"please give me money"




Now here's something that I hadn't had happen to me before, and always thought it was an urban legend, like all those people with four travel powers or the mythical people who kick you off teams when your Defender isn't an Empath. But this was real.

I'm talking, of course, about the inarticulate beggar. Here's how it went on.

I'd just gotten my level 30 costume mission to defeat 30 Crey, when I left Icon. Predictably, a couple of Crey Security Guards came rushing in to fight me. Easy fight for a level 30 Scrapper, generally, but this time I get hit with a blind invite mid-fight. I reject it with lighting speed, just in time for... I don't remember, I think it was either fire blasts or electrical blasts to hit my enemies. I turn around to see this level 37... I think it was a Blaster, "helping" me. Mid-fight I get another blind invite, then at the end of the fight I get another still.

Annoyed at the thought that this is probably one more case of a person thinking that kill-stealing from me and inviting me to a team is a good way to make friends, I opt to not be an *** and just jump off. This is when, in local, he calls for me to stop, and the following conversation takes place.

Him: wait
Me: I'm not interested in teaming.
Him: please give me money
Him: please
Him: i need it
Me: "Please give me money?" What do you take me for? You can't just go around asking people like that.
Him: o srry
Me: You're level 37. Just kill stiff.
Me: Be faster than begging anyway.
Him: were

Then I left him standing on the roof of Independence Port's Icon. A couple of minute later, I got another blind invite from him, though I don't believe he followed me. And... That just boggled my mind. How is that even possible? OK, I was more than a bit of a jerk, granted, but I don't appreciate being told "please give me money" completely out of the blue by a character 7 LEVELS above me. Oh, he needs it. I need it, too! I'll be looking to get Inventions in a few levels, and those aren't exactly cheap.

And it wouldn't bug me so much if this were a reasonable request I could relate to. I know better than anybody that sometimes you just run short and it sucks to not have enough. But "please give me money" is the lowest form of begging there is. If he'd explained what he needed the money for, maybe I'd have been a bit more open. I mean, if I know he won't spend it on booze and women or something. And this wasn't exactly a bum. This was a high-level player. And he wasn't hitting up some filthy rich 50. He was begging a level 30 character. It's like that sketch in History of the world where two beggars keep begging the noblemen, moving from one to the next, until they start begging from each other.

This just amazes me. It's not about the money, or even about the begging. I just cannot wrap my head around how someone can approach me and be desperate enough to beg, yet not desperate enough to put together a full sentence to ask for it.

"please give me money..." Now I've heard everything.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



funny story sam.

I had someone ask me for inf in MA the other day, but very politely- "can I please have 30,000 inf to enhance my hero?"

I'd have given it to them except I was AFK and by the time I got back they were all set.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Heck, I'd probably have given it away if the guy hadn't come off like a moocher. I don't exactly have a lot on this one - barely 9 million and I know I'll blow all of that off pretty soon. But just saying the word "please" does not immediately make every wish convincing. If he'd approached me as a person and tried to explain his plight, I'd have probably helped without a second thought.

But running up to a stranger and greeting them with "please give me money" does not warm my heart.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Had a new player hit me up with new player questions not too long ago. They were polite, inquisitive and thankful.

Then the person asked about wings and how much they wish they could have had them at character creation.

I took that as an opportunity to teach a little something about the market and crafting. Bought the player their wings of choice, bought the salvage, explained how to use a crafting table and the tailor once done and sent them on their way to wherever they ended up going to find a crafting table. They were in their teens on lvl and still hanging around Atlas, so I'm pretty sure I sent them to Steel Canyon.

About 30 minutes later, I received a very happy thank you.

Why do I share this story in relation to the OP?

It's not what you ask for, it's how you get it.

Be well, people of CoH.



Yeah that is the worst. I mean, some people.
[please give me money.]

It hasn't happened to me very often, but it's kind of fun to mess with them when it does. I especially like when they threaten and insult you.
[please give me money.]

I heard about one guy who called himself "Homeless guy" or something and sat in Atlas with the 'begging' emote (the tin cup)
[please give me money.]

and made like some number of millions of inf (back in the day when that was something),
[please give me money.]

and I think he had a Costume contest or something, gave it all away.
[please give me money.]

