When do I take a travel power?

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I can get a travel power at level 6 now! Yipee! Vet Reward.

In the old days, I usually picked one at level 14.

Up until recently (and still planning on it for some probably) went to Kings Row to get at least the Raptor pack.

I have one character that picked the raptor pack and still had juice left in it to get to the Shadow Shard to get a new one from the jet pack vendor, so it depends on your ability to conserve the temp powers and your character conception.
Usually that's how it works out for me anyway.
If character conception trumps the jet pack, then I get the travel power I want as early as I can. Otherwise, I hold off getting one until I run out of juice in the temp powers or decide it's time to get a travel power.

OH, I saw that post on the Exemplaring and had to edit -- the choice is always to go back and rearrange your powers with a respec later on, and, at that point, it is probably always best to get your travel power as early as possible to avoid the transit problems with Emplaring.

At the same time, I have a character (in the level 40 range) with slotted up swift, hurl, and sprint that gets around pretty well on his own with only minor assist from the GvE Jump Pack. And usually beating at least some of the characters on a the team to a mission, but never/rarely all of them.



I normally like getting travel power early, around 12-16.

I don't suffer from altitis, I enjoy every minute of it.

Thank you Devs & Community people for a great game.

So sad to be ending ):



Used to take one at 14, but now it's later, though I'll try to fit one in at 24 or lower, so I can travel around in Bloody Bay fast enough to get what I need. You can use temps in there, of course, and you may want an additional attack power instead to take down turrets, but that's how I roll. :3

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Member of Paragon/Rogue Knights
Arc: 60092 - Supa Rumble in the Park
"Keep living the dream, and never let any jerk tell you what to do."
-- High-Roller



Originally Posted by Boxcars View Post
Just remember, if you delay choosing a travel power (presumably relying on Raptor Pack and Jump Pack until then) and then get exempted down to below the level you chose the travel power, you suddenly have no travel power.
This is what you have to watch out for. If you're just running to 50 and forgetting about the character, it doesn't really matter when you get it. But if you're keeping the character, you should make sure when you respec that you get travel at a level that you're likely to be exemping to. Though I16 may bring some changes that may make this a moot point.

However, there are other considerations:

The temp travel powers are quite inferior to the real ones in terms of speed (raptor pack) and jump height (jump pack), even if you're just one-slotting your travel power.

Also realize that some travel powers and their prerequisites have additional benefits -- Super Speed has a stealth component that can be very useful. Hasten, Air Superiority and Hover are useful powers in and of themselves. Combat Jumping has immobilization protection.



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
This is what you have to watch out for. If you're just running to 50 and forgetting about the character, it doesn't really matter when you get it. But if you're keeping the character, you should make sure when you respec that you get travel at a level that you're likely to be exemping to. Though I16 may bring some changes that may make this a moot point.

However, there are other considerations:

The temp travel powers are quite inferior to the real ones in terms of speed (raptor pack) and jump height (jump pack), even if you're just one-slotting your travel power.

Also realize that some travel powers and their prerequisites have additional benefits -- Super Speed has a stealth component that can be very useful. Hasten, Air Superiority and Hover are useful powers in and of themselves. Combat Jumping has immobilization protection.

The prereqs are also a good place to park an IO proc as well. Speaking as a Blaster, Hover or Combat Jumping is a GREAT place for one of the nifty KB protection procs.

I am going to agree with someone else upthread (sorry, can't recall who) who said that the travel powers are so iconic in the game (or words to that effect). To me, superheroes FLY or SUPERLEAP (they use the other two travel powers as well, but my characters don't). I always have my travel power by level 20, but I might not have it at level 14.

Altoholic - but a Blaster at Heart!

Originally Posted by SpyralPegacyon

"You gave us a world where we could fly. I can't thank you enough for that."



I usually get mine after I have what I consider the bare minimums (Stamina, a ST attack chain, at least one AoE, and my basic armors plus mezz protection on scrappers/brutes/tanks, for example). If I get most of these to my satisfaction early, I'll pick up travel early. Otherwise, it usually waits until the early to mid 20s. I've played several villains to the mid 30s without one, but I give it a bit more priority heroside, since there's usually more travel.

