Discussion - Issue 16: Power Spectrum Patch Notes




I think i like the new powers too much an my ALTitis has returned i didnt think i would ever want to make another dom again but that earthassault is just fun !



Undocumented change in the requirements for the Demonic accolade? I picked it up on login, but don't have Coldhearted, Soul Taker, Lorekeeper or Hellfire. Only new defeat badge I picked up was Hero Slayer.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Ah well. I guess these types of changes are easier and quicker. Who knows.




Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Ah well. I guess these types of changes are easier and quicker. Who knows.
Originally Posted by BackAlleyBrawler View Post

You okay, Babs? Thought you might've sprained something there.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by backalleybrawler View Post

Edit: Ok, I understand the reasoning for auto-uncapping all-caps posts, but it does get annoying sometimes....


Also on Steam



The new Issue 16 looks intersting. Had to come back for it at least. Still can't wait for Going Rogue. Looking foward to that one.



I'm trying to understand, what all the hate with AE farms were? so what that people used them to farm? It just sickens me that people are so up in arms about it. if u didn't like AE farms why participate? if everyone else is paying their monthly subscription just like you are, then why are you concerned about how much of the city they see or game they experience? why is it even your business? and how does it affect your game play? I got my 3 of my 50's the non ae way, I don't even farm, and really never had use for ae, however In my opinion, it should be my prerogative to play the game however I want, with out someone else in my biz...I'm paying it for it, not them. I personally think that they went TOO far with the changes to AE, just to make a few complainers happy. Its crap. Im glad for issue 16 and all the pretty colors, but can we address the following"
*lag, rubberbanding, map servers disconnect
*updating the base choices, more choices, how bout some lettering (wall details) how about actual wall and windows would be nice to customize your base. how about using some of the maps as bases.
*more costume choices. more manipulation over the costumes as well?
I think this is a great game, but there are a lot of things that I think that could have been addressed in issue 16, more than tintable powers....



Longbow Wardens’ Lingering Radiation has been reduced to a more reasonable debuff
oh, ty

Powers with knockback and repel protection should no longer suppress knockback or repel protection when held, stunned, or slept.

* Includes all Brute, Scrapper, Stalker, and Tanker versions of Entropy Shield, Unyielding, Active Defense, Rooted, Granite Armor, Integration, Wet Ice, and indomitable will. Acrobatics also will not suppress the knockback portion.
What is about Indomitable Will for widows? It still supresses while mezz'ed (at least did on live after i16 patch) :/ and thanks for fix btw

Pocket D: War Witch will once again talk to and train villains
And i was already wondering if devs hate vills...<_<

Mace Mastery - Shatter Armor (NEW): This power has replaced Focused Accuracy in the Villain Epic Archetype Mace Mastery epic power set. Shatter Armor is a heavy hitting melee Arachnos Melee attack that reduces the target’s damage resistance.
It is quite nice add but it still won't fix widows for pvp :/

Oh and btw, i think new issue doesn't like cold trollers...i tried to lv up my new made cold and crashed :<



Originally Posted by Computer View Post
Removed a number of enemies from multiple enemy groups within Mission Architect that only had the Quantum Gun as a viable attack power.
Why? Were they elimanated completely thereby putting more erroneous limits on MA? Somone would have to be out of their mind to farm an enemy that does large burst damage, stuns, knocks back, and slows (All from range).
Only to Kheldians; to anyone else they are harmless.

Arc #40529 : The Furies of the Earth



Originally Posted by Aura_Familia View Post
you mean standard content like newspaper mission after newspaper mission, like they were doing before AE? or pling in PI before AE?

lol standard content.

I'm waiting for GR for the return to standard content.
You mean ... mr. Bocor arc... Snake hunt arcs... patron arcs... timetravelling to the future... etc etc etc... more then I can mention here. incl All the TF's and SF's...

