"please give me money"




Originally Posted by NuclearToast View Post
It DOES! I recently hopped on my villain, which I haven't played in years, and (after blueside status quo) was surprised to find it poor, with empty slots and red DOs. Ouch!
this happened to me recently with my ar/dev blaster.
Happily, cashing out his crummy enhancements after a quick respec generated enough seed money to prime the market pump.

A week later, he's happily frankenslotted with set IOs and sitting on 30 million.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Once or twice, when I've gotten these requests on a higher level character, I've sidekicked up the lowbie, and jumped into a mission with them.

They earn some money, maybe get some nice drops, and gives me an opportunity to teach the newblood some tactical lessons.

If they do well, they get a bonus.

This approach presumes patience, and especially time. Which some of us don't have much to spare.

www.paragonwiki.com is a great source of information for this game.

New or returning to the game? Want advice from experienced players who want to help YOU?
The Mentor Project: Part of the New Player Council.



37 is just a number Sam, don't keep getting hung up on it. Popping off that number as your sole proof that this person should have known better isn't making your case. You learned all the things you did by that level because you went with the flow, paid attention to what was going on around you, and did some looking on your own.

Someone who does that now and isn't quite as smart as you drifts into the AE. They run missions because that's where people are. If they go explore once they have a travel power (or later) there's literally nothing obvious to differentiate between Steel Canyon or Atlas Park or Talos Island, in terms of where they should be. Not everyone is going to be together enough to look at the levels of the spawns, or go into each store and check the levels of the enhancers. Some people just aren't that attentive, and the game doesn't do a good job of explaining this kind of progression.

You make a big deal about paying attention to the game as it goes, but how does it go actually? The flow is broken, this is the downside of having so much added and improved over time. The amount of information people are absorbing starting today is quite a lot. If they're young or not very literate, it's an even bigger hurdle.

All I'm telling you (and I feel like I end up telling you this a lot when you post these 'I don't understand other people' threads), is that you need to climb out of your shoes and think about what it's like in someone else's for a bit. We don't know this kid. We shouldn't try to judge based on a few lines in chat.

To me, his worst crime is he went along with what people seemed to be doing at the time, and now he's trying to dig his way out of it but doesn't know how.

What I'm trying to figure out is why this kind of obvious bit of human behavior is so bothersome to you? You could have simply said "Begging for money isn't cool. I don't have time to help you now, you should use the Help Channel if you don't understand the basics of the game." Why couldn't you do that and chalk it up as your attempt at a good deed for the day instead of coming here and venting? There's really not a lot to be said about your run-in in a meaningful sense. To me it sounds like you either failed to get the fact that some people are a bit slow, or you wanted an easy excuse to pick on AE.

Either way it doesn't paint things in a very favorable light.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
37 is just a number Sam, don't keep getting hung up on it. Popping off that number as your sole proof that this person should have known better isn't making your case.

You still have to admit that begging inf from someone lower level than them..... is kinda weird. (Unless, of course, it's a lv4 Wentworths alt named UltraMoneyBags, wearing a tux/tophat/monocle. )



Originally Posted by AkuTenshiiZero View Post
To be fair, it doesn't hurt to try asking people for money. The problem is how one goes about doing it.

Teams are the number one killer of soloists.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
All I'm telling you (and I feel like I end up telling you this a lot when you post these 'I don't understand other people' threads), is that you need to climb out of your shoes and think about what it's like in someone else's for a bit. We don't know this kid. We shouldn't try to judge based on a few lines in chat.
Oh, right! Now I remember. It was you who's been telling me that, Lemur. OK, that puts a human face (err, name) on my faceless memory of what went on but not who it involved. You were the one chastising me over the discussion about disabilities, right? I don't mean that as an attack, I really can't remember and I hate attributing memories to the wrong people.

On topic: 37 is just a number, yes. But it's a number which takes quite a bit of time to achieve, at least from what I've seen. It probably doesn't take quite as long as it usually takes me, as my approach to levelling isn't very optimised (by choice), but I can't imagine it would take such a short amount of time that a person would learn precisely ZIP about the game. And, like I said, even if a person learns nothing, wouldn't the option to just go back to the Architect and keep doing what he's doing be open? I mean we talk about that guy like he popped into existence at level 37 and has no "roots" to go back to.

