"please give me money"




Originally Posted by JennyMachX View Post
Well, I give the beggers the benefit of the doubt by assuming that they're new to the game and still have a long way to go before learning how to earn their inf proper. Players who've asked me for inf in the past usually respond gracefully when I refuse to give them some, interestingly enough.

It's always good to stay positive and practice some tolerance. Replying with a "Go away you dirty begger" certainly isn't necessary when dealing with them.
But again - can we really count a level 37 player as being "new?" I mean, I've heard the stories, but it's still difficult for me to accept that.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I think I've only got one beg in CoH the whole time I've played (27 months now).
It was the fastest /ignore I've ever done

I've got a pet theory about beggers. They're little kids who, in real life, get their money from begging their parents. So when they go into the virtual world, it's no different - you get money from begging. They've got no concept of "work and you'll get paid".
"But I want my allowance NOW!"

And, of course, some of them are just lazy. But that's why the game has the ignore function.

I don't understand why to beg anyway. Now when the prices have gone all goofy (at least on Defiant server), it's very easy to get 1-2 mil with alts in their teens. More than enough to keep you DO'd and SO'd.



I had just started a new alt on a new server a while back. I've now made lowbie alts across the board so I can play when different servers are having issues.

I was in Cap AE on this server when a Lvl 50 asks in local if anyone needed any inf. Thinking it may be a couple-20k and enough to set this lowbie I spoke up.

"You have traded nothing for 48,000,000"

Now, for all of the idiots who can't s33m 2 gr4sp tek K0nSept of 3ngrl15H, I have plenty of room on my ignore lists for your gimme monies nao hides.

What's really fun is when I'm bored and I drag it out by playing dumb. I'll waste a good 30 minutes of their day and frustrate them till I can hear their braincell pop from here.

Comic and Hero/Villain Culture
Saturday January 29th, 2005 (12:37 PM) ~ Monday August 9th, 2010
Those Who Lived It Will Remember Long after your Ban Hammer Crumbles and the servers flicker dead.
We Will Remember This One Moment In Time! ~ Shadow Ravenwolf



Gen. K Onjob
Heroesway House
Rogue Isles - c/o Nigeria

25th August, 2009.

Salutations Mr Tow!

First I must solicit your confidence in this transaction.This is by virtue of its nature as being utterly confidential and top secret.

I am top hero of the Federal Government Contract Review Panel who are interested in importation of advanced rikti-fight weapons into our country with funds which are presently trapped in Nigeria. In order to commence this business we solicit your assistance to enable us RECIEVE the said trapped funds ABROAD.

The source of this fund is as follows : During the regime of our past beloved leader, President Marchand, the government officials set up companies and awarded themselves contracts which were grossly over-invoiced in various Ministries. The NEW Arachnos Government set up a Contract Review Advisory Panel (C.R.A.P) and we have identified a lot of inflated contract funds which are presently floating in the Central Bank of Arachnos-Nigeria (C.B.A.N).

However, due to our position as terrible ebil villains, I mean civil servants and members of this panel, we cannot acquire this money in our names. I have therefore, been delegated as a matter of trust by my colleagues of the panel to look for an Overseas partner whose ACCOUNT CAN ASSIST the sum of INF 1,900,000,000.00 (One Billion and Nine Hundred Million INF) to be moved via the CONSIGNMENT HOUSES. Hence we are writing you this letter.

We have agreed to share the money thus:
60% for us (the officials)
30% for the FOREIGN PARTNER (you)
10% to be used in settling taxation and all local and foreign expenses, including but not limited to Wentworths/Black Market fees.

Sadly due to the tight restrictions upon our resources we are needing half of the 10% CONSIGNMENT HOUSE FEES in advance from an external source in order to commit all the transactions. This means we need 5% (INF 95,000,00.00) to enable us to move our funds and pay you back INF 665,000,000.00 (35%) WITHIN 10 DAYS.

It is from this 60% that we wish to commence the importation business.
Please note that this transaction is 100% safe and we hope THAT THE FUNDS CAN ARRIVE YOUR ACCOUNT in latest ten (10) banking days from the date of reciept of the following information by PM/TELL: GENERAL K.ONJOB and TRADE INF 95,000,000.00 TO THE SAME ACCOUNT (GENERAL K.ONJOB) and then we can perform the CONSIGNMENT HOUSE TRANSACTIONS and subsequently INF 665,000,000.00 WILL BE PAID TO YOUR ACCOUNT BY TELEGRAPHIC TRANSFER.