There is standard content. Only you are bored with it. Don't bring new players on wrong idea's. This game has more content then any other still.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Originally Posted by Heartsong View Post
I've seen players doing regular content in the last few weeks already, so I'm hoping the boss farms will get deleted and the fun, creative AE missions will start getting some action.
I was in a 8 man team on villains in Mercy (very low level) the whole evening yesterday. On UNION. As of old.

- The Italian Job: The Godfather Returns #1151
Beginner - Encounter a renewed age for the Mook and the Family when Emile Marcone escapes from the Zig!
- Along Came a... Bug!? #528482
Average - A new race of aliens arrives on Earth. And Vanguard has you investigate them!
- The Court of the Blood Countess: The Rise of the Blood Countess #3805
Advanced - Go back in time and witness the birth of a vampire. Follow her to key moments in her life in order to stop her! A story of intrigue, drama and horror! Blood & Violence... not recommend to solo!



Why is there nothing in the patch notes about the changes in RV...The Longbow Mech/Spider Mech changes and the changes in inspiration and recipe drops were also changed but not listed...WHY??

TAXEE-Freedom's Original "fun ride"!
QUARX-45 to Fiddy Hami-Only XP! 993 hours!

"If yah want we can take this to the arena. No insps, max end, no travel powers, no temp powers, no accolades, no observers, unrated just one on one."



Originally Posted by Caligdoiel View Post

Originally Posted by truename
anyone noticed that the bridal veil hairstyle and the magic bolero no longer work together?

i ask cause i don't see it up in the notes that they changed it since my chars currently use both as a costume. if its just a glitch that happend with the patch when might we get a fix?

if its not then i guess i will have to wait for a 2nd costume on my lowbies to change the power colors since i like the look of the veil and bolero together.

*bows* sorry to have bugged you all
They've done their level best to eliminate instances of double-animated costume parts. No capes with bolero, no veils with capes, &c. They missed one or two but I'm not going to out them because I like the look and want to be able to customize those powers. I already have one character who's "stuck" because she got in before they locked wings+bolero and another with cape+bolero, so they will become my "default powers" suits and I'll just customize my others.

This really annoyed me last night - I to have the magic bolero and wedding veil options on a toon as it works very very well for the concept. I jumped into the nearest Icon on this toon so that I could customise her powers and as I was unaware of this change in costume options its completely screwed up what was a cool looking and favourite toon. Now I can't get her looking anywhere near as awesome looking as she was and starting to find her pretty much 'meh' to play. He costume - to me - was just as important as her name, bio and power selection. Now part of that 'attachment' to the toon has gone. Ah well, these things happen. Not bitter or angry just sad



My only complaint about I16 is that I can't make my ice red. I wanted a blue fire, red ice blaster. Oh well. If that's all I can complain about then the dev's and their support staff went above, beyond and possibly transdimensional.

The Defenders of Paragon
KGB Special Section 8



* There is now an in-game email setting to block all email except from those on your friends list or in your supergroup.

What is the reason for leaving out Global Friends? With everybody's zillion alts, the Friends list is impossible to maintain, while extended coalitions means the people you play with extend across multiple supergroups.

The Global Friends list, meanwhile, acts as the central repository of the people you know. That's the main list I'd like to whitelist, and really the only meaningful list of the three, but that's the only one that isn't used?

Colour me confused.



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Unfortunately, they didn't add anything to really do in game. I logged on and changed a few colors, ran around and it's pretty much same old, same old.
I leveled up while finishing up a Positron TF. Only my level 43 Controller. That has access to Stamina even though she was exemplared down to 15.

That, in a nutshell, it why this is one of the best free issues ever.

Global name: @k26dp



Originally Posted by Niviene View Post

  • All dismissable pets will now zone with you, but will lose their buffs.




  • Mastermind Pets now correctly keep their level 6 and level 32 upgrade power buffs when zoning
  • Pets will now zone with their Mastermind owner and will keep their buffs
I like this update, running around in Freedom's AP was pleasingly lag-less last night. Lots of positives IMO in this issue.

