When do I take a travel power?

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OK, I have been playing CoH/CoV for a long time. Sadly to say I have trouble deciding when to take my travel power. Recently I have been relying on the bank mission rewards for travel but they are temp. Is it worth still taking travel powers even if I have the packs? I have on my main toon I am playing now, a tanker, I have both the flight and jump packs but I know they will run out.

When is a good time to take the travel power? As soon as it is avaible? I know this post may appear ignorant, but for some dumb reason I tend to wait on travel powers and cursing myself for waiting down the line. Also, does it depend on what AT you are playing when to take a travel power?

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Whenever you want.



I take it as soon as I can unless there is a "must have" power in the way, which I often find quite rare. Though sometimes I don't take the tier one power till 12, then the travel power at 14.

Of course if you stick with paper and AE missions you can go probably to the level cap with no travel power.

Edit add: Also even under the "normal" play, many people have played to the the level cap with no travel power, though I shudder to think about it.



I always take my travel power at level 14. The only exception to that, is if the character is not taking a travel power at all.



Originally Posted by Panzerwaffen View Post
I always take my travel power at level 14. The only exception to that, is if the character is not taking a travel power at all.
This, for me as well. There's no new primary/secondary power made available at 14, and the prerequisites I tend to choose from (CJ, AS, Hasten) are all decent in their own right.

They ALL float down here. When you're down here with us, you'll float too!




If you make it to 40, you can just buy a jetpack from the shadowshard as a hero. Villains can get one from Grandville, I think it is.

I hate suppression's mechanics so much I wait unil the late 20s to get a travel power if I'm going to get one at all.



Originally Posted by Orehrepus View Post
OK, I have been playing CoH/CoV for a long time. Sadly to say I have trouble deciding when to take my travel power. Recently I have been relying on the bank mission rewards for travel but they are temp. Is it worth still taking travel powers even if I have the packs? I have on my main toon I am playing now, a tanker, I have both the flight and jump packs but I know they will run out.
I use the safeguard/mayhem reward packs as long as I can. I stretched this well into the 30s one time but really, mid twenties is more like it. I set up my build to get a travel power then. That gives me time to set up an attack chain early on, grab stamina and key defensive powers as well.

I know you said you're talking about a Tank right now, but as a tip for redside if you forgot, you can buy a Temp jetpack at level 1 if you want from the vendor in Grandville. There's no vendor like that for heroes until level 40.

Level 50 is a journey, not a destination.

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I honestly wait until about mid 20s to level 30. I like to have Stamina at level 20, and going for a travel power and the Fitness pool cuts things a bit too tight for me. The jump pack from bank missions is actually pretty speedy for a temp power.



Unless I have a toon with a tight build early on, I take it at 14. Most likely will take SS on just about every toon since I don't think I've ever kept a toon past 30 that didn't have Hasten. I have done the no travel power thing on both sides all the way to 50 and it's really not hard to get around since you can get the raptor pack and zero-g pack early on. Speaking of those two temps, they can easily last you all the way to 50 unless you keep them on unnecessarily. There are plenty of ramps, stairs, ect. to help you get to just about anywhere but you just have to look for them.

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I used to take them as soon as possible, but ever since CoV introduced paper missions, I've been waiting longer and longer. Not only is there less zone-to-zone travel these days (most PuGs are probably just doing scanner/paper missions), but cross-zone travel is so much easier, what with all the teleporters and SG bases and zones that connect to multiple other zones, than it used to be. I generally don't rush into a travel power unless it's something I really want for the character (so if the character has wings, chances are he gets Fly as soon as possible). I can usually make the basic jetpacks last into the 40s even if I'm not being all that frugal with them, and by then I can buy replacements.

But most of the time there are at least one or two levels where I have to pick a new power, and nothing available jumps out and grabs me. Those are the levels where I pick up my travel powers. It's different for every character; some take the tier 1 at 6 and the tier 2 at 14, others don't even start until 35.

It just depends where the good stuff is; where it isn't, I'll take my travel power.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



I normally take it at 14 unless I'm not taking a travel power at all.

Part of it is force of habit, and I think it's also partly because the travel powers to me are one of the signature elements of the game. Running up to the trainer, levelling, and then flying away still gives me the feeling that my character has become a super hero. Using the temp powers doesn't feel quite the same for some reason.



It depends an awful lot on how the prerequisite power is fitting into my build, but usually as early as possible. The temporary powers are nice, but they're not enhanceable, and feel kind of slow compared to a fully-slotted permanent version. And I'm the kind of player who likes to do a lot of side stuff, run TFs, visit events and see strange corners of the game, so the only-when-needed nature of the temp powers just doesn't cut it for me.

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Until very recently I took them at 14 without fail, except for characters that will never have one. Now the characters that don't want/need a prerequisite take them at 6. Which is excellent.

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Ya know, this is a good question these days. With the advent of all the temp travel powers and teleport powers, it is feasible to never take a travel power or push it off till level 30 even as that is the last level till the 40s where no power opens up in primary/ secondary. Given that the flight pack is rechargeable for both sides, use that 1 up first. Villains can buy their flight pack at level 1 but heroes need to wait till level 40 is unfair IMO.



