Positron Interviewed by Boomtown




To be frank, I've had to put up with Issues which contained, for example, PvP and the Arenas, which were of no use to me what so ever. If it turns out that the MA is of no interest to 80% of players (which I doubt), it will still have been interesting to more people than some of the Issues were.

Sense of perspective, please. (Kidding myself... Interwebz.)

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You aint had to put up with an issue that contained one thing only that had no interest to you what so ever.

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Doesn't make the game worse tho does it? Just means you don't get a new shiny to play with while everyone else does

"You got to dig it to dig it, you dig?"
Thelonious Monk



To be frank, I've had to put up with Issues which contained, for example, PvP and the Arenas, which were of no use to me what so ever. If it turns out that the MA is of no interest to 80% of players (which I doubt), it will still have been interesting to more people than some of the Issues were.

Sense of perspective, please. (Kidding myself... Interwebz.)

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You aint had to put up with an issue that contained one thing only that had no interest to you what so ever.

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Doesn't make the game worse tho does it? Just means you don't get a new shiny to play with while everyone else does

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Depends on the "everyone" some players dont post on these forums you know and those are the players who make up the biggest section of sub paying people and let me tell you if they did the base of who could care two monkeys about mission builder and those who do would change in such large numbers your head would spin, as i can say for a fact everyone i talk to in game and that is a load of people hate the idea



You telling me that i14 might contain some other bits does zero for me, Mr Miller saying MA is all we are getting, is worth taking notice of.

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There are an awful lot of players who play this game because its a super hero game.
In fact, as Positron himself states, it's currently the only one in town.

But there is at least one new super hero game, with lots of additions this one hasnt got, coming out next year.

is there any one who really thinks that this game isnt going to take a huge hit when theat happens?
Especially if the game is good. And, you know what? It just might be.

And heaven help this game if DC comes out too.

And, to compound this, there ar 124,000 subscribers here and only 13,000 actually playing on average across 15 servers.

The is no contingency to handle the hit this game will incur. If it loses 20% of its base it falls into the area of diminishiong returns because who walks into an empty resturant?

They had a year to bring something fresh and exciting to the game and all they've done, to my mind is compound the problem by alienating the PvP contingent.

And somehow, in some way that totally escapes me, Positron thinks that, on the eve of CO, the best response this game can make is a virtual stand alone Architecht issue.


Don't get into a flap. It's only my opinion and I'm thick

Arc 56763 Lord Anarchys heaven

2 mission arc. Bring friends cause Lord Anarchy means business...



Would now be a good time to point out that he only said that "it can and should stand on its own", not that it actually will?

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Took until the end of page 4 for someone to point it out?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork




Also he didnt sound very vague in that interview to me, in fact he seemed quite pleased about it all.

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Maybe he was vaguely pleased, or pleasingly vague?

EDIT: The pyramids of doom have cursed thew thread

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Not sure what Positron said can be overcome with semantics this time. Not that myself have ever been one who, when reading what any dev said automatically goes "What he really meant was..." and accomodate it to what I'd like to read, but this time Positron pushed things a bit too far.

The playerbase numbers situation, worrying or not, is not the best ever and Posi should be more careful in his comments.



I've removed the chain of quote pyramids. Firstly because quote pyramids that get to the point where only one word fits per line are, quite frankly, excessively obnoxious; secondly because the vast majority of posts within that tangent of the thread were distinctly personal in nature and no longer even pretending to address the topic at hand. Unfortunately a couple of more reasonable posts were removed in the process.

I've asked for clarification on the quote, so for the time being let's stop arguing with each other about what it may or may not mean depending on varying interpretations of context. It's all merely opinion for now; and, I must say, both sides have valid opinions based on currently available information.



If it turns out that the Mission Architect IS the sole content of Issue 14, I think you'll have to turn the forums off for the weekend.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Reposting this bit, which got lost in the recent thread-purge:

The thing is that while the Mission Architect (I refuse to call it MA, because my feeble brain reads 'Martial Arts' every time I see that) has been bumped to Issue 14 and it is possible that it will consist of nothing but the Mission Architect, until someone flat-out says "The only thing in Issue 14 will be the Mission Architect", I'm not going to make an assumption based on what amounts to a politician's answer to a direct question.