Noticed conflicting info, says pets lose buffs and later under MMs says they keep all buffs. In game last night, they'd either stay with me with buffs, or all pets would dismiss and toggles would drop upon zoning. There's nothing on Pets for Dark Miasma (fluffy) or any of the other pets for Controllers either, wasn't able to test, but I'm sure it works the same as MM's would.

Also, on the I16 Feature List, they mention changes to the Patron/Epic Power Pools, like Defenders getting a Self Rez power in Dark Mastery, and Force of Nature in Power Mastery, but there's nothing in the notes, anyone have info on this? Am at work and didn't see the notes/list til just now.



Originally Posted by TheExcession View Post
* There is now an in-game email setting to block all email except from those on your friends list or in your supergroup.

What is the reason for leaving out Global Friends? With everybody's zillion alts, the Friends list is impossible to maintain, while extended coalitions means the people you play with extend across multiple supergroups.

The Global Friends list, meanwhile, acts as the central repository of the people you know. That's the main list I'd like to whitelist, and really the only meaningful list of the three, but that's the only one that isn't used?

Colour me confused.
If I had to guess I'd say it's because email is local. You can't send an email to someone on your global list, and you can't list someone's global name in the "to" field. With good reason - how would that work? If someone sent an email to your global handle, would you get that email on every toon? It'd be nice to say you just get it on the first toon you log in to, or it would be nice to say we have a global email inbox, but the game isn't set up that way. Email is server specific, ergo, email options are local/server specific.



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
If I had to guess I'd say it's because email is local. You can't send an email to someone on your global list, and you can't list someone's global name in the "to" field. With good reason - how would that work? If someone sent an email to your global handle, would you get that email on every toon? It'd be nice to say you just get it on the first toon you log in to, or it would be nice to say we have a global email inbox, but the game isn't set up that way. Email is server specific, ergo, email options are local/server specific.
Yes, but you can't /friend an enemy. There is no way for a hero to send a villain email and vice versa.

Together we entered a city of strangers, we made it a city of friends, and we leave it a City of Heroes. - Sweet_Sarah
BOYCOTT NCSoft (on Facebook)
Governments have fallen to the power of social media. Gaming companies can too.



But, if I were to /friend someone, they don't get a confirmation to accept right? It's only adding someone to my list, not adding me to theirs. So a spammer can still add someone to their list and send spam, theoretically, even if you have your email settings set to friends only. Makes it a little harder to spam people, but I don't think it's an end to it. I still think a global system would be the best fix for this even if it means reworking the system. I mean we did just got power color options, this too was 'impossible' for a long time.



Super side kicking is by far the best change.

I no longer have to longingly search the /search function for people the same level as I am. People are willing to exemplar! No reason for a higher level person not to join me as long as they are within 5 levels.

Ran a great team this morning with a diverse group of leveled people. It was awesome. Thank you Dev's for this change.

"I accidently killed Synapse, do we need to restart the mission?" - The Oldest One on Lord Recluses Strike Force



Originally Posted by AAQUI View Post
I'm trying to understand, what all the hate with AE farms were?
Because the farms fill up the listings.

Because getting insulted for being upset that you were invited to a farm team after specifically saying "Looking for Non-farm AE mission team" with "Stupid n00b, it's AE, of course it's a farm" is irritating.

And listening to people whine they got smacked for their farm mission when it's blatantly against the rules is irritating too.

Orc&Pie No.53230 There is an orc, and somehow, he got a pie. And you are hungry.

Negaduck: I see you found the crumb. I knew you'd never notice the huge flag.



Originally Posted by Steele_Magnolia View Post
Yes, but you can't /friend an enemy. There is no way for a hero to send a villain email and vice versa.
That's true.. apologies I'm not seeing how that changes what I said. Someone asked why there's no option to receive email from global friends, and I said it's probably because email is handled locally. I didn't say it was a good thing, I was just explaining the reason behind the inability.