I didn't mean to take pot shots at the Architect, because I simply don't buy into the scare tactics of Architect dissenters, quoting hordes of people who got powerlevelled to 50 without ever pressing a button and suddenly not knowing anything at all. I apologise if that comes off as AE doom. It isn't intended to be. All I said that IF this really were Architect doom, then I really SHOULD advice this player to just start over and go up the hard way. Something tells me that kind of advice would not be well received by just about any person who ever lived.

Here's a little background story so that you can understand what bugs me. I see a lot of beggars in real life. My city seems to be full of 'em. I make it a point to spare a coin or two for them whenever I see them. The problem is that they're always there, always the same people always in the same places, and they keep trying to guilt me into handing out more every day. There is a certain critical point after which I lose my sympathy for this poor, unfortunate person and begin seeing him like a toll gate, specifically since they always pick locations where you can't just walk around them. I can see helping out once, twice a few times.

I pass by there every day on my way to work, and then again on my way home, and you can call me heartless, but I don't appreciate being guilted in "please help me" every time I pass by like I'm paying homeless tax. Maybe these people really are unfortunate and have no means of survival. They probably are, despite so many cynics claiming these are some kind of industrialist beggars who run a business and make amazing amounts of money. That's just pure nonsense. But I'm not running a charity, and I'm not exactly overflowing with money. I help people as an exception, not as part of my day-to-day work. I'm not enough of an altruist to feel like I should.

This is what bugged me here. I'm not a nice enough person to operate from the standpoint that I should help anyone who asks at any time for any reason. If a person wants my help, I expect to be convinced that I should help. I don't really need over-elaborate propositions, but I do expect the person to have an actual argument as to why I should help, rather than relying on just "the magic word" as the sole driving force.

Maybe that makes me a jerk to say it, I won't deny it if it does, but that's how I treat the situations when I need to ask, beg, plead and so forth. I don't feel other people should help me just for my saying please. I make an effort to convince them that I really do need the help and that it probably won't be that much of a problem for them to give it. I've asked for Inf, even from strangers. I've also asked for favours, like someone going out of their way just to help me with an EB fight, provide a mentor, help simu-click an objective or just generally help me out. The key, as with most things, is communication and attitude. I don't appreciate an attitude that expects me to help, because that is no longer an act of kindness but rather a service, and I don't appreciate people not being arsed to communicate their request in a respectable manner. And whatever we may say about the complexity level of the game and how easy it is to grasp, forming complete sentences really shouldn't be permitted to be THAT much of a hurdle.

Maybe I was wrong and over-rude. I probably was. I could have been nicer in how I phrased things, but I guarantee you I would not have "given money" just because someone said please. You chastise me for saying I don't "get" other people and seem to believe I could just put myself in their shoes and do. I can't. Maybe I'm dumb, maybe I'm simple, maybe I'm egocentric. I don't know. The point is that I try to put myself in others' places and I still can't seem to understand what would possess them to act the way they do. Obviously, I don't understand them well enough if I reach this conclusion. Hence, I don't "get" them and would, indeed, very much appreciate an explanation that gives reason behind such behaviour, and an explanation more than "just because," to add.

Let me put it in a single sentence - do you honestly believe that someone could get to level 37 doing ANYTHING and yet not have the activity he was doing to earn "stuff" from? Because if you do and you can convince me, then I have no leg to stand on.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Kiralyn View Post
You still have to admit that begging inf from someone lower level than them..... is kinda weird. (Unless, of course, it's a lv4 Wentworths alt named UltraMoneyBags, wearing a tux/tophat/monocle. )
Not when they can see all your badges. Even a new person can figure out that if I'm a level 12 character with 5 years of badges, I probably have influence lying around.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Now here's something that I hadn't had happen to me before, and always thought it was an urban legend, like all those people with four travel powers or the mythical people who kick you off teams when your Defender isn't an Empath. But this was real.

I'm talking, of course, about the inarticulate beggar. Here's how it went on.

I'd just gotten my level 30 costume mission to defeat 30 Crey, when I left Icon. Predictably, a couple of Crey Security Guards came rushing in to fight me. Easy fight for a level 30 Scrapper, generally, but this time I get hit with a blind invite mid-fight. I reject it with lighting speed, just in time for... I don't remember, I think it was either fire blasts or electrical blasts to hit my enemies. I turn around to see this level 37... I think it was a Blaster, "helping" me. Mid-fight I get another blind invite, then at the end of the fight I get another still.

