TFs and Ouro nerfed on test to EZmode




Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
You're freaking and jumping up and down because of a change that makes your game a bit less fun, and can't for a second see that on the whole A) the change isn't that bad ...
I realise this wasn't aimed at me, but I have to say this. Point A there is just pure opinion. Sure, if you're not someone who runs a lot of TFs and SFs on high difficulty, of course it's not that bad. For those of us who do this as a major part of our gameplay, it's a pretty big deal.

To try and give you some context, I took some time off this game (as I do whenever I feel it's wearing a little thin) and waited out I16's arrival. The biggest change for me was the difficulty levels. I can make the game fun again - and now I'm back to being on every night after an issue pretty much gone. This is probably the second most important issue for me, after the one that brought in IOs - as in, these are the two issues I would say, most of all, have kept me playing this game.

I play TFs and SFs more than normal missions normally, so to hear the difficulty levels I've been bouncing around all excitedly about since the first announcements came out won't work on them? Yeah, of course I'm dissappointed. This doesn't make the game just a "bit less fun" for me, it is a pretty major change, and not one I find positive.

Now, if this had been confirmed as temporary, I'd not be concerned - I can completely understand doing a quick & easy fix for a major problem, then following it up with a properly done change. But until it is confirmed, I will be concerned, and I think other people have the right to be as well. You can bet people would be complaining if it'd been the other way, and the fix was to only allow TFs to be done on +3 or +4... and even though I'd love that (Woohoo! I'd never have to put up with a pick-up team insisting on lowest difficulty when I know we could do better again!), I'd understand other people not liking it.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Speed runners are killing the game!11!
In theory yes. Since if it becomes easier and easier to do TFs in a very short amount of time (like with -1 making EBs and AVs spawn at 49), the average time goes down. Merit rewards go down, forcing people to run on very low difficulties if they want to even come close to the supposed merits/hour ratio.

There really needs to be incentive to use higher difficulties as well, or people seeking merits will always run on the lowest difficulty as fast as possible, making doing anything but that pointless.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
There really needs to be incentive to use higher difficulties as well, or people seeking merits will always run on the lowest difficulty as fast as possible, making doing anything but that pointless.
There is a incentive to use higher difficulties; you get more inf and exp.



Originally Posted by Clouded View Post
There is a incentive to use higher difficulties; you get more inf and exp.
That's not really the incentive I mean. Because inf/exp is easy to come by in all content. You can run +4 newspaper missions and get tons of inf/exp. But no merits.

The draw of TFs (and to lesser degree, story arcs) is that it's more challenging content for a bigger reward. The bigger reward is merits. However, you get the same number of merits whether you blast through extremely difficult +4 TFs or through yawntastic -1 TFs. You can get merits doing non-TF content (story arcs). But in those instances, you still get the same merits whether you do +4 or -1.

If all you care about is inf/exp, you can easily plow through +4 newspaper missions against Freaks and Council for easy winnings. But if you want merits, you have to do story arcs and TFs. TFs especially are balanced toward higher merit returns. However, as noted, you get the same merits whether you do easy or hard content. You're basically rewarded for doing the content as easily and quickly as possible.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by Chunky_Style View Post
Yes. But is it a slap in the face?
no, it is poetic justice. they asked for a tf difficulty nerf, they got it. They want a nerf to the -1 but arent willing to give up anything for it. Talk about a sense of entitlement.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by Dispari View Post
However, you get the same number of merits whether you blast through extremely difficult +4 TFs or through yawntastic -1 TFs. You can get merits doing non-TF content (story arcs). But in those instances, you still get the same merits whether you do +4 or -1.
I was actually having a conversation about this yesterday. I do wish the datamining included difficulty level (maybe it even does already), and that rewards were based on this. Not just because I'd tend to get more as I do ramp the difficulty up, but I'm continually frustrated by people who do just run everything as easily as possible - not because they need to, but because it's a quick way of getting the rewards.

I suspect that if the rewards went up, some of these people would use the higher difficulty levels. And even better, it might get some people who think they can't play those difficulty levels to challenge themselves and realise they can!

On the other hand, it would need to be carefully balanced. I realise some people, or some characters or combinations of characters, do honestly have a tough time with the higher difficulty levels. The difference shouldn't be too great, just great enough to coax some more players over to a more challenging (and potentially very fun!) style of play.

Of course, all this is fairly meaningless if TFs and SFs can't be run on high difficulty anymore, anyway.



Originally Posted by Cybercel View Post
I realise this wasn't aimed at me, but I have to say this. Point A there is just pure opinion. Sure, if you're not someone who runs a lot of TFs and SFs on high difficulty, of course it's not that bad. For those of us who do this as a major part of our gameplay, it's a pretty big deal.
Chiming in to agree with this - having played CoH since EU beta, a large part of what's made me spend so much time in-game post I16 has been the difficulty slider, and I'd looked forward to many titanic +4 8p TFs and SFs in the coming months with a group of similarly-minded friends; the next patch (and lack of reassurances that the +diff slider will be returned in due course) have quite spectacularly drowned that hope in a deluge of urine from an almighty elevation.

