Characters you would have done differently if you had then what you do now?




My Kat/Regen? I'd make it Kat/WP in a New York minute.

That's all, really.



Starscape -- This is my Dark Melee / Willpower scrapper. If we had /Super Reflexes initially, thats what she would have been. OK, OK. We DID have /SR, and she WAS Dark Melee / Super Reflexes. However, she was a day 1 character, back when Super Reflexes sucked. They later buffed it, then they nerfed it again. But I tell ya, if I could have had sets and set bonuses and capped defenses in Issue 0 on Day 1 like we've got now, i would have made her DM/SR like her concept demands. Unfortunately, she is DM/WP, and way too high in level to delete now. Oh well, I still like her, its just the wrong concept.

Star Hero -- This is my Willpower / Energy Melee Tanker. I used to love him. I have HATED him ever since the nerfs to Energy Melee. It is just too awful and slow for my tastes on a Tanker. So, this one is more of a "something we used to have that we dont now" situation. So, kinda the opposite of the whole thread.

Shocklash -- This is my Gravity / Electric Dominator. Just like the above two, this one isnt quite as the thread implies. This character used to be a female Energy Melee / Electric Armor Brute. I hate EM now, tho maybe its OK for brutes still. I also used to hate /Elec Armor back then, because it had no heal. So, if I could combine the old Energy Melee with the new Electric Armor, I would almost delete my Grav/Elec to remake him as the original female brute, just to re-snag the name. I guess I still could, if it turned out I could tolerate Energy Melee. I could rename Shocklash, use it for the brute, etc.

Ah well. Otherwise, I'm pretty happy with my characters.


Random AT Generation!
"I remember... the Alamo." -- Pee-wee Herman
"Oh don't worry. I always leave things to the last moment." -- The Doctor
"Telescopes are time machines." -- Carl Sagan



I regret nothing! lol

All the new powersets just gives me oppourtunities for other alts.



The two characters of mine that fit this topic are my first scrapper, Tarrine, and my second brute, Lyonessia. One's /regen, the other's /invuln, and for both /willpower would have fit them both much better thematically (nevermind the fact that at one time SS/invuln was a *bad* combo for a brute, though forever-blessed Stamina has made that less of an issue). I'm *extremely* posessive of my characters, especially those with a large collection of rarer/one-time-only badges, so the thought of scrapping these two and starting over never occured to me. Instead, I used Willpower to create two new characters. Snowleopardess is a MA/WP scrapper who's actually Tarrine after an "upgrade" thanks to Dr. Shelly Percy, and Anna Bolic is simply a rare female specimen of the species Thuggus smartasabrickus.

Another case was creating a heroic version of my mind/psy dom for when she finally turned legit. Wanting to try Something New, I made her an illusion/empathy controller (I'm a frequent soloer, so 'trollers have never been my bag, hence I decided to play against type).

About five days later, the Powers that Develop announced psy blasters. Ooops.

I made a second version of the character as a psy/MM blaster and tooled around with her a bit, but recently I decided to delete her. Reasons being I figured I'd use the psy/mm build for a new character concept, and also free up one of my precious slots on Virtue. Besides, the 'troller version had a better costume

"Take the Yuan-Ti, bash them with a club made of frozen stupidity, then rip out their sense of subtlety with a rusty spoon, and then you have the Snakes of Mercy Isle" -Taltha Widowfang, drow stalker
Now playing at an MA near you: Dragonslayers #335375



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
as apparently everything is bigger in America.
Except our lifespan and IQ, of course.



My main and 'self-character' Captain Sammy was originally a inv/ss tank. Started slightly after launch. Very survivable but damage stunk. Got it up to mid 20's. Back then defense caps were the same. Scrappers could get there, tanks just got there quicker. So I rerolled as a dark melee/invul scrapper (because its a punch set) and RP'd away the 'dark' part of it as a toxic reaction to the substance that made him 'super'.

THEN they put reduced scrapper caps and stuff in. Now, especially with IO's, he is still pretty killer and I would not think of changing him now, but if I was restarting the game over today, I might remake him as Willpower/SS or MA(with punches substited)/Willpower or something like that. Maybe.



Originally Posted by Bubbawheat View Post
Honestly, I don't have any regrets for my characters. They all fit with my concept of the character.
This. All my characters are concepts based on the powersets available at the time.


