Engine", but so what?

Content, as Ryu defines it, is new missions and arcs. That's great. It's something that people tear through in a couple weeks. Then it's "old" and people begin beeyotching about it again. Revamping content is simply exacerbating the problem.

It makes SENSE!
Sure it makes sense! In a shallow, self-centered way that absolutely refuses to take into account anything besides one's own view of "perfection" in the game.

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Originally Posted by InfamousBrad View Post
If we get an answer that says, "there is no deadline and there are no metrics," we're going to assume that you're lying to us, and even if you're not, there very probably isn't anything you can do to convince us otherwise, not after all the times NCsoft has lied about this subject in the past.
So damned if they do, damned if they don't. Plus Paragon is left holding the baggage of trying to prove a negative if there really is no such benchmark, or one hasn't been expressed to them.

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Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
No. The game won't FAIL. It may not pull in tons of new customers, but it won't necessarily fail because of that.

COULD it fail because of an atrociously bad GR flop? Sure!
COULD it fail because of an asteroid come hurtling down and flatten Paragon Studios with everyone in-house and working? Sure!

Is like LIKELY? Not at this point. GR, from the little we've seen of it thus far, is looking to be a decent addition to the game. Sure, it's not "We rewrote the graphics package using the Unreal Engine", but so what?

Content, as Ryu defines it, is new missions and arcs. That's great. It's something that people tear through in a couple weeks. Then it's "old" and people begin beeyotching about it again. Revamping content is simply exacerbating the problem.

Sure it makes sense! In a shallow, self-centered way that absolutely refuses to take into account anything besides one's own view of "perfection" in the game.
I think your sarcasm detector might be broke....





Originally Posted by Hyperstrike View Post
I loved stupid blog they linked to.

CO is out, CoH is DOOOOOOOMED!
Aion is out, CoH is DOOOOOOOMED!
ST MMO is coming out, CoH is DOOOOOOOMED!
[INSERT HERE] is coming out, CoH is DOOOOOOOMED!

This has been trumped up again and again (and again and again!) and still hasn't happened.
I know what will kill CoH:

1. Go back in time to about half a year after CoH is first released so that the new shininess has worn off.

2. Put a MMORPG on the market with a more popular genre from a more well known company with a proven IP.

3. Grow that other MMORPG into a monster that has over 10 million subscribers.

Now *that* will surely kill CoH!

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Originally Posted by Radionuclide View Post
I think your sarcasm detector might be broke....

would that that actually existed, on forums, particularly those devoted to specific topics like video games, politics, book series and the like, there are often a portion of posterswho range from "too emotionally attached to view things reasonably" to "bat-nuts insane social pariah " . and given the lack of ability to attach nuance or tone into posts, occasionally a poster will sound nuts and be kidding, and other times, they are actually nuts. so an actual sarcasm detector would be quite a benefit on forums



Originally Posted by rian_frostdrake View Post
would that that actually existed, on forums, particularly those devoted to specific topics like video games, politics, book series and the like, there are often a portion of posterswho range from "too emotionally attached to view things reasonably" to "bat-nuts insane social pariah " . and given the lack of ability to attach nuance or tone into posts, occasionally a poster will sound nuts and be kidding, and other times, they are actually nuts. so an actual sarcasm detector would be quite a benefit on forums

Million dollar idea Maybe even billion.





Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
Yes it should be easy. They have professional writters already, so coming up with the story shouldnt be the hardest part for them.
As someone who owns and runs a company dealing, day in and day out, with professional artists and writers, I can quite confidently tell you that you don't have the slightest notion about the subject you're raving on.

And I will leave it there.

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Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
They can't win, no matter what route they take.
Precisely. It's a case of someone with sand in their....craw.

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Originally Posted by Radionuclide View Post
I think your sarcasm detector might be broke....

No. Just a simple case of plaintext aphasia.

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