Now What?




I know and am waiting with a post all ready for a few people that I have had words with in the past



the EU law of data transfer is gonna be the main problem and sticky area, but if they do an application where u can claim what u have (that abides with the Data Protection Act) and then they check it i see no real problem as this really cant be easily abused becoz of credit checks etc (whihc are done if ur on auto renew (not sure if the last bit falls foul of the DPA but its a suggestion none the less if it ges [censored] up)

[/ QUOTE ]

What credit check are you talking about?

[/ QUOTE ]

If there is no money in the account then the payment is rejected thats what i meant that sorta cedit check (not a is he allowed to get a contracted phone or load credit check) sorry for being vauge

Is not going to remain VIP after Jan 14th 2012, but may remain an active Premium account holder.
See some of you guys/gals in other/new MMOs Soon(tm)
N.B. If you are going to do smt, please do it or GTFO and STFU nab



the EU law of data transfer is gonna be the main problem and sticky area, but if they do an application where u can claim what u have (that abides with the Data Protection Act) and then they check it i see no real problem as this really cant be easily abused becoz of credit checks etc (whihc are done if ur on auto renew (not sure if the last bit falls foul of the DPA but its a suggestion none the less if it ges [censored] up)

[/ QUOTE ]

What credit check are you talking about?

[/ QUOTE ]

If there is no money in the account then the payment is rejected thats what i meant that sorta cedit check (not a is he allowed to get a contracted phone or load credit check) sorry for being vauge

[/ QUOTE ]

Ah sorry with you now, i thought you had uncovered some subversive credit check then



The question Now What?

[/ QUOTE ]




[/ QUOTE ]

In the end yes. But maybe, just maybe (silly hopeful thinking here), they can listen to us. You know the ones who pay for their bread and butter. What do we want?



The question Now What?

[/ QUOTE ]




[/ QUOTE ]

In the end yes. But maybe, just maybe (silly hopeful thinking here), they can listen to us. You know the ones who pay for their bread and butter. What do we want?

[/ QUOTE ]

Irrelevant. They have to get this sorted out so they know what they can offer us, which while informed by what we want may not be the same thing.




Irrelevant. They have to get this sorted out so they know what they can offer us, which while informed by what we want may not be the same thing.

[/ QUOTE ]

There is a big difference between can and will. They can offer us whatever they want. Might it not be better if they knew what the community is thinking?



I think that the need to get their own [censored] together before they start telling us anything. Personally I can wait a couple of days.

I do however have a sneaking suspicion that somebody at NCWest is gonna wake up and smell the coffee and go "[censored] WTFidun?"

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



I do however have a sneaking suspicion that somebody at NCWest is gonna wake up and smell the coffee and go "[censored] WTFidun?"

[/ QUOTE ]

Where you got that suspicion from I don't know, because what they're doing makes absolutely perfect business sense and won't have any detrimental operational effect. In fact, we would get our information at the same time as the US boards, since the command loop will be real time across the length of a desk, as opposed to a half day time difference on the other side of the planet.

If we get given a hard working community moderator, he'll be able to answer our questions not by emailing someone in the US and waiting for what we hope is the right information....he can wander over to their office.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



Where you got that suspicion from I don't know, because what they're doing makes absolutely perfect business sense and won't have any detrimental operational effect. In fact, we would get our information at the same time as the US boards, since the command loop will be real time across the length of a desk, as opposed to a half day time difference on the other side of the planet.

If we get given a hard working community moderator, he'll be able to answer our questions not by emailing someone in the US and waiting for what we hope is the right information....he can wander over to their office.

[/ QUOTE ]

If this were a rational business decision (and I can see how you might think it could be) it would have been handled in a calm, rational and more importantly phased manner. There would have been a plan put in place to let the Brighton staff know what that plan was, and more importantly reassure the paying client base (ie us)

That clearly hasn't happened, and the ensuing silence from NCSoft has led to speculation and rumour-mongering amongst the media which ultimately cannot be good for any NC product. The games industry is now going to wonder about the financial solidity of a company that makes such hastily and ill-judged decisions.

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



If this were a rational business decision (and I can see how you might think it could be) it would have been handled in a calm, rational and more importantly phased manner. There would have been a plan put in place to let the Brighton staff know what that plan was, and more importantly reassure the paying client base (ie us)

[/ QUOTE ]

There was a plan put in place to tell the Brighton staff. They told them today. What are you expecting, personalised dossiers with intricate plans? What is this amazing world you've been living in, because I'd like to go there too, largely in the hope of it being made of chocolate.

It's incredibly simple; they made a decision in NCSoft HQ. NCSoft Brighton have been told about it today. The insane paranoia already displayed shows why there is no real attempt to 'reassure' us; because people will make completely ignorant and baseless assumptions with just the merest scrap of information to support their varying preferences of injustice and horror.

That clearly hasn't happened, and the ensuing silence from NCSoft has led to speculation and rumour-mongering amongst the media which ultimately cannot be good for any NC product. The games industry is now going to wonder about the financial solidity of a company that makes such hastily and ill-judged decisions.

[/ QUOTE ]

They have offered voluntary redundancies and as GR implied, the possible potential for jobs to be relocated into the US with further potential that current Brighton employees can move there with them.

It is not possible for them to have any kind of detailed plan until they know what all the Brighton employees want to do.

Chairman of the Charity of Pain; accepting donations of blood and guts.

Prophet of the Creamy Truth; "If it's empty, fill it with cream."