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



My first 50, eng/fire blaster would have been a fire/em blaster. or fire/fire.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Threads like this remind me why I'm glad that I don't care about badges. Much as I grow attached to the character that I make, I'm more than willing to do a re-roll if something more appropriate to what I really wanted or realize would make more sense for the character comes along.

Seriously, I've re-rolled one character at least 4 times, inv/ss tank(got to 32) to ma/regen(to 28ish) scrapper to ma/wp scrapper(at 44 now), both scrappers also have both attacks from the fighting pool as I didn't want to be all fancy kick guy with martial arts. Also, while it's not technically a re-roll, as I'm still operating on both sides with the character, I also have an ss/wp brute(currently 32) version that's going to replace the ma/wp scrapper when the time comes.

So, that means I've played him for 136 levels.



My second-oldest character is this guy who...isn't really a martial artist. He fakes it - his mutant power is an energy aura around his body that deflects damage, and lets him put extra 'oomph' when he hits people.

He's an MA/Inv scrapper now. Power customization helps some, but really MA/Elec would be the best fit for my mental image of his powers. Also, I really hate Inv on scrappers, so the character's been at level 40-ish forever.

The weird thing is, even though I don't play him much, he's got critical mass of his own. Other folks in my RP supergroup really like the guy; he's been used by other players for fiction, comic appearances, and so on.

So I'm actually being pressured by other people to reroll him. Or IO him. The rationale being, if I do, the character will get out more.

But I don't wanna lose the badges, so...


Blue: Realpolitik, Leading Lady, Glass Lass, Superball, Alec Kazam
Red: Battery Acid, Obsolete, Bugfix



I wish I could redo my ice/em tanker... into something much less sucky then /em.

Or they could, you know, make /em less sucky in which case I wouldnt have to redo him.

Kind of like when I made him the first time and got him to know, before /em had so much suck.



Originally Posted by Morac_Ex_Machina View Post
Someone seems just a wee bit bitter.
I thought I had moved on...but the wound is still fresh!



My long-since deleted Sonic/Ice blaster would have been Sonic/Mental. Might even still have him if he had been.

I DID change my DB/WP scrapper to MA/WP after the punches were added, he was level 40 at the time. Had I the extra cash I would have just ponied up for a name change and kept the character. I rerolled because the character is "me" and MA with the punches fits a lot better, I'd cut my own nose off if I tried some of the Dual Blades stuff.

My Sonic/Devices might have been Sonic/Energy, but then again, maybe not. I like him how he is, I just wish he had Build Up.

My Fire/Fire might have been rolled as Rad/Fire instead. Though I'm enjoying my Rad/Mental and I dislike repeating powersets. The only set I repeat is Dark Melee, I have 4 of them, but all 4 are different ATs.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Fire/Ice Blaster - Made in beta because the idea sounded good to me. Played it mostly solo in Beta and after release. Was very tough going to say the least. After all the changes through the years (ED, IOs, Diff changes, spawn changes, power changes, etc), I still dislike ice manipulation very much for a blaster and will never use it again. The character is still played with to this day, but I barely have any Ice melee powers and, given a choice, would have picked Energy or Elec manipulation. Come on Secondary respecs!

Illusion/Empathy - Created just after release, and through most of the changes until ED/Controller changes, was incredibly fun to play and very powerful. Again, mostly solo'd and it was fun to have an army of Phantasms doing my bidding and me keeping them alive. After those various changes, the character just wasn't fun. He is based on a concept and I love the name and costume though If given a chance, I'd change over to Storm or Cold now. The concept wouldn't quite fit as-is, but it'd be a welcome change to re-play this character. Come on secondary respecs!

Electric/Mental Blaster - Just wanted to try sets I hadn't dabbled into yet. No concept, no real idea even for a name, but just needed a new project. Incredibly disappointed in Electric blast on various levels. Probably would swap out Electric blast for Energy or even Arrow.


I've already forgotten about most of you



I have 2 Defenders who would have been Blasters if the powersets had been available.

Violet Psyche has /Psi Blasts, stuck at "alomost 30", rolled when I first got the account 57 months ago.

Dark Syrene has /Rad Blasts, stuck in the low 20s, rolled at the same time.

I now have a Psi Blaster (not as much fun as I hoped, lingering in the teens) and a new baby Rad Blaster.

My Fire/Fire Tank from back in the day would also have been a /Firey Armor Scrapper.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."