



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Mind you, I didn't say they need Stamina, and I have a level 50 Mercs/Traps Mastermind who runs all three Leadership toggles to prove it He doesn't use Stamina or Inventions, and he still does just fine. It can be done with proper planning and care, and it's not actually all that hard. I'm just saying that they're not an AT which inherently gets a free pass on endurance use. They actually use quite a lot when it comes down to that.
You managed to infer an aweful lot about my views on MMs and stamina from that little tidbit, didn't you.

I just think that MMs (as well as sets with some form of fairly constant end gain) are closer to where Stamina use should be... still nice to have, but not 100% required.

I have 3 MMs, by the way, and I think they all have stamina, but with all of them it went into my build a good 10 levels later than most others, and I never felt that I absolutely needed it.

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Originally Posted by Tabik View Post
I wish I knew what all those quoted "Post deleted by moderator08" actually said..
Seriously. There's a big block of the thread that's just:

Post Deleted by Moderator_08
Dude, you can't do that with a cat! The harmonica will rust!

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
The irony of the typo is not lost on me.

But I get the point of the post, and agree whole-heartedly.

Well, I assume "wirting" would have something to do with a smart-mouth kid with a peg leg, wouldn't it?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Why do people always list Masterminds when they talk about exceptions to Stamina?
I don't consider Stamina to be "required" but I would say that for a Mastermind taking Stamina is a lower priority than all those other powers you list as burning up a lot of endurance. I tend to rather have those powers as a Mastermind and pace myself than to have three less mastermind powers but a lot more endurance to power them.

That's the opposite of my priorities as say a blaster or scrapper. As a blaster I would rather have enough endurance to power my priority powers (i.e. attacks) than have more powers and not enough endurance to power them all consistently, because blaster survival tends to be predicated on activity. And as a scrapper I find that the best overall strategy is to balance offense and defensive toggles in a way that happens to favor taking stamina earlier than later.

So I do think there is a fundamental difference between mastermind endurance requirements and many of the other archetypes that's worth mentioning, especially to people not familiar with masterminds in general. Masterminds do benefit from Stamina, but the cost-benefit ratio, especially compared to opportunity costs, is in my opinion very different for masterminds than most other archetypes.

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