I've been thinking about it a bit, you see, and a couple of things have occured to me.

Firstly: I13 was meant to be Architect, and have all the stuff for the now I13 in it, plus the Mission Architect.

Secondly: What was going to be I14 (now I15), while it may suffer slightly in terms of planned release, probably shouldn't slip all that much.

We've been told that I13 is due "soon™", with I14 release in Q1 2009. I15 will probably be due Early Q2 2009 (possibly even late Q1, but I'm allowing for that slippage I mentioned). If that is true, that means we're going to see 3 issues in the space of about 4 months. If one of those issues is slightly 'content light' because it contains the Mission Architect, I probably won't be complaining all that much.

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I've slapped quotes around that, because I thought I'd add a little bit.

I think that the above scenario is relatively likely, because of a number of factors - notably "the other game" being due out soon, and the CoX Devs won't want to be caught short by it, and they've been building up for this for some time.

I don't personally subscribe to a "tell us everything now" idea, because it's prone to backfiring if things don't work out the way they should. I'm patient, I love this game, I love the setting, and I'm not going anywhere soon, and I'm willing to give the devs a bit of slack.

I will also say that if I14 only contains the Mission Architect feature, I will not be a happy bunny. An issue, IMO, deserves more than just a single feature. Especially at such a critical time for the game. But I think that waiting to see what comes, at least for a little while, is the right way to view it.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Very true Shadowe, I was one of the original posters in this thread who did say that I was unhappy with the possibility of it being stand alone, even though from a personal point of view MA will keep me happier than a pig you-know-what for months on end.
Although in all honesty I was one of the peeps who took his quote as a definate finality, not even stopping to re read it ...
So considering MA was penned in for i13 originally, and they dropped it to add certain aspects the player base weere asking for showed a great response on the devs behalf.

I would however have replied saying how I misread but then the pyramid of doom erupted and I gave up

But to echo your sentiments, in all honesty I would - like yourself be dismayed if that was the only thing, but seeing as how issues change even in the open beta (see the roll back on APP/PPP additional powers for that) nothing is ever final so I think I will stop getting twitchy and adopt the old tried and tested "sit on my hands and wait" approach

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



And, to compound this, there ar 124,000 subscribers here and only 13,000 actually playing on average across 15 servers.

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Just out of curiosity, where are you getting these numbers from?



Really? Cos nowhere does it say those numbers are subscribers or users. In fact, the general consensus in there seems to be that it's the highest usage on a single day (13000) and the total number of logins to the servers in the month.



Hey what the heck are you telling me? I just pointed you where the numbers were.



As a side note I wanted to ask this while the subject is still up, with the MA issue, does anyone know what way we will be using to edit, will it be akin to the base editor or something similar?, I only ask this as I have a good grasp on the game but I know there are many many players out there who have a higher related knowledge on the subject than myself.

I know the majority of it will be speculation but would be nice to know if it is related to the base editor style or not.

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



Really? Cos nowhere does it say those numbers are subscribers or users. In fact, the general consensus in there seems to be that it's the highest usage on a single day (13000) and the total number of logins to the servers in the month.

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As a general comment: Concurrency numbers refer to the number of players logged in at a specific time. As such, a "highest concurrent users" (otherwise known as peak concurrency) figure indicates how many accounts were active at the point in time when server population was at its highest. This in no way indicates how many accounts actually accessed the servers across a 24 hour period, because of the impact of variable playing habits (not everyone plays during peak hours, and not everyone plays every single day) in the community as well as time zones at the global scale.

For example, the vast majority of EU accounts will not be online when the global peak concurrency occurs due to most of the account owners being asleep when CoH's global peak concurrency is reached.

This is why the report also includes how many accounts actually accessed the servers during a month.



Hey what the heck are you telling me? I just pointed you where the numbers were.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup and I had already read that thread.

Highest concurrent users (13000) says to me number of people online at one time, not average users.

