Positron Interviewed by Boomtown




Maybe it's me, but I wouldn't push GR today, even in jest. I have a feeling he's not having the best of days given what he's been clearing up in lately...

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But its Friday and the weekend is nearly here And sure you missed a word out from your sentance....Ahhh crud can't think what it could be..



Maybe it's me, but I wouldn't push GR today, even in jest. I have a feeling he's not having the best of days given what he's been clearing up in here lately...

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But its Friday and the weekend is nearly here And sure you missed a word out from your sentance....Ahhh crud can't think what it could be..

[/ QUOTE ]

Oops! Fixed.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I always feel sorry for our Mods the first thing they have to look it when they get to work is the random flame wars and stuff that's posted when there not looking.

any ways thanks for getting that clarification GhostRaptor (no mention of FFM here move along) that's what i expected and didn't see the point in commenting until we new one way or the other

For the record I'm looking forward to Architect i may never actually use it to create a mission (I'm one of these people that scribble little plans for these things but never carry them threw) but i am looking forward to playing things that other people come up with and I'm sure well get some excellent missions from people once they get there heads round the system.

As to what else we might see in i14 i recon well see the SG base overhaul that every one seems to be wanting as it stands the current SG base maker seems to be a limited version of the mission creation software if that's the case it would make sense (to me any ways) to upgrade that while there implementing Architect.

Personally I'm hoping to see the ability to have multi level bases in a similar way to how the universities are laid out.



any ways thanks for getting that clarification GhostRaptor that's what i expected and didn't see the point in commenting until we new one way or the other

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Credit where it's due please, GR got the clarification, not me.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I now GR got the clarification i even thought should i put GR or GhostRaptor when i was typing so why did i put FFM aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarg i have FFM on my brain

*go'd to find mind bleach*

P.s Fixed



I now GR got the clarification i even thought should i put GR or GhostRaptor when i was typing so why did i put FFM aaaaaaaaaaaaaaarg i have FFM on my brain

*go'd to find mind bleach*

P.s Fixed

[/ QUOTE ]

If you've got ME on your brain, you're going to need something a LOT stronger than mind bleach!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I agree, it would make sense to throw the new base editor in there with the shiny new mission creator. It would fit the issue thematically, and give acces to something that's been needed for a while.

I guess we shall see

Ooh yeah, *neeeeds* the multi level bases, I hope that's one of the options.

Saying that though: the unconstrained Base editor in I13 allows a lot of freedom, add: stacking, vertical control and multi levels and I'll be a happy bunny of various shades (so as not to conflict with other forum members)

I don't wanna save my soul now,
I just wanna lose control,
And even if it takes a lifetime, to learn:
I'll learn!



I've asked for clarification on the quote, so for the time being let's stop arguing with each other about what it may or may not mean depending on varying interpretations of context. It's all merely opinion for now; and, I must say, both sides have valid opinions based on currently available information.

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Clarification received:

Positron's quote should not be taken to mean that Architect will be the only thing in Issue 14. Issue 14 will include other material as well. What was meant here is that Architect is seen as a strong enough feature to be the headliner of the issue. This mimics previous issues, where (for example) Issue 11 was named after Ouroborus and Issue 9 after Inventions.

The team just aren't ready to discuss anything in Issue 14 beyond the already known Mission Architect feature at the current time.

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Excellent, thanks for that, i'l stop moaning now




Excellent, thanks for that, i'l stop moaning now

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Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.




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*Smelling Salts? Ermm sorry can't reach as the FFM is floating away



I've asked for clarification on the quote, so for the time being let's stop arguing with each other about what it may or may not mean depending on varying interpretations of context. It's all merely opinion for now; and, I must say, both sides have valid opinions based on currently available information.

[/ QUOTE ]

Clarification received:

Positron's quote should not be taken to mean that Architect will be the only thing in Issue 14. Issue 14 will include other material as well. What was meant here is that Architect is seen as a strong enough feature to be the headliner of the issue. This mimics previous issues, where (for example) Issue 11 was named after Ouroborus and Issue 9 after Inventions.

The team just aren't ready to discuss anything in Issue 14 beyond the already known Mission Architect feature at the current time.

