Now What?




I may well do that, not spending all my time on WoW now that my main is geared up over there (gief Ulduar plox).

Wait, no replying to tells? How are you supposed to arrange to get into teams? Blind invites only??

@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!

Imaginary Inc.

Twitter me!



Just knowing you have them is a sort of comfort blanket even if you dont play them.

I dont even fancy the prospect of my US account even with 18 months vets and a couple of i1 or i2 whatever they are level 50s to be honest

Its all over for me without me Smurfs



Actually, seeing FFM's post US side about trying to play there without his normal characters, money, vet rewards etc, I couldn't help but feel that that might actually revitalise my playing experience for me! I haven't logged in for longer than an hour for months, but starting from scratch again might actually hold my interest!

Yeah...probably in a minority here

[/ QUOTE ]

Starting afresh without the Vet attacks is horrible. I've a few US chars on an inactive account. I missed my Sands of Mu and Blackwand too much. I'd forgotten how horrible it is trying to level a Controller with just a Hold and an Immob.

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe I'm just being nostalgic and associating a time without plenty of inf, an sg base, vet and booster pack powers galore with a time when the game was wonderfully fresh and new for me.

Either way, it does appeal to be that controller with just his hold. Especially if i rolled on Freedom and was able to team at any time.

I don't think i'd miss my mains much either, after all, I'm not playing them atm anyway!

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes but then you get a Freedumb After School Special team. I always feel very, very old when one of the team who've been dancing outside a mish for 10 minutes while the leader looks for one more* says "lol gotta go my mom wants me to do my homework lol"

*(which is another really irritating thing about a lot of Freedom PuGs, they seem incapable of operating at less than an 8 man team, even if it take 10 minutes of standing idle at the mish entrance to find one more. WE COULD HAVE FINISHED THE STUPID MISH BY NOW!!)

I think I'm getting too old.



I may well do that, not spending all my time on WoW now that my main is geared up over there (gief Ulduar plox).

Wait, no replying to tells? How are you supposed to arrange to get into teams? Blind invites only??

[/ QUOTE ]

That or some kinda trial account sense to find sewer run starter in Atlas. I am seriously amazed with that ability of trial account users. And don't forget you will only level up to 14... for me it is a nights works



See that's the thing, I would worry more if i had a regular group of players that i spent time with over here doing tfs, missions etc. But they've long since left the game (some came to WoW with me) and it's just not the same logging into my once flourishing, now dusty SG.

@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!

Imaginary Inc.

Twitter me!



Could do what im doing in that using the trial account to get a feel of what the community is like over the pond before commiting yourself to it. The rumours are true as well, you get a lot less lag. Oh and i logged into freedom earlier today (was something like 5am their time?) and was still a lot of sewer teams running.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Could do what im doing in that using the trial account to get a feel of what the community is like over the pond before commiting yourself to it. The rumours are true as well, you get a lot less lag. Oh and i logged into freedom earlier today (was something like 5am their time?) and was still a lot of sewer teams running.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you trying to convince us to follow you into US servers?



Could do what im doing in that using the trial account to get a feel of what the community is like over the pond before commiting yourself to it. The rumours are true as well, you get a lot less lag. Oh and i logged into freedom earlier today (was something like 5am their time?) and was still a lot of sewer teams running.

[/ QUOTE ]

Are you trying to convince us to follow you into US servers?

[/ QUOTE ]

On trial accounts yes Not even im that noobish to say "buy an account on US side now"

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



After 8 serial codes (CoH (US Acct), CoH Collectors (US Acct), CoV Pre-Order, CoV, CoV Collectors, Good vs Evil, Wedding Pack, Cyber Pack, Mac Pack) and 57 months of Vet Time...

... I don't have the heart to start up again if all my financial and time investment in the game is tossed to one side.

I'll be with the group that ups sticks for pastures new.




Wait, no replying to tells? How are you supposed to arrange to get into teams? Blind invites only??

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, I mean no Neither /t nor /r work on trial. So, you just try to find someone visually and /local them, write "Trial" in your name and /sea comment, and accept blinds. You still CAN get teams, not all of them total <censored> but, well, it isn't really that fun.



Oh yes. Not going to start from scratch, might as well start over somewhere else then, or preferably pick a better hobby. Have pumped a fair chunk of Prestige into the SG, losing that means zeeeee end. Game over man. Game over! ;-)




Yea id agree there. I cant see much enjoyment out of starting afresh on an old game i have played for years. That is only if toons will not be transfered tho. If they are not gonna move them I will most likely take my subscription back to WoW .. or maybe try crack.

