



I got bored in the first few words of your post and stopped reading it.

I just wanted to tell you that my 6 year old neighbor could have written a more entertaining complaint.



Originally Posted by beyeajus74018 View Post
In agreeance with the map complaint, it does strike me as comical to run into an old shack of a warehouse in Sharkhead for instance, and enter into this nicely laid out hotel-looking place. But as you go through the map, you wonder "who puts a little doorway that you can barely see, that leads into a huge lobby, behind a staircase?"
And in fact some dev was quoted recently as saying "What were we thinking?" about that sort of random door-> mission setup. And in Going Rogue, the new missions will be appropriate for the building and area they are in.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Is it in the game and part of lvl 50 content?

Is it the main way of taking on Anti-Matter and earning a badge?

Then the criticism counts. If you want this badge, you have to go through this very ordinary mission set and then have the possibility of Anti-Matter teleport away (although I thought that only happened in the first half of the arc and you can defeat him correctly towards the end of it).

It's like saying "The Positron TF sucks and everyone knows it sucks but we give it a pass because its old content" despite it being a core requirement in earning two badges.

Rather then everyone acting in a knee jerk defence, read the complaint and suggest another way of taking on Anti-Matter for the badge.
I'm sorry, when did earning badges become an essential gameplay feature?

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Serious response time:

Here's the reason many of the old arcs are so frustrating with all those kill-alls and multiple street sweeps: To get you to 50. And even then, you might be level 43 and exhausted all your 41-45 contacts or level 48 and exhausted all your 46-50 contacts.

This was before radio missions, short high-level TFs, debt reductions, XP-curves, resting XP bonuses, zone invasions, alternate high-level zones such as RWZ and Cimerora, and now, XP-while-exemplared.

All we had were the IP arcs and the dreaded Shard TFs. So, lots of kill-alls.

At HeroCon, Hero 1 promised a lot less kill-alls.

And, as mentioned above, many of the mission 'tricks' such as chained-tasks wasn't available to mission writers at the time.

So, why don't they 'fix' them? Because every minute a content designer uses to fix an old mission means they are not spending that minute writing new content.

But, who knows, they've hired a bunch of new content writers and maybe once they get all their Going Rogue work done and are waiting for QA and beta feedback, they just might use that time to revamp old missions. But, I'd imagine certain TFs are higher on the list for fixing than boring arcs.

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Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
I'm sorry, when did earning badges become an essential gameplay feature?
Yesterday 8:00 EST.

Explaining and giving them a reason don't make them more atractive or interesting to play.



I hear you SoulTouch.

When I decided to Acco out on another server, I essentially mission dropped all the missions in that Tina Arc until I got to the one containing Neuron and Anti-Matter, saved it and ran my alts through it.

Portal Jockey is a great accolade but that Tina arc is a bear...

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by UnSub View Post
Is it in the game and part of lvl 50 content?

Is it the main way of taking on Anti-Matter and earning a badge?

Then the criticism counts. If you want this badge, you have to go through this very ordinary mission set and then have the possibility of Anti-Matter teleport away (although I thought that only happened in the first half of the arc and you can defeat him correctly towards the end of it).

It's like saying "The Positron TF sucks and everyone knows it sucks but we give it a pass because its old content" despite it being a core requirement in earning two badges.

Rather then everyone acting in a knee jerk defence, read the complaint and suggest another way of taking on Anti-Matter for the badge.
As has already been pointed out, if the OP had used just a bit less venom in their post they might have gotten a more positive response from the community. But ranting like a lunatic doesn't really accomplish much. I for one agree that some of the older arcs are in desperate need of a revamp. But I do not agree with delivering that sentiment in a rather inflammatory fashion.



The game hasn't been out for a billion hours yet.

People with the badge must be exploiters!



