Discussion - Issue 16: Power Spectrum Patch Notes




I am loving Issue 16!! The change in the UI and email alone gets a big thumbs up from me. It is so great to be able to truly make my toons more unique..choices are GOOD. The horrible blocky terrain is GONE! The auto-sk feature makes it so much easier to team with my friends. No more 'shimmy shake' when teleporting to base or PD. So many more things that make this game better than ever. In 5 years, I have never been bored once. (Best of all, we have never had to pay for new issues..other games charge every time for their 'expansions'. ) Awesome job, devs. Your buffet just keeps getting tastier.

�Many things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done.�



I thought there was a fix for the Marcone / "The Don" Family Bosses, that were not being counted correctly?

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



I think it's important to recognize that the devs aren't anti-farming - they're just anti-farming in the AE, because it has a major impact on non-farming players.
Like pre AE, they never put a minimum entry level of 40 on PI, no matter how many people were being PLed there.
They tweaked Family and Demon xp a bit, and added a timer to the Dreck misison, but the basic ability for a low level to go to PI and be PLed was always left open, because it didn't really affect other players, but the AE was being badly affected by farm missions, and farming there was having a way bigger impact on non-farmers and the game in general than the old style PI farming ever had.

Issue I16 actually contains some good stuff for farmers - the new difficulty settings will make it easier and faster for them, with no need for fillers anymore, so I think I16 is more an attempt to balance the needs of farmers and non-farmers, rather than an attempt to just nerf farmers.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Originally Posted by Liz Bathory View Post
You mean ... mr. Bocor arc... Snake hunt arcs... patron arcs... timetravelling to the future... etc etc etc... more then I can mention here. incl All the TF's and SF's...

There is standard content. Only you are bored with it. Don't bring new players on wrong idea's. This game has more content then any other still.
After doing that 123324324 times MANY vets would disagree.

Prior to issue 14 there weren't these long lines of teams doing standard content arcs. The major complaint heard on the forums was about newspaper and radio teams and "that's all anyone wants to do".

Again waiting for GR for the return to standard dev content.

Blazara Aura LVL 50 Fire/Psi Dom (with 125% recharge)
Flameboxer Aura LVL 50 SS/Fire Brute
Ice 'Em Aura LVL 50 Ice Tank
Darq Widow Fortune LVL 50 Fortunata (200% rech/Night Widow 192.5% rech)--thanks issue 19!



Originally Posted by Golden Girl View Post
I think it's important to recognize that the devs aren't anti-farming - they're just anti-farming in the AE, because it has a major impact on non-farming players.
Like pre AE, they never put a minimum entry level of 40 on PI, no matter how many people were being PLed there.
They tweaked Family and Demon xp a bit, and added a timer to the Dreck misison, but the basic ability for a low level to go to PI and be PLed was always left open, because it didn't really affect other players, but the AE was being badly affected by farm missions, and farming there was having a way bigger impact on non-farmers and the game in general than the old style PI farming ever had.

Issue I16 actually contains some good stuff for farmers - the new difficulty settings will make it easier and faster for them, with no need for fillers anymore, so I think I16 is more an attempt to balance the needs of farmers and non-farmers, rather than an attempt to just nerf farmers.
Using the new difficulty settings over the past two days and hearing in game from players that solo 8 man spawns leads me to believe you don't get an increase in drops and players are starting to ask for pads again. Personally speaking I got about 10 recipes in 4 hours of soloing 8 man spawns in the past two days. Of course it could just be bad luck for me, but I expected a lot more considering the amount of enemies I am fighting. Among some of the theories floating around is that the other 7 "virtual" players are "getting" the drops. We won't know unless a red name sheds some light on it. I'm just glad they didn't nerf the influence.

Who do I have to *&^% around here to get more Targeted AoE recipes added?