Annoyed at the thought that this is probably one more case of a person thinking that kill-stealing from me and inviting me to a team is a good way to make friends, I opt to not be an *** and just jump off. This is when, in local, he calls for me to stop, and the following conversation takes place.

Him: wait
Me: I'm not interested in teaming.
Him: please give me money
Him: please
Him: i need it
Me: "Please give me money?" What do you take me for? You can't just go around asking people like that.
Him: o srry
Me: You're level 37. Just kill stiff.
Me: Be faster than begging anyway.
Him: were

Then I left him standing on the roof of Independence Port's Icon. A couple of minute later, I got another blind invite from him, though I don't believe he followed me. And... That just boggled my mind. How is that even possible? OK, I was more than a bit of a jerk, granted, but I don't appreciate being told "please give me money" completely out of the blue by a character 7 LEVELS above me. Oh, he needs it. I need it, too! I'll be looking to get Inventions in a few levels, and those aren't exactly cheap.

And it wouldn't bug me so much if this were a reasonable request I could relate to. I know better than anybody that sometimes you just run short and it sucks to not have enough. But "please give me money" is the lowest form of begging there is. If he'd explained what he needed the money for, maybe I'd have been a bit more open. I mean, if I know he won't spend it on booze and women or something. And this wasn't exactly a bum. This was a high-level player. And he wasn't hitting up some filthy rich 50. He was begging a level 30 character. It's like that sketch in History of the world where two beggars keep begging the noblemen, moving from one to the next, until they start begging from each other.

This just amazes me. It's not about the money, or even about the begging. I just cannot wrap my head around how someone can approach me and be desperate enough to beg, yet not desperate enough to put together a full sentence to ask for it.

"please give me money..." Now I've heard everything.
Open the trade window, put in a ton of cash, and don't hit trade, just
let the window hang open while you go make some snacks and watch
a show.



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
What I'm trying to figure out is why this kind of obvious bit of human behavior is so bothersome to you? You could have simply said "Begging for money isn't cool. I don't have time to help you now, you should use the Help Channel if you don't understand the basics of the game." Why couldn't you do that and chalk it up as your attempt at a good deed for the day instead of coming here and venting? There's really not a lot to be said about your run-in in a meaningful sense. To me it sounds like you either failed to get the fact that some people are a bit slow, or you wanted an easy excuse to pick on AE.

Either way it doesn't paint things in a very favorable light.
I understand where you're coming from. At the same time, are you putting yourself in Sam's shoes while you're asking him to walk around in someone else's?

Yep, he judged. Yep, he ranted. Yep, he could have helped this guy out and he didn't. And now you're judging him for it.

Why'd this bother him so much? Maybe it's his pet peeve. Maybe someone else's laziness and willingness to take from others without effort bothers him. Maybe his socks crawled under his feet inside his shoes and it really bothered him and then this guy came along. Does it matter? We all have bad days. I don't know what kind of day he was having before this interchange came about. Sometimes I have days where the wrong person just has to say "Hello!" to me and I get annoyed. Not because of the Hello but because of what came before it that the person had nothing to do with. I try not to take it out on the person who said Hello, but some days are more difficult than others. Some days it's easier to get mad over a Hello than to deal with the 100 other things that led up to my being mad over a Hello. My parents had a 15 year running argument about wire shirt hangers - very Mommie Dearest. It took me years to figure out that the hangers weren't really what was making them so angry, it's just what they chose to focus on and use to vent.

Sam posts about his bad experiences. I call a friend and rant about mine. Thankfully I have friends who listen and allow me that time to get it off my chest and move on. If I didn't have that outlet, I think I'd go crazy or be simply unbearable. Sam rants about game related things here because who better to understand (or not) what happened than someone who shares the environment, even if we may not share his response. If you don't want to do that for Sam, don't read his posts. Simple. And then you won't have to tell him the same thing when he posts his next "I don't understand people" thread.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Another way to generate quick influence, if you're firing up an old character: a lot of the old toons may still have base salvage on them. Because base salvage is no longer used, you can convert it to Brainstorm tokens at any invention bench, which can then be converted into random salvage. You can generate a nice chunk of rare salvage that way, and even some of the common stuff fetches a good price.

