Should have done this a while ago...




I just wanted to introduce myself and say hey! I been a vet since 2004, not sure what issue(s?) that would be. I do not have any lvl 50's b/c of my altanitis but I am really liking my AR/Dev blaster - lvl 26 and my WP/Mace tanker - 21. Yes I know they are not high lvl's but I deleted a lot of my past toons before my breaks b/c I had no idea when I would have been returning. I don't thik I will ever be leaving CoX now, these past issues have been really cool(except for AE b/c I do not believe in pl'ing). I just want to say, I LOVE this server. Always been helped when I need it. I came from Pinnacle when I first started, nothing bad about Pinnacle, but I like my new home. Anyhow..what's up Freedom! Please feel free to drop a tell, I am a chatter. Oh and are there any active SG's with voice chat that are recruitng?

Roborifle - LvL 26 Blaster - AR/Dev
Watchdog Willie - LvL 21 Tank - WP/Mace



Heya Ore, and thanks for shouting out.

We have more than a few recovering Pinnheads here, so you may see some familiar faces as you flit around red or blue side. Funny that you praise ar/dev... I haven't heard praise for that build since smoke grenade got nerfed... XD By all means though, go with that you dig!

There's plenty of team recruitment out there, with a lot of new SG names floating around. My suggestion: Get into some pug teams here, especially from the ones announced on the boards, and get a feel for various players and their styles. Then make your recruitment request from there. Try before you buy.

Cheers, and g'luck.
