TFs and Ouro nerfed on test to EZmode




Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
I defy you to provide a single example where updating computer code lead to the death of a human being(s).
Hold on. I'm going to fuzt with the code in your iron lung. Now I need to reboot...

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I joined a LGTF last night, thinking it would probably take an hour or so, but they set it to +4 so that we had level 54 enemies. The Clock King took nearly 20 minutes to kill by himself (plus we had no tank so he ran all over the place). One room in an early mission was in itself a 15 or 20 minute fight, during which someone said that we "didn't need to clear the room" but we were already fighting a rolling battle that eventually included everything in the room. Even the rescue mission that we failed on purpose to shorten things took at least 20 minutes. Then we hit level 54 Hami and ran into a wall. Our lone scrapper was SR, and died more than 20 times... she kept complaining that she'd never been hit so much, and people kept replying "level 54 hami" and "hami is auto hit". Finally I pointed out to her that hami was destroying my so-called untouchable phantom army, and she just laughed. That was just before we admitted that we simply couldn't defeat hami... we had everything else cleared, and got it down to half health, but people couldn't stay alive long enough to finish.

I guess that's fun for some people though. ^_^

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Mr. NoPants View Post
Do I win a pretty pretty poney?

That's really good to see. Here's hoping it's sooner rather than later, I can only go so long without a really silly ITF.



Originally Posted by Cybercel View Post

That's really good to see. Here's hoping it's sooner rather than later, I can only go so long without a really silly ITF.
ewww...not pretty...



Originally Posted by Organica View Post
[Stuff about awful team here.]

I guess that's fun for some people though. ^_^
Not all teams fighting high level stuff are like that, by any stretch. Bad teams happen in all different situations, and it's not at all wise to put the difficulty right up if you're not sure the team can handle it (for any reason, whether that's related to the toons or player ability), or if the people in the team aren't likely to enjoy fighting that way.



I don't know that it was a bad team per se. There was a decided lack of leadership early on, but I think most of the players were good at playing their characters (and I can't say that I was all that great, I usually play scrappers so when I play my troller I can be easily confused ). But I think it was a bad team in terms of the various ATs we had and how they fit together, and since at least some of the players (like me) were being added pickup-group style without any real knowledge of what you were getting, setting it to +4 was obviously a bad idea.

But you never know until you try. ^_^

Having no tank was a problem. We had no brute, we had one MM who was not able to tank. We had an SR scrapper which turned out to be a bad set against hami (I've always taken my regen scrapper to hami raids and not my SR, but I hadn't realized what a difference the two sets could make). Our defender was sonic, and I was /radiation, so only people near me got healed (couldn't really heal the scrapper while she took on the yellow mitos). We also could have used holds, or clear mind... list goes on, really. ^_^ A lot of seemingly good players, that did not make up an effective team.

my lil RWZ Challenge vid



Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Okay, we get it. You've never liked the game, and you have a colossal, barely-contained disdain for anybody who does.
No. I have a colossal, and not at all concealed disdain for those who piss on the fun of others by calling it "farming" or "PLing" and telling us that we should go play this "real game" in their words.

I haven't the slightest care in the world how anyone else plays the game. But some people just can't be happy unless they make anyone who doesn't agree with them miserable by whining until the devs nerf or eliminate things.

Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
I'm guessing you missed the part where Horatio said TEMPORARY.
Oh, I'm sorry. You're totally right. The word temporary totally makes ill-conceived knee-jerk fixes ok. The fact that there's no timetable mentioned for a better fix, or that, indeed, they are apparently barely in the discussion phase of how to go about such a fix is entirely irrelevant because the word temporary fixes everything.

Hi, I'm going to change the locks on your house and not give you a key. But don't worry it's temporary.

Sorry, patience is not a virtue. The patient get exploited. Persistence is a virtue, but that's an entirely different animal from patience.



Originally Posted by Paladin_Musashi View Post
Sorry, patience is not a virtue. The patient get exploited.
... by people with attitudes like that.




All flashbacks are just regular missions hence any mission setting you have should be valid for those paticular missions. However the Mender TF and any other TF's should have the -1 option non-functioning and force it to be 0 or +n.



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post

All flashbacks are just regular missions hence any mission setting you have should be valid for those paticular missions. However the Mender TF and any other TF's should have the -1 option non-functioning and force it to be 0 or +n.
Welcome to a couple days ago...



Originally Posted by GibberingLunatic View Post

All flashbacks are just regular missions hence any mission setting you have should be valid for those paticular missions. However the Mender TF and any other TF's should have the -1 option non-functioning and force it to be 0 or +n.
I thought Flashbacks were functionally taskforces? And that's why disabling them for TF's also does the same with the Ouro arcs.

"Men strunt �r strunt och snus �r snus
om ock i gyllne dosor.
Och rosor i ett sprucket krus
�r st�ndigt alltid rosor."



I agree with Paladin!

I13 was suppose to be part of a fix for PVP too (now in the worst state its ever been), oh hey how about base raids temporarily gone, or CoP ?


LotD - JaL - POWT/SMD - SoCo - AJs



Originally Posted by Arilou View Post
I thought Flashbacks were functionally taskforces? And that's why disabling them for TF's also does the same with the Ouro arcs.
But the version that went live on Wednesday was tweaked on test on Monday such that Ouro arc are affected by the slider settings.

Hence, Mr No Pants Comment

@Catwhoorg "Rule of Three - Finale" Arc# 1984
@Mr Falkland Islands"A Nation Goes Rogue" Arc# 2369 "Toasters and Pop Tarts" Arc#116617



Originally Posted by Paladin_Musashi View Post
TF's and Radio missions have pretty much always been the only things that kept me interested. And I do take breaks. Generally months long breaks, which is why I only have about 30 months of vet badges when I've been playing since release.

I've pretty much always hated the "real game" as some purists would like to call it. The regular contact missions in this game are tedious and awful. I was running TFs the moment they were available, and I could never understand the people whining about how they were too long and boring. To me they were finally something halfway fun in the game.

When they introduced radio missions I was overjoyed because the "real content" that so many people seem to gush over is so damn idiotic to me. But that didn't keep me interested more than a few months at a time, off and on.

AE farms kept me captivated for pretty much the entire time the AE was around. Awesome fun, purple enemies that can two shot any squishy, not a single wimpy minion in sight, no waiting between bad guy bashing sessions, no fedex, no nothing. And enough exp flowing that I didn't get bored going days without getting a new power.

Remove the AE farms, and I've been doing pretty much nothing but TFs and the occasional AE team (Not farms, per se, because you can't farm with an 8 person team anymore, and it's boring with just a few people) or radio team.

Nerf TFs so that I can't fight purples in them and there's just very little of interest left for me.
Let me guess, you are a lolHero with their lolDull content? Make a villain and it will be all right. j<_<

They didn't remove AE farms, stop being so dramatic.

Edit: Oh, btw, I warned you all before this stupid 'fix.'