Originally Posted by Future_Elf View Post
But, if I were to /friend someone, they don't get a confirmation to accept right? It's only adding someone to my list, not adding me to theirs. So a spammer can still add someone to their list and send spam, theoretically, even if you have your email settings set to friends only. Makes it a little harder to spam people, but I don't think it's an end to it. I still think a global system would be the best fix for this even if it means reworking the system. I mean we did just got power color options, this too was 'impossible' for a long time.
I'm pretty sure the email settings refer to YOUR friends list. That is, I can only receive email from someone if they are on MY friends list or in MY super group. Otherwise you're right, it would make no sense at all. As far as global email, that's one of those "nice to have" things, but I would (personally) place this last in line for time invested by the devs. As it stands, someone can send me a global tell, and I'll get it when I log on. Why invest the time and effort into global email when we have other ways to contact each other, and there are other things that would have a much larger impact on game-play?

Originally Posted by Rajani Isa View Post
Because the farms fill up the listings.

Because getting insulted for being upset that you were invited to a farm team after specifically saying "Looking for Non-farm AE mission team" with "Stupid n00b, it's AE, of course it's a farm" is irritating.

And listening to people whine they got smacked for their farm mission when it's blatantly against the rules is irritating too.
I agree that many regular players have put up with a lot of grief from Farmers, but I think there's a far larger impact than that. Farmers used to flood the market with salvage and recipes, then when they moved to AE that source dried up and prices started to go up. So at the very least Farmers have a marked impact on the economy. (Whether you feel it's good or bad, there *is* an impact.) The Devs have also constantly attempted to strike a balance between risk and reward, and I think that is the bigger issue: they're not stamping out farming so much as high-reward/low-risk farming. If you want to repeat the same mission over and over and over, there's nothing to stop you. (I've had several toons who, as soon as they hit 35, do the ITF over and over until they get to 50. I love the ITF, I do it for the XP and because I love it, I don't care about merits, and I'd be happy to do it five times in a row.) It's when you are repeating that mission because it gives you very high rewards for minimal risk, that's what the Devs are trying to eliminate. Again: Whether you agree with their reasoning or not, the Devs have *always* stated that their goal is to maintain a balance between risk and reward, and they have made changes to the game in a continued attempt to maintain that balance.



Originally Posted by AAQUI View Post
I'm trying to understand, what all the hate with AE farms were? so what that people used them to farm? It just sickens me that people are so up in arms about it. if u didn't like AE farms why participate? if everyone else is paying their monthly subscription just like you are, then why are you concerned about how much of the city they see or game they experience? why is it even your business? and how does it affect your game play?
For one the broadcast spam(and that's all it is) is annoying and distracting and it really took away from the vibe Atlas Park use to have. Instead of a bunch of idiots having broadcast PvP and the costume contests there was farm spam.

I don't think AE farming was as big a deal as some people, but I also didn't think it was good for the game either. Some of the questions level 50s asked yesterday was stuff a max level player should know. For example a level 50 asked how to get to Peregrine Island.



Originally Posted by Sapphire7 View Post
I'm pretty sure the email settings refer to YOUR friends list. That is, I can only receive email from someone if they are on MY friends list or in MY super group. Otherwise you're right, it would make no sense at all. As far as global email, that's one of those "nice to have" things, but I would (personally) place this last in line for time invested by the devs. As it stands, someone can send me a global tell, and I'll get it when I log on. Why invest the time and effort into global email when we have other ways to contact each other, and there are other things that would have a much larger impact on game-play?
I didn't look at it as my FL lol, makes much more sense . But I totally agree that it's a back burner issue if anything, a QoL that if it comes is kinda..."neat". But in this instance, I'd rather have quality content vs a Global Email feature any day.