Originally Posted by SoulTouch View Post
Let me start off by saying I dont care if i'm posting this in the wrong section of the forums, this has got to the point of a joke. I recently picked up a few old 50's to get some badges on and got to the portal jockey.. Solo'd maria's heros hero arc easily. Then tina's arc came along for that stupid anti-matter. Why the hell do designers of these story arcs have SO little imagination. My 8 year old sister has more imagination then this. Not only is like every single mission a bloody robot defeat all, its on the same damn map. Not only that after a good hour into the contact you finally get to fight the AV but no, oh no, it doesn't count because for some stupid reason you dont actually 'defeat' him. Have to wait another billion hours to get another mission with him in it.

TL;DR Version:

This arc is too old and it made me mad 'cause it ain't the way I want it to be.
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Originally Posted by SoulTouch View Post
Post Deleted by Moderator_08
Look, we all realize it sucks. That's old news. Really old news. What we are taking issue with is the inflammatory tone of your posts. Ranting and raving isn't going to accomplish anything other than getting people pissed off at you.

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Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
That's not the action of a real Hero
I realize it might be different across the pond, but that statement tacitly implies Resistance members are heroes in American English. Just a thought.

I got bored in the first few words of your post and stopped reading it.

I just wanted to tell you that my 6 year old neighbor could have written a more entertaining complaint.
I lol'd.

Post Deleted by Moderator_08
Look, we all realize it sucks. That's old news. Really old news. What we are taking issue with is the inflammatory tone of your posts. Ranting and raving isn't going to accomplish anything other than getting people pissed off at you.
Word. And protestations that you're actually laughing at our SRS BSNS responses tend to ring a bit hollow. See? I can subtly set up a straw man, too.



Making rant posts about rediscovering the suck of five-year-old content is one thing. It deserves it. Acting like a belligerent jerk, especially to people who respond, that we can do without. If you want to rant, rant away, but have the decency to take feedback in your stride without breaking into a little hissy fit.

Old content sucks. WE KNOW! Expect that response and plan accordingly.

But boy does it suck. And you guys seem to have forgotten how little we had back then. Even the old timers are lumping the Shadow Shard in with the old PI missions, despite PI coming in I1 and the Shard coming in I2. At the time of I1, we got two things - Peregrine Island with 5 arcs 40-45 and 5 arcs 45-50, and the Rikti Crash Site with... Pretty much nothing to do in it but hunt. Typical Hazard Zone. Back then a mission completed at level 34 would grant me right around 800 experience (I have that very much memorised from five years ago) which was actually LESS than a boss would, and that's when bosses gave much less experience. Right now, a lieutenant gives around twice what a minion gives and a boss gives around twice what a lieutenant does. This wasn't always the case.

Back in the day, the difference was rather smaller. Back then, if ANY enemies had increased experience rewards, they were few and far in-between. Before the experience changes, the enemies needed to level up were significantly more, and doing some amazing flips in how they increased. Debt was much greater, the debt cap was twice what it is now and debt was never reduced anywhere at any time. In short, experience gains were much, much smaller, so the arcs were made much, much longer.

That, and by admission, Jack (back then) and Matt sat down and calculated that if it takes 200 hours to get from 1 to 40, it ought to take another 200 hours to get from 40 to 50. Typical MMO end game where everything slows to a crawl, enemies become too epic to battle alone an every task transforms into a boring, lengthy marathon of difficult, repetitive frustration. That's why you have Unai Kemen give you a mission to scan dimensions, which consists of "Scan dimension 1" then "Scan dimension 2" then "Scan dimension 3" and why the Upon the Psychic Plain arc has mission after mission of going onto huge outdoor maps in the psychic plain to extract a single memory over and over again when it could all have been done on the same mission.

The old 40-50 content is terrible because it was designed in a very *** backwards way, copying probably the WORST parts of traditional MMO design and letting storytelling suffer because of it. Stories are dragged on with pointless "Your princess is in another castle!" filler and aimless missions where you have to defeat all enemies in a map and discover that you discovered absolutely nothing. Unai's arc, in particular, is best described by a Linkara quote on Countdown: "I'm sorry, but your Ray Palmer is in another Dimension." Very much this screen, indeed.

