The Natives are Getting Restless




*is dense* FOTM? Flavour of the month?

[/ QUOTE ]


This month its Roasted Hedgehog and Mint.



Some interesting insights here and I'm grateful to Dragon Alpha for expressing very eloquently how I feel about the game.

The thing is, I do love this game. But the Devs have stopped listening.

The players have been requesting stuff for ages and ages. We've been asking for a revamp of Boomtown, Dark Astoria & Eden. Villains have BEGGED for a new SF.

What we got most recently was Cimeroroa. I don't recall anyone asking for a Roman zone - or if they did it was not high on the list of asks. I would even venture to suggest that if we got to pick a new zone we would ask for a Space Station/Moon base or an Undersea Kingdom. We got Romans. Sure the TF is great but the rest of the zone's very light on content. Repeatable missions and an awful faction only contact system that caused a massive bug in the rest of the game and rendered a coop zone mostly unusable. Why put faction only in a Co-Op zone? It's totally against the point and caused troubles to fix a problem that didn't actually exist.

That's just one of several examples where I think that Posi and the Dev team have lost the plot.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I prefer scalded baby and asparagus



The thing is, I do love this game.

[/ QUOTE ]

Do you? I enjoy it playing it. It's fun. But I cartainly don't love it.

But the Devs have stopped listening.

[/ QUOTE ]

No. A game in which the devs did everything players asked for would be the most awful game ever.

Dark Astoria

[/ QUOTE ]

What's wrong with Dark Astoria?


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Eden? When? It has to score as the zone least mentioned on the forums, surely?

Villains have BEGGED for a new SF.

[/ QUOTE ]

Only so they could farm it for merits, and issue 14 removed the need for merit farming.

I don't recall anyone asking for a Roman zone

[/ QUOTE ]

No, but you aren't the author, it's not your story. It's up to the developers to decide what direction they want it to take.

I really should do something about this signature.




Villains have BEGGED for a new SF.

[/ QUOTE ]

Only so they could farm it for merits, and issue 14 removed the need for merit farming.

[/ QUOTE ]
Nonsense - villains have been asking for greater SF/TF parity pretty much since CoV came out, and well before merits were a twinkle in Positron's eye.



This month its Roasted Hedgehog and Mint.

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I prefer scalded baby and asparagus.

[/ QUOTE ]

Daaamn!, where were you two when Walkers were running their 'Pick us a Winner' competition.



This month its Roasted Hedgehog and Mint.

[/ QUOTE ]
I prefer scalded baby and asparagus.

[/ QUOTE ]

Daaamn!, where were you two when Walkers were running their 'Pick us a Winner' competition.

[/ QUOTE ]

I'd never desert Tayto in support of foreign crisps *spits*

*wipes monitor*

I don't recall anyone asking for a Roman zone

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No, but you aren't the author, it's not your story. It's up to the developers to decide what direction they want it to take.

[/ QUOTE ]
And Sparta... erm, Romans were so hot right about then. You gotta be on trend girlfriend (note to self. Stop watching Gok Wan with fiancee).



A game in which the devs did everything players asked for would be the most awful game ever.

[/ QUOTE ]

I totally agree PRAF, but there Is validity to the concern voiced about game direction, because It seems the Dev team has veered off on a tangent away from the content we voted on on their official polls and have become increasingly embroiled with wasting vast amounts of manpower and time on PvP and MA tinkering.



veered off on a tangent away from the content we voted on on their official polls

[/ QUOTE ]

Those where Cryptic polls. You want that stuff, you know where to look.

I agree that they have wasted far to much time tinkering with PvP, but that's what comes of listening to players, but the MA is, IMO, the best addition to this game ever.

I really should do something about this signature.



Those where Cryptic polls.

[/ QUOTE ]

Done while Cryptic and NCsoft were still working together on 'City of' - unless of course you are infering that Cryptic were fishing for content for their possible sequel while still working on this game - /conspiracy on.

To be honest the future of a 'City of' licence is right there for the taking in a strange alternative dimension where the Devs start working on the content long requested:

Moonbase Armstrong / Space Station Gagarin / Rikti Homeworld / Underwater Kingdom of The Coralax / 'Going Rogue' / Incarnates specialisation powerpool to expand level 50's / (unlockable through The Furies TF) / more powerpool choices etc, yada yada yada [insert frequent suggestions here]



That's just one of several examples where I think that Posi and the Dev team have lost the plot.

[/ QUOTE ]

My impression -- and this is based by nothing but my gut feeling and is both over-generalised and probably quite unfair -- but my impression is that under Emmet the developers left features only half-implemented before hasting on to the next one, but the game had direction: it was going somewhere, although with only three wheels, a broken clutch and misaligned spark plugs.

Under Miller, new features are [/i]completed[/i] properly, but the game is floundering with new features added piecemeal and somewhat thoughtless: they've got all four wheels and fixed the clutch, but they're just driving around at random on the backroads trying to get somewhere, but not knowing where.