Having Vengeance and Fallout slotted for recharge means never having to say you're sorry.



Originally Posted by Stupid_Fanboy View Post
I use the safeguard/mayhem reward packs as long as I can. I stretched this well into the 30s one time but really, mid twenties is more like it. I set up my build to get a travel power then. That gives me time to set up an attack chain early on, grab stamina and key defensive powers as well.
This is almost exactly what I do when leveling up a character. Most times I'll respec at 27 (yay vet respecs!) to fine tune my build (adding a travel power, dropping a now unneeded attack) and get ready for stronger powers and enhancements.



Also, there's no shame in being a mooch. Say "Tp please" every time you exit a mission and you can really extend the life of your temp travel powers. Yes, I know you can replentish the temp fly power, but temp fly <<<<< temp jump and, as yet, there is no way to extend temp jump.

Global = Hedgefund (or some derivation thereof)



I used to take a travel power at 14, but the teen levels were becoming a bore with so many power picks from the fitness and travel pools. Nowadays I tend to take my travel power whenever is convenient between L22 and L30 - usually at L28-30.

I only went without a travel power once, on my Crab Spider all the way to L50, making do with CJ+Hurdle and all the travel packs (Raptor, Goldbricker, Sky Raider, Zero-G) and when I teamed I often got to missions before flyers (admittedly I find Fly very slow). Though recently I realised that, while I prefer playing Bane, there was another reason I was reluctant to play my Crab build - slow travel was a hassle - so when I purpled my Crab build I respecced him to take SuperSpeed.

Originally Posted by Boxcars View Post
Just remember, if you delay choosing a travel power (presumably relying on Raptor Pack and Jump Pack until then) and then get exempted down to below the level you chose the travel power, you suddenly have no travel power.
I have a great solution to this - I hardly ever exemp For the few times I do there's always some time left on my travel packs (and because I mainly play redside I can always buy another raptor pack in GV).



Originally Posted by Rodion View Post
This is what you have to watch out for. If you're just running to 50 and forgetting about the character, it doesn't really matter when you get it. But if you're keeping the character, you should make sure when you respec that you get travel at a level that you're likely to be exemping to. Though I16 may bring some changes that may make this a moot point.

Can you elaborate without breaking NDA?

"Everybody wants to change the world, but nobody wants to change themselves." -Tolstoy



Originally Posted by GATE-keeper View Post

Can you elaborate without breaking NDA?
I think Rodion is referring to Positron's super-sidekicking post, specifically the following paragraph:

Originally Posted by Positron View Post
Now we are aware of a couple things that this system doesn’t do so well, and we are attempting to address most of them in the coming weeks. The first of this is the fact that you lose access to powers, especially the most-recently earned ones, when you Exemplar down. We are looking into some sort of fix for this.



My first char at CoV release was a Rad/Kin and with the level 40 cap, I couldn't fit in the goodies I wanted without giving something up. I decided to go with Inertial Reduction as my travel power, and after going from 1-28 without one I started going longer and longer without travel on my other characters.

Lately, I've completely given up on travel powers, opting for the temp packs from Grandville instead. Used sparingly, they can last me around 2 weeks - I only ever need them when I'm going up something.

The exception is MMs. I -hate- getting stuck behind my own minions, or having a minion get permanently stuck in scenery, so I take teleport on them.



I take my travel power "Whenever Convenient", and in my final, exemplar-friendly build, it goes precisely at 14.

On the subject of Jetpack Vendors: I've never used them. Temp Travel powers are too slow for me, ESPECIALLY the flight ones. The flight packs are about equal to Sprint+Swift, which is a bit pathetic really.
However, Heroes can rejoice, cause your jetpack vendor is opening up to all levels next issue- Posi was yakking about removing the level requirements from all zones. :3
While I don't know whether the way he stated it meant "Sidekicked characters count as the right level for entering level-req zones" or "There just aren't level req'd zones anymore", it's all good for the jetpack-hungry.

