Positron Interviewed by Boomtown




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So anyway, the point is, as WoW has a bigger dev team, they have more resources to spend on updates. plus they don't update as often as our devs do, so when they do update it seems like they've added loads and loads of stuff.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



<edit by mod: more clean up>

... anyway what i said was this

but i cant hide from the fact when they do an update they do it big time, so thats what im saying cox should be looking at,

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IE, take notes from there book, hope that is clear for you now




but i cant hide from the fact when they do an update they do it big time, so thats what im saying cox should be looking at,

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IE, take notes from there book, hope that is clear for you now

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Read my edit please.

If you don't want to then I'll summarise it here:

Bigger dev team = more resources to spend on updates = bigger updates.

Hope that's clear enough for you.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Post deleted by GhostRaptor



<edit by mod: more clean up>

edit: Look, we're all hoping for something to wow us but you must understand that they've only just started with their new team. If we don't have something to wow us by the end of next year then I'll agree that the updates are half-baked, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt until then.

It's up to you whether you want to wait that long.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



<edit by mod: Quote pyramid removed>

I know they cant do an update on the scale of the new wow one but they could maybe follow there lead an give us a paid for update.

Anyone who likes the game would buy it and for those who would say "its not right to charge" well move with the times after all you get what you pay for in this world.

Even if paid for updates were going to far there is nothing wrong with bring some "wow" back to the game you never know if a big time update was on the cards the game could start being talked about in the pc mags again other than what is now, pc gamer few months back called this game "old" and not up to the challange of the new comic based mmos that are coming out.

I dont hate this game i love it and just dont want to have to find another game to play after four years of time spent here, but with the lead dev saying things like "no other content for issue 14" my hope fades



<edit by mod: QR>

I know they cant do an update on the scale of the new wow one but they could maybe follow there lead an give us a paid for update.

Anyone who likes the game would buy it and for those who would say "its not right to charge" well move with the times after all you get what you pay for in this world.

Even if paid for updates were going to far there is nothing wrong with bring some "wow" back to the game you never know if a big time update was on the cards the game could start being talked about in the pc mags again other than what is now, pc gamer few months back called this game "old" and not up to the challange of the new comic based mmos that are coming out.

I dont hate this game i love it and just dont want to have to find another game to play after four years of time spent here, but with the lead dev saying things like "no other content for issue 14" my hope fades

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A paid for update with loads of new content is something I can get behind too.

I think we'd have to wait a while for it though is all.

And Posi didn't really say that, but we're waiting on a clarification on that anyway so we should wait and see what he really meant.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



but with the lead dev saying things like "no other content for issue 14" my hope fades

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Well, he didn't actually say that

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Post deleted by GhostRaptor



but with the lead dev saying things like "no other content for issue 14" my hope fades

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Well, he didn't actually say that

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<removed by mod> i know he never said those words but what he did say was the same,

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Not really, we should wait on the clarification. It could be taken a couple of ways, I read it as him just saying that I14 would be able to stand alone as an issue, not that it actually would.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



I dont hate this game i love it and just dont want to have to find another game to play after four years of time spent here, but with the lead dev saying things like "no other content for issue 14" my hope fades

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Posi certainly didn't say that, and there's no clear agreement on what he did say.

Which does make his statement a poorly thought out one, but doesn't make it the harbinger of Doooooooom!!! you seem to have decided to take it as.



I dont hate this game i love it and just dont want to have to find another game to play after four years of time spent here, but with the lead dev saying things like "no other content for issue 14" my hope fades

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Posi certainly didn't say that, and there's no clear agreement on what he did say.

Which does make his statement a poorly thought out one, but doesn't make it the harbinger of Doooooooom!!! you seem to have decided to take it as.

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While thats true i do hold out little hope with the devs at the moment, i guess i need them to prove me wrong and bring back the glory to this old lady that we call CoX



I'd like to see some good stuff too, and I'd also like to see them sort out their communications about Issue content too. While I don't agree with the various "tell us exactly what's coming, when" schemes some people have suggested, at the moment they seem to be going out of their way to undermine their own image.

In the past few weeks we've had the following:

* APP/EPP power switches announced with open beta, causing significant furore before they backtracked (and it seems quite possible that they'd actually decided to backtrack while still in closed beta).

* Significant base enhancements implied for I13, then almost nothing actually appearing.

* The one significant base feature that was included was an item cost reduction, which they then shorted on by declining an auto-refund for existing bases.

* The ambiguous and contentious "Mission Architect is a strong enough feature that it can, and should, stand on it's own for an issue" statement this whole thread's blown up from.

However good the content turns out to be when it does arrive, they're doing themselves no favours in the run up.



WoW has it wrong - everything about it is wrong, wrong wrong
CoH has it's own style, which is a big part of the appeal - trying to copy WoW or any other game would dilute the things that makes CoH special.

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The only thing special cox has left is lake of content, seeing as how they have removed the speed of the pvp now,

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Of course, that entirely your opinion. For me, if they took PvP out entirely, there would be little change in my enjoyment of the game. And then, in WoW, having hit level cap (at 70) there was nothing there for me to do besides grind. The content is heavily restricted to raid teams. If you love PvP so much I can see why you prefer WoW, of course, but you represent a minority of CoX players and probably a (larger) minority of WoW players.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



WoW is my Fantasy MMORPG. It's polished, slick, there's some fun quests in there, each class feels different, and while people can mock the kill x/get y quests (I know I do) there's some other real gems in there, especially in Burning Crusade/WotLK content. And I've never set foot in a raid and only done a couple of instances with friends.