And Sparta... erm, Romans were so hot right about then. You gotta be on trend girlfriend (note to self. Stop watching Gok Wan with fiancee).

[/ QUOTE ]
So you're going to start watching Gok Wan in private and not tell the fiancee?!

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



That's just one of several examples where I think that Posi and the Dev team have lost the plot.

[/ QUOTE ]

My impression -- and this is based by nothing but my gut feeling and is both over-generalised and probably quite unfair -- but my impression is that under Emmet the developers left features only half-implemented before hasting on to the next one, but the game had direction: it was going somewhere, although with only three wheels, a broken clutch and misaligned spark plugs.

Under Miller, new features are [/i]completed[/i] properly, but the game is floundering with new features added piecemeal and somewhat thoughtless: they've got all four wheels and fixed the clutch, but they're just driving around at random on the backroads trying to get somewhere, but not knowing where.

[/ QUOTE ]

Good analogy.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk




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Nope. At least not for me. I'm not really a comic book superhero fan. I just like the game.

Although the lack of elves is a plus point.

[/ QUOTE ]

Me too, although I dont mind Superheroes, I dont play it to BE a superhero, it just plays fast and fun.

Wouldnt make the elves point though or dwarves for that matter ..... have you seen the MA?

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966



unless of course you are infering that Cryptic were fishing for content for their possible sequel while still working on this game

[/ QUOTE ]Of course they were, was there ever any question about that?



Except CoH is going backwards.

Most people used to be able to play it just fine, now there are disconnects, ultralag, chat bugs, etc etc

[/ QUOTE ]Welcome to the wonderful world of software development. For great previous examples, see every CoH issue release ever.




Villains have BEGGED for a new SF.

[/ QUOTE ]

Only so they could farm it for merits, and issue 14 removed the need for merit farming.

[/ QUOTE ]
Nonsense - villains have been asking for greater SF/TF parity pretty much since CoV came out, and well before merits were a twinkle in Positron's eye.

[/ QUOTE ]

This. I don't really give two hoots about merits, I, and the majority of others in our redside SG, would rather have something to fill the godawful level gaps in CoV...

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



unless of course you are infering that Cryptic were fishing for content for their possible sequel while still working on this game

[/ QUOTE ]Of course they were, was there ever any question about that?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, knew I should of added the sarcastic smiley face. Colour me surprised... not.

Still, the equivalent content mentioned to compete on enviroments is there waiting to be developed and implemented. If official Poll suggestion finalists aren't implemented then NCsoft can't really complain about what I fear may be an inevitable choice by an awful lot of the Veteran subscribers who have experienced all the content thus far.

You see, after this Summer 'Soon™' stops working.



unless of course you are infering that Cryptic were fishing for content for their possible sequel while still working on this game

[/ QUOTE ]Of course they were, was there ever any question about that?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, knew I should of added the sarcastic smiley face. Colour me surprised... not.

Still, the equivalent content mentioned to compete on enviroments is there waiting to be developed and implemented. If official Poll suggestion finalists aren't implemented then NCsoft can't really complain about what I fear may be an inevitable choice by an awful lot of the Veteran subscribers who have experienced all the content thus far.

You see, after this Summer 'Soon™' stops working.

[/ QUOTE ]

/e drumfingers
...-goes to look at CO website-
Maybe...if you can't be the Villains, thats a shame...but hey, places always need a few technological genii, right?

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



unless of course you are infering that Cryptic were fishing for content for their possible sequel while still working on this game

[/ QUOTE ]Of course they were, was there ever any question about that?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, knew I should of added the sarcastic smiley face. Colour me surprised... not.

Still, the equivalent content mentioned to compete on enviroments is there waiting to be developed and implemented. If official Poll suggestion finalists aren't implemented then NCsoft can't really complain about what I fear may be an inevitable choice by an awful lot of the Veteran subscribers who have experienced all the content thus far.

You see, after this Summer 'Soon™' stops working.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually chances are you'll be swapping Soon with Soon, if you see what I mean. (if not I'll spell it out. At the moment the grass seems greener on the other side but the chances are when you get there all there is is fresh dirt, some seedlings and the grass will be coming 'Soon')



There are two reasons I aint worried about CO, first and most importantly Miller > Emmert. I'ld rather have a car that drives around then one that breaks down while trying to get to the moon.

Second, CO is being designed for XBox as well as PC, I think that's bound to make it suck in certain ways as it's trying to be playable on both platforms.

Shadowplay - Scrapper DM/DA SL 50
Doctor Storm- Brute SS/Elec SL 50
"speed boosts someone in the face" - Cognito




You see, after this Summer 'Soon™' stops working.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, maybe it does and maybe it doesn't.

If CO doesn't do that-indefinable-thing-that-keeps-me-playing-CoH™ at least as well as CoH does then it'll just be another Mass Effect for me. I'll play it, for a bit, and then come back.

