TFs and Ouro nerfed on test to EZmode




A lot of the SFs I'm in people actually ASK for the mobs to be set to CL3 (which is +1 level now).

Why can't they just let things be, find a real fix, then delete the master badges from the people that did it since i16?



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
A lot of the SFs I'm in people actually ASK for the mobs to be set to CL3 (which is +1 level now).

Why can't they just let things be, find a real fix, then delete the master badges from the people that did it since i16?
Oh yes, DELETING badges, that'll make people real happy! Not to mention, that's not the only issue that exists... but yes, lets pretend the Devs have a magic wand!

Patience is a virtue, show a little.

Originally Posted by ShadowNate
;_; ?!?! What the heck is wrong with you, my god, I have never been so confused in my life!



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Patience is a virtue, show a little.
Well, there's your problem. Probably a Freedomite.




Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
Well, there's your problem. Probably a Freedomite.

Virtue was my first server and is and always has been my home.



Originally Posted by Kitsune Knight View Post
Of course, the Devs could just cure cancer, but unfortunately the Devs are too self-centered to do that!
They could, it's just very likely that they'd end up killing the patient as they get carried away.



Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Most players, especially those seeking a challenge, would like a reward akin to their effort. This is unreasonable.

Ha, someone takes this personally.
Latest Reputation Received
TFs and Ouro nerfed on... 09-25-2009 11:32 PM Fixed statements do not contribute to discussion.



Before I-16, I liked running TF/SFs at 5th diff. It was fun. It wasn't a cakewalk. The rewards were good.

Acemace, you're very wrong in your opinion. Is it unreasonable for me to ask for a salary that is in line with the job I'm doing? Is it unreasonable to accept that to lose 10 pounds I need to eat less and exercise more?

No, neither of those stances are unreasonable. It's also not unreasonable at all to expect X reward for accomplishing Y task in a game when that standard has already been set within the game.

I disagree with this change. I find it a sloppy workaround for a problem that should have been dealt with in a more logical way before the new difficulty settings went live.

Standard difficulty TF/SFs are boring. Expecting someone to increase their difficulty without comparable rewards is idiotic. At least when we do it in Ouroboros we're doing it for a badge.

Quite frankly, your "correction" of the post comes across as trollish and nothing more.

And I say this as someone who generally enjoys your posts.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Before I-16, I liked running TF/SFs at 5th diff. It was fun. It wasn't a cakewalk. The rewards were good.

Acemace, you're very wrong in your opinion. Is it unreasonable for me to ask for a salary that is in line with the job I'm doing? Is it unreasonable to accept that to lose 10 pounds I need to eat less and exercise more?

No, neither of those stances are unreasonable. It's also not unreasonable at all to expect X reward for accomplishing Y task in a game when that standard has already been set within the game.

I disagree with this change. I find it a sloppy workaround for a problem that should have been dealt with in a more logical way before the new difficulty settings went live.

Standard difficulty TF/SFs are boring. Expecting someone to increase their difficulty without comparable rewards is idiotic. At least when we do it in Ouroboros we're doing it for a badge.

Quite frankly, your "correction" of the post comes across as trollish and nothing more.

And I say this as someone who generally enjoys your posts.
I think Acemace has been facetious this whole time.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
I think Acemace has been facetious this whole time.
Hopefully. Which is why I responded to him with the respect he deserves.

On the other hand, nerdraging about this issue is also silly.

If you do TF/SF's for merits, you still can. Will it be boring? Yes. But it won't last long.

If you want purple conning enemies until the devs fix this properly, run non-TF/SF content at +4/x8 diff solo.

For me? If I have to run the villain side SFs for power buffing accolades for my main brute rebuild, I'll do them. The single necessary time.

Beyond that, I will not be doing ANY TF/SFs until we are able to push our difficulties up again.

Be well, people of CoH.



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Hopefully. Which is why I responded to him with the respect he deserves.

On the other hand, nerdraging about this issue is also silly.

If you do TF/SF's for merits, you still can. Will it be boring? Yes. But it won't last long.

If you want purple conning enemies until the devs fix this properly, run non-TF/SF content at +4/x8 diff solo.

For me? If I have to run the villain side SFs for power buffing accolades for my main brute rebuild, I'll do them. The single necessary time.