I've gotten used to the Raptor Packs that are dirt cheap to buy. Don't bother with a Travel power at all until level 49 most times.



Originally Posted by Mr_Body View Post
Villains can buy their flight pack at level 1 but heroes need to wait till level 40 is unfair IMO.
Well, it's not meant as a convenience to 1st-level characters, it's meant as a convenience to characters that actually have business in those zones. The Shadow Shard is extraordinarily difficult to navigate without 3-dimensional movement capabilities, as is Grandville (to a point) if you don't know where the elevators are. That's why the vendors are where they are. And the fact that there isn't a level-restricted 40+ zone villainside is a factor too; it's not like there's anywhere else to put the redside jetpack vendor.

FUN FACT: That burst of light when you level up is actually the effectiveness escaping from your enhancements all at once.



I've been getting by with the 30 day jetpack for a while now. While I realize that not everyone is prepared to cough up real money, it's still a good travelpower from lvl 1 and forward,



I take Travel Powers when I can fit them in.

Nowadays, this varies between level 26 and level 49 (my personal record, and not one I'm going to be beating).

Sprint, The GvE Jump Pack and the Safeguard/Mayhem temps will get you anywhere you need to be in the game - when combined with knowing your way around.

It all depends on how much patience you've got for getting around. Myself, I like travelling - whether it's trying to bounce off implausibly small stepping stones when getting from train station to mission without touching the 'ground', slaloming in and out of support columns on fliers or just legging it round the city implausibly fast with Superspeed.

Then again, I've got friends who WILL get a travel power at 14, come hell or high water. But I find that Travel power at 14, combined with Stamina prerequisites by 20 means you have a very dull 1-20 game with no new shiny powers to play with. Maybe this is why people keep trying to blitz through the 1-20 game as fast as they can.


The above post may contain Cynicism, sarcasm and/or pessimism. If you object to the quantities contained, then tough.



Originally Posted by Doctor_Roswell View Post
Well, it's not meant as a convenience to 1st-level characters, it's meant as a convenience to characters that actually have business in those zones. The Shadow Shard is extraordinarily difficult to navigate without 3-dimensional movement capabilities, as is Grandville (to a point) if you don't know where the elevators are. That's why the vendors are where they are. And the fact that there isn't a level-restricted 40+ zone villainside is a factor too; it's not like there's anywhere else to put the redside jetpack vendor.
This is going to change anyway. i16 is going to remove the level restrictions on zones, meaning level 1 heroes can go to Firebase Zulu and get a jetpack. Traveling there will be a different story though.

Originally Posted by PRAF68_EU View Post
Dispari has more than enough credability, and certainly doesn't need to borrow any from you.



Villain-side, I usually wait until I can conveniently fit my travel power in, relying on temp powers in the meantime. On my Bane, I'm not taking Hover and Fly until 47 and 49. Usually, my villains get their travel powers in the high 20's, low 30's.

Hero-side, I usually take my travel power at 14-16 because I hate worrying about running out of my temp powers early, with all that zone-to-zone traveling we have to do.

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I take them as early as I can. Usually it's between levels 14 and 20. I don't recall having a character that has taken it later than level 30.

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Originally Posted by Orehrepus View Post
OK, I have been playing CoH/CoV for a long time. Sadly to say I have trouble deciding when to take my travel power. Recently I have been relying on the bank mission rewards for travel but they are temp. Is it worth still taking travel powers even if I have the packs? I have on my main toon I am playing now, a tanker, I have both the flight and jump packs but I know they will run out.

When is a good time to take the travel power? As soon as it is avaible? I know this post may appear ignorant, but for some dumb reason I tend to wait on travel powers and cursing myself for waiting down the line. Also, does it depend on what AT you are playing when to take a travel power?

I used to take travel powers at 14, build be damned, because I HATED jogging around to missions so much.

Nowadays, with the bank mission temps, it isn't such an ordeal and I generally wait until the later levels. Being able to take an extra attack or two at the low levels can make life a lot easier.

And what I'll do if I'm REALLY feeling motivated is re-spec later on and stuff a travel power back in at the low levels. I like to exemplar down, and losing your travel power can be annoying.

But I usually put it off as long as I can.

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I don't play villains much, but on my latest MM I didn't feel like there was much need for a travel power. I did pick up Air Superiority at around lvl 10 for survival/control but haven't seen any need to get Fly. I'm getting by with the temp powers so far (haven't even started using the Goldbricker/Sky Raider pack yet, only the mayhem temps)

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Just remember, if you delay choosing a travel power (presumably relying on Raptor Pack and Jump Pack until then) and then get exempted down to below the level you chose the travel power, you suddenly have no travel power.

For instance, say you're now level 35. You choose Fly at 32. Your Raptor Pack and Jump Pack are out of fuel. You're too low to get into the Shadow Shard to buy one. Your friends decide to do the Sister Psyche TF. When you enter the TF, you'll be exempted down to level 25. Since you waited until 32 to choose Fly, you'll have no travel power.

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