It's not RAGEQUIT time by any means, but I'm sure there will be a decent contingent of likeminded players who are/will be similarly disappointed by the changes should they become permanent; at this juncture a small post outlining future intent for +difficult TFs would go a long way.

"Here, take some more bees with you. You may need them."
Union: FU//LoUD

"that Syn is that that" - Mothers Love



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
no, it is poetic justice. they asked for a tf difficulty nerf, they got it. They want a nerf to the -1 but arent willing to give up anything for it. Talk about a sense of entitlement.
Once the devs fix it so that you can run difficult tfs again, what exactly would they have given up?

Folks keep talking as if the devs aren't going to fix the issue.

EDIT: And looking on TEST they've already started to fix the issue.

I can bet in a patch or two difficult TFs/SFs will be fixed back as well.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
Once the devs fix it so that you can run difficult tfs again, what exactly would they have given up?

Folks keep talking as if the devs aren't going to fix the issue.

EDIT: And looking on TEST they've already started to fix the issue.

I can bet in a patch or two difficult TFs/SFs will be fixed back as well.
A couple of us have asked for confirmation, that's all. I don't want to base things on assumption in either direction, I'd just like a clear-cut answer on whether this is temporary or not - and preferably, if it is temporary, whether it's a priority thing to sort out or not.



Originally Posted by Ad Astra View Post
Pardon my ignorance - but are you basically stating that EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER who has completed a Master run since the release of I16 deliberately did that run at -1? That NOBODY did a master run at +1 or even at 0 adjustments?

Wouldn't taking away their badges be a tad but unjust?

Just deal with it unless/until it becomes obvious whether this is temporary or not. Histrionics on the forums can be amusing, but don't go overboard.
he is butthurt that some one might have the badge that proves just how uber he is. A badge that has no real value, effect, or benficialchange to you character or your blood pressure.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



We should be given free purples every month for which we play after all these years, when there are so many better games without controlling community members and nerfing devs in them. That would be reasonable... and some booster packs on a weekly basis. I could make those. The amount of work I do in a day is insane compared to how long it takes to get those packs out in this game. I love the ones they've released but still ...

I'm kidding but really I'm not. Or am I?



Originally Posted by Cybercel View Post
I realise this wasn't aimed at me, but I have to say this. Point A there is just pure opinion. Sure, if you're not someone who runs a lot of TFs and SFs on high difficulty, of course it's not that bad. For those of us who do this as a major part of our gameplay, it's a pretty big deal.
I in fact do run such TFs. It's not the only or even the majority of what I do, but when I run, it's usually on high settings. Even so, I don't see it as a big deal. Primarily because I look at the game as a whole instead of what's best for me or the small subset of people who play like me. Give it a try sometime.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by BloodFairy View Post
We should be given free purples every month for which we play after all these years, when there are so many better games without controlling community members and nerfing devs in them. That would be reasonable... and some booster packs on a weekly basis. I could make those. The amount of work I do in a day is insane compared to how long it takes to get those packs out in this game. I love the ones they've released but still ...

I'm kidding but really I'm not. Or am I?
If you were kidding, it wasn't that funny. If you weren't I'm sorry for you.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Primarily because I look at the game as a whole instead of what's best for me or the small subset of people who play like me. Give it a try sometime.
If you'd read the end of my post, you'd see that I think that way too. I just don't think an explanation of whether this is temporary or not is very much to ask for.



Originally Posted by Cybercel View Post
I just don't think an explanation of whether this is temporary or not is very much to ask for.
I do, but it takes knowing a little about how the game is developed to know why.

A) the devs avoid making promises whenever they can
B) their definition of temporary is very different than the typical player
C) they won't know if this change can be changed until they schedule time for it in their planning for the next issue(s). Changing it more than likely involves an extensive look at the entire Difficulty/Challenge Settings system, otherwise whatever they do is just another stopgap. Since they work weeks and months in advance, they can't say when they'll be able to schedule that. Until they can, there's absolutely zero point in getting uptight or expecting an immediate answer.

Short answer, there's that sense of perspective I was talking about again.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
I do, but it takes knowing a little about how the game is developed to know why.

A) the devs avoid making promises whenever they can
B) their definition of temporary is very different than the typical player
C) they won't know if this change can be changed until they schedule time for it in their planning for the next issue(s). Changing it more than likely involves an extensive look at the entire Difficulty/Challenge Settings system, otherwise whatever they do is just another stopgap. Since they work weeks and months in advance, they can't say when they'll be able to schedule that. Until they can, there's absolutely zero point in getting uptight or expecting an immediate answer.

Short answer, there's that sense of perspective I was talking about again.
Which is why I said, earlier, I'd like some idea of

1) Whether this is temporary - I'd be happy with "we're not sure right now" even, if that's the truth of things.
2) If it is, if it's a high priority.

