Positron Interviewed by Boomtown




No, he's talking specifically to Nightmarer.

Anyway, I agree with RealDark. Don't go around mixing the DOOM threads. You dilute the DOOM. Don't dilute the DOOM, people!

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



No, he's talking specifically to Nightmarer.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup, he quoted him an' everything.

@Nightmarer: I'm sorry to say I almost posted the link you did before you, but thought better of it and changed my mind, fearing exactly the 'shoot the messenger' reaction you got. These forums ain't what they used to be.

Anyway, I agree with RealDark. Don't go around mixing the DOOM threads. You dilute the DOOM. Don't dilute the DOOM, people!

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Apologies, but when you posted the link (Which was the one I expected) I assumed you believe that they were as lionsbane said (see my original query). Hence my reply under yours. That was more intended as a reply to lionsbane more than you.

You're second comment asked what I was telling you. Not why. Sorry for any confusion.



Can we keep the misinterpretation of the numbers to the numbers thread?

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Please do. I'd like to keep this thread to discussion of the Boomtown interview. There's a thread already available to discuss the recently released NCsoft financials and the information found within.



Sorry for overreacting, but one can't be too careful nowadays in forums.

The only problem with numbers is that they show what the past has been (for good or bad), I'm sure before I9 people was also discouraged and then after I9, voilĂ , numbers went up again (although many of us didn't believe I9 was going to be that good). The main thing for me is that comments like Positron's on that interview, should be handled more carefully... by himself, if he throws the comment, he has to expect interpretations and reactions, if we are to be cautious, he should be even more cautious than us, let's not forget that, in a way, he works for us.



No worries mate, know what you mean.

The numbers mean little to me as I've just got my 3 month badge today so have no history to relate to.

I haven't had many nights where I haven't found teams, although the last week or so has been quiet due to large numbers being on the test server I assume.



Probably be bad due to Wrath coming out today as well. People have been prepping for it. More people will be scuttling off to WoW now it's launched.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Probably be bad due to Wrath coming out today as well. People have been prepping for it. More people will be scuttling off to WoW now it's launched.

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On topic though was wondering about something I posted regarding player created npcs for MA.... was I correct in recalling them saying one of the reasons of hanging back and separating it from its initial i13 release slot was to add this feature, or had I been hit with Domi confuse when I read that,
I cant seem to recall the thread that was on (if it ever was )

P.S Traitors!!

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



Probably be bad due to Wrath coming out today as well. People have been prepping for it. More people will be scuttling off to WoW now it's launched.

[/ QUOTE ]


On topic though was wondering about something I posted regarding player created npcs for MA.... was I correct in recalling them saying one of the reasons of hanging back and separating it from its initial i13 release slot was to add this feature, or had I been hit with Domi confuse when I read that,
I cant seem to recall the thread that was on (if it ever was )

P.S Traitors!!

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It was the major reason yes.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



Probably be bad due to Wrath coming out today as well. People have been prepping for it. More people will be scuttling off to WoW now it's launched.

[/ QUOTE ]


On topic though was wondering about something I posted regarding player created npcs for MA.... was I correct in recalling them saying one of the reasons of hanging back and separating it from its initial i13 release slot was to add this feature, or had I been hit with Domi confuse when I read that,
I cant seem to recall the thread that was on (if it ever was )

P.S Traitors!!

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It was the major reason yes.

[/ QUOTE ]

Aye, and I do suspect that if 'I14' was just the Mission Architect and nothing else, not even a new costume piece or two then it'll be released in January as a sort of 'in-between issues' issue.

I would hope that they're working on I15 as much as they can so if I14 was released later than January then they'd have I15 quickly following.

Heck, if it took until March I'd hope that they'd bring stuff from I15 forwards into I14.

Edit: Oh and I'm sorry about the pyramid quote fight guys. It won't happen again between me and Londoner, I've made sure of it.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Edit: Oh and I'm sorry about the pyramid quote fight guys.

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No problem at all, always a pleasure to exchange words with you.



P.S Traitors!!

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11 million people cant be wrong can they?

Cox could learn a few tricks from wow if you ask me, i mean wow launch a new paid for update thats just so huge that people will wait in the street at 1 in the morning for it to come out.

Cox yet to launch i13 and the players argue about the small content and huge changes to a core aspect of the game that they dont even like.

Who has it wrong?



P.S Traitors!!

[/ QUOTE ]

11 million people cant be wrong can they?

Cox could learn a few tricks from wow if you ask me, i mean wow launch a new paid for update thats just so huge that people will wait in the street at 1 in the morning for it to come out.

