The Natives are Getting Restless





I love this game and want to see what it is capable of, but I must admit, CO is looking shiny, and frankly, I dont believe the "great things to come" rubbish any more, though if they want to prove me wrong and actually TELL us what is coming, I will eat my hat.

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Quoted for truth

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I'll top that by saying I'll eat my socks after I've ran a marathon in them...

...without condiments

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Come on Devs. You've got the chance now to make someone eat their own sweat-encrusted socks, without needing to resort to kidnap and actual bodily harm. When will you have another chance at this?

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You've not seen the sort of people that tend to gravitate to me on a Saturday night out drinking...........

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"




The difference being, the MA allows the creative bods among the player base to create some great arcs and stuff, negating the 'Been there, played it' feel, because there will ALWAYS be new arcs.
Unless of course people were silly enough to clog up the thing with tons of bilge and farm mission, and then pollute broadcast worse than PI ever was...
Waaait a minute...

[/ QUOTE ]
So you give the aswner yourself. It there wasnt a MA, or MA was majorly anti-farm (lets say no rewards at all), PI broadcast would still exist. Basicly, the entire 'method' to farming would still exist.

So then whats the problem? Community. Devs give the system, players abuse it.

If devs really want to nerf down farming, they only have to snap their fingers.

But you're definiatly right on the mission listing, at first i was hoping they would have heavy moderation on this and categories to put missions in (specialy 1 for 'farming' - but that would incline devs agree with farmers, then again they do so now).

50)Sinergy X/(50)Mika.

Sign the petition, dont let CoH go down! SIGN!



Well, like I've alluded to before, Its not so much the fact that Issue 14's MA feature is a take it or leave it game addition, - the fact is that here again is another game feature that has been misjudged to just how much upkeep it is going to need on an ongoing basis.

Constant PvP tinkering has been replaced as flavour of the month by what seems to be a whole new pandora's box of MA tinkering, and such ongoing commitments to these needy features are going to have a negative effect on the time and work needed to revamp the game before the two main competitors gather suffient pace and subscribers.




The difference being, the MA allows the creative bods among the player base to create some great arcs and stuff, negating the 'Been there, played it' feel, because there will ALWAYS be new arcs.
Unless of course people were silly enough to clog up the thing with tons of bilge and farm mission, and then pollute broadcast worse than PI ever was...
Waaait a minute...

[/ QUOTE ]
So you give the aswner yourself. It there wasnt a MA, or MA was majorly anti-farm (lets say no rewards at all), PI broadcast would still exist. Basicly, the entire 'method' to farming would still exist.

So then whats the problem? Community. Devs give the system, players abuse it.

If devs really want to nerf down farming, they only have to snap their fingers.

But you're definiatly right on the mission listing, at first i was hoping they would have heavy moderation on this and categories to put missions in (specialy 1 for 'farming' - but that would incline devs agree with farmers, then again they do so now).

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, only PI farming didnt cause a problem. People that wanted to farm that bad would head to PI, and those that were happy to farm them would do so. Not a problem.

What is a horribly large problem is when the broadcast in Atlas now is JUST;
"Lff plz"
"Farm team lf healer"

This is a begginer zone. That is a really BAD thing for people to see on their first day.
Someone in broadcast had got from 1-50 already, and had had the game for 2 weeks.
Now, if thats NOT a huge waste of resources, in other words, the whole rest of the game, I dont know what is.

So, yes, farming always has been and probably always will be here.
But this just got big, and rather bad.

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.




1) Listen to the players a bit more. They are your greatest assets. We know you can because you have, but it seems like you've stopped recently.

2) Communicate More! Generally speaking the devs are good at talking to the media and the US forums, but when it comes to talking to the EU they are as much use as a rubber duck in the sahara. We do deserve better comms from you guys.

[/ QUOTE ]

i find THESE the biggest problem with this game. bugs get sorted (be it in time) but they get done, things get created etc but communication is the one thing that has been well communication from the devs is as rare as the dino's. even if its the odd chatter, ive only seen posi i think it was ost 1 thread and 1 post within tht thread ONCE. its not hard to say hi and speak to us. come on. we dont bite rofl

so these two sugestions are top with me.




City of Heroes has been praised by various magazines for how accessible the Dev team is to the players, and that fits with my own experience when I compare it to every other MMORP I played over the years. The one exception is WoW which communicates relatively well why they make certain changes to the game, but that's WoW.

Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito



Agree 100% with Scarlets OP.

They ruined PvP in the face of the pvp playerbase in uproar warning them how misguided their chages were.

Now they ruined PvE.

I appreciate that in both cases the devs were genuinely trying to move the game forward. But I just think they have missed the mark in both areas.
I know not everyone likes PvP but I do/did and having PvE broken the issue after they killed off pvp is just too much.

The PvP changes were very shortsighted and surely some warning bells were ringing for them?
With MA surely they didnt even need warning what would happen? First thing I thought when i heard it announced was that farming would go out of control. And unfortunately its even worse as it seems to have pushed all the other PvE content out of the frame.

I have logged in 10-15 times over the last 10 days. I have only stayed logged in for more than 15 minutes once or twice. And those times have usually only been as i got invited to a farm.

Unless something amazing happens I think I will be hanging my cape up permanently. I quit in protest after they murdered pvp but this time I just have no enthusiasm about the game at all.

These are all subjective opinions of my own and not intended to spark debate. Just to explain where i13/i14 have left me in relation to the game.



I don't think I'm alone in this (but it's my opinion, so feel free to correct me) but I can't help feeling that the MA has left a lot of people feeling a bit "meh" about the game.

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No need for correction, opinion is opinion. For me, MA has been a very welcome and fun addition - even with farm/search /rating issues and bugs considered.