RE the first "leave us alone you yanks" suggestion: god no, not "community" moderators... that always ends up with the kind of people who volunteer for local government - the kind of people who shouldn't be given any power whatsoever!

It's actually better for everyone to merge the forums honestly if it is in fact a merge rather than a wipe cos then the developers will actually read peoples' posts without the current situation where US players have priority



A forum merge makes sense to me.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



Short term: no change (albeit possible US Forum migration).
Long Term: Pack your suitcases, I can't see it lasting without an to cater for our support.

I think they'll just wait for all the hullaballoo to quiet down before shuffling us over there this year sometime.

[/ QUOTE ]

Bring it on and get it over with I say.

@Dante EU - Union Roleplayer and Altisis Victim
The Militia: Union RP Supergroup -



Short term: no change (albeit possible US Forum migration).
Long Term: Pack your suitcases, I can't see it lasting without an to cater for our support.

I think they'll just wait for all the hullaballoo to quiet down before shuffling us over there this year sometime.

[/ QUOTE ]

Second what Dante says, for the most part it will cover the gap that are many complaints about the forums (i.e. That we rarely, if ever, see Redname Devs over here on the forums besides Warwitch, EU forums being treated 2nd class etc.) and it will consilidate the game into a unified whole again with all the subscribers in one 'area' as it were.

I can understand why NCsoft Europe was set up but I've always felt splitting the game between America/Europe/Asia was always a foolish idea, instead have all the stuff in one area and not split between three different companies.

Mind you every MMO seems to do it that way, WAR has two different companies handling WAR US and WAR EU.

In my mind it should have been NCsoft East (Asia) and NCsoft West (America/Europe/Australia) from the get-go and all the European servers merely added onto the list of the US servers when CoH was released in Europe.

Still this is all my opinion and I have the business sense of a small rodent in a trilby hat... so whether it would have been actually viable... who knows.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



I have a revolutionary idea!!! Lets raise a peoples Army and seize control of NCSoft!!!!

I really dont wanna move over with the yank's tbh .. but if that is what is destined then we as paying customers have little say in it. Other than voice opinion on a Forum / go along with it / stop playing .. they are your options.

I certainly will not be playing if they delete toon lists .. iv put too much time and money into playing and im not going to start again from scratch because i am forced too.



Also ... We'd better bloody well get the Passport badge if we do have to move!!!



Also ... We'd better bloody well get the Passport badge if we do have to move!!!

[/ QUOTE ]Oh sweet, now I'm hoping for a move even more!



Also ... We'd better bloody well get the Passport badge if we do have to move!!!

[/ QUOTE ]
I14 contains the new shafted badge.

When Posi (may have been another dev) said that they'll be able to use various badges for things other thanjust branching dialog he was referring to the way that any character with the shafted badge will just get laughed at by contacts, enemies and civillians alike.

/em point_and_laugh_at_euro_fool may also enter the game.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



I'm sort of tempted to create a bunch of Marvel/DC rip-offs, just to see if I can get away with it.



Actually, seeing FFM's post US side about trying to play there without his normal characters, money, vet rewards etc, I couldn't help but feel that that might actually revitalise my playing experience for me! I haven't logged in for longer than an hour for months, but starting from scratch again might actually hold my interest!

Yeah...probably in a minority here

@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!

Imaginary Inc.

Twitter me!



Actually, seeing FFM's post US side about trying to play there without his normal characters, money, vet rewards etc, I couldn't help but feel that that might actually revitalise my playing experience for me! I haven't logged in for longer than an hour for months, but starting from scratch again might actually hold my interest!

Yeah...probably in a minority here

[/ QUOTE ]

Starting afresh without the Vet attacks is horrible. I've a few US chars on an inactive account. I missed my Sands of Mu and Blackwand too much. I'd forgotten how horrible it is trying to level a Controller with just a Hold and an Immob.



Actually, seeing FFM's post US side about trying to play there without his normal characters, money, vet rewards etc, I couldn't help but feel that that might actually revitalise my playing experience for me! I haven't logged in for longer than an hour for months, but starting from scratch again might actually hold my interest!

Yeah...probably in a minority here

[/ QUOTE ]

Thats actually why i got the new account over there. Its quite a shock when you log in and the norm your used to isnt there no more. Whether its the prestige slide/vet attacks or just as simply as checking your friends list to see whos online it does open your eyes and makes you remember what its like to be a new player.

I tried interacting with a few of the people in atlas and forgot how different it is when your the new player nobody knows.

Still want my mains over there though

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Actually, seeing FFM's post US side about trying to play there without his normal characters, money, vet rewards etc, I couldn't help but feel that that might actually revitalise my playing experience for me! I haven't logged in for longer than an hour for months, but starting from scratch again might actually hold my interest!

Yeah...probably in a minority here

[/ QUOTE ]

Starting afresh without the Vet attacks is horrible. I've a few US chars on an inactive account. I missed my Sands of Mu and Blackwand too much. I'd forgotten how horrible it is trying to level a Controller with just a Hold and an Immob.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe I'm just being nostalgic and associating a time without plenty of inf, an sg base, vet and booster pack powers galore with a time when the game was wonderfully fresh and new for me.

Either way, it does appeal to be that controller with just his hold. Especially if i rolled on Freedom and was able to team at any time.

I don't think i'd miss my mains much either, after all, I'm not playing them atm anyway!

@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!

Imaginary Inc.

Twitter me!



Try it on a trial account then. No global chat... No Broadcast... No replying to tells...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.