I think the character with the latest-placed travel power would be my Elec/Ninja stalker. Super Jump at level 20, not a single power from the Fitness pool. Because there were WAY too many "required" powers I had to get.
I needed a one-two punch for scrapping (Charged brawl + havoc punch); I needed AS and Build Up, cause it's a stalker; I needed an AoE attack, because life is hell without one; I needed both my melee AND ranged shields, in addition to Hide and Mez Protection... And getting travel requires two powers in itself. God, talk about your tight builds. I coulda taken SJ two levels earlier, but I felt Chain Induction was slightly more important. >_<

Anyway, I squeeze in travel at 14 or 16 most of the time. It's Stamina that I am okay with shoving back later or eliminating from my build entirely. Nothing wrong with slotting Endredux!



I take mine at level 6...

Best Vet reward ever



Originally Posted by Chompie View Post
On the subject of Jetpack Vendors: I've never used them. Temp Travel powers are too slow for me, ESPECIALLY the flight ones. The flight packs are about equal to Sprint+Swift, which is a bit pathetic really.
They're faster than that - the same as normal Fly iirc (but use less end) - but of course base flight speed is pretty slow at low level which doesn't help. What does help is the GvE jump-pack - boosts you to the flight speed cap for 30seconds, which is good enough for crossing most of the zones that aren't Nerva.

Originally Posted by Chompie View Post
I think the character with the latest-placed travel power would be my Elec/Ninja stalker. Super Jump at level 20, not a single power from the Fitness pool. Because there were WAY too many "required" powers I had to get.
I needed a one-two punch for scrapping (Charged brawl + havoc punch); I needed AS and Build Up, cause it's a stalker; I needed an AoE attack, because life is hell without one; I needed both my melee AND ranged shields, in addition to Hide and Mez Protection... And getting travel requires two powers in itself. God, talk about your tight builds. I coulda taken SJ two levels earlier, but I felt Chain Induction was slightly more important. >_<
Yeah Stalker builds can be very tight at low level, but I find them no worse than doms or VEATs by higher levels. I got my Elec/Nin to 50 last week and all I had skipped was Charged Brawl (took Air Superiority instead) and Smoke Flash, plus I only took Mu Bolts and Ball Lightning from patrons, then CJ/SJ and the 3 Fitness powers (Hurdle+CJ by 14, Stamina by 20, SJ at 30 - took one of the def shields in the 20s as they do so little except eat endurance pre-stamina and pre-SOs).



Originally Posted by Hart View Post
The exception is MMs. I -hate- getting stuck behind my own minions
You can phase right through you own minions now as a MM. That change went in some time ago.

Main Hero : Annilixxion -- Lv50 Blaster
Main Villain : Menkaura -- Lv41 Mastermind
"You will bend to my will, with or without your precious sanity." --Dragon Mage



Originally Posted by Lord Mayhem View Post
They're faster than that - the same as normal Fly iirc (but use less end) - but of course base flight speed is pretty slow at low level which doesn't help. What does help is the GvE jump-pack - boosts you to the flight speed cap for 30seconds, which is good enough for crossing most of the zones that aren't Nerva.
Shhh... don't make them nerf it!



Originally Posted by Ahmon View Post
Shhh... don't make them nerf it!
Shhh... you're ruining my chances of getting Fly's speed buffed



For the last few toons I have avoided the trevel powers ( Until I get the 60 month vet badge).

You can use the mayhem mission travel powers for a while and you can buy the raptor pack from GV.

You get the TP powers from the random places, you get the oro portal, the black helicopter and the SG telepads. I havent taken a travel power for the last three toons and I feel...meh, happy




I usually don't worry about powers on my villains. 60 minute jump pack and 60 minute fly pack from early Mayhem missions will last me to 20, at least. Then there's good ol Lt Chalmers. Skyraiders jetpack, and it's from a story arc, so everytime that one runs out, I can just oub it again. There's also Grandville, of course, but that can be a bit more difficult to navigate then Sharkhead.

On heroes, on the other hand, I tend to find I have to change zones a lot more and I spend more time traveling. So I usually end up slotting it in at 14 for 'looser' builds (Katana/Willpower, for example, had no problem fighting in too powers early on). Tighter ones, it can sometimes be up to 24, but that's the highest I've ever gone.