That doesn't mean I want a timescale, or anything even vaguely precise. I just want an idea of whether the devs even understand that some of us love doing TFs/SFs on high difficulty, and whether it'll ever change back. Again, if the answer is "we really can't say right now, but we understand your concern," I'd be happy just knowing they're aware of the issue.

I don't really care about player supposition on the matter, because let's face it - we're all guessing.

I'm a developer myself, and I'm all too aware that users often get the idea when you say something is temporary, it'll change soon, when by the time you get to it, develop it, and test it, it could be months away. So all I want to know is whether it's on the radar or not.

If you want to talk of perspective, maybe you should take your own advice and try seeing things through other people's eyes. Different things matter different amounts to different people. This one's pretty high up the list for me, and for quite a few people I play with, and I'd like to get some info for my own sake and to pass along to others, if possible. No nerd rage, no anger, just wanting some information and think it's fair enough to be a little sad about this.



eh, never mind.



Originally Posted by Cybercel View Post
If you'd read the end of my post, you'd see that I think that way too. I just don't think an explanation of whether this is temporary or not is very much to ask for.
Originally Posted by Horatio View Post
The ability to have your difficulty slider affect your Task Forces and Strike Forces has been temporarily disabled. This was done to prevent people from running through a TF/SF with the difficulty set at -1 level in order to more easily get the “Master Of...” Badge. We know that many of you enjoy the challenge of running the higher-end TFs/SFs at increased levels of difficulty and we are looking at solutions that will allow you to do that once again. .

We apologize for the inconvenience.

Do I win a pretty pretty poney?



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Do I win a pretty pretty poney?
Your pony has too much "e", and will run wild and kill everyone when the psychoses take hold.

So yes, you win a pretty poney.

You will be the 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse: Really Bad Foot Funk. When the final days come and the seas turn to blood, the lands to burning pitch and the glaciers to tapioca you will ride forth with the other four horsemen upon your pony and inflict really annoying inconvenience upon all mankind. In accordance with prophecy.

Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...



Originally Posted by Schismatrix View Post
Your pony has too much "e", and will run wild and kill everyone when the psychoses take hold.

So yes, you win a pretty poney.

You will be the 5th Horseman of the Apocalypse: Really Bad Foot Funk. When the final days come and the seas turn to blood, the lands to burning pitch and the glaciers to tapioca you will ride forth with the other four horsemen upon your pony and inflict really annoying inconvenience upon all mankind. In accordance with prophecy.
So it is written!



Wonderful. No AE Farms, no invinc TFs. Nothing fun left



Originally Posted by Paladin_Musashi View Post
Wonderful. No AE Farms, no invinc TFs. Nothing fun left
If those were the only 2 fun activities left for you in this game, then I would suggest taking a break.



TF's and Radio missions have pretty much always been the only things that kept me interested. And I do take breaks. Generally months long breaks, which is why I only have about 30 months of vet badges when I've been playing since release.

I've pretty much always hated the "real game" as some purists would like to call it. The regular contact missions in this game are tedious and awful. I was running TFs the moment they were available, and I could never understand the people whining about how they were too long and boring. To me they were finally something halfway fun in the game.

When they introduced radio missions I was overjoyed because the "real content" that so many people seem to gush over is so damn idiotic to me. But that didn't keep me interested more than a few months at a time, off and on.

AE farms kept me captivated for pretty much the entire time the AE was around. Awesome fun, purple enemies that can two shot any squishy, not a single wimpy minion in sight, no waiting between bad guy bashing sessions, no fedex, no nothing. And enough exp flowing that I didn't get bored going days without getting a new power.

Remove the AE farms, and I've been doing pretty much nothing but TFs and the occasional AE team (Not farms, per se, because you can't farm with an 8 person team anymore, and it's boring with just a few people) or radio team.

Nerf TFs so that I can't fight purples in them and there's just very little of interest left for me.



If you can't enjoy the game without beefed up TFs you might as well stop till the patch notes say they fixed em. Really nothing else you can do at this point. You can still up your setting and use AE though.



Originally Posted by Paladin_Musashi View Post
I've pretty much always hated the "real game" as some purists would like to call it. The regular contact missions in this game are tedious and awful. I was running TFs the moment they were available, and I could never understand the people whining about how they were too long and boring. To me they were finally something halfway fun in the game.

When they introduced radio missions I was overjoyed because the "real content" that so many people seem to gush over is so damn idiotic to me.
Okay, we get it. You've never liked the game, and you have a colossal, barely-contained disdain for anybody who does. Are you sticking around just to feel superior in some way to the poor, deluded fools you see all around you who are managing to have a great time despite what a terrible, boring game it is? Your whole game experience as you relate it in these posts puts me in mind of those beret-wearing, Clove-smoking kids in college who claimed that they were only there because of their parents' outdated petit-bourgeois somethingorothers, and that they pitied those of us who were happy.