Monthly access (124000) says to me the total number of logins each month. So there were 124000 people playing the game that month, not 13000 as the original poster said.

Now, obviously GR's below confirms the 1st figure, but says the 2nd figure is total number of accounts accessing the servers, not logins.

There are probably more subscribers than that, plus as GR points out, that 13000 was at one point, not in a single day, so doesn't include peak EU time.



Now, obviously GR's below confirms the 1st figure, but says the 2nd figure is total number of accounts accessing the servers, not logins.

[/ QUOTE ]

For clarity:

Monthly Access refers to the number of unique accounts that logged in during a monthly period. It does not include subscribers who did not login during that month, and does include any trial accounts that logged in.

Concurrency refers to the number of unique accounts logged in simultaneously, at a global scale. Highest (or peak) concurrency is the maximum such figure achieved during a given period.



I've just quoted that into the original thread as we were discussing it there. Thanks for the clarification.



What they need to address before anything is the lack of people playing this game on Euro servers.
It's like a ghost town on here at the moment(all the farmers are hidden I presume).
Even Sals badgehunter channel is like the marie celeste plus today WotLK hits WoW so that's even more people who will be not playing this.
There are games looming on the horizon that are gonna bury CoX unless they pull their finger out.
What's the point of MA if there's no one here to play the content.
Never mind worrying bout PvP (minority sport for under 12's),if you wanna fix the game just scrap fire imps and make it so that you get 1 fire pet in the style of Singularity (with built in bonfire).
There farming gone in one stroke and now people may actually start to team and have fun.



Hey what the heck are you telling me? I just pointed you where the numbers were.

[/ QUOTE ]

Yup and I had already read that thread.

Highest concurrent users (13000) says to me number of people online at one time, not average users.

Monthly access (124000) says to me the total number of logins each month. So there were 124000 people playing the game that month, not 13000 as the original poster said.

Now, obviously GR's below confirms the 1st figure, but says the 2nd figure is total number of accounts accessing the servers, not logins.

There are probably more subscribers than that, plus as GR points out, that 13000 was at one point, not in a single day, so doesn't include peak EU time.

[/ QUOTE ]

OK, let me put it this way, you asked where the numbers came from and I pointed you there (not that it was so difficult to find) yet you keep replying to ME as if I had manipulated the numbers or even as if I had done any interpretation of them in this thread.

I honestly couldn't care less if you have read the thread or not as well as your personal interpretation of it, specially after GR's clarification.




Never mind worrying bout PvP (minority sport for under 12's),if you wanna fix the game just scrap fire imps and make it so that you get 1 fire pet in the style of Singularity (with built in bonfire).
There farming gone in one stroke and now people may actually start to team and have fun.

[/ QUOTE ]

That'll make more people quit if they nerfed fire/kins. Fire doesnt need nerfin, its the kinetics that do.

Also it wouldnt stop farming since not all farmers are fire/kins. Hell my illusion/rad can out farm a lot of fire/kins easily.

Edit: Just to add that by nerfing fire you would possibly be making it the weakest controller set.

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!




Quick Reply. He's probably NOT replying to you, just that you were the last person to post.

The wisdom of Shadowe: Ghostraptor: The Shadowe is wise ...; FFM: Shadowe is no longer wise. ; Techbot_Alpha: Also, what Shadowe said. It seems he is still somewhat wise ; Bull Throttle: Shadowe was unwise in this instance...; Rock_Powerfist: in this instance Shadowe is wise.; Techbot_Alpha: Shadowe is very wise *nods*; Zortel: *Quotable line about Shadowe being wise goes here.*



Ah interviews, always followed by mass-misinterpretation and then mass-hysteria.

My interpretation of Posi's comment:
"it can and should stand on its own"
"it's such a great feature it could stand on its own, and it should be that good when we deliver it"

Can we keep the misinterpretation of the numbers to the numbers thread? That way we can keep crying doom over a large number of assumptions based on a single comment made off the cuff by a developer during an interview!




Quick Reply. He's probably NOT replying to you, just that you were the last person to post.

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Well, if he's replying to someone else, prolly that someone else won't get it...