The older CoH content is pretty bad and stuffed full of defeat all missions for no discernible justification. It certainly needs an overhaul eventually, but demanding that it be done right now or else seems a bit unrealistic. There's just so much to go through.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



This is the internet. Everyone knows about everything that sucks, to the point where everyone already agrees that it sucks and additional complaining is considered annoying and redundant. If you hate it, post the 4005th thread in Suggestions about it.



Originally Posted by SoulTouch View Post
This is brilliant. You all act like I don't realise its an old arc, as if I wasn't around that time either. Is that REALLY an excuse? C'mon, Right class this is an old method of teaching, its dead boring, but hey its old so we're not gonna change it! Even though its very much a possibility to make it ten times more interesting.

Please, keep writting your stupid flame posts, it gives me a good laugh
Would you rather they added new content to the game, leaving these arcs in there too, or removing the current arcs and revise them? As someone who is new to the game I prefer the former. Sure, you may have played these over and over and be well sick of them. I don't mind them, it's good XP and recipie drops, sure, I got sick of visiting dimensions to close rips, but some of us haven't played this stuff before.



Originally Posted by Memphis_Bill View Post
Originally Posted by SoulTouch View Post
Let me start off by saying I dont care
Then let me say the same.
Well played.

And I agree.



Which bring me back to why I play mostly red side. Less people and less teams wnich is a shame but the stories are SO much better. On the red side, I actually bother to play arcs again an again.

Time consuming or not, I really would like them to purge and replace every single mission of the first issues.



Re : "It's silly to complain about a 5 years old arc."

Writing, or even game design standards haven't suddenly improved from 2004 to 2009. The story itself is bad, horribly bad even for a video game ; the missions are repetitive - you can't say it was because of a lack of tools either, "defeat boss and his guards" rather than "defeat all" is an option since launch.

You can say the devs themselves improved (or some new devs were added to the team, most likely), and that's certainly true, but that doesn't make the original work any less crappy.

I like the arc because I enjoy mindlessly beating up AVs, but objectively as a story arc it's terrible.



The (admitedly flawed) analogy I would throw out there.
I look at my Doctoral Thesis from time to time, and honestly I wonder how I ever passed. By my standards today it is a terribly written piece of work, with more than a little stretching of points.

These days my technical wirting is orders of magnitude better, and I draw out the salient points in an easy to understand way (so my reveiws say anyway).

The Thesis was written in word, graphs were plotted in excel. The same basic tools as I use today.

I as a person have got better at doing the writing and analysis. The 'state of the art' of technical writing hasn't really changed in the last 10 or so years, but I have.

Thats how I see it with the older arcs. The people writing them have grown in their own skills, and competance. They have leanrt some lessons about fun arcs and twists, and about Epic doesn't mean long.

In addition the tools they have available have chnaged.

Those intial arcs were written in Wordpad. Later additions migrated to Excel with some macros. Now the Devs have an 'internal' MA style creation tool.

I would rather the content Devs spend time writing new arcs, than revisiting old ones ecept in the most basic way. I do think every arc deserves a special map of some sort. Not necessarily unique, but something to make each one a little bit more memorable.

(Think Lou's Garage or the Freakolypics Finale)

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617




...and their often times irrational anger.



I guess I'm the only person who doesn't think Tina's arc sucks?

Now, Indigo's arc, on the other hand...



Originally Posted by Moiread View Post
I guess I'm the only person who doesn't think Tina's arc sucks?

Nope, I think it's pretty awesome. For me, THAT was the first time I felt like a "real" superhero, when I was facing off against the "evil" Phalanx one by one building up to the evil Statesman himself. That's when I first felt "important" in the game.



Originally Posted by Perfect_Pain View Post
I got bored in the first few words of your post and stopped reading it.

I just wanted to tell you that my 6 year old neighbor could have written a more entertaining complaint.

It's entirely possible your neighbour is at least a year older than the OP

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk