Mezz Protection for All!




You do realize that Tankers anemic damage is actually still quite a bit higher than Defenders, right? If low damage was an indicator of needing mezz protection, Defender would be top of the list.

I do think it's funny that you are stating you 'have to play' FF or Sonics (basically) to get mezz protection, even though they are technically mezz protection buffs for your team. And that +DEF is widely reviled as so useless later on.

I actually have played FF at times. It's incredibly boring and the worst of the 'must buff everyone powers. And can have cascade failure when a sleep hits when you are already protecting yourself from stuns and holds.

And then, of course, you have the problem that people wander out of range of the protection in big scattered fights.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
You do realize that Tankers anemic damage is actually still quite a bit higher than Defenders, right? If low damage was an indicator of needing mezz protection, Defender would be top of the list.

I do think it's funny that you are stating you 'have to play' FF or Sonics (basically) to get mezz protection, even though they are technically mezz protection buffs for your team. And that +DEF is widely reviled as so useless later on.

I actually have played FF at times. It's incredibly boring and the worst of the 'must buff everyone powers. And can have cascade failure when a sleep hits when you are already protecting yourself from stuns and holds.

And then, of course, you have the problem that people wander out of range of the protection in big scattered fights.
First off, there's a number of defenders that even solo will outstrip the damage of the average tank. My Kin/Rad does easially, and my TA/A is shaping up to likely do the same. There's a lot more to damage then just the AT's attack modifier. There are outliers on the tanker side too (Shield Defense/Dark Melee) but locking into powersets that do good damage is... much like locking into powersets that give squishies mez resistance. It's not an inherent part of your AT, but the option's there if you make the dive.

If you're facing a villain group with a sleep (not terribly common), carry a breakfree. It's what my Fire brute does in the face of heavy Knockback or Immobilize like Circle of Thorns because I refused to go down the leaping pool. Having staus holes is something many of the melee ATs have to deal with, forget the squishy ATs.

FF also has a ton of knockback-inducing powers, as well as an enemy intangibility and a repel. It only has two targeted buffs! Even when you're buffing, it's once every four minutes! How can that be a boring, must buff set? Kinetics, with it's 1 and 2-minute buff durations... THAT is a must-buff set. And that's not even touching Sonic (Which gives Mez resistance AND ramps up your damage) and Traps (which is a really good crippler set in general)

Meeh, whatcha gonna do?



Originally Posted by MrQuizzles View Post
Yes, because any part of a Rad/Dark corruptor is just mashing buttons. No, the problem I have with it is that no amount of smart play can get me around it. I absolutely have to resort to the crutch.
While its possible that the crutch is necessary when soloing 8-man spawns, the crutch is not needed at lower settings. You can, and I am sure you do, use tactics and smart play to work around mezzes.

If you feel you need to pop a BF every time you get mezzed, you are doing it wrong, IME. If you are having trouble vs. 8-man spawns solo, I have to imagine that may be WAI.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
You do realize that Tankers anemic damage is actually still quite a bit higher than Defenders, right? If low damage was an indicator of needing mezz protection, Defender would be top of the list.
you do realize, I hope, that most Defender primaries have some form of pro-active Mez mitigation; Such as holds ans stuns. I've known people to use Howling Twilight while they were solo, just to stun the group. Despite it being the best rez in the game.

Storm is chock full of Mitigation with half the powers dealing knock-back (Caveat: intelligence and common sense should be used while playing with these powers).

Dark Maisma reduces the foe's chances of hitting you to practically nil. Very nice mitigation there.

Mez Protection isn't the only Mez mitigation in the game. Its just the most commonly recognized.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



Not all defenders have that sort of tool. And quite a few melee sets do have some sort of mezz.

No one has shown me convincing evidence that Scrappers, Tanks, Stalkers and Brutes could not actually 'get by' without mezz protection solo.