Well, I'm off to earn some more inf on a TF!
[please give me money.]

Arc #6015 - Coming Unglued

"A good n00b-sauce is based on a good n00b-roux." - The Masque



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post

Then the person asked about wings and how much they wish they could have had them at character creation.
I bought rocket boots for a stranger quite a while ago, it was very satisfying.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Dont think i should really be in this topic since i constantly give money away

I actually have no problem giving money away, if i dont know the person i'ld happily give anything up to a million [get it back in a few mins?], anything more then it does get a "sorry".

When on a low character, a few thousand is so much of a blessing! I do agree that giving a few bits of influence that can be made back quickly to lower levels should always be done if needed. But thats the nice guy in me coming out

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by galadiman View Post
Yeah that is the worst. I mean, some people.
[please give me money.]

It hasn't happened to me very often, but it's kind of fun to mess with them when it does. I especially like when they threaten and insult you.
[please give me money.]

I heard about one guy who called himself "Homeless guy" or something and sat in Atlas with the 'begging' emote (the tin cup)
[please give me money.]

and made like some number of millions of inf (back in the day when that was something),
[please give me money.]

and I think he had a Costume contest or something, gave it all away.
[please give me money.]

Well, I'm off to earn some more inf on a TF!
[please give me money.]

I've done that before Some people will pay gladly for some ingame comedy! Heck if i see somebody do something like that i'ld gladly give them some!

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
It's not what you ask for, it's how you get it.
I'm not sure if I'm reading this the same way as it was intended, but to me it's all a matter of how you ask. I like helping people when I can, but I despise other people expecting such help for granted. "Ya hafsta team with me/give me money/help me kill stuff/give me exposition!" I've seen a lot of people who demand things like this, though admittedly never in such straight text.

And, really, what has happened to the game if a level 37 player counts as new? And why hit up a character that much lower level? Why not hit up one of the 50s in Atlas Park, or just pick someone off Team Search? Why speak in Local and not tells? If I'd been just a second faster on my feet, I'd never have even seen his "wait."

I don't know, maybe I'm too badly adapted to Internet communication, but lacking complete sentences, any kind of context and any kind of obvious reasoning, how am I suppose to sympathise with these people? I mean, here I am sitting down and pondering this over and over, and I still can't quite comprehend it. How was I suppose to parse that in real time? Maybe I'm just slow, I don't know.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Your story is better than mine. At least I was on a pre-I9 poor level 50 when I was begged at.

total kick to the gut

This is like having Ra's Al Ghul show up at your birthday party.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm not sure if I'm reading this the same way as it was intended, but to me it's all a matter of how you ask. I like helping people when I can, but I despise other people expecting such help for granted. "Ya hafsta team with me/give me money/help me kill stuff/give me exposition!" I've seen a lot of people who demand things like this, though admittedly never in such straight text.

And, really, what has happened to the game if a level 37 player counts as new? And why hit up a character that much lower level? Why not hit up one of the 50s in Atlas Park, or just pick someone off Team Search? Why speak in Local and not tells? If I'd been just a second faster on my feet, I'd never have even seen his "wait."

I don't know, maybe I'm too badly adapted to Internet communication, but lacking complete sentences, any kind of context and any kind of obvious reasoning, how am I suppose to sympathise with these people? I mean, here I am sitting down and pondering this over and over, and I still can't quite comprehend it. How was I suppose to parse that in real time? Maybe I'm just slow, I don't know.
So it's all in how you ASK for it, huh?


Ways to get Samuel Tow to give you influence...

* Hey Sam! Boy... I sure hope I'm as INFLUENTIAL as you some day... wink-wink-nudge-nudge-say-no-more...

* Say Sam, how'd you like to throw a costume contest? I'll enter... nah.. we don't need to announce it broadcast.. local will do... but umm... let's go stand way over there first...

* Sam, my friend... Have you ever heard of Amway?

* Okay, so you give me enough influence to buy that Diamond there... and the very next time I get a Diamond drop... it's yours.

* If you give me a million influence I'll wear your name as my chest detail... okay... well.. I may have to do it one letter at a time... but I swear I'll wear it... eventually.

* No... I refuse to take your influence Sam... really... I will not stoop to begging... saaaay... that's a really sharp Synthetic Intelligence Unit you have there... I collect those you know...

