Hello Freedom




I just bought the US version of the game after being disappointed by concurrence. I'm French and I played on Vigilance since the beginning of the game, but now, the server is empty

So I'm planning to come on Freedom, since I heard it was full of life and activity !

Somehow, I'm a refugee. Please be nice with me and excuse my poor English (I wasnt that bad at school tho, and I practiced a bit in online games before )

See you in game soon ! (after I finish the download )



Merci beaucoup



Welcome and see you around.



Hey, what's happening? Your English, from what I have seen so far, is much better than most that use it as their primary language. Welcome!

Badging in a PvP zone?

If you are treasure hunting on a battlefield wearing an enemy uniform, there is a high probability that you will be attacked.

This is an enjoy-the-ride game. "50" is only a number, not the goal of the game. - Noxilicious



Welcome! I hope you enjoy your stay.



The sum of my French, I learned from "Eurotrip". So I'll spare you that.

Welcome to Freedom. Sad to hear that the French server's failing, but Freedom was the "unofficial" French server back before the Euroservers were brought online. There are still quite a few of the legacy groups around, so chat around, and get into the fold. Always happy to welcome an expatriate!



you'll love Freedom dude! lots of good peeps ova heer! =D



Welcome to Freedom. I love this server. Fulll of helpful players! See ya around...



Bienvenu chez toi !

global channel 'fr' si tu veux rencontrer d'autres francophones
ou tu peux me tell IG si tu veux grouper (@Starbird)