From what I've seen (and played) they would just be in the same 'unfun' boat as the squishies.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by MrQuizzles View Post
This is why I call things with a lot of mezzes "difficult". It's not that they're hard enemies, they just have a cheap shot that I absolutely have to respond to with a crutch. Use your crutch or die. That doesn't happen with anything else in the game.
This actually brings me to a new point. Everyone who complains about enemies that mez being "cheap", is basically saying that mezzes in general are cheap. Would you be willing to allow for that and give all enemy groups mez protection too? Because mezzes are cheap, after all.

Originally Posted by Back Alley Brawler
Did you just use "casual gamer" and "purpled-out warshade" in the same sentence?
Apostrophe guidelines.



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
This actually brings me to a new point. Everyone who complains about enemies that mez being "cheap", is basically saying that mezzes in general are cheap. Would you be willing to allow for that and give all enemy groups mez protection too? Because mezzes are cheap, after all.
Ok, I can live without the terrorize in Fearsome Stare. The ToHit Debuff is plenty fine.

And if enemies can't mez me, then I won't miss the stun in Cosmic Burst, either. So sure, have at it.



Eh, Im for it, Futurias.



Originally Posted by ArcticFahx View Post
This actually brings me to a new point. Everyone who complains about enemies that mez being "cheap", is basically saying that mezzes in general are cheap. Would you be willing to allow for that and give all enemy groups mez protection too? Because mezzes are cheap, after all.
Mezzes are pretty cheap when you get down to it. The developers already balanced around the fact that players can't lock down whole swaths of NPCs by reducing the duration so that they can't self-stack AOE mezzes.

Yet for some reason, squishies still have the protection of minions.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by Catwhoorg View Post
If everyone has mez protection, then mez will basically go from the PVE game.

Other threats that could be added, high levels of -tohit debuffing, end draining (sappers), burst damage (more mobs with build-up).

Seems to me like mez is the lesser of that list
But adding those would make the game challenging to scrappers. The at most likely to tell you the game is too easy. Coincidentally also an at with mez protection. We just got told freakshow are too easy. of course no mention of if that is with mez protection or without.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
You're absolutely right!

Not being able to waltz through the game solo on a Defender, clearing maps without even thinking about it, is obviously hurting the game!!

Stop complaining about ATs being vulnerable to things they were designed to be vulnerable to.

If a Fire/Kin controller had reliable mez protection available all the time, they would be nearly unstoppable. Great for people to mash buttons and get the phat lewt ASAP.

Not so great for game balance.

Why are Fire/Kins popular for farming? Because they kill large groups faster than anything else. The only thing that even slows them down is the occasional mez that sneaks through. If they could ignore mezzes, they would be stupidly overpowered, and no one will admit it for fear of one set or the other getting nerfed.

Yes, your solo Empathy defender will suffer for that. But, if you're soloing, why are you playing an Empathy defender?

The new difficulty settings are producing more mezzing opponents, that makes it harder.

Who's idea was it to have a feature designed to make things harder....actually make things harder?!? That's not fair! I want more mobs that I can mow through for drops and money, not mobs that might actually be a threat to me!!

Okay, I'm going to bed now, I just re-read this and my frustration with people is making me irritable.
You are absolutely right. mez adds challenge. we keep hearing that the game needs more challenge. Remove mez protection from scrappers and make the game more challenging. yay!!! problem solved.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by EvilRyu View Post
No absolutely not!!! Squishies need to learn to stay the hell back if they dont want to get mezzed. Seriously if everyone got mez protection then what would be the purpose of powers like clear mind? Melee folk are the only ones who should have gotten mez protection and thats because they need it more to do their jobs.
good idea. ill stay back a few rooms and you can come back and get healed when you need it.

Or my rad can wait until you have personally hit every mob before debuffing.

Lots of 50's yada yada. still finding fun things to do.
Cthulhu loves you, better start running

I�! I�! Gg�gorsch�a�bha egurtsa�ar�ug d� Dalhor! Cthluhu fthagn! Cthluhu fthagn!