The above information will enable us write letters of claim and job description respectively. This way we will use your company's name to apply for payments and re-award the contract in your company name.
We are looking forward to doing business with you and solicit your confidentiality in this transaction.

Please acknowledge receipt of this letter using the above TELL/PM Details. I will bring you into the complete picture of this pending project when I have heard from you.

Yours Faithfully,

PS - You can trust us entirely, Mr Tow. There is definitely no need to contact any GMs about this.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Many have 'asked' me for inf. Sometimes politely, sometimes not. I've given 100k to one player who asked very nicely. But I was also in a good mood at the time since I had sold a purple for more then 100m.
I once gave 1k to a player. He asked in a tell, said he wanted to buy some wings and I new he needed a lot more then 10k. So I obviously got a lot of abuse after but I laughed like a drunk Hyena.
I had a convo that went something like this once..

[Him] Hey, can you give me 10m? I will give you 20m back off my brothers account if you do.
[Me] Sorry, but I don't trust you to give me ANY inf back.
[Him] I will, he is level 50 and has 200m on it.
[Me] Then why don't you get your brother to give you the inf when he is on next?
[Him] We share the same PC so can't do that.
[Me] Don't you have any friends to help you transfer the inf?
[Him] They are all offline.
[Me] Then sorry, you will have to find someone else.
[Him] If you give me 20m I'll give you 40m back.
[Me] Sorry, I can't do that. I just don't trust you. (I only had around 6m on the toon at the time)
[Him] Give me anything and I'll double it.
[Me] Its not going to happen.
[Him] I'll triple it

I then ignored him. I was polite as I possibly could be. His typing wasn't as good as I have shown either. The player was known to many Defiant Villain players for his begging, this was my first encounter.
I tend to only give inf if I'm in a good mood and its not a lot. I use to do costume contests a lot a couple of years ago on Villains, since as they are incredibly rare compared to Heroes. I'm thinking of starting them up again now I have inf to burn.

EDIT: LOL Dave, my step-mom had something similar (obviously without the CoX references) come in the post a few weeks back. Its amazing how they think its believable.



Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
What's really fun is when I'm bored and I drag it out by playing dumb. I'll waste a good 30 minutes of their day and frustrate them till I can hear their braincell pop from here.
Worst part for me is I'm not playing dumb when these things drag our. I don't know, maybe I AM dumb, or maybe I'm just used to communication with a LOT more concentrated and potent information flow, but when I speak with someone who only uses half-words in sentence fragments with not context for me to fill the gaps, I feel like I literally don't speak English. Granted, this isn't my primary language, but I like to think I'm proficient enough to not meet with situations where I just don't understand what people are saying.

Leave it to Internet slang and an over-active effort-saving campaign to prove me wrong.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



must suck being poor



I find it odd, myself.

I've gotten to where I never buy TOs at all, sometimes skipping over SO enhancers straight to IOs (Invention Enhancers are pretty cost effective starting at level 25-30, as you won't have to replace them). But while IOs are expensive, most non-set IOs don't require rare salvage, so you can often sell off some salvage for a pretty penny (and it looks like arcane salvage costs are spiking again. Woohoo!).

How the hell can you be /poor/ in this game?

"Let your plans be dark and as impenetrable as night, and when you move, fall like a thunderbolt." --Sun Tzu, The Art of War



I'm dirt poor if you compare me with some multi billionaires in this game. But it's all a matter of perception. I get by with what I have on my characters. If there's something I want on a particular character and can't afford it, I save up, trade up or buy it with a luckier alt.

I think I have just over 100 mil on all my 20 or so heroes together, that's plenty for me.


The Kickers base.

Those are my principles, and if you don't like them... well, I have others.
-Groucho Marx



To be fair, it doesn't hurt to try asking people for money. The problem is how one goes about doing it.

When I started my first hero, I was lucky enough to snag 3 out of the four Halloween Salvage items myself, but couldn't get the fourth in time. So I hit the market in search of it, but couldn't afford it. Later that day in Pocket D, the topic came up in conversation with a much-higher-level stranger, and I decided to ask if he could spare a bit to help me out. Sure enough, he did, and even gave me some extra to pay for the tailor.