Then there was a sea-change and they made strenuous efforts to give the players what they wanted. Now the pendulum has swung back the other way it seems to me.

[/ QUOTE ]

You mean the various "quality of life" changes they did? Those seems to me that they were some realtively easy changes that they got some time and resources to implement from NCSoft. Other changes may be much more challenging and/or time/resource consuming to implement - it does not necessarily mean that developers do not listen.

4) We hear a lot about how much the Dev team has expanded. I'm sorry but I'm not seeing that. What I am seeing is the same number of issues per year but the last two have been buggy as hell. In terms of bugs, I13 was the worst since I7. I14 seems to be pretty similar.

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They have brought in a number of new people who has to learn all the intricate details of something that has been in development for a number of years, while still being productive. Bringing in a lot of new people will decrease productiveness for a period of time until people have at least somewhat mastered their new roles and tasks. I think some bugs are just because new people may still be learning a bit about the implications various changes to the code may have.

Personally I do not think it will matter that much what Paragon Studios may release close to the release of Champions Online - people will still go and try the new shiny if they are interested in that type of game at all. What will matter for them will be what will be attracting players after the initial enthusiasm for a new game has died down a bit.

[url=""][b]My Story arcs[/b][/url]: [i]The Siren Supremes[/i] ([b]1143[/b]), [i]The Missing Geneticist[/i] ([b]2542[/b]), [i]Elemental Jones[/i] ([b]263512[/b]), [i]The Soul Hunter[/i] ([b]294431[/b]), [i]Heart of Steel[/i] ([b]407104[/b]), [i]Project Serpens[/i] ([b]434082[/b])



CO will flop, and i think thats y the devs are being the way that they are over CoX, when DCUO and KotoRo come out CoX will morethan likey die.

i wasnt enamered with i14 tbh i like charnell above knew this would be an isue for the farmers.

i13 almost killed pvp, not the changes to i14 have done. granted "some" fun can be had, but a lot of it hasbeen taken away.

i like this game as there is a certain " i do not know what" about it, and its still better than most other games out there despite the endless crud they give the community issue after issue, the main probe i have with i14 bar the PvP, Farm Requests in certain zones. is the amount of stupid badges given out 100+ badges for what reason exactly.

give badges and dont fix things that desperately need fixing . i mean serious how stupid are they.

Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab



Personally I do not think it will matter that much what Paragon Studios may release close to the release of Champions Online - people will still go and try the new shiny if they are interested in that type of game at all. What will matter for them will be what will be attracting players after the initial enthusiasm for a new game has died down a bit.

[/ QUOTE ]

Oh absolutely no doubt NCsoft (and through them Paragon Studios) have their strategy in place and know exactly what they are going to do, how they are going to weather expected losses and reposition if necessary already.
I agree with you, it is what they do after the marketplace has settled which will determine the future of the license.

Disruption is going to happen for certain twice with the launches of CO and DCUO. Whether or not Paragon is still here to compete with the third unsettling of the market when MUO launches a couple of years from now is anyones guess.



Dear god, some of the uninformed replies in the thread... I'm not trying to be a dev fanboi here, but wow. Some people must've been playing a different game than I have, and posting on some different forums.



Just incase thats aimed at me, I'll reiterate my HOPE that NCsoft have their strategy in place for how they are going to weather the launch of rivals in the Superhero MMO marketplace. I really do.



CO will flop, and i think thats y the devs are being the way that they are over CoX, when DCUO and KotoRo come out CoX will morethan likey die.

[/ QUOTE ]
Do you do lottery numbers too? Any clues for this Saturday's draw?

Anyway, I thought AoC had killed CoX already.



I thought AoC had killed itself already.



No, sorry, was a Quick Reply.



I thought AoC had killed itself already.

[/ QUOTE ]
Well, that's what too many barbarians will do eventually - not enough room to swing all those swords

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Ahh I see, no problem. - not that it would of been a problem should you of disagree'd with me anyway on the subject. *smiles*

*Puts away Tazer back inside cape*.



I thought AoC had killed itself already.

[/ QUOTE ]

I don't think this is the sort of debate to go bringing facts into...



I always find it pretty funny for the last 4 and a bit years every time a a new MMO has been due for release posts have appeared on the forum proclaiming that CoH is dead and MMO X is king.

Its not happened yet and several of those CoH killers now lye broken and battered at CoHs feet.

Now don't get me wrong champions is probably CoH biggest competitor what with it coming from the same studio that originally gave us CoH and the fact that its features list reads like the CoH suggestions thread but given that CoH still has at least 2 big features that CO doesnt and we still have no idea what kind of specs your gonna need to even run CO it could be a resource hungry monster and not every one has the uber PC to play those but they can probably play CoH just fine.



Except CoH is going backwards.

Most people used to be able to play it just fine, now there are disconnects, ultralag, chat bugs, etc etc

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



I always find it pretty funny for the last 4 and a bit years every time a a new MMO has been due for release posts have appeared on the forum proclaiming that CoH is dead and MMO X is king.

Its not happened yet and several of those CoH killers now lye broken and battered at CoHs feet.

[/ QUOTE ]The problem with that outlook is that it wasn't CoX (or any other already published MMO) that was responsible for those MMOs failing. It was a case of self destruct in almost every instance.



Most people used to be able to play it just fine, now there are disconnects, ultralag, chat bugs, etc etc

[/ QUOTE ]
None of those are exactly new, never previously seen, phenomena.



True but in a five year old game dont you think they should be things of the past? Especially when the game has played a lot better previously.

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



You say that as if other games don't have those issues.

Lag isn't something you can just "get rid of".



They should fix teh intawebz.

I really should do something about this signature.