You are in a maze of twisty little passages



Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
good idea. ill stay back a few rooms and you can come back and get healed when you need it.

Or my rad can wait until you have personally hit every mob before debuffing.
If your Rad is debuffing properly then mezzes tend not to be a problem any more. I play lots of squishies. Never have I thought "Oh, I really need mez protection". For one thing most of the time if I do need it I can use / make myself a breakfree. Even my Fire/Rad doesn't have mez protection and he's a melee loving squishy.

The game really doesn't need ways of getting even easier.



While I don't consider mezz-protection for squishies a good idea, this is not true, especially from a Defender's point of view:

Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
If your Rad is debuffing properly then mezzes tend not to be a problem any more.
Spawns do not always pack together; anchors get killed early and can run (even if slowed by LR); adds and ambushes from a different direction are very tricky for Radiation Infection as a defence; many mob ST mezzes have tohit bonuses and def debuffs fly constantly, countering RI's effectiveness; RI doesn't scale that well versus higher-conning mobs; defenders soloing do damage slowly allowing more time for mezzes to get through.

Originally Posted by Carnifax View Post
I play lots of squishies. Never have I thought "Oh, I really need mez protection". For one thing most of the time if I do need it I can use / make myself a breakfree. Even my Fire/Rad doesn't have mez protection and he's a melee loving squishy.
Your Fire/Rad--if you're not referring to a Corruptor not listed in your sig--has its own pre-emptive mezzes. Fire/Rad control is easy mode.



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
Not all defenders have that sort of tool. And quite a few melee sets do have some sort of mezz.
You are correct, not all of them do. Half of them do, however.

Mezzes are pretty cheap when you get down to it. The developers already balanced around the fact that players can't lock down whole swaths of NPCs by reducing the duration so that they can't self-stack AOE mezzes.
Incorrect. They reduced the duration and increased the recharge of AoE Holds. Sleeps and Immobs can still be stacked. My Earth/Psy Dominator does this all the time.

Originally Posted by hedgehog_NA View Post
good idea. ill stay back a few rooms and you can come back and get healed when you need it.

Or my rad can wait until you have personally hit every mob before debuffing.
nice attitude, no wonder I won't team with you. If my Emp/Electric Defender can stand toe-to-toe with a couple of LTs, then you can too.

There I was between a rock and a hard place. Then I thought, "What am I doing on this side of the rock?"



What I have gotten out of this from the pro mez protection side of the argument is that being able to be killed is not fun.

What you have been saying, in a nutshell, is that the game is not fun if you cannot ignore the abilities of your enemies and lay waste to them at will.

Mag 3 mez protection will allow you to ignore 85-90% of the mezzes in the game that you will encounter while solo on standard difficulty. Standard difficulty is what the game is balanced around and always has been balanced around. If you cannot handle the mezzing capabilities of a mob at that difficulty without the ability to just ignore it, then, yes, you ARE doing something wrong.

"But, I just don't feel HEROIC getting mezzed all the time!" is one of the more common arguments I hear. Ever read a comic book? At all? The characters in them get mezzed all the frigging time. If they didn't, and nothing was ever a threat to them, it would be a boring comic book to read wouldn't it?

Take Superman as a prime example, would you have any interest in his adventures if he was beating down common street thugs in every issue?


Why? Because the outcome is a foregone conclusion. There is no way in hell a group of common thugs with pistols is EVER going to pose a credible threat to him. That's why he takes on worldwide threats and things that can crush buildings by sneezing, because there is the possibility that he might fail at the task at hand. An outcome that is not certain retains interest much better than reading about how this indestructible guy pummeled a car theft ring.

All comic books are written with the same theory in mind. They can't make the title character too powerful or it gets boring fast. Threats are kept appropriate to the power levels of the character.

In this game, Statesman would be our Superman. The Freedom Phalanx are the heroes in the world everyone looks up to, the JLA or Avengers of this world.