Beyond that, I will not be doing ANY TF/SFs until we are able to push our difficulties up again.
Bubba, I know you get flak for posting as directly as you do sometimes, but responses like these are why I respect you. Of all the people I've seen displeased with this (and I've seen several), I think you may dislike it the most, yet handle it the best. I am impressed, sir.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
A lot of the SFs I'm in people actually ASK for the mobs to be set to CL3 (which is +1 level now).

Why can't they just let things be, find a real fix, then delete the master badges from the people that did it since i16?
Yeah, that's not sledgehammery at all!

Ha, someone takes this personally.
Latest Reputation Received
TFs and Ouro nerfed on... 09-25-2009 11:32 PM Fixed statements are hilarious.

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Originally Posted by Seldom View Post
Most players, especially those seeking a challenge, would like a reward akin to their effort. This is not unreasonable.

Looks sideways with aggravation at current MA custom critters.

Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Before I-16, I liked running TF/SFs at 5th diff. It was fun. It wasn't a cakewalk. The rewards were good.

Acemace, you're very wrong in your opinion. Is it unreasonable for me to ask for a salary that is in line with the job I'm doing? Is it unreasonable to accept that to lose 10 pounds I need to eat less and exercise more?

No, neither of those stances are unreasonable. It's also not unreasonable at all to expect X reward for accomplishing Y task in a game when that standard has already been set within the game.

I disagree with this change. I find it a sloppy workaround for a problem that should have been dealt with in a more logical way before the new difficulty settings went live.

Standard difficulty TF/SFs are boring. Expecting someone to increase their difficulty without comparable rewards is idiotic. At least when we do it in Ouroboros we're doing it for a badge.

Quite frankly, your "correction" of the post comes across as trollish and nothing more.

And I say this as someone who generally enjoys your posts.
Also QFT.

I don't think I could add to it... It was already said too well!


Originally Posted by Infernus_Hades View Post
The way you play changes your IO slotting..

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Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post

Acemace, you're very wrong in your opinion. Is it unreasonable for me to ask for a salary that is in line with the job I'm doing?

I disagree with this change.

Standard difficulty TF/SFs are boring. Expecting someone to increase their difficulty without comparable rewards is idiotic.
Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
I think Acemace has been facetious this whole time.
Heh I thought the tongue in cheek would be obvious

Originally Posted by Acemace View Post
One day we'll clear out all these people seeking rewards for their efforts.
Of that I'm certain.
Sarcasm doesn't translate well on the intranets sometimes.

I disagree entirely with the change, running on invincible sometimes is the only way to feel any challenge at all.

Seriously someone at PS has been channeling Jack Emmert lately.
Be happy that a lot of us are still subbing to a game that feels it's age, stop looking for new areas to nerf anything. lol



Heh I thought the tongue in cheek would be obvious
Sometimes I can not brain.

I disagree entirely with the change, running on invincible sometimes is the only way to feel any challenge at all.

Be well, people of CoH.



If this is more than a temporary fix, I'll be very upset - probably the majority of my game time is spent running level 50 SFs at the highest difficulty possible. I realise a lot of people prefer to run them on lowest difficulty so they can speed run them or because they simply find them too difficult, but I find this very dull, and so do most of the people I team with.

If this change stands, I'll be incredibly dissappointed. It's all well and good saying "don't worry, it's temporary," but I've seen no confirmation of that, only player speculation. If there is confirmation, and someone could link to it from this thread, I'm sure it'd be appreciated by those of us who do like running TFs on high difficulty. If there isn't, I don't think confirmation of whether this is temporary or permanent should be too much to ask for.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
None of you are mad that they decided to take away the ability to fight +2/+3s in SFs and in Ouro?
I wouldn't say I'm mad about this change. It would take a lot to get me mad about something in this game. Among some things I dislike is the current state of the Mission Architect.

I will say why I dislike this change. This game is just plain easy. I fool around and have a lot of fun doing difficult things. I used to regularly run max level SFs including the ITF, LGTF, and LRSF. Normal content is easy. It's not challenging and not very fun. I can only tolerate normal content for so long.

Back before merits, everyone ran on the highest difficulty. When merits rolled out, people started running them on the lowest difficulty to get to the merits quickly. After a couple of these, I got really bored. Sure I got merits, but I don't want to do an hour or two of really easy content just to get rewards. For a while, I quit doing them.

