The Natives are Getting Restless




Cimerora - I don't bother much with it and on ITF lag hill gets on my nerves.What does it add to the cox backstory?

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Lots. But how it ties in hasn't been offcially reveiled yet. It's not that hard to work out though.

I really should do something about this signature.



then went on to become MUO, and eventually CO.

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Actually when repeatedly asked about the Developmental chronology of that time Cryptic always say that very little content was re-used for Champions that had already been done for the MUO project.

Personally I imagine its more than they allude to.. but still, they would say that wouldn't they.
I would, not only because they are probably not allowed to re-use assets that were down and noted already as assets and most probably listed under terms of the amicable break-up of the partnership.



Well let's face it, that video of "web" swinging has Spidey written all over it. Even down to the mid swing poses the toon pulls



Little content reused. But almost the entire game engine.

I really should do something about this signature.



web swinging?... WEB swinging?...
I think you mean Cable swinging! - and who is this spidey character you mention?

Heheh, which reminds me I think I've joked somewhere on their Motto finalists thread about Marvel IP - once with a \/\/0|_\/3R1|\|3 parody and another with a 'cable-swinging - skirting Marvel IP since 2009' Spidey Parody... (which I'm sure they appreciate )



Cimerora - I don't bother much with it and on ITF lag hill gets on my nerves.What does it add to the cox backstory?

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Lots. But how it ties in hasn't been offcially reveiled yet. It's not that hard to work out though.

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I guess all we can really say is that we'll find out some time ... 'Soon™' - along with everything else that has been rumoured.

'Soon™' just wears a bit thin after hearing it for too long

Proud member of FOXBASE ALPHA and coalition associates.

Hero 50's - 25

Villain 50's - 1



Little content reused. But almost the entire game engine.

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Agreed. , but then again they were always going to use the Cryptic 2.0 engine weren't they... and seeing as they own the bloomin thing!, why not! - It was engineered way before Marvel came on the scene.

I'm actually rather happy MUO fell through, their next-gen project is going to be much more open, flexible and free to develop in that universe than it ever would in Marvel's.



Cimerora - I don't bother much with it and on ITF lag hill gets on my nerves.What does it add to the cox backstory?

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Lots. But how it ties in hasn't been offcially reveiled yet. It's not that hard to work out though.

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I guess all we can really say is that we'll find out some time ... 'Soon™' - along with everything else that has been rumoured.

'Soon™' just wears a bit thin after hearing it for too long

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There will always be soon, from any developer, for any MMO, because all content takes time, nothing can be done instantly.

I really should do something about this signature.



Actually chances are you'll be swapping Soon with Soon, if you see what I mean. (if not I'll spell it out. At the moment the grass seems greener on the other side but the chances are when you get there all there is is fresh dirt, some seedlings and the grass will be coming 'Soon')

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100% agree with carnifax here, the way its been hyped up is way over its head. From the screenies and attitude of the game i wont even be getting a trial account on it.

You log onto the game now and you can almost guarantee someone is talking about trying it out, but then again almsot every person i've heard say that has also said they'll more than likely come back. To me it seems its going to be a "filler" game and not a major sub stealer (DCUO will be bigger), also can bet after the first 2 months people on there WILL get highly annoyed and come crawling back in which case the noob buster will greet them all with broadcasts of "BUSTED!!!!".

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



There will always be soon, from any developer, for any MMO, because all content takes time, nothing can be done instantly.

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True, but soon != over a year, as in the case of the vault or many of the other things we've been told "soon" for.

From now on, I treat any use of the word "soon" as "never".


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



(DCUO will be bigger)

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I think it may just be for the PvP crowd, personally I don't think they will be offering anything over Champions with regards to PvE content... oh, and don't forget, If customisation is your thang, DCUO [u]will[u] be locking you into much more limiting power trees in its present incarnation and it does not have 'emanation points' as far as I know, nor the Nemesis feature or as much diversity in zonal design.

Gotta say it make me laugh when people say they are going to scorn people who decide to either try or not stay with the competition and return to 'City of'. A):I'm not worried about what anyone thinks of me regarding my MMO choices and B): I've subbed for five years of 'City of' (at the most expensive tariff on purpose) and consider my time well-spent in what is currently the best SuperHero MMO, but my future here will be decided on what the Devs offer me as a subscriber in the future.. not out of a misplaced sense of brand loyalty.