The key was being polite, and telling them why. I explianed what I needed the cash for, how much the salvage cost, how much I had, and explained that it wasn't necessary, just something I really wanted. After I finished my business, I returned to thank him again and show the results.

Now, if somebody did the same and asked me for money for any reason in a similar manner, I would spare what I could to help. It doesn't hurt to ask, but it does hurt to beg. "Give me money" or "Inf plz" comes off poorly, but "Excuse me, any chance you could spare X Inf so I could...?" sounds reasonable. And if someone says no, leave it at that and ask someone else.

The off-beat space pirate...Capt. Stormrider (50+3 Elec/Storm Science Corruptor)
The mysterious Djinn...Emerald Dervish (50+1 DB/DA Magic Stalker)
The psychotic inventor...Dollmaster (50 Bot/FF Tech Mastermind)

Virtue Forever.



Originally Posted by Flyman View Post
Now when the prices have gone all goofy (at least on Defiant server)
The Markets are server wide, including the NA servers. So you could be bidding on a recipe at the Cap BM on Defiant, that was placed on the BM by a player on the Freedom server in Sharkhead. The only separation is between the Hero and Villain markets.



Okay, I admit it.

I was stalking you Sam, it was ME!

Naow give meh moneys!!




Originally Posted by Samuel_Tow View Post
Back on topic, this is what the case was this time. I knew from the moment I saw this guy's name and mannerisms that speaking with him would be like solving a puzzle. I wanna' help people, I really do, but hot dang! Put some effort in it, people! Don't make me do all the work! Trust me, when someone initiates communication that THEY ACTIVELY LEAD, I will gladly participate and cooperate with anything they need. But landing next to me and demanding that I not only provide a handout, but also take on the initiative is just lame.

Take it from me - communicate. There is almost no case in which better communication will not produce at least SOME improvement in outcome, and many, many cases where it will be absolutely pivotal to any positive outcome at all.
Yes! I think that's one of the most frustrating things I encounter sometimes. There are some people, both in game and on the forums, who come asking for help, but provide few/no details, don't communicate their problem or need clearly, and then get upset with us for not helping them or not helping them quickly enough. They somehow think we can read their minds or figure out their secret codes and will hop to with an answer like we have nothing better to do. I've spent entire evenings doing nothing but answering questions in the help channels, but if you're not willing to try to help me help you, I'm not going to try. I'll meet you halfway, but if you're not there when I show up, I'm not waiting around.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Originally Posted by MOUT__ View Post
Things like this make me kind of nostalgic for fantasy-based MMOs.

In DAoC, my standard response was to tell the beggar to seek a manor outside the city, the lord can likely use a new serf and the beggar is clearly unsuited to the life of a freeman.
Reminds me of my favorite response in WoW. "Sure, but all my spare cash is on mobs in <level appropriate zone>. Go get it!"

Originally Posted by Shadow Ravenwolf View Post
I was in Cap AE on this server when a Lvl 50 asks in local if anyone needed any inf. Thinking it may be a couple-20k and enough to set this lowbie I spoke up.

"You have traded nothing for 48,000,000"
Yeah. My first week playing, I overheard someone offering charity handouts under the Atlas statue. I wandered by to observe (and decide if I was desperate enough to look silly standing in a queue in front of the hovering angel), when some random passerby handed me 2mil. That funded a good number of enhancements and inventions for my first few alts.

(And I've since learned that 2mil isn't actually all that much. Need to keep an eye out for that charity thing again, so that I can pass on the 2mil to some other lowbie nearby....)




I occasionally get requests like that.
I was marketeering in Talos the other day and a level 22 accosts me:

"Can u spare inf?"
(Too busy to care, hand them 2,000,000).
"Not enuff"
'That will buy you single origins at leel 25, enjoy."
"I need mracle +recov"
'Yep, you sure do need a miracle, good luck there!'

Of course, not everyone is a mooch. I was doing a Manticore TF once, waiting in Atlas for the clicky mission and a level 11 asked me where they can level to 14.