"Let your plans be dark and as impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." --Sun Tzu, The Art of War



Actually, when you put it this way, I can safely say I did over-react, and I suspect I know why. It's something I could only describe as residual mood. I dislike people being inconsiderate enough to butt in on my fights uninvited when I'm doing perfectly fine and haven't taken a scratch, and I SERIOUSLY dislike being blind invited, especially repeatedly. This perfect stranger initiated communication by doing both of those things, and then proceeded to hit me up for money. That sort of put me on a bad leg to begin with.

I suppose an argument can be made that I should have disassociated these events and understood that this person was perhaps somehow inept, but still needed help regardless, and helped him despite the fact I didn't like him from the moment I became aware of his existence. The fact of the matter, however, is that I didn't like him, and I am decidedly UNgenerous with the people I don't like. It's sort of a live and let live policy where I never wish ill to those I dislike, but am rarely arsed to help them out of the goodness of my heart. And keep in mind, this extends to people who threaten to break my teeth.

Maybe if that guy had been patient enough to give me a couple of days to introspect on why I thought to behave as I thought to behave and perhaps glean the truth of how I should have handled the situation, I might have done differently. Justifying my actions now is meaningless, though I can't say I exactly regret them, but one could say I got caught in a momentary reaction that coloured my perception. I'll accept this as a lesson for the future - count less on first impressions and more on immediate context. I guess I should also rely less on the actual people in question to provide the context, themselves, despite them initiating communication, but that's my egg to stand on.

I have a tendency to post about weird things that happen to me. This was decidedly one such, and I thought it noteworthy. That can't be THAT common, can it?

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by MissInformed View Post
Not when they can see all your badges. Even a new person can figure out that if I'm a level 12 character with 5 years of badges, I probably have influence lying around.

I suppose so. (Someday, I'll eventually figure out how to inspect someone, *and* actually do it. )



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Let me put it in a single sentence - do you honestly believe that someone could get to level 37 doing ANYTHING and yet not have the activity he was doing to earn "stuff" from? Because if you do and you can convince me, then I have no leg to stand on.
Conjecture Time (but not too far afield): Aforementioned person plays the game rarely. He drifts into AE and gets a bunch of easy levels. He gets influence, tickets, experience. One of the people he meets gives him some bad info about enhancers. He blows a chunk of his cash on the wrong ones. Someone else tells him to use Wentworth's where it's VERY easy to overpay without a working knowledge. He either blows his tickets on the wrong enhancers or recipes he then doesn't have Salvage to make.

He could have found the SO store but bought what he needed one level before it went Red.

He could in fact be lazy. I don't discount that for a second.

There are a lot of things that could have happened to him, and it's easy for me to imagine them. I do understand most of your points, since I'm actually very similar. I don't hand out inf to beggars, and I have a low tolerance for stupidity. However it doesn't cost me anything to point someone in the right direction to a more productive path.

I'm really not trying to chastise you about anything Sam. I just have a hard time seeing where you're coming from with a post like this. I do indeed sit here and try to put myself in your shoes for a bit and figure out why. It's just that the list of reasons I come up with more often reflect bad things than good. I don't know you, and I don't pretend to, but if I see a thread that looks like it could be:
A) AE rant #45339
B) a thread picking on the slow newb
C) someone who has a real hard time seeing the person on the other side of the screen.

Then you'll have to forgive me if I make a mistake based on the way things are written, because C is the least likely option for me. I have just as many problems understanding people as anyone else, it just seems odd to me that someone as smart as you really can't climb out of your own experience with the game and see how someone new could end up clueless.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Kiralyn View Post
I suppose so. (Someday, I'll eventually figure out how to inspect someone, *and* actually do it. )
Target them and right click, or target them and select the little menu header under your target window.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Heck, I'd probably have given it away if the guy hadn't come off like a moocher. I don't exactly have a lot on this one - barely 9 million and I know I'll blow all of that off pretty soon. But just saying the word "please" does not immediately make every wish convincing. If he'd approached me as a person and tried to explain his plight, I'd have probably helped without a second thought.