Either way i cant see the Devs and so on being too bothered about losing the EU community because there is and will still be the US one and some will certainly be drawn over there IF we have to move.

Thing for me now is that with all this uncertainty i see no point in making a new toon because it is all going to be for nothing.

I jst hope that the EU side is generating enough cash to keep us going, because at the end of the day That is all that matters to the powers that be. No matter how much we love the game (i do for one) .. if its not a money maker it Will be dropped. Its a business after all.



.. or maybe try crack.

[/ QUOTE ]

Interesting idea. What's the endgame like and is there any PvP?

[/ QUOTE ]

It's meant to be very morish alright

I think there's some PvP involved, the end game involves beating people up and stealing their stuff so you can get more.

Like most PvP really



if you go for it try speed instead it makes combat faster (lol)

edit: ps i've not actually taken it I'm just being silly, even "harmless" drugs usually have longterm nasty effects on brain for example so dont



Pot is good for that Bullet Time effect.

I'm going to go back to painting though. Keeps me out of mischief and I can occasionally sell something.

I really should do something about this signature.



I'm off now to keep working on the City of Kittenz merchandise store artwork - 70 products and counting so far.
If we end up stateside I'll see if I release it there also.



I actually went to that hoping for cuteness but I really don't like the deformed style (this isn't an insult to your art I'm sure you can draw other ways just as good I just don't like that style) it looks a bit creepy rather than the "omg heroes and villins as kittins yay!" i was thinking when I first saw the name :/



Thats ok deathkitten , they are based on Marvel Bearz and Marvel 3Age which is why how they are style-wise.
The products are more of a parody of CoX and Its Archetypes and Issue updates than just pictures of kittenz anyway.



Keep character names, SG names, progress et al. Move people on the same server TOO the same server, so that groups arent broken up.

If that happens...well, it might be for the best.
If its made of Epic Fail, well...I may just go try WAR online. Or something. Either that or actually spend time on the Xbox, or buy a PS3...-shrug-

Originally Posted by Zwillinger View Post
GG, I would tell you that "I am killing you with my mind", but I couldn't find an emoticon to properly express my sentiment.
Originally Posted by Captain_Photon View Post
NOTE: The Incarnate System is basically farming for IOs on a larger scale, and with more obtrusive lore.



Keep character names, SG names, progress et al. Move people on the same server TOO the same server, so that groups arent broken up.

If that happens...well, it might be for the best.
If its made of Epic Fail, well...I may just go try WAR online. Or something. Either that or actually spend time on the Xbox, or buy a PS3...-shrug-

[/ QUOTE ]

for everyone:!
quicksteps to making a US forum account:
(login if you aren't already with your main PlayNC account)
> account created!
> login with your PlayNC account again here: and follow the steps to making a forum account
> login again on the forum with your PlayNC account
> done!




Wait, no replying to tells? How are you supposed to arrange to get into teams? Blind invites only??

[/ QUOTE ]
Yes, I mean no Neither /t nor /r work on trial. So, you just try to find someone visually and /local them, write "Trial" in your name and /sea comment, and accept blinds. You still CAN get teams, not all of them total <censored> but, well, it isn't really that fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's acceptable to use the Help channel to get a team if you're on a trial account.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Oh, what a wonderful event this is, giving us good opportunities to up our post count.

Why don't we just stop specualting and wait as usual, because we're not gonna find out what's gonna happen until it actually happens because we ARE talking about NC. There's only two things we know:

1. We're not gonna be informed about what's happening
2. They will not care the slightest about us even if that's the best way of making sure we'll never ever play another NC game. (I never ever would anyway. I'll stick to the big or dedicated companies from now on)

If it does go down the, you know...
Good run, was fun, thanks for the fish and cya at the end of the multiverse.



Why don't we just stop specualting and wait as usual

[/ QUOTE ]

Did you jst arrive on this forum?! Stop speculating?!?! Wait?!?!?!?!



And the short term winner is:


With a little less help from our friends.
Here we don't get a forum merge with the US yet but keep our 4 servers and avatea will be moderator for awhile at least.

[/ QUOTE ]

Until they think of something else.

Not my favorite solution and I do hope it is just a stopgap before we merge completely with servers and all to the US.