The four Superhero MMOs are going to mean different things to different people and offer differing playstyles - whats with the 'must pick one' mentality? - Pick and choose.. chop 'n' change... mix it up... try all of them alternatively, then you'll be in a knowledgable position to decide what is best for you.



(DCUO will be bigger)

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DCUO seems to suffer even more from consolitis, judging from the vids I've seen so far. I find it even more irrelevant then CO. Could be dead wrong of course, only when we see finished products we will know.

Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito



DCUO looks too consoley for me and with playing this, I have gotten used to high customisation.

EG. Cant tell you how many asian mmos have come and gone on my comp due to limited looks and archetypes.

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



whats with the 'must pick one' mentality?

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Heh. Localism, Vet rewards, something.

If you'd asked me 6 months ago, I'd say I'd be here forever. Now, with the competition on the way and the lack of... anything much recently, that's changed.

I've played for a long time (4.5 years of investment) and I'm seriously contemplating switching it.

I doubt I'll NEVER play again - I'd have the odd dabble back again, but I would be investing my cash into a rival (superhero games/any MMO with the word Star in its title).

I15 will have to go some to compete with them. I hope it does. I'd like to keep playing, but only if there's something to grab my attention and for me it's story - story that I don't have to wade through dozens of farming missions to find (nor leave the game to have to look for either).

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



I'll try the others when they comes out. If I like them better, I'll switch. Or if I can afford 2 games, I'll keep 2 games active if I still want to play them both. Or maybe I'll like all 3 (4) games and decide I'm not so bothered about eating.

@craggy see me on Union for TFs, SFs (please!) or just some good ol fashioned teaming.



Done while Cryptic and NCsoft were still working together on 'City of' - unless of course you are infering that Cryptic were fishing for content for their possible sequel while still working on this game - /conspiracy on.

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Based on what Cryptic have said, they started work on CoX2 soon after CoV shipped. Which would put it at about the same time as those polls. Of course, CoX2 then went on to become MUO, and eventually CO.

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This time, they'll be cutting out the sequel bit, and going straight to the big name title - instead of the CoH/dev resources switched to CoH 2/start work on MUO sequence, they'll just go CO/dev resources switched to STO.
It's the Cryptic/Jack way - he's a restless native, who always needs a new project

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



True, but soon != over a year, as in the case of the vault or many of the other things we've been told "soon" for.

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The vault is an example of why devs should keep thier mouths tight shut.

They anounced it then found it did't work.

I really should do something about this signature.



True, but soon != over a year, as in the case of the vault or many of the other things we've been told "soon" for.

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The vault is an example of why devs should keep thier mouths tight shut.

They anounced it then found it did't work.

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But if other games can do similar things then why cant NC?

Does that mean other Devs are more clever?

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



No it just means that CoH is programed difrently from other games which should come as no great suprise.



other games can do similar things

[/ QUOTE ]*sigh*



"It seems I can not satisfy my peoples.", a renowned emperor said that. It applies here, theres always something wrong, it's human error, that is defending the reason for bugs thus further the patches.
I would motion, an idea to consolidate all the recent patches and do it one long day - that is telling us in advance- instead of bringing the servers offline every day. I'm sure this isn't a far outstretch.

I understand the frustration on EU-players behalf that the US are getting shall we say better treatement, but that was the sacrfice of having US-staff members, they won't get up at 2AM in the morning to plug our holes in the game, I wouldn't. However, it does raise the agenda, of having a EU base at all. I'm dissatisfied at some things, such as getting a break then discovering I can't play 'City of Heroes' but I can do other things. Go breath some fresh air! Also, I meant to be general in my opinion, since it's an easy job to be a critic.




Have to agree that the only thing really making the natives restless is the semi-daily (it's not ever day but every other day it seems) 3-4 hour plus downtime, think everyone can agree that it's not exactly fun to be forced off during the middle of the day...

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!




However, it does raise the agenda, of having a EU base at all.

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I wondered this as well if this mid day mantanace is going to become a regular thing maybe they should just look at moving the EU to the US

because surly one of the points of having EU servers is so that things like maintenance can be scheduled around EU times (so not in the middle of the day)



The have looked at moving the EU. It's yet another thing that is technically difficult due to the lousy server architecture.

I really should do something about this signature.