But running up to a stranger and greeting them with "please give me money" does not warm my heart.
Don't feel bad man. I've got millions of stories far more funnier and pathetic like that. How about the time I was on my level 31 empath/energy defender back in like I3 or I4 and a level 13 scrapper came up to me and sent a tell

Lvl 13 Scrapper: powr lvl mi and go kill

Me: Excuse me? Do I know you?

Lvl 13 Scrapper: ****head go kill fer mi. you high levl

Me: Okay not only do I not appreciate you using profanity at me but my friend I'm a level 31 empath/energy defender. I'd like to be able to SOLO myself (tongue in cheek).

Lvl 13 Scrapper: u hgh lvel and can kil fast. pls powr lvl or boss angri at mi
I quickly got the hell out of there and not only reported him for harassment but also logged off my toon period and went for a walk. I just had to clear my head and try and process how moronic the human race can be lol

The shining world of the seven systems. On the continent of Wild Endeavour. In the mountains of Solace and Solitude there stood the Citadel of the Time Lords. The oldest and most mightiest race in the Universe. Sworn never to interfere. Only watch...[/SIZE][/B]



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
I'm really not trying to chastise you about anything Sam. I just have a hard time seeing where you're coming from with a post like this. I do indeed sit here and try to put myself in your shoes for a bit and figure out why. It's just that the list of reasons I come up with more often reflect bad things than good. I don't know you, and I don't pretend to, but if I see a thread that looks like it could be:
A) AE rant #45339
B) a thread picking on the slow newb
C) someone who has a real hard time seeing the person on the other side of the screen.
I have a certain skill that has paid off in real life a lot more than you can possibly imagine. This is the skill to make myself seem a LOT smarter than I actually am. Combine this with the fact that while I am often book smart, I can be very life-dumb in very, very pronounced ways, and this is a very common occurrence for me. I seem like a smart man the majority of the time, but every so often I find, see or do something that makes me feel and look completely stupid.

This isn't an Architect rant, because my Architect rants are constrained to "I don't like the stories in there" that I got reamed for by Nether Goat last time (is cool). I suppose you could see this as picking on a slow newb, but I did not at the time, and indeed hardly can now, see this guy as a newb so much so as a badly inarticulate player, and heavens knows I've seen a LOT of those even with plenty of veteran badges. People just seem to think that as long as THEY understand what they're saying, I should, too.

It IS probably option C in this case, because I really am not all that smart when it comes to things I'm not well familiar with, specifically when people do something I've gone out of my way to avoid doing, myself. I know well enough what could make a man NOT do something like this, being that I make a point to not do it. I can't quite put my finger on what would possess a man to do so, however. Call it a limited mind on my part, I don't know.

To end, yes, the explanations you give me do sound reasonable, but I just don't see why one would still pick begging over going back doing what he had been doing up until this point. Well... Unless what he has been doing up until this point was being given handouts, but by strangers? Do we really have that cool a community that someone could get used to and subsist on handouts from strangers? If this really is someone who levelled up only in the Architect and blew all of his money on a mistake, why not simply go back to the Architect, is all I'm saying.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Lord_of_Time View Post
Don't feel bad man. I've got millions of stories far more funnier and pathetic like that. How about the time I was on my level 31 empath/energy defender back in like I3 or I4 and a level 13 scrapper came up to me and sent a tell

Lvl 13 Scrapper: powr lvl mi and go kill

Me: Excuse me? Do I know you?

Lvl 13 Scrapper: ****head go kill fer mi. you high levl

Me: Okay not only do I not appreciate you using profanity at me but my friend I'm a level 31 empath/energy defender. I'd like to be able to SOLO myself (tongue in cheek).

Lvl 13 Scrapper: u hgh lvel and can kil fast. pls powr lvl or boss angri at mi
I quickly got the hell out of there and not only reported him for harassment but also logged off my toon period and went for a walk. I just had to clear my head and try and process how moronic the human race can be lol
Ugh... I remember back in the day, around I4 or I5 or some such. I had a run-in with someone who was convinced I should powerlevel him, and wouldn't take no for an answer. He wasn't so much demanding or even begging as he was just insistent. "Come on!" "Oh, come one!" It's been years and I don't remember how that went, but I did not appreciate his sense of entitlement in believed I was supposed to just powerlevel him because that's what everyone did.

