78 -
I have a lvl 40 AR/Dev blaster. He is my highest lvl toon. I am wanting to roll an alt and have tried tanks but I cant get used to melee. I really really like to play from a distance for two reasons. 1. My pc even with graphics turned down runs slow on large teams with a lot of effects. 2. I dont really know how to play melee as far as should I just run in the mob and start a fight or let a blaster pull them to me. I am willing to give melee a try again with some good pointers on a team oriented toon. I have tried trollers which are not to bad and have toyed around with Defenders. I love to play on teams b/c I get bored soloing. I'm not interested in another blaster b/c I'd like to have two different concepts so I don't get bored with the game. I haven't played around with villains much b/c honestly, I hate the lowB zone. I have tried a brute and again, same reasons stated above and have a corruptor(cant remember the set atm) that I kinda like. Villains just isn't my cup of tea.
I have a grav/RAD troller @ lvl 5 I'm starting to get into a bit, but I wouldn't mind trying a fun, very team oriented defender. Any ideas? -
Yea, I should have mentioned that I would like to use SS as my 2ndary. I love knowing I have the strenght of my childhood superhero, the legendary Superman. (Sorry for the corniness)
I really want to play a team tank but I just can't find the set I want after tinkering 'round. I never solo and want a decent damage dealing tank. I'm not picky. Please throw at me some good ideas. Thanks guys and gals!
I am the type of player to play a toon regardless if it's not the strongest. But I do like to have some influence from experienced players. I have been tinkerng with creating a mastermind. What do I need to know? What is their role on a team? I have it narrowed down to necro or merc's for role-playing purposes. I know other MM's are better but I want to play something I will like. I am either going to go with Necro or Merc for my primary with either Pain Dom. or Dark for my secondary. Can I get some feedback with these suggestions? Thanks guys and gals!
Pyro TYVM! Perfectly described for me, ty ty ty! I have been wanting to try shield(just b/c they are cool) and ice but like you said, I don't see much of them too so I figured ice armor wasn't great but I always went by if i like it, try it.
Out of all the first set of pools for the tanks, which supports the best defense overall? I know some have better protection against a variety of attacks. I have a WP tank and it's my first tank and I'm loving it and want to roll another tank. Is Invinc. the best defense for all types of attacks?
Still not much with mercs. that's the Mm I want to roll and regardless, I am the type to play what I want but I am wondering what's "gimped" bout them? I am looking @ devices for my secondary or maybe even pain domination. I like the ninjas as well. Oh BTW, this will be my second villain along with my lvl 3 brute. Not very well experineced with villains.
I am seeking help on how to display a picture for my profile. Also, how do some of you peope have pictutes of your toons in your posts?
After reading the posts, my outlook on emp Defenders is in a new light. Ty all. I am influenced to role a emp Defender and keep the toon having the knowledge I have now. Playing a defender to buff the team at the same time supporting the team with heals and the secondary power shines a new light allowing me to see the defenders not just as healers but a major role on a team. Gawd I love learning new things about this game...
"Now I know...and knowing is half the battle!" -
I am wondering b/c the stone armor set slows down toons, is it a big notice? Is this a major drawback? I been looking at the stone armor for making a new tank and want to try stone b/c I love earth trollers and wanna stay with the theme but if the movement rate is bad, that is kinda keeping me away from the stone armor. So..someone please fill me in.
I didn't read the all of the posts, just a few of the first ones, but I'm curious, what about Ice/Ice Dom troller?
Welcome to Freedom. I love this server. Fulll of helpful players! See ya around...
I just wanted to introduce myself and say hey! I been a vet since 2004, not sure what issue(s?) that would be. I do not have any lvl 50's b/c of my altanitis but I am really liking my AR/Dev blaster - lvl 26 and my WP/Mace tanker - 21. Yes I know they are not high lvl's but I deleted a lot of my past toons before my breaks b/c I had no idea when I would have been returning. I don't thik I will ever be leaving CoX now, these past issues have been really cool(except for AE b/c I do not believe in pl'ing). I just want to say, I LOVE this server. Always been helped when I need it. I came from Pinnacle when I first started, nothing bad about Pinnacle, but I like my new home. Anyhow..what's up Freedom! Please feel free to drop a tell, I am a chatter. Oh and are there any active SG's with voice chat that are recruitng?
Roborifle - LvL 26 Blaster - AR/Dev
Watchdog Willie - LvL 21 Tank - WP/Mace -
This also answers a post I had about emp. def.'s that they are there NOT just to heal but to buff their team and when ever possible, help with damage. Not that I am sticking up for the player, but the only thing I can think of that she wasn't experienced. Maybe a past AE pl'er that stuck around but didn't know how to play their toon, but that is cleary just my opinion.
Good luck next time on getting a good emp. def. It is hard to find a player who knows how to play an emp. def. -
I'm 34 and I was playing with a toon just Friday night and she stated she was in her 60's. So that releaves me that it will be ok to play this when I turn 60!
Westley, that's awesome. I like what you said and hoe you explained it. BTW...I love your quote on LFTeams. Nice...
I am wondering just how good this AT hero is? Since they are not in the blaster class, how good is the damage they put out? What is the role of a team defender of these power sets since it is not in the controller class? What powers can I skip? I was a huge fan of Hawkeye, reading the comics when I was a kid and playing a toon with archery characteristics would be fun. Please fill me in on the role of this toon in a team(not much of a soloer) and the power choices I can skip. Thanks guys in advance!
Wow, great feedback and I was totaly in the dark about Emp. Defenders. I was just used to playing clerics/healers in different games and sterotyped Emp defenders the same and I am sorely mistaken.
OK, so it seems like that this problem is easily fixed. I ask for advice and if it isn't what I want to hear, I am still going to try it. I read in some replies of a post I made in the past about AR blaster. Many people mentioned Flamethrower's poor power. I LOVE Flamethrower and Ignite. So with that said, I take the positive advice. I will play a toon whether some people don't like or do like it. I'll play a toon until I find something I don't like that can't be fixed. It is clear that the endurance drain of this power set is obvisouly fixable. Thanks guys!
Beeblade, Bee-Blade, Buzzblade, Beecutter, Bumblebee Blade. Hope this might help or guide you in the right direction. Have you tried http://www.seventhsanctum.com/genera...perheronameorg ? It has helped me out numerous of times. Don't know if anyone else posted these either. Hope you get what you want.
OK, I been wanting to make a Shield/(Some sort of weapon) Tank but I noticed some of the weapons, such as mace has high end. cost. I heard a few toons say it is an endurance drain. What are your opinions (experinced players with this problem)? Any advice? I want to play a shield tanker, I have a WP/Mace tanker and love it but want to start a different tank. My idea is to be a team player. What are the major differences I need to consider with this build?
I am getting the idea. I may avoid Emp and try something different. I appreciate all the diffrent input and will continue to read this post. Thanks guys.
I am a 1 1/2 year vet but still not able to understand how to read the builds people post. Also some of the termonology. Is there a website that has listed termonology for abbreviations? Plus, anyone care to insight me on how to read builds? Plus, how can you display a profile picture? How do you display motion profile pictures? Thanks in advance. This is truly a great forum.
I have a troller Grav/FF almost to lvl 30 and I didn't care for the 2ndary. What would be a better 2ndary other than Emp for a team troller? I been thinking bout Rad Em becuase while holding targets in mobs while being radiated with defense debuffs sounds fun. But I am open for other options.