We, the player characters, are more like the New Warriors, untested, inexperienced. Not NEARLY the same power level as the world saving heroes of this universe.

Okay, say you're a defender who uses a bow and arrow, otherwise a normal human. You're trying to tell me that a standard flash-bang grenade should have no effect on you?

A controller is not a physical fighter, it makes perfect sense that being punched by an energy wielder or super strong character would stun them. Imagine if someone were to hit YOU in the head with a hammer, would you be able to just shrug it off? Again, doubtful.

If Cyclops gets punched by Juggernaut, hell yeah he's gonna be stunned, if not out cold. Aside from his optic blast he has no physical abilities outside of human norms.

Being vulnerable to mez is what makes comic book characters interesting. How are they going to defeat an opponent that can disable them? What if they don't win?

I'm sorry, but I find anything where the main character is never in any danger and always wins boring. If you know he's going to win, why bother reading it at all?

Same goes for my video games, if there's not a significant possibility of me not succeeding at something, I lose interest very quickly.

It's partially the result of the society we live in nowadays, where no child is allowed to fail a grade at school because it would "damage their self esteem". In childhood contests of any kind, even last place gets a ribbon, the "everyone's a winner" mentality.

People growing up in this society are not accustomed to the possibility of failure at something. They assume that if they cannot win, it is the fault of whatever it is they are attempting and not a flaw in themselves, because they have been conditioned their whole life to assume that victory is a given, and should be taken for granted.

I see quite a bit of that mentality in this thread.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post

People growing up in this society are not accustomed to the possibility of failure at something. They assume that if they cannot win, it is the fault of whatever it is they are attempting and not a flaw in themselves, because they have been conditioned their whole life to assume that victory is a given, and should be taken for granted.

I see quite a bit of that mentality in this thread.
You're now my hero.

"For every winner, there are dozens of losers. Odds are you're one of them."

Where to now?
Check out all my guides and fiction pieces on my blog.
The MFing Warshade | The Last Rule of Tanking | The Got Dam Mastermind
Everything Dark Armor | The Softcap
don'T attempt to read tHis mEssaGe, And believe Me, it is not a codE.



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
...Mag 3 mez protection will allow you to ignore 85-90% of the mezzes in the game that you will encounter while solo on standard difficulty. Standard difficulty is what the game is balanced around and always has been balanced around. If you cannot handle the mezzing capabilities of a mob at that difficulty without the ability to just ignore it, then, yes, you ARE doing something wrong...
Wow, I don't want to quote the whole post, Claws, but well posted there!

I'd also like to add that the reason why melee-centric (i.e. Tankers/Scrappers) get to shrug off and ignore those Mag 3 mezzes is because they are supposed to be hit more often with those mezzes which would amount to mez-stacking of much more than Mag 3 mezzes!

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
We, the player characters, are more like the New Warriors, untested, inexperienced. Not NEARLY the same power level as the world saving heroes of this universe.

While I have some characters like that, most are not. IMO, the game does a good job of making me feel like my character is THE hero. No forum poster with some kind of inferiority complex is going to change that.

Why Blasters? Empathy Sucks.
So, you want to be Mental?
What the hell? Let's buff defenders.
Tactics are for those who do not have a big enough hammer. Wisdom is knowing how big your hammer is.



Originally Posted by LordXenite View Post

Wow, I don't want to quote the whole post, Claws, but well posted there!

I'd also like to add that the reason why melee-centric (i.e. Tankers/Scrappers) get to shrug off and ignore those Mag 3 mezzes is because they are supposed to be hit more often with those mezzes which would amount to mez-stacking of much more than Mag 3 mezzes!
But that gets us back to the problem of long duration, stacked mezzing to overcome tanker/scrapper mezz protection *kills* squishies that even get hit with 1/4 of the mezzes.

Yet if squishies were 'allowed' to have a mere mag 3 protection, durations could be increased as a balance factor to over-stack mezz protection.