Luckily, I haven't had many encounters like that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



i remember almost all of us here couldnt afford to change outfits in icon early on before icon coupons.

i rememeber the "icon cost too much!" posts back in the day....maybe we should all remember how petty that was compared to nowadays.throw someone a million if you can afford it.

redside or blue...not everyone had money

i had 80 mill in issue 3 and i was one of the richest men on my server....nowadays if i dont have 1 billion im screwed!



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
i had 80 mill in issue 3 and i was one of the richest men on my server....nowadays if i dont have 1 billion im screwed!
It all depends on what you want, though. Aside from buying most of my characters some kind of knockback resitance IO as the earliest possible level, I rarely move any influence between my characters. I use common IOs and don't really worry about the best sets or purples. I do have characters I have loads of sets and bonuses on, but they're all level 50 now and rake in influence. For any character I'm leveling up, I use drops and place lowball bids on IOs/recipes that are several levels higher than I can slot at the moment. By the time I can slot them, I've usually won them. If not, I have more influence and can bid higher.

I log of hours, play often, and I do have characters with loads of set bonuses. Some people would say I'm a casual game because of my slotting and some people would say I'm not because of the time I invest in the game. I don't jump through hoops to get my IOs and I'm willing to wait for quite a while to get what I want. Maybe I'm not a casual gamer, just a casual slotter.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Originally Posted by Prof_Backfire View Post
I was once complaining about being broke in Atlas broadcast and a guy came up and gave me 5 million inf.


Yeah it goes both ways.

I have been begged from countless times- especially back in the old days when I hit 50 and there just werent many 50s around yet...people would constantly beg for inf/PL/help getting out of debt (lol to think that used to be such an issue) etc.

I hath given and I hath taken away depending on the asker and how they asked, but generally if they make no sense or cant communicate their needs properly, I have too little patience to sift through the nonsense to figure it all out for them, so they get nothing and like it.

But the stange thing is the first thought I had when reading this subject was the time when I was standing in wents fairly recently on a very old 50, and had someone randomly walk up to me and drop 10 mil on me through a trade... I asked her what that was for, and she never replied, so i sent her another tell saying thanks for the random act of kindness, and went about my way.

I for my part, then turned around and gifted the 10 mil to a random in atlas shortly thereafter, and felt a small warm glow for about 2 minutes- until the random I gave it to added me to friends and then proceeded to bug me every single time he saw me on for weeks afterwards... asking for more inf/PL/help getting out of debt, etc.




So, Sam, my buddy...

Word on the street is that you're a quite... influental man, if you catch my drift? Wink wink nudge nudge say no more know what I mean?



Originally Posted by Noxilicious View Post
So, Sam, my buddy...

Word on the street is that you're a quite... influental man, if you catch my drift? Wink wink nudge nudge say no more know what I mean?
Back off! Sam's my sugar daddy! *Bats eyelashes at Sam in a disturbing way*


You can have him Nox.



I had someone ask "hey can i borrow 15 mil?" when I was at the WW in talos. Guess that was a month and a half or so back. Just ignore the spangers. Not literally /ignore (unless they're really annoying), but jeez. I'm not one of these billionaire flippers, go bug THEM for a handout...except giving away inf isn't how they got ridiculously rich. Why are you asking random people for that much cash..."Borrow"? Yeah, right, like i'm ever going to see you again.

In the early, year 1 days of CoH i'd randomly be dropping bling on people. I remember I handed out quite a lump to fully SO out the basically entire team of a Task Force I joined, because in those days you'd get auto-booted from the TF if your anchor lost connection and I had already had it happen two or three times so I was like..."BUY SO's LETS DO THIS FAST"



Originally Posted by EU_Damz View Post
When on a low character, a few thousand is so much of a blessing! I do agree that giving a few bits of influence that can be made back quickly to lower levels should always be done if needed. But thats the nice guy in me coming out
+1 to I enjoy gifting inf to lowbies with few Vet badges when bumming around on one of my 50s...

...and I'm usually able to find someone willing to help me transfer inf to my own lowbies when needed.

(BUT...if you're on a lowbie and in need of a quick inf infusion...and don't want to go to the trouble of transfering from an alt...asking for a million will likely get you /ignored...HOWEVER...if you ask a level 50 for say...5,000 inf...I can pretty much guarantee they'll open a Trade window and gift you a helluva lot more than that).