I tell them to his Steel Canyon, beat up on some Outcasts and Council or do some newspapers or even Montague's arc. They seemed pretty distraught and wanted 14 in a hurry. I opened a trade window and went to offer them some inf but it blocked me at 50,000 or so. He then explained he was on a trial and that if he hit 14 on his own (no one else levels him) his dad will validate his account.

I exed down to him after the tf and we had a grand time beating stuff up.

Generally though, I'll /ignore beggars, especially when they spam me for AE Boss Farms when my 'search' specifically says "NO FARMS (AE or other)".


Questions about the game, either side? /t @Neuronia or @Neuronium, with your queries!
168760: A Death in the Gish. 3 missions, 1-14. Easy to solo.
Infinity Villains
Champion, Pinnacle, Virtue Heroes



Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
must suck being poor
Ah back in the day i remember . . . . . . . . .

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Originally Posted by Neuronia View Post
"Can u spare inf?"
(Too busy to care, hand them 2,000,000).
"Not enuff"
'That will buy you single origins at leel 25, enjoy."
"I need mracle +recov"
'Yep, you sure do need a miracle, good luck there!'
Oh, boy... You should have handed him a Good Luck inspiration and hoped he'd get the subtlety of the implication

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



I've had a few strangers generously give seed funds to my lowbies. So periodically I've made a point of either finding a lowbie with no vet badges and giving them some inf. I don't do it constantly but it's very satisfying.

Freedom: Blazing Larb, Fiery Fulcrum, Sardan Reborn, Arctic-Frenzy, Wasabi Sam, Mr Smashtastic.



Originally Posted by MissInformed View Post
I really hate that. As I used to tell the preschoolers I worked with, "Use your words." I shouldn't still have to tell you that when you're 14, 26, or 43 years old.
My girlfriend and I say that to each other on occasion, but in a nice way. We both realize that when we're tired/grumpy/hungry/distracted we kind of clam up, and when that happens, we need to stop, get our head back in gear, and speak. Even if it's just to say please leave me alone for a bit.

It's not always a bad thing.

As for Sam's situation, I can definitely say that it is possible for someone who is level 37 to be considered "new" You have to really really take yourself out of your own "Played this game for 5years Know What to Do" headspace for a bit when dealing with these people Sam.

The chat system isn't intuitive. He may have been sending invites because he only knew how to use Local and Team, or had been yelled at for using Broadcast before. He could be a slow typer. He could flat out not know where to go and what to do at his level. The layout of the zones and how to progress has been imprinted on us over the course of years. We know what's best to buy and what is a waste of money. Someone new doesn't He could have no idea what to do with his salvage or recipes or what enhancers he should be using.

Does that mean he asked you for help in the best way? No. Does that mean you had the right to fly off the handle because he wasn't functioning at the level you expected? Also No.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Does that mean he asked you for help in the best way? No. Does that mean you had the right to fly off the handle because he wasn't functioning at the level you expected? Also No.
Well, if Sam quoted his conversation correctly, I'd hardly call his response "flying off the handle."

Sam: "Please give me money?" What do you take me for? You can't just go around asking people like that.
Begger: o srry
Sam: You're level 37. Just kill stiff.
Sam: Be faster than begging anyway.

Sure, he wasn't Pollyanna, but if that's flying off the handle, you come from a much calmer place than I've ever been.



Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!



Originally Posted by MissInformed View Post
Well, if Sam quoted his conversation correctly, I'd hardly call his response "flying off the handle."

Sam: "Please give me money?" What do you take me for? You can't just go around asking people like that.
Begger: o srry
Sam: You're level 37. Just kill stiff.
Sam: Be faster than begging anyway.

Sure, he wasn't Pollyanna, but if that's flying off the handle, you come from a much calmer place than I've ever been.
I count the coming to the forums to rail over a simple fact of human nature as part of flying off the handle.

"Null is as much an argument "for removing the cottage rule" as the moon being round is for buying tennis shoes." -Memphis Bill



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
Does that mean he asked you for help in the best way? No. Does that mean you had the right to fly off the handle because he wasn't functioning at the level you expected? Also No.
He may not have had the right to "fly off the handle", but he certainly had the right to respond as he did, with a measure of baffled disbelief.

The Nethergoat Archive: all my memories, all my characters, all my thoughts on CoH...eventually.

