Characters you would have done differently if you had then what you do now?
My main hero is a Storm/Elec Defender. When CoV first came out, I decided to make her an Evil Twin. The problem was that at the time, none of the CoV ATs had access to anything like Electric Blast, much less Storm. I ended up going with a Dark/Cold Corruptor (Cold Domination being kinda-sorta like Storm if you squint and turn your head).
I had to really think the concept through to justify the powersets, but eventually everything fell into place. By the time Storm Summoning and Electric Blast were proliferated to the villain side, I couldn't imagine Gale's Evil Twin as anything else than Dark/Cold. (I did roll an Ice/Storm Alternate Universe Evil Twin Completely Unrelated Person on a different server.)

Character index
Well, if we are accepting powersets that werent there when the character was created, Id roll seraph blue as an emp/archery rather than an emp lightning, it just would feel better theme wise. also, space robot five, my ice/ice tanker would make more sense as an invulnerability.
My very first Scrapper would have been Claws/SR, but we had no bunny ears at the time. So Fuzzy Bunny was never created, and Instead I made a biker Broadsword/Regen.
My First Tank would have been Willpower/Mace instead of Invuln. And with the new difficulty sliders he might have been able to solo his way out of a wet paper bag and not get deleted.
Edit to add: Had I known that dual builds were going to happen, I never would have bothered rolling both a solo and a team-oriented version of my FF/Energy Defender.
I've regretted my Emp/Energy (my first 50) for some time - she was made when I was very new and I just didn't realise how useless I'd find her secondary. When Sonic came out, especially, I really wished she were Emp/Sonic; while she's always been extremely primary- and pool-heavy anyway, the control powers in Sonic really appealed to me for a toon intended to protect her team first and foremost.
My first character, Sir Slasher would've been either a Broad Sword/Willpower or Broad Sword/Shield. Would have been a better fit than Broad Sword/Invulnerability.

Villains are those who dedicate their lives to causing mayhem. Villians are people from the planet Villia!
My namesake MA/Regen would've been a MA/Willpower instead.
My very first toon was and still is an Energy/Energy blaster. Thought energy is tha ******* and will own everything. While its probably the least resisted damage type in the world of Paragon it doesnt feel as powerful as a Fire/Fire blaster. THATS what I should have chosen. One year later i roll up everything else other than a stupid fire/fire blaster. Must really focus on one.
I would have changed my MA/SR character [sonof-damz] into a MA/WP scrapper i think.
Also my ill/rad would have become an ill/thermal, though i dont know . . . . . a big part of me says i would change them, but would i have enjoyed them any more without those powersets? Small part of me doubts it.
@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!
I'd roll up my current RP project Sentinel Star as my main rather than Volt Sentinel
Volt Sentinel Reference
Thunder is good, thunder is impressive, but lightning does the work.
Honestly, I don't have any regrets for my characters. They all fit with my concept of the character.
Oh, so many, but the biggest "I'd do that character differently" in my arsenal is one that I still can't do. Professor Neutrino, my rad/rad Defender, has wished he was a Corruptor since CoV went live - not because he's evil (he isn't), but because he quite likes the idea of Rad Blast actually being able to harm the bad guys, as opposed to being a pretty light show he can put on between debuffs and spamming his PBAoE heal.
My namesake. Being a tank fits perfectly. SS fits perfectly. Dark Armor would have - but wasn't available for tankers at the time.
He has, of course, been made on other servers since it HAS been available - once as a brute, and once as a tank.
My main regret is not being so build savvy for the past...majority of the time I've been playing.
My two mains and a couple of main alts have been respecced SO many times it's actually not funny.
Build wise...Hmm. I don't think so. Not anything that I didn't actually re-roll.
My one huge regret...deleting my Lvl 32 Psi/Psi Blaster to re-make her martial arts side...only to Delete THAT to go back to Psi/Psi! God that still smarts...
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
My BS/Regen would have been a BS/Willpower, and Science instead of Mutation. Also, my Plant/Thorns dom would have had either a different primary or a different secondary, but I have been way too stubborn in deleting him, because a) he was the first character I ever made (barring that trial account that I had in i5) and b) I payed the money for a server transfer.
@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.
Also, my Plant/Thorns dom would have had either a different primary or a different secondary
Just theme? Playstyle? Really curious.
Playstyle mainly, as evidenced by the fact that it has taken me four years to get to 32. Thorns is a late bloomer, and plant has a few really good powers mixed in with a lot of things I don't really like that much, which makes constructing a build rather hard.
@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.
My first scrapper, Pirate-Ninja, would've likely been Katana/Willpower instead of Katana/Regen if I was leveling him today, since Regen just doesn't fit thematically. And then I would've likely been able to get him to 50 first instead of my AR/Dev Blaster, and then I'd have hated leveling my Warshade, since he wouldn't have seemed so "OMGAWESOME" compared to my first 50.
Playstyle mainly, as evidenced by the fact that it has taken me four years to get to 32. Thorns is a late bloomer, and plant has a few really good powers mixed in with a lot of things I don't really like that much, which makes constructing a build rather hard.