Arc Name: Tsoo In Love
Arc ID: 413575



Originally Posted by ROGUEdenied View Post
Why is there nothing in the patch notes about the changes in RV...The Longbow Mech/Spider Mech changes and the changes in inspiration and recipe drops were also changed but not listed...WHY??
I must have missed something. WHat changes in RV and Longbow Mech/Spider Mech?

Also, what changes in drop rates? YOu mean the possible (probable [sp?]) bug with drop rates? If so, I really do thinkk that's a bug with how the new dificulty settings work...but really just guessing on that one.



Originally Posted by EnigmaBlack View Post
Using the new difficulty settings over the past two days and hearing in game from players that solo 8 man spawns leads me to believe you don't get an increase in drops and players are starting to ask for pads again. Personally speaking I got about 10 recipes in 4 hours of soloing 8 man spawns in the past two days. Of course it could just be bad luck for me, but I expected a lot more considering the amount of enemies I am fighting. Among some of the theories floating around is that the other 7 "virtual" players are "getting" the drops. We won't know unless a red name sheds some light on it. I'm just glad they didn't nerf the influence.
We're going to need all the inf we can get if drops keep up at this rate. Very short supply, uber demand.



I saw no mention of the Mayhem "object changes"
I have done 2 Mayhem missions with my new corruptor so far. and the Vehicles(Cars,Trucks, and Vans) have been equal to my characters level.(5 and 9)

Was this intentional or is it a bug.

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by Blood_Beret View Post
I saw no mention of the Mayhem "object changes"
I have done 2 Mayhem missions with my new corruptor so far. and the Vehicles(Cars,Trucks, and Vans) have been equal to my characters level.(5 and 9)

Was this intentional or is it a bug.
For some reason the lower level Mayhem Missions are bugged like that. Once you get pass the KR Mayhem I believe the objects start conning Grey.



Cars cap out at 10 PPD Vans, Trucks, and Large Metal Crates are still even level. they probably cap at 15 like they were before I16.

@Blood Beret(2)Twitter
I am a bad speeler, use poorer grammar, and am a frequent typoist.
MA ArcID: 1197
You have enemies? Good. That means you've stood up for something, sometime in your life. Winston Churchill



Originally Posted by TheJazMan View Post
Yes, a very nice issue with lots of QoL adds. Lots of cool stuff and now maybe AE will not be a farmer's haven.

Unfortunately, they didn't add anything to really do in game. I logged on and changed a few colors, ran around and it's pretty much same old, same old. Ah well. I guess these types of changes are easier and quicker. Who knows.
But the same old is very fun! Grouping with random people and seeing how you work together o.o. Plus the smash, smash good! More colorful smash? .... SMASH GOOD!



Ok I read some of the responses about my question about why hate farming, they made sense, still however dosen't change the hate....oh well moving on.

But I thought that there was suppose to be a way to change (from what part of the body) powers came from...different animation, maybe I misunderstood, can anyone clarify?



Okay I am having a little dilemma which is true?

Originally Posted by Niviene View Post
Combined Release Notes for Issue 16

Tuesday, September 15th, 2009

  • All dismissable pets will now zone with you, but will lose their buffs.



  • Mastermind Pets now correctly keep their level 6 and level 32 upgrade power buffs when zoning
  • Pets will now zone with their Mastermind owner and will keep their buffs
Also I have a problem sometimes when I use the Rogue Isles Ferry or exit a mish my Robotic Minions become NPCs and its not until they have a power used on them or they take so much damage before the go back to my control. Should I send a bug report next time it happens?



Yall are lame.



Wow okay sorry for the previous post did a test, because I keep getting that bad input thing repeatedly. But I think it's really lame for people to bash on AE farming, because it for one creates animosity between new players who only know AE farming and players who perceive themselves as playing the game "correctly". And also to Munki level 50's not knowing some things is just common, because I for one just returned after a considerable break. I had forgotten where the tailor is, so I decided to ask the loving community in atlas, and was promptly called an AE noob and bashed on for a good 5 minutes. So I believe you can go ahead and get the hell off your high horse and join the rest of us who simply forget things.