Then I met a Crab Spider who had the idea of doing an ITF on max difficulty as fast as possible. Being a challenging TF, I jumped on board. It was a tough run, but I had a lot of fun. People actually died, and we learned some stuff about building a wall of a team. We went on to do regular speedruns of the ITF, LGTF, and LSRF. On max. While people left and right were saying the LRSF was hard, we were saying "Let's put it on max. And rush the last fight. Pulling is for chumps!" Now that stuff is fun.

So when the new difficulty appeared, one of my friends quickly said "Hey, let's do an ITF on +4." I was getting ready to go to bed, but for that sort of nonsense, I was in. The last fight was incredibly difficult, but we burst through and finally won after quite a bit of bloodshed. I quickly pondered the possibility of a +4 LGTF, and inevitably a +4 LRSF. And yes, no pulling.

Since then I've also done an all Dominator task force just for fun. I also like mothership raids because of all the level 54 Rikti and the mad chaos that ensues. I play this game for fun, and +0 enemies are not a challenge whatsoever. I'm not angry about this change, but I can't say I'm excited about it either.

As much as I dislike this change, I expect it's for technical reasons and isn't permanent. That's one reason I'm not angry about the change. I'm only disappointed. The same way I am of the MA. I'm patiently waiting for a better change to roll through. In the meantime, there are other things I can do in this game. I'm having fun leveling up some of my new i16 characters, including my new Plant/Earth that was in the all-Dom TF.

Unfortunately, I just won't be doing any task forces until it changes.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
A lot of the SFs I'm in people actually ASK for the mobs to be set to CL3 (which is +1 level now).

Why can't they just let things be, find a real fix, then delete the master badges from the people that did it since i16?

Pardon my ignorance - but are you basically stating that EVERY SINGLE CHARACTER who has completed a Master run since the release of I16 deliberately did that run at -1? That NOBODY did a master run at +1 or even at 0 adjustments?

Wouldn't taking away their badges be a tad but unjust?

Just deal with it unless/until it becomes obvious whether this is temporary or not. Histrionics on the forums can be amusing, but don't go overboard.

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Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
None of you are mad that they decided to take away the ability to fight +2/+3s in SFs and in Ouro?
I was madder about people crowing how they got "Master" badges on the -1 setting.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
I was madder about people crowing how they got "Master" badges on the -1 setting.
Yeah, I got Master STF. ITF and Kahn TF on my Emp at -1 and it was lame as hell. Slow, plodding, no challenge at all. Considering I've emped a zillion Master runs, this felt like a boring grind.

I disagree with disabling the + settings. Turf the - setting for TFs and then set AVs as you wish. Don't remove our ability to crank up the TF mobs.

Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
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I'm sure as soon as they massage the system into not being binary (except or ignore difficulty settings) we'll be able to crank TFs.



Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
Added restrictions to prevent player difficulty from affecting Task / Strike Forces

No scaling up. Yay. Stupid devs are stupid.
Is there some reason this isn't in the actual test server forums, being a discussion about a change on the test server?

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Presumably the thinking was that the Test Server (and, by extension, the Test Server forum) is a relatively limited audience and someone felt this deserved wider attention right now, instead of when it hits live.

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Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Presumably the thinking was that the Test Server (and, by extension, the Test Server forum) is a relatively limited audience and someone felt this deserved wider attention right now, instead of when it hits live.
Most likely - and I appreciate it, I wouldn't have known until go-live otherwise as I don't always keep an eye on the Test forum. Knowing has given my coalition a chance to run a high level TF before it becomes impossible.



Originally Posted by Ironblade View Post
Presumably the thinking was that the Test Server (and, by extension, the Test Server forum) is a relatively limited audience and someone felt this deserved wider attention right now, instead of when it hits live.
Personally as it's a stopgap measure, I think raging about it is a bit silly.

But that's just me. The OP's mileage may vary.

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Originally Posted by The_Coming_Storm View Post
None of you are mad that they decided to take away the ability to fight +2/+3s in SFs and in Ouro?
I'm not. News flash: Not all of us are ubergamers that think purple foes are fun.

Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
Before I-16, I liked running TF/SFs at 5th diff.
See above. Like others, I think this is just temporary to eliminate the "Master of" on -1, but I'm sure you'll eventually be able to crank up the difficulty.

And like KitsuneKnight said, if you really cared about a challenge, you could always use the Ouro-like difficulty settings.


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