Cox yet to launch i13 and the players argue about the small content and huge changes to a core aspect of the game that they dont even like.

Who has it wrong?

[/ QUOTE ]

Heh I was just being obtuse I understand the fact that WoW has it right on the side of the whole marketing thing, I am personally not a fan, I regretably left this game back when Vils was released, then after a year hiatus joined WoW to get a feel for this shiny new toy, left after 6 months feeling empty so ended up back here within a community which over every other mmo I have played is by far the best, that is only my opinion however.

So that comment wasnt meant as a flame, I was just adding an attempt at levity to a thread which had got a little heated, I apologise if it was taken otherwise.

Back on topic though, reading more about this MA is intruiging me, but as I asked on a previous post, does anyone know how they are actually going to implement it?..will it be akin to the base editor or a different method?

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



P.S Traitors!!

[/ QUOTE ]

11 million people cant be wrong can they?

Cox could learn a few tricks from wow if you ask me, i mean wow launch a new paid for update thats just so huge that people will wait in the street at 1 in the morning for it to come out.

Cox yet to launch i13 and the players argue about the small content and huge changes to a core aspect of the game that they dont even like.

Who has it wrong?

[/ QUOTE ]

WoW has it wrong - everything about it is wrong, wrong wrong
CoH has it's own style, which is a big part of the appeal - trying to copy WoW or any other game would dilute the things that makes CoH special.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



P.S Traitors!!

[/ QUOTE ]

11 million people cant be wrong can they?

Cox could learn a few tricks from wow if you ask me, i mean wow launch a new paid for update thats just so huge that people will wait in the street at 1 in the morning for it to come out.

Cox yet to launch i13 and the players argue about the small content and huge changes to a core aspect of the game that they dont even like.

Who has it wrong?

[/ QUOTE ]

WoW has it wrong - everything about it is wrong, wrong wrong
CoH has it's own style, which is a big part of the appeal - trying to copy WoW or any other game would dilute the things that makes CoH special.

[/ QUOTE ]#

Despite her post count which is all full of often useless posts (sorry GG), I have to agree. WoW is a fantasy game, CoH is a superhero game, they dont go well together. Everything about WoW is completly wrong in my eyes and if they dared copy anything from that game I would <edit by moderator: removed inappropriate comment>.



<Edit by moderator: removed post quoting and commenting on removed material>

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



P.S Traitors!!

[/ QUOTE ]

11 million people cant be wrong can they?

[/ QUOTE ]

Considerably more than that voted George W Bush President of the USA. Twice. Yes, 11 million people can be really, really seriously wrong.

Cox yet to launch i13 and the players argue about the small content and huge changes to a core aspect of the game that they dont even like.

[/ QUOTE ]

You don't spend much time on the WoW forums, do you? If you honestly think this is bad, you really, really lead a shaltered life.

To be really honest, I doubt there's anything to learn from Blizzard that NCSoft don't already know:

1. If you have a huge marketting budget and a lot of dumb players, you can sell them the idea of constantly having to spend every waking hour farming drops.

2. If you do have a property that's hugely successful (Warcraft and Diablo) milk the suckers for everything they've got.

3. Do it with a smile.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



To keep this thread firmly tumbling away from the rails I'll just add that personally I always preferred EQ2 to WoW. Both are good fun for a while, but EQ2 is the place I return when I have a need to hit goblins with sticks.

Plus I get the station account and can go shoot people in Planetside whenever I fancy

Right back on track, and to attempt to answer a question above, I heard that the Architect will be in the form of a Simulator. You go through a door in a special building and get to play with your mission.....I'm sure this was mentioned and railed against on these very forums but my search fu is weak due to the onset of Curry so I'll just leave it there.

I don't wanna save my soul now,
I just wanna lose control,
And even if it takes a lifetime, to learn:
I'll learn!



Post deleted by GhostRaptor


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Post deleted by GhostRaptor

"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Bah you know some of us play both right?

I play WoW because it was my first MMO, because I like the fantasy genre and I was a big fan of the original RTS series. Yes WoW comes across as incredibly grindy, especially when it's for loot or more importaintly, specific loot, it's all about the drop chance and getting lucky.

I use to be a hardcore raider but the fact was I soon found myself simply not enjoying it, it became a second job, something I actually did not look forward to in the slightest, so I made my peace and gave up raiding.

Now pottering around ingame doing my own thing is a lot more fun, sure I don't see the big endgame instances but that's what youtube is for.

