Who is CoX's OLDEST player?

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Originally Posted by jwbullfrog View Post
Does Sister Flame post?
Well if she has a forum handle maybe.



I'm 58

I play for the experience, not the XP.

Capt Otter, Lvl 50 Kat/regen scrapper
Hooded Skunk, Lvl 50 AR/Dev blaster
Metal Moose, Inv/SS Tanker
Other toons too numerous to mention.
and Fierce Rabbit in multiple ATs on every server.

Professor Destiny, Mastermind




"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



I was in second wave of Beta for COH and will turn 32 this January 12th.

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



I'm still 42.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Turned 39 six days ago. Wife plays and so do my seven and 10 year old kids.

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious




We don' need no stinkin' signatures!



My father was playing at age 70. (But he was never really that keen on the game and has gone back to playing just EQ2.)

The oldest player I know of, who is currently still playing, is 65.

Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project



A month ago I turned 30 for the 17th time.

@Doctor Gemini

Arc #271637 - Welcome to M.A.G.I. - An alternative first story arc for magic origin heroes. At Hero Registration you heard the jokes about Azuria always losing things. When she loses the entire M.A.G.I. vault, you are chosen to find it.



ROFLMAO! Oh this is priceless. Earlier I gave my age by referencing the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.

Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
I'm the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything.
To my intense amusement I find that I've been neg repped for it.

Pointless post by a narcissist
So while we all laugh at the rep troll, and mock him for being so clueless, would anyone care to let him know what the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything is so he knows how old I am.



Originally Posted by Forbin_Project View Post
ROFLMAO! Oh this is priceless. Earlier I gave my age by referencing the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.

To my intense amusement I find that I've been neg repped for it.

So while we all laugh at the rep troll, and mock him for being so clueless, would anyone care to let him know what the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything is so he knows how old I am.
42. That's the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything. Part of the problem of knowing the answer was the question being a bit vague. It's been postulated that having a definitive ultimate answer and ultimate question is actually exclusionary and if someone did stumble upon it, the whole Universe would disappear and be replaced by an even more inexplicable one.

Oh, and he's saying that's his age, too.

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45 here. I can see that I don't win the oldest contest, I think that is one I'm happy to lose.

My postings to this forum are not to be used as data in any research study without my express written consent.



<- 41



I'm 45. I'm not even the oldest person on the global chat channels I use.



The oldest person who plays that I've met is somewhere in the late 60s, early 70s. The whole family plays and CoX joins them together across the generational gaps.

Me personally? I've seen 29 a few times and 17 once or twice, but I've settled on being 25 for awhile. Maybe I'll do the whole 33 thing for a while before I grab my towel and babel fish.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



In my group of players I am probably the youngest at 24. I think everyone has at least 5 years on me. But I have a better time playing with them than I do the younger players.



im only 19 so does that make me a kiddie

@Hoey Moey - Retired



My partner and I play got her into it about 18 months after I started we are 59 and 67 and play everyday

Prof Radburn controller,Celtic Ice Maiden,blaster,Miss Knockout scrapper,Mistress Davina controller,Stone Hart,tank Split Personality PB.Queen Lostris controller,Fridgid Mary blaster,Shocking Fire blaster Future Elfling defender, Little Weed controller,Capo Angelo MM, Commander Buzzsaw MM, Justice Tank tank all 50,s



Lisa tilts her head to reed this thread with her no line trifocals, usually wear contacts and reading glasses but am going to work where I have to read real small print, silently reads all the ages and sighs with relief that she is not the oldest, then pumps her fist in the air because although I am old in years, I am not old in my way of thinking, or my outlook

Lisa-Grinning her best old ladies grin

Oh, and I am 50!

So don't wait for heroes, do it yourself
You've got the power
winners are losers
who got up and gave it just one more try

***Dennis DeYoung



Originally Posted by Zombie Man View Post
Originally Posted by Forbin_Project
ROFLMAO! Oh this is priceless. Earlier I gave my age by referencing the Hitchhiker's guide to the galaxy.

To my intense amusement I find that I've been neg repped for it.

So while we all laugh at the rep troll, and mock him for being so clueless, would anyone care to let him know what the answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything is so he knows how old I am.
42. That's the answer to Life, the Universe and Everything. Part of the problem of knowing the answer was the question being a bit vague. It's been postulated that having a definitive ultimate answer and ultimate question is actually exclusionary and if someone did stumble upon it, the whole Universe would disappear and be replaced by an even more inexplicable one.

Oh, and he's saying that's his age, too.
Silly Forbin. Expecting kids these days to know what a book is these days, let alone a quote from one. I mean, maybe if they could get it on their iPod.