My City Was Gone



Originally Posted by Lemur Lad View Post
As for Sam's situation, I can definitely say that it is possible for someone who is level 37 to be considered "new" You have to really really take yourself out of your own "Played this game for 5years Know What to Do" headspace for a bit when dealing with these people Sam.

The chat system isn't intuitive. He may have been sending invites because he only knew how to use Local and Team, or had been yelled at for using Broadcast before. He could be a slow typer. He could flat out not know where to go and what to do at his level. The layout of the zones and how to progress has been imprinted on us over the course of years. We know what's best to buy and what is a waste of money. Someone new doesn't He could have no idea what to do with his salvage or recipes or what enhancers he should be using.
I'm really not going off a belief that everyone should know everything. I didn't always know everything. But at level 37, I knew enough to at least figure out what to do and where to go. Sure, the post-30 enhancement stores were well hidden back then and I DID have to ask about them (they weren't on the paper map like those in all the other zones). I mean I'm not a genius, obviously, but by level 37 I'd well and truly figured out what went where and where to find the things I needed, and that's with barely anything being actually shown on the map. I'm sorry if it sounds like "back in my day," but I had to find the stores without map markers whatsoever, and I still managed to find them every time.

At level 10, obviously that's a new player. At level 20, I can kind of see that. At level 30, that's a bit of a stretch, but this guy was almost level 40. I really don't see how someone can make it through 37 levels and not pick up on how contacts work, where to go or how to get stuff for himself. Even if he levelled up on NOTHING but the Architect, he'd at least know there's the Architect to go earn stuff in and get his enhancements that way. Hell, SOs are easier to get with tickets than they are with money.

And, frankly, if this really WAS one of these mythical "AE Babies," then he very well SHOULD find that being power-levelled to the high levels without any concept of how to play the game is a bad thing and puts you in a position where you don't know what to do, don't know where to go and don't have enough resources to support yourself. New players SHOULDN'T be powerlevelling to the late game before they are comfortable with the controls and contacts structure, or at least without some means of supporting themselves.

Basically, if this were a level one newbie or a level 5 accidentally stuck in Independence Port, I wouldn't have questioned it. But it wasn't. It was a character who was over 3/4 of the way through the game and should have been able to look after himself BETTER than I can look after myself, let alone than I can look after him. I don't care how new a player is. A level 37 character is not a new player.

Does that mean he asked you for help in the best way? No. Does that mean you had the right to fly off the handle because he wasn't functioning at the level you expected? Also No.
Fly off the handle? I told him to go kill stuff and earn his money that way. Unless he has spectacularly expensive tastes, even zero knowledge of the economy is going to give him enough money to kit himself with SOs. It's not rocket science. You go out and kill things. Anything will do. Any type of enemy from any mission anywhere of the appropriate level, and I cannot believe a player with a level 37 character will not have grasped the concept of con colours.

If this really was a brand new character with zero knowledge of anything in the game and only beggary as a sole hope, then the best thing I could have done for him was to suggest he delete the character and start over and this time pay attention to the game and learn as he goes. If this really was a so-called "AE Baby," then that, really, is the only solution. City of Heroes is not a simple game, and learning its entire intricacy all at the same time right as you start the game at nearly the end just isn't something I'd wish on anyone but the most hard core. And if he has to go beg for handouts, I wouldn't call him hard core.

I honestly can't imagine a level 37 character belonging to a brand new player, however, not unless I buy into the stories of day-one newbies being powerlevelled to 40 or 50 or the stories of people buying accounts with high-level characters on them.

Originally Posted by Arcanaville View Post
Samuel_Tow is the only poster that makes me want to punch him in the head more often when I'm agreeing with him than when I'm disagreeing with him.



Originally Posted by Fury Flechette View Post
Moral of the story: people are lazy and would rather beg (or even do something mildly humiliating) than just spend a half and hour to an hour just killing stuff.
Someone once told me, "People are like electricity. They take the path of least resistance."

Originally Posted by Coldmed View Post
must suck being poor
It DOES! I recently hopped on my villain, which I haven't played in years, and (after blueside status quo) was surprised to find it poor, with empty slots and red DOs. Ouch!


They all laughed at me when I said I wanted to be a comedian.
But I showed them, and nobody's laughing at me now!

If I became a red name, I would be all "and what would you mere mortals like to entertain me with today, mu hu ha ha ha!" ~Arcanaville