How many servers do you play on?
Right now I only play on Protector.
I used to be exclusive to the Protector brand, and to blue side as well. After about six months I finally got the urge to try red side in earnest, and for that I set up shop on Guardian.
I'm on three servers to any extent at all.
- Guardian - my original server and still probably where I spend most of my time.
- Pinnacle - my second home; I'm here only slightly less often than on Guardian.
- Infinity - my villain server... not that I've done a lot redside but we've gradually been building up some alts here.
COH has just been murdered by NCSoft.
Protector and Justice. Protector's my home server and their are tons of great people there that are a blast to TF with.
I actually met a lot of Justicites at HeroCon last year. I team with several of them regularly.
The server "raids" between the two were stupid fun! I think the Protectorites welcomed our Justice visitors with no less than 14 Kronos Titans, amongst other sundries.
There can be only one.
(Since you're restricting it to the ones I visit every week.)
Paragon City Search And Rescue
The Mentor Project
I play "regularly" on Justice, but I have alts on several servers. I recommend everyone have at least a few alternate servers as well as their alternate characters, since it makes things easier when servers crash or are locked when too many players are online. Global channels make this easy, since I can keep in touch with my regular teammates no matter where I'm playing.
Miss Informed in 2016! She can't be worse than all those other guys!
I play on Justice and Champion pretty much weekly. I also play on Guardian on a fairly regular basis, though probably not quite every week.
Almost exclusively on Champion. Once in a blue moon I'll work on my one Freedom toon.

"Life is about perseverance. It's about slogging through no matter what." - Stormy Llewellyn
Current project - Orgo to Plowshares 42 Kat/Inv Scrap
Main -Orgo 50 Rad/Rad def
I'm curious, how many servers do you play on regularly? I don't mean the ones you have an alt on you might touch once per month. Say, once a week on the outside. How many servers, eh?
I play on Freedom for the most part, but I'm going to start playing on Pinnacle again soon, maybe a different server if I can find a group of people that like to play around noon EST. |
Because I chose to build my own SG and VG (I have two accounts so I can invite my own alts to them easily enough) it took a while to make enuff Prestige to get the things I want. (Storage, porters) So I have too much invested on Infinity to switch to a different server.
"The one thing that can stop a full team of MasterMinds dead in its tracks... a doorway!" --Frogfather

Pinnacle is the server of choice for me since it has a light load and it's where my friends are, though I have a few alts on Infinity and Virtue
Hmm, 3 or 4. It changes month to month, depending on how much time i have to be online. Right now Virtue, Guardian, Triumph, and Freedom.
i do actually have characters on EVERY SINGLE SERVER, fwiw.
Freedom, Virtue, and Justice, and I've got one single character on Victory.
4 servers for me - Infinity, Triumph, Pinnacle and Virtue - but I have seeded almost every other server with a scrapper for when I want to expand to that server. Champion, Liberty and Justice have high level scrapper sugar daddies waiting and Guardian has my current sugar-daddy-in-training.
I have characters on every server. I play them all, once in a while.
I am more often found on Virtue, Justice, and Infinity.
Paragon Wiki:
City Info Terminal:
Mids Hero Designer:
Virtue is where I play my main set of alts, the Zodiac Guardsmen.
And then I rotate between my alternate servers on a weekly basis (so, technically I meet the criteria put forth in the OP).
Guardian is home to the Menagerie of the Lost Lands
Triumph is home to The League of Everyday Heroes
Liberty is home to the Allies United and the Axis Korps
Justice is home to the Stratos Argonautes
And I'm currently working on a set of alts destined for Freedom.
I play mostly hero-side and have half a dozen fully developed characters each on Infinity and Triumph ready for TF'ing.
I have a moderate villain-side presence on Infinity, Triumph and Virtue. While I don't play these characters much at all, I do cycle through them regularly for Marketing purposes.
Teams are the number one killer of soloists.
I play on Victory for the most part, but my slots are almost full so I started to branch onto Guardian. I have an ample base and many characters on Freedom, but I pretty much don't care about them, only going to them when my main servers are empty.
Founder of A.G.O.N.Y. Supergroup on Victory
Member of Thought Sanctum VG on Victory
Member of St0rm Batallion SG on Guardian
I play regularly on 4 servers with at least 1 Lvl 50 (Hero or Villian) on each one.
Pinnacle, Triumph, Freedom, Virtue.
I pretty much play exclusively on Virtue. I use Pinnacle as my 'alt' server, where I go to try out new characters that very likely won't last. I've just always played on Virtue. Don't really roleplay, so I'm not sure why I'm connected to it.
Champion and Virtue for the most part. Some characters in the 30's to 50 on a few other servers. Lower level characters on every server.
Dr. Todt's theme.
i make stuff...
Four, Victory, Virtue, Freedom and Infinity
Father Xmas - Level 50 Ice/Ice Tanker - Victory
$725 and $1350 parts lists --- My guide to computer components
Tempus unum hominem manet
Well now...
- Liberty - My "Home Server", I think like 18 or so characters there
- Justice - One of my "Main Servers", Mostly Heroes, a couple of Villains
- Pinnacle - The other "Main Server", All Heroes
- Virtue - My "Main Villain Server", Do have a few heroes there as well
- Freedom - All Heroes, but I don't play there as often
- Triumph, Infinity, Protector - Just a couple on each
Outside of Liberty, it starts usually as a place either I or my GF wanted to start a solo project on, but eventually the other decided to get in on the act as well. We do try and cycle through the servers, at least, on a regular basis.
On each "Main" Server we have a SG we've set up ourselves for our own characters. We've either inherited or accidentally gotten into leadership spots on most of the other servers, but not all.
Yea, I think I have a moderate case of Altitis...
Thank you for the time...

Um yah Altitus the bane of my freetime.
I play on a few.
Champion: My first 50 was here as was the first SG I ever formed
Virtue: Where I play most of the time now I have come to enjoy the RP
Justice: Branching out here with some friends
Liberty: Was once a major alt server for me now its fading away.
I have 3+ characters on every other server
I am have just gotten a few more friends interested in playing I might have an explosion of alts soon
Hero's -Active
50's Nikias Antaeus Sir Winter
Others Alleyne Lariat
Inactive - Swift Winds
Villians -Active
50's Anthony Goodnight (multiple versions)
Others: Officer Sharpe, Ember Thorne
I'm curious, how many servers do you play on regularly? I don't mean the ones you have an alt on you might touch once per month. Say, once a week on the outside. How many servers, eh?
I play on Freedom for the most part, but I'm going to start playing on Pinnacle again soon, maybe a different server if I can find a group of people that like to play around noon EST.