* Wait a second... so you're saying you'll give me the influence... if I stand under Atlas and yell "I'm Samuel Tow's Forum b***h" in all-caps in broadcast? Can I get a promise from you not to screen shot it? What do you mean deal's off?"

My mind wanders so often you've probably seen its picture on milk cartons. - Me... the first person version of the third person Steelclaw



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Annoyed at the thought that this is probably one more case of a person thinking that kill-stealing from me and inviting me to a team is a good way to make friends...
I really hate that. As I used to tell the preschoolers I worked with, "Use your words." I shouldn't still have to tell you that when you're 14, 26, or 43 years old.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



That kinda like when on an AE mission with my Plant/Kin controller (just wanted to get FS since never used before....is nice) and the Stone tank (below 32 and not thsat good anyway) keep saying just "sb?". Gets annoying real fast and I findaly answer with "What is the magic word?" with a responce "sb pleease ".

Not my fault that the person was on a powerset that NEEDS movement help, even though the person did have TP, but tired of people whining for stuff and using smallest sentences possible. Like the defender that kept saying "MA", everyone was like "What?" then I realized they meant AM...after person casted though

Just face it people are lazy; lazy in real life and lazier in game.

Valaraine: Master Archer & Electricity Whiz.
(Archer - lvl 50, swordswoman - lvl 50, Elec zapper - lvl 35, Ice/DB tank - lvl 50, Arch/En - lvl 26, Lvl 33 Blade wielder, trick archer - lvl 34, flame tank - lvl 30, rad specialist - lvl 44.)
My DA page



Originally Posted by MissInformed View Post
I really hate that. As I used to tell the preschoolers I worked with, "Use your words."
HEY! You said you wouldn't talk about us after that TF was over!


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'll be looking to get Inventions in a few levels, and those aren't exactly cheap.
Those are easy to get cheap. Just go begging lowbs in Galaxy for those!



Originally Posted by Bill Z Bubba View Post
It's not what you ask for, it's how you get it.
I look at it this way: "It's not in the asking, it's in the earning."

I will often buzz around the lower zones, looking for people out playing the content, not running back an forth from AE to the trainer. Asking questions about how things work in the game, where to go for things. These players have earned a hand up.

I will hand these players inf, salvage, enh, insps.

Begging me for inf is the easiest way to get nothing from me.



Things like this make me kind of nostalgic for fantasy-based MMOs.

In DAoC, my standard response was to tell the beggar to seek a manor outside the city, the lord can likely use a new serf and the beggar is clearly unsuited to the life of a freeman. It's kind of hard to RP that kind of condescension in CoH.

Forum Game: Lower the Rep



Is it bad that "please give me money" people are my greatest source of entertainment?

My favorite pastime is going into Atlas AE and grabbing all the self-proclaimed healers. Then we do things like boss snowman farms. Our core team can survive, and they get xp out of it, but boy do we laugh at how often they die...my favorite part is demanding more heals while on my dark defender.

Don't get me wrong...I've helped plenty of newbies...but you really get what you give.



Originally Posted by MissInformed View Post
I really hate that. As I used to tell the preschoolers I worked with, "Use your words." I shouldn't still have to tell you that when you're 14, 26, or 43 years old.
You know, thinking back on it, I think that's what bugs me the most. I've tried speaking with people like that. Oh, Lord, have I tried! I even gave my all to try to explain to a 7-year-old how to type /stuck and that I did not have Teleport. The fact of the matter, though, is that I don't feel like playing charades and 20-questions with random strangers demanding money just so that I can glean a bit of context and coax them into forming a complete sentence.

Seriously, sometimes when I speak with these people, I feel like I don't speak English. I can't understand half the things they say, and the other half that I do understand I can't parse any meaning out of. They speak about context which they assume I will assume. I don't, I don't get it, I ask, they don't know what I'm not getting, I don't know what I'm not getting and it becomes a lengthy, laborious task. As of late, I've opted to be curt with these kinds of people and end these dialogues before I get bogged down in another "Oh, so when you said 'rez' you actually meant 'resistance,' not that you wanted to resurrect me, and that you actually had a buff that gave resistance that you wanted to give me. OK, now I understand." How the am I suppose to glean all of that from "rez?"