CoH I play mostly for the roleplay and my friends now. Mission structure and play style never really changes too much between the classes in my view, other than leveling Defenders being more of a bore, and the lack of things to do in city zones make me a little eh about the game.



The only thing special cox has left for me is lake of content, seeing as how they have removed the speed of the pvp now,

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Fixed that for you.

And why stay if there is nothing left you like?

Me I have played both games (and others), CoH has out and out the best customization of avatar that any MMO I have tried or seen, though I hear Hello Kitty is good too... It allows me to feel super just in everyday things, it has an awesome community, it has a greater spread of character types than WoW where you pretty much have to cookie cutter to be effective in either PvE or PvP. And teaming is great, WoW is solo 90% of the time until you hit the cap at which point it flips to 10% solo, mostly grind and 90% teaming. CoH encourages you to team.

I love SG bases, even games that give 'guild bases' like Guild Wars don't give a great deal of thought to having them, they're just premade 'houses' which having seen how much you can do in CoH's flawed editor is amazing...

I do get bored of CoH, I've had long 9 month plus breaks, but i always come back with new things to try. After all even at the slow pace of change in CoH there is always something to try I haven't before... And if I ever get over the whole 'evil' thing I still have 90% of the CoV content untried, so I have another 4 years worth of playing to try.



To keep this thread firmly tumbling away from the rails I'll just add that personally I always preferred EQ2 to WoW. Both are good fun for a while, but EQ2 is the place I return when I have a need to hit goblins with sticks.

Plus I get the station account and can go shoot people in Planetside whenever I fancy

Right back on track, and to attempt to answer a question above, I heard that the Architect will be in the form of a Simulator. You go through a door in a special building and get to play with your mission.....I'm sure this was mentioned and railed against on these very forums but my search fu is weak due to the onset of Curry so I'll just leave it there.

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Ah thanks Del, just what I wanted to know, as I said I couldnt remember what thread the original info was on - went out last night, so just scrolled through the thread this morning to find another war going on (GR is gonna be happy ) I almost missed this post because of it

I hope my attempt at levety with the traitors quote hasnt caused all this..If it has I apologise

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



I dont hate this game i love it and just dont want to have to find another game to play after four years of time spent here, but with the lead dev saying things like "no other content for issue 14" my hope fades

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Posi certainly didn't say that, and there's no clear agreement on what he did say.

Which does make his statement a poorly thought out one, but doesn't make it the harbinger of Doooooooom!!! you seem to have decided to take it as.

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I think I've realised what my problem with the statement is. It's like the run up to Xmas, you've no idea what you're getting and are staring at the oddly shaped boxes with delight, trying to figure out what they are.

All the time the person giving you the pressies is like "You're going to love this. It's so awesome. Bet you can't wait... Alright, I'll tell you what it's going to be. It's X!!!!!". Where X is quite good and of some interest, but the fact that they've first built it up way too much and then told you leaves you sorta deflated and with not very much to get actually excited about.

Hopefully Posi is doing what my mum used to do for Xmas (and still does actually), pretending that's all you're getting but has a few interesting socking fillers hidden away too.



I've asked for clarification on the quote, so for the time being let's stop arguing with each other about what it may or may not mean depending on varying interpretations of context. It's all merely opinion for now; and, I must say, both sides have valid opinions based on currently available information.

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Clarification received:

Positron's quote should not be taken to mean that Architect will be the only thing in Issue 14. Issue 14 will include other material as well. What was meant here is that Architect is seen as a strong enough feature to be the headliner of the issue. This mimics previous issues, where (for example) Issue 11 was named after Ouroborus and Issue 9 after Inventions.

The team just aren't ready to discuss anything in Issue 14 beyond the already known Mission Architect feature at the current time.



I've asked for clarification on the quote, so for the time being let's stop arguing with each other about what it may or may not mean depending on varying interpretations of context. It's all merely opinion for now; and, I must say, both sides have valid opinions based on currently available information.

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Clarification received:

Positron's quote should not be taken to mean that Architect will be the only thing in Issue 14. Issue 14 will include other material as well. What was meant here is that Architect is seen as a strong enough feature to be the headliner of the issue. This mimics previous issues, where (for example) Issue 11 was named after Ouroborus and Issue 9 after Inventions.

The team just aren't ready to discuss anything in Issue 14 beyond the already known Mission Architect feature at the current time.

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Pretty much exactly what I figured. Thank you for getting clarification on this, GR.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



And now that I've finished clearing out the crud from this thread a second time in two days:

PvP belongs in-game, in the designated areas. You do not PvP on the forums (other than a little tasteful trash talk in the PvP forum). You do not conduct a discussion by making personal comments, name-calling or being disrespectful of others' opinions.



Kudos for cleaning up in that manner rather than using the horrible cascading delete Posts system the dumb forum software does GR.



And now that I've finished clearing out the crud from this thread a second time in two days:

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Some clarification on the word "crud" please



And now that I've finished clearing out the crud from this thread a second time in two days:

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Some clarification on the word "crud" please

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Maybe it's me, but I wouldn't push GR today, even in jest. I have a feeling he's not having the best of days given what he's been clearing up in here lately...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.