In effect, giving squishies some minor mezz protection actually gives the developers the ability to tweak the mezzing that mobs can do to be more challenging to everyone.

But according to some people, it's all about 'easy mode' and not about balance.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post
While I have some characters like that, most are not. IMO, the game does a good job of making me feel like my character is THE hero. No forum poster with some kind of inferiority complex is going to change that.
The game does a good job letting us believe our characters are THE HERO simply because when we play our characters, we're usually oblivious to all the other "THE HERO" out there doing exactly the same quests and killing exactly the same enemies. The inferiority complex starts when we look at others and start envying the strengths of their AT and covet them for our own characters despite being of a completely different AT/build.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Originally Posted by StratoNexus View Post

While I have some characters like that, most are not. IMO, the game does a good job of making me feel like my character is THE hero. No forum poster with some kind of inferiority complex is going to change that.

Inferiority complex? Where'd you get that from?

I was just pointing out that we are not the flagship characters of this universe.

We're not the Hulks or Supermans. We're not Batman or Spider-Man

We're the Gambits, the Deadpools, the Green Arrows, the Nightwings.

Still heroes in their own right, but not the ones you immediately think of when you think of a particular universe.

Every single one of the characters I mention there has had their own book at some point, and in their book they were THE hero. But they are not the characters a comic company uses to advertise, because they are lesser known.

NCSoft will never use Claws and Effect to advertise their game, they will use Statesman and Lord Recluse, because those are this world's version of the flagship superheroes that keep comics going.

Originally Posted by Dechs Kaison
See, it's gems like these that make me check Claws' post history every once in a while to make sure I haven't missed anything good lately.



Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
But that gets us back to the problem of long duration, stacked mezzing to overcome tanker/scrapper mezz protection *kills* squishies that even get hit with 1/4 of the mezzes.

Yet if squishies were 'allowed' to have a mere mag 3 protection, durations could be increased as a balance factor to over-stack mezz protection.
So, you're saying a Controller for example should be able to stand back-to-back with a Tanker and not be mezzed by the same mezzes the Tanker is absorbing?

Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
In effect, giving squishies some minor mezz protection actually gives the developers the ability to tweak the mezzing that mobs can do to be more challenging to everyone.
More challenging? How exactly? This game has Break Free inspirations. It has mitigation tools that enable some characters to completely shut-down mezzers before mezzing happens even.

Originally Posted by Futurias View Post
But according to some people, it's all about 'easy mode' and not about balance.
Of course it's not about the balance. The balance already exists and it requires squishies to employ an already existing game mechanic called Break Free inspirations and team!

Did you know for example that a team of squishies without Tanks/Scrappers can use Stimulant on each other to basically grant (and boost) their mez protection above Mag 3, and the only effort on their part would be to actually take Stimulant (a power that opens up at Lv6) and use it on one another?! Talk about cooperative gameplay tactics!

The reason why *I* would say this outcry is about easy-mode and not about balance is probably because I've only noticed being mezzed as a problem when I solo without Break Free inspirations. When I do that, I have only myself to blame!

If you were saying perhaps that the Devs should increase the Inspiration drop of Break Free inspirations, or alternatively adjust the Inspiration-drop algorithm so for each person, it drops an inspiration that can be used in the 3-to-1 conversion process so that you can more easily make Break Free inspirations, now that I'd totally be for, but reliable mez-protection that is obtainable by taking a power, for every AT? That I can't agree with.

Perhaps if the whole concept of mezzing were re-done, we could talk about it, but I doubt that would ever happen.

I believe that a Kheldian Gold Standard should be based on SO's, and for anything above that... there's Platinum!

Save Ms. Liberty (#5349) Augmenting Peacebringers The Umbra Illuminati



Actually, I have never stated that the Devs should give everyone tanker level protection (nor even close, actually).

What I stated was that a minor increase from nothing allows them to balance 'stacking' mezzes on tanks and scrappers that do get hit with up to four to eight time more mezzing than said squishies. But only by increasing durations that would kill squishies with no mezz protection.