Back on topic, this is what the case was this time. I knew from the moment I saw this guy's name and mannerisms that speaking with him would be like solving a puzzle. I wanna' help people, I really do, but hot dang! Put some effort in it, people! Don't make me do all the work! Trust me, when someone initiates communication that THEY ACTIVELY LEAD, I will gladly participate and cooperate with anything they need. But landing next to me and demanding that I not only provide a handout, but also take on the initiative is just lame.

Take it from me - communicate. There is almost no case in which better communication will not produce at least SOME improvement in outcome, and many, many cases where it will be absolutely pivotal to any positive outcome at all.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I remember the first Halloween event, ToT'ing in Atlas with a lowbie character. Some idiot kept spamming the following message:
"Can anyone spare some inf for a poor gal, giggle giggle giggle"
Yes, she wrote out the giggles.
Quite a few people told her to shut up, and even I told her that spamming was not going to make her any friends. She then proceeded to harrass me in private tells. I told her exactly what I thought of her begging-spam, and to go ahead and petition me as she had threatened. Then I added her to my global ignore list.

On the other hand, I remember a lowbie character asking if anyone could please give him 5000 inf, so he could buy his enhancements. He was polite, not spamming, and asking for a very reasonable amount of inf. So I set him up. I've also helped one other lowbie buy and craft wings- he was ecstatic.

A (Golden Gate) Bridge Too Far- arc 299315
Crazy NIMBY's, Railroad robber barons, and kickboxing Engineers, Oh My! Go back in time and join the fight to save a San Francisco icon!



I've made it a tradition to get someone to sing 'Mary Had a Little Lamb' in Atlas broadcast for quite some time. I used to offer 1M...quite worth it to see a character named Death God or Uber Thunder Man singing "...whose fleece was white as snow."

But then I realized that people will do it for a lot less, and I dropped the influence amount to 100k, then 50k and the last time I did it, I got someone to do it for 25k.

Moral of the story: people are lazy and would rather beg (or even do something mildly humiliating) than just spend a half and hour to an hour just killing stuff.



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
I'm not sure if I'm reading this the same way as it was intended, but to me it's all a matter of how you ask. I like helping people when I can, but I despise other people expecting such help for granted. "Ya hafsta team with me/give me money/help me kill stuff/give me exposition!" I've seen a lot of people who demand things like this, though admittedly never in such straight text.

And, really, what has happened to the game if a level 37 player counts as new? And why hit up a character that much lower level? Why not hit up one of the 50s in Atlas Park, or just pick someone off Team Search? Why speak in Local and not tells? If I'd been just a second faster on my feet, I'd never have even seen his "wait."

I don't know, maybe I'm too badly adapted to Internet communication, but lacking complete sentences, any kind of context and any kind of obvious reasoning, how am I suppose to sympathise with these people? I mean, here I am sitting down and pondering this over and over, and I still can't quite comprehend it. How was I suppose to parse that in real time? Maybe I'm just slow, I don't know.

The thing that killed my ingame generosity was this clown I foolishly gave inf to, and he then proceeded to put me on his friends list and then proceeded to continually beg me for more with tells and emails everytime I was online until I threw his mooching buttocks on ignore.

Now when I get the urge to do a random act of kindness I'll go to certain locations where I'm confident the person is preoccupied (at the trainer, the tailor, the respec guy) then I'll drop an expensive enhancement / salvage / recipe on them and immediately leave the area.

Another thing I like to do because it's anonymous is go the the consignment house and find an item that's selling dirt cheap and make a huge bid on it.



I was once complaining about being broke in Atlas broadcast and a guy came up and gave me 5 million inf.




Well, I give the beggers the benefit of the doubt by assuming that they're new to the game and still have a long way to go before learning how to earn their inf proper. Players who've asked me for inf in the past usually respond gracefully when I refuse to give them some, interestingly enough.

It's always good to stay positive and practice some tolerance. Replying with a "Go away you dirty begger" certainly isn't necessary when dealing with them.



Ya got me, Sam. It was an elaborate hoax carried out by me!

Playstation 3 - XBox 360 - Wii - PSP

Remember kids, crack is whack!

Samuel_Tow: Your avatar is... I think I like it