Blizzard have taken steps in the right direction (the 10 man and 25 man version of each instance for example) and also about 70% of it's customers are of the Korean or Chinese ilk (for some reason most Asian gamers just love to grind, like everybody to look the same and everything to be very much laid out before them...the exact reasons why City of Heroes bombed over there).

Why do I play both, simple, I enjoy City of Heroes because I can log on, do a bit of PvE, gain 1 or 2 bars and then log off again, soloing with all but the most team orientated ATs is a doddled compared to WoW where teaming is the only way to get any thing of importance done. Elites, the WoW Elite Bosses, can't be solod by the majority of classes whereas in CoX, Elite Bosses are designed that most classes can solo them.

I love the creativity I get through CoH, it's second to none on any other MMO on the market, WoW I do feel like just another grunt in the Alliance.

So, as I said, remember some of us play both.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



WoW has it wrong - everything about it is wrong, wrong wrong
CoH has it's own style, which is a big part of the appeal - trying to copy WoW or any other game would dilute the things that makes CoH special.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only thing special cox has left is lake of content, seeing as how they have removed the speed of the pvp now,

Im not saying i like wow infact i have a wow account that i pop onto evey few months but i still find it a grind, but i cant hide from the fact when they do an update they do it big time, so thats what im saying cox should be looking at, stop giving us half baked so called content and move on to bigger and better things.

If cox had the kind of update on the scale of wow it would make my year as i like this game and just wish they would give us some new wow facter just like it did the first time i enterd atlas park and looked up at the huge statue and thought wow



WoW has it wrong - everything about it is wrong, wrong wrong
CoH has it's own style, which is a big part of the appeal - trying to copy WoW or any other game would dilute the things that makes CoH special.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only thing special cox has left is lake of content, seeing as how they have removed the speed of the pvp now,

Im not saying i like wow infact i have a wow account that i pop onto evey few months but i still find it a grind, but i cant hide from the fact when they do an update they do it big time, so thats what im saying cox should be looking at, stop giving us half baked so called content and move on to bigger and better things.

If cox had the kind of update on the scale of wow it would make my year as i like this game and just wish they would give us some new wow facter just like it did the first time i enterd atlas park and looked up at the huge statue and thought wow

[/ QUOTE ]

You DO know that WoW has a much, MUCH bigger dev team than any other MMO out there don't you?

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



WoW has it wrong - everything about it is wrong, wrong wrong
CoH has it's own style, which is a big part of the appeal - trying to copy WoW or any other game would dilute the things that makes CoH special.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only thing special cox has left is lake of content, seeing as how they have removed the speed of the pvp now,

Im not saying i like wow infact i have a wow account that i pop onto evey few months but i still find it a grind, but i cant hide from the fact when they do an update they do it big time, so thats what im saying cox should be looking at, stop giving us half baked so called content and move on to bigger and better things.

If cox had the kind of update on the scale of wow it would make my year as i like this game and just wish they would give us some new wow facter just like it did the first time i enterd atlas park and looked up at the huge statue and thought wow

[/ QUOTE ]

You DO know that WoW has a much, MUCH bigger dev team than any other MMO out there don't you?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes i do and do you want to know why?.... Well i will tell you they have a bigger player base and why is that because they know how to keep there players happy.

<removed by mod>



WoW has it wrong - everything about it is wrong, wrong wrong
CoH has it's own style, which is a big part of the appeal - trying to copy WoW or any other game would dilute the things that makes CoH special.

[/ QUOTE ]

The only thing special cox has left is lake of content, seeing as how they have removed the speed of the pvp now,

Im not saying i like wow infact i have a wow account that i pop onto evey few months but i still find it a grind, but i cant hide from the fact when they do an update they do it big time, so thats what im saying cox should be looking at, stop giving us half baked so called content and move on to bigger and better things.

If cox had the kind of update on the scale of wow it would make my year as i like this game and just wish they would give us some new wow facter just like it did the first time i enterd atlas park and looked up at the huge statue and thought wow

[/ QUOTE ]

You DO know that WoW has a much, MUCH bigger dev team than any other MMO out there don't you?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes i do and do you want to know why?.... Well i will tell you they have a bigger player base and why is that because they know how to keep there players happy.

Thats your lesson for the day vox now go sit in the corner and write out 100 times "i dont need to state the obvious"

[/ QUOTE ]

<edit by mod: removed some text>

The reason they have a bigger player base has nothing to do with how they treat their players. They had a bigger budget starting up the game, they had a proven track record in making good games and they had more advertising.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]