That's why Mezz resistance is a far greater boon to the non-squishies than it is to the squishies. It keeps stacking mezz from stacking. A squishie is still mezzed (if at times for minorly less amounts) but a tank basically goes from 'might get mezzed due to duration' to 'never going to get mezzed.

High duration, stacking mezzes were the design to overcome heavy mezz protection.

But it kills people with no mezz protection.

Still here, even after all this time!



Originally Posted by ClawsandEffect View Post
What I have gotten out of this from the pro mez protection side of the argument is that being able to be killed is not fun.

What you have been saying, in a nutshell, is that the game is not fun if you cannot ignore the abilities of your enemies and lay waste to them at will.

Mag 3 mez protection will allow you to ignore 85-90% of the mezzes in the game that you will encounter while solo on standard difficulty. Standard difficulty is what the game is balanced around and always has been balanced around. If you cannot handle the mezzing capabilities of a mob at that difficulty without the ability to just ignore it, then, yes, you ARE doing something wrong.

"But, I just don't feel HEROIC getting mezzed all the time!" is one of the more common arguments I hear. Ever read a comic book? At all? The characters in them get mezzed all the frigging time. If they didn't, and nothing was ever a threat to them, it would be a boring comic book to read wouldn't it?

Take Superman as a prime example, would you have any interest in his adventures if he was beating down common street thugs in every issue?


Why? Because the outcome is a foregone conclusion. There is no way in hell a group of common thugs with pistols is EVER going to pose a credible threat to him. That's why he takes on worldwide threats and things that can crush buildings by sneezing, because there is the possibility that he might fail at the task at hand. An outcome that is not certain retains interest much better than reading about how this indestructible guy pummeled a car theft ring.

All comic books are written with the same theory in mind. They can't make the title character too powerful or it gets boring fast. Threats are kept appropriate to the power levels of the character.

In this game, Statesman would be our Superman. The Freedom Phalanx are the heroes in the world everyone looks up to, the JLA or Avengers of this world.

We, the player characters, are more like the New Warriors, untested, inexperienced. Not NEARLY the same power level as the world saving heroes of this universe.

Okay, say you're a defender who uses a bow and arrow, otherwise a normal human. You're trying to tell me that a standard flash-bang grenade should have no effect on you?

A controller is not a physical fighter, it makes perfect sense that being punched by an energy wielder or super strong character would stun them. Imagine if someone were to hit YOU in the head with a hammer, would you be able to just shrug it off? Again, doubtful.

If Cyclops gets punched by Juggernaut, hell yeah he's gonna be stunned, if not out cold. Aside from his optic blast he has no physical abilities outside of human norms.

Being vulnerable to mez is what makes comic book characters interesting. How are they going to defeat an opponent that can disable them? What if they don't win?

I'm sorry, but I find anything where the main character is never in any danger and always wins boring. If you know he's going to win, why bother reading it at all?

Same goes for my video games, if there's not a significant possibility of me not succeeding at something, I lose interest very quickly.

It's partially the result of the society we live in nowadays, where no child is allowed to fail a grade at school because it would "damage their self esteem". In childhood contests of any kind, even last place gets a ribbon, the "everyone's a winner" mentality.

People growing up in this society are not accustomed to the possibility of failure at something. They assume that if they cannot win, it is the fault of whatever it is they are attempting and not a flaw in themselves, because they have been conditioned their whole life to assume that victory is a given, and should be taken for granted.

I see quite a bit of that mentality in this thread.
This ^
/golfclap to whoever left the -rep comment. Lot's of people find it funny, actually. Maybe you just don't like people disagreeing with you?

Either way, if the devs ever say 'Oh, no, your right, lets give people mag 3 mezz resist' I will personally eat one of my hats. Or at least buy one to eat.
(I might marinade it first, or at least add some seasoning )

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.