To be clear, I don't hate it, and I am eventually going to get him to 50 (I owe him that much), but I think I might have gone Ice for the primary or something if I knew then what I know now.
EDIT: Highly tempted to roll an Ice/Stone dominator now.
@Morac | Twitter
Trust the computer. The computer knows all.
As time has passed, new powersets, ATs, and costume bits have been added. Sometimes something that's a better fit than what you have now comes out and wish you could've rolled that instead.
Now, the most thematic combination for Heraclea would have been Super Strength/Super Reflex scrapper. Were the alternative Martial Arts animations available for Scrappers, so she could throw punches as well as kicks, I might have settled for that.

<《 New Colchis / Guides / Mission Architect 》>
"At what point do we say, 'You're mucking with our myths'?" - Harlan Ellison
I'd have prolly made a few heros/villians differently... maybe. I like the concepts i settled on, but, thinking back..
I'd have made Astral Eye a psy/psy blaster instead of a Kin/Psy...
Flamebrain, would have been a fire/thermal, not a fire/emp... troller.
That's honestly about it, and frankly, i'm not unhappy with my current builds so, eh.
@KingSnake - Triumph Server
My common sense is tingling... ~ Deadpool
If you can't learn to do something well... learn to enjoy doing it poorly...

Long, long ago I made a minotaur character. I made him an MA/SR scrapper, and had so much fun watching him kick people in the head with his hooves that I played him into the high teens before I realized I'd made a terrible mistake.
He should have been /regen! With the constitution of a bull, so to speak.
Alas! I didn't want to start over (back then leveling wasn't quite as quick and easy as it is now and we had to walk uphill in the snow with blocks of concrete strapped to our feet just to get to a trainer). So he's still an MA/SR and is currently languishing at level 36 or so. If we should ever get powerset respecs...
As time has passed, new powersets, ATs, and costume bits have been added. Sometimes something that's a better fit than what you have now comes out and wish you could've rolled that instead.
For me, the major one is my fire/force field controller. I wish Thermal Radiation had been available for her then, because it would have been a better thematic fit (pyrokinesis is the obvious explanation for her primary, her flight is mumble mumble THERMAL CURRENTS, force field is somewhat inexplicable), and I'd probably also like playing it more. Don't get me wrong, FF is a fine set, I just wish I had more active stuff with it, and Thermal Radiation has that. As for why I haven't rerolled her,'s because she has a bunch of badges that I can't get again, like the anniversary badges. If those became account wide, I'd probably drop ten bucks renaming the original and then make a new version.
I have a dark/rad defender, too. Had Sonic Blast existed when I made him, I might have gone dark/sonic instead. I'm satisfied with dark/rad, though, so it's not as major a deal with him. On the other hand, my corruptor is meant to be a Praetorian version of him, and he'd be dark/sonic instead of dark/rad, and that honestly sounds a bit more appealing. Again, nothing against the set I'd swap out, it's just not doing it for me.
Any characters you made and got attached to and then a set came out and you gazed at it wistfully wishing you could've used that instead?