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Excellent, thanks for that, i'l stop moaning now

[/ QUOTE ]

No stamina,



From my point of view I don't expect to get anything too much from MA. So I'd rather see a change in direction with respect to issue release to the current system;

Less content per issue and more issues per year.

I can only qualify this because the expectation of many of the recent issues has left some players ultimately disappointed after such a long wait.

If each issue is limited in size then if you don't like one it will not be such a bitter pill to wait for the next in a couple of months. Whereas I can't help but remembering that 'i13 was going to be huge' they said before the launch of i12. It's mid-November and i13 is not huge AND it's still not live.

All service providers have to manage their clientÂ’s expectations properly to continue to serve. I'm pretty sure the last quarters 'apparent' drop in numbers is a direct result of i13's tardiness.

Sorry if this has already been said - didn't have the time to read whole thread.



With any luck what with the bye out of the IP rights by plaync, the creation of the new studio dedicated CoH, and the hiring of new staff I'm hoping they'll get back to there (very ruffly) 4 issues a year (it was 4 wasn't it?)



I think initially it was 4 per year, which became 3 when viewed realistically.

I'm not entirely sure what more can be added to make an issue any bigger. Okay they initially had the Architect in there, but even without it we have: a heap of new costumes; 2 new powersets; 2 entirely new reward systems; a completely new team dynamic; fundamental changes to PvP (which, through feedback, has resulted in a new defense concept) and base recosting, plus the much needed unshackling of the Base Editor. Not to mention: numerous QoL features, UI changes and more missions.

I'd say it's pretty big myself. Cant wait to see what they load into I14.

I don't wanna save my soul now,
I just wanna lose control,
And even if it takes a lifetime, to learn:
I'll learn!



With any luck what with the bye out of the IP rights by plaync, the creation of the new studio dedicated CoH, and the hiring of new staff I'm hoping they'll get back to there (very ruffly) 4 issues a year (it was 4 wasn't it?)

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Don't want to suggest that my opinion is fact only that this is the feeling I currently have; Since the CoX dev team got bigger, the issues have got slower.


I think initially it was 4 per year, which became 3 when viewed realistically.

I'm not entirely sure what more can be added to make an issue any bigger. Okay they initially had the Architect in there, but even without it we have: a heap of new costumes; 2 new powersets; 2 entirely new reward systems; a completely new team dynamic; fundamental changes to PvP (which, through feedback, has resulted in a new defense concept) and base recosting, plus the much needed unshackling of the Base Editor. Not to mention: numerous QoL features, UI changes and more missions.

I'd say it's pretty big myself. Cant wait to see what they load into I14.

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To me, I'd rather they didn't plan to pack 100s of things into an issue. If they had made issue 13 just the new reward merit system plus a couple of fixes that would be fine for me, because I expect that we could have had it early summer, sure some folk would have been a little upset with the lack of new content but development could continue in the background for a small i14 content update in the late summer, which might mean that we were now waiting for i15 with maybe the pvp changes.

My point is if one issue is too big it tends to marred by it's worst part(s) and thus some subs are canceled. Make em small but fast, if one issue proves really unpopular (i.e. because of it's pvp changes) then folk might be a little more forgiving because it was surrounded by other issues that did deliver what that individual player wanted.



I see where you're coming from, plus: a little, often, is a nice tactic: keeping the goods trickling out as they develop them. However, I suspect that regardless of the timescale they eventually settled on there would still be all the doom and gloom we get from some folks today. People get used to things very quickly and when one of the little packets of content (Chapters I guess if we're sticking to the comic analogy) didn't deliver what they wanted, there'd be the same outcry.

Dont get me wrong I'm not suggesting it's a bad idea, I just dont think it would change anything.

I don't wanna save my soul now,
I just wanna lose control,
And even if it takes a lifetime, to learn:
I'll learn!



I think the problem is that I13 and I14 seem to be a make or break issue for quite a few people from what I have been hearing.

I13, while having some interesting features, is still not brilliant. I14 only holds interest for those who like the idea of the Mission Architect, which doesn't seem to be a lot of people frankly.