If, however, it does do that-indefinable-thing-that-keeps-me-playing-CoH™ as well as CoH then we're into the war of escalation between the two games that some posters are predicting.

And referring back to the previous posts I'm becoming more and more convinced that that-indefinable-thing-that-keeps-me-playing-CoH™ is a combination of:

- rational things like the costume creator, combat pace, powerset variation

- irrational things like the way playing the game makes me feel and how attached I am to some of my toons. (Your "wuv" thingy Mumsie).

It's going to be very very interesting to see if CO can deliver on the irrational elements...

Ever wondered how our costumes stay so clean and shiny given everything we put them through?

Then you need to try out Spandex Crisis (Arc ID 32943)



unless of course you are infering that Cryptic were fishing for content for their possible sequel while still working on this game

[/ QUOTE ]Of course they were, was there ever any question about that?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yeah, knew I should of added the sarcastic smiley face. Colour me surprised... not.

Still, the equivalent content mentioned to compete on enviroments is there waiting to be developed and implemented. If official Poll suggestion finalists aren't implemented then NCsoft can't really complain about what I fear may be an inevitable choice by an awful lot of the Veteran subscribers who have experienced all the content thus far.

You see, after this Summer 'Soon™' stops working.

[/ QUOTE ]

Actually chances are you'll be swapping Soon with Soon, if you see what I mean. (if not I'll spell it out. At the moment the grass seems greener on the other side but the chances are when you get there all there is is fresh dirt, some seedlings and the grass will be coming 'Soon')

[/ QUOTE ]

I appreciate the sentiment, I really do!, and lets hope Paragon Studios pulls something exciting out of the bag for Issue 15.
The draw for me for the CO product personally is scope for the future. I'm not going to be expecting a product as polished or finessed as our five-year old title - but what I do see in both its features on release, ideas for planned feature expansions and the imagination shown in both game tech and zonal design has me very excited thus far for its future.

Who knows, If Paragon Studios surprise me I'll attempt to sub for both for both into 2010.




My impression -- and this is based by nothing but my gut feeling and is both over-generalised and probably quite unfair -- but my impression is that under Emmet the developers left features only half-implemented before hasting on to the next one, but the game had direction: it was going somewhere, although with only three wheels, a broken clutch and misaligned spark plugs.

Under Miller, new features are [/i]completed[/i] properly, but the game is floundering with new features added piecemeal and somewhat thoughtless: they've got all four wheels and fixed the clutch, but they're just driving around at random on the backroads trying to get somewhere, but not knowing where.

[/ QUOTE ]

For me that sums it up well, I hate to say it as I love the game but I think the game has lost direction.

Looking back at the last couple of issues:

Cimerora - I don't bother much with it and on ITF lag hill gets on my nerves.What does it add to the cox backstory?
Day Jobs - Again I don't really bother too much.
Merit Rewards - Can't say it really adds much for me.

As for i14, I love MA but in some ways I can't help but think it's a result of the dev's running out of ideas - lets allow the players to do it, instead of coming up with new content. Don't get me wrong I'm not saying we shouldn't have MA, far from it, as it can be a lot of fun, but the game needs new proper content badly.

I guess the problem is trying to please everyone, as players want different things from the game. For example I am a lifelong comic book fan and I just love making toons, playing the game with friends and enjoying storylines, I don't really care about badges and I'm not overly fussy about my slotting. However there are people who farm and care for nothing other than getting to 50 quicky, I know some build fanatics and of course some people just live for badges.

Now I'm not saying that there's anything wrong with any of those things, I'm just illustrating that players want different things from the game.

The superboosters work I guess and make a profit I'm sure, I don't mind paying a bit extra for them as they are not core to the gameplay. However they are just toys, MA could also be regarded as a bit of a toy too. To continue in the long term, it's starting to feel like this game needs a bit of a quantum leap somewhere - oh boy!

For me, I'd say you need to give us something new and interesting to do, not just a tool or a rehash of something. MA isn't in some ways new, it still follows the mission structure we all know. No ideas? Well to start with there are over 70 years of comics to dip into (this is a superhero game)- also you have a great community, have a fans forum, I'd bet they have more ideas than the devs could handle On these boards alone I'd bet there are people with some truely great workable ideas.....but hey when was the last time the dev's were on these boards.......

My deviantART page (warning some images nsfw)

GGRRR Comic Series GGRRR Comics on Facebook



Done while Cryptic and NCsoft were still working together on 'City of' - unless of course you are infering that Cryptic were fishing for content for their possible sequel while still working on this game - /conspiracy on.

[/ QUOTE ]

Based on what Cryptic have said, they started work on CoX2 soon after CoV shipped. Which would put it at about the same time as those polls. Of course, CoX2 then went on to become MUO, and eventually CO.

It's no geat conspiracy, but whilst the where technically still "working together" they where in fact already split into two seperate teams.

I really should do something about this signature.