Rather than just keep making excuses like "things need to settle after the buyout", which lets face it was ages ago now, we could do with an idea of the direction the game is going to go in, like other games do. Yet all we keep getting is "there are great things in the pipeline".

Well that may or not be true, but all we have to go by are the next two issues, which aren't lighting everyone's fires, and a huge gap until the issues after that, which as far as we know, could be just the same. Maybe giving up some "future" secrets is exactly what is needed.

Zhaan, Chakyra, Fiorina 161, Aeryn, Polly Nation, Dee Pression, Shazanne, Night Jester and too many more to mention.

Network Hell 47640
Valley of the Harpies 74519
Green and Pleasant Land 75966




edit: Look, we're all hoping for something to wow us but you must understand that they've only just started with their new team. If we don't have something to wow us by the end of next year then I'll agree that the updates are half-baked, but I'm willing to give them the benefit of the doubt until then.

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Yeah if this was a couple of years ago Ide agree with this statement.

But in closed beta right now is another super hero game that, even if its a second rate game is certain to bite into the player base here.

If it's any good, given this games 124,000 current player base and more to the point 13,000 active players, how will this game sustain itself financially and from a population viewpoint?
Where will the replacement subscribers come from when there is a new shiney game out there that does (allegedly) everything that this one doesnt?

And to my mind thats the big issue.

They keep telling us they are aware competition is coming... (having DC arrive anytime soon will be akin to having a small corner shop that barely makes a profit and Tescos announce they're building a store next door.)
yet they so far have come up with nothing of any ground breaking substance whereas the competitors, even though we dont fully know everything, already have.

I just think the game is going completely the wrong way.

Take this PvP for example. (which i13 largely revolves around.)

PvP will never work in this game unless they havve a rethink for very simple reasons.

firstly, apart from Sirens Call (in my opinion that IS an engaging surface for PvP) they simly dont make the surfaces for PvP compelling enough.

Secondly it cant work because they have, with the way the have laid out inventions, a have and have not powers system.

I know a lot of players here farm intensly and have sets on their chars but most players dont.

So, when we PvP, we get walloped ad we can never ever play catch up.

So apart from the odd arena with our friends, we dont bother with PvP because the hardcore PvPer will be setted to the hilt.

It doesnt have to be that way. Instead of making us pay millions for a single set IO, they could rebalance the way IOs are distributed in game.

This would minimise the need for farming (another reason this game will fall behind) and give more casual players a chance of catching up by going through the normal mission route.

Instead, rather than recognise the core issues of PvP they spend endless hours brainstorming and fixing and ultimately alienating the player base. When they could be working on innovations that set us apart.

At a time they should be really making ground, glueing their cureent player base so that when the new games come they are more likely to stay here, they are stil in their own world, imagining that they know by serving up same old same old with pretty patterned wrapping paper round it.

I think its too late. Sorry.

Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



and more to the point 13,000 active players

[/ QUOTE ]
Got a linky for where that figure comes from?
Or are you misunderstanding the peak concurrency figures?

If the latter then please try to understand that maximum active accounts at any one instant in time is not the same as number of active accounts.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



I think its too late. Sorry.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, not exactly, Lionsbane. IF I14 does have other content than Architect, then if the content really is great, then we can stay stable.

Here's another idea; make a contact who has a story arc every fortnight or somewhat, so the content doesn't get stale. Like or not like?



Yeah, i'm pretty sure it has 124,000 players logging on, with up to 13,000 peak at any one time.

Frequency of log on, time on line for, non of those things are mentioned, so no idea how meny of those are "active" only that they logged on at some point.



Illusion Master - sort out your quote attribution please.

I don't really want to be associated to the quote I think its too late. Sorry. just because you use QR and can't be bothered to state who you're quoting.

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



Illusion Master - sort out your quote attribution please.

I don't really want to be associated to the quote I think its too late. Sorry. just because you use QR and can't be bothered to state who you're quoting.

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If you didnt post that message, then you are not being directed at. Good enough for you?



Good enough for you?

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No. Not when the edit window will still be open for you but rather than attribute the quote you'd rather post a poorly written response (then you are not being directed at).

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)