Positron Interviewed by Boomtown




To be frank, I've had to put up with Issues which contained, for example, PvP and the Arenas, which were of no use to me what so ever. If it turns out that the MA is of no interest to 80% of players (which I doubt), it will still have been interesting to more people than some of the Issues were.

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Literally true, but even so "it won't be quite as uninteresting as something that was really uninteresting a few years back" is hardly a ringing endorsement.

With the release dates of various other superhero games drawing closer it wouldn't be good for NCSoft to be releasing "no content" Issues.

Sense of perspective, please. (Kidding myself... Interwebz.)

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Was that a QR? My post essentially said "that looks poor, but might not be that bad after all". Hardly a frenzy of wild dev-dissing.



To be frank, I've had to put up with Issues which contained, for example, PvP and the Arenas, which were of no use to me what so ever. If it turns out that the MA is of no interest to 80% of players (which I doubt), it will still have been interesting to more people than some of the Issues were.

Sense of perspective, please. (Kidding myself... Interwebz.)

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You aint had to put up with an issue that contained one thing only that had no interest to you what so ever.

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Uh, yeah, he has. He just TOLD you he has.

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Uh no, that was his problem not this companies. I cant remember another issue that contained 1 thing only, can you?

All the rest contained a selection of things for him to find boring.



Posi, please, please put some other stuff in I14. I'm going to love MA if it's what they say it, but they need to put some other stuff in. Not everyone RPs; in fact, that's only a small percentage - This is a MMORPG but that doesn't mean you have to RP. In fact, most of us don't.

And finally, Posi admits that PvP is broken beyond fixing. Maybe if they took down the entire PvP system and redesigned it we wouldn't have this problem! Buffing/nerfing the powersets won't make PvP great, there's a genuine problem with PvP in it's system, yet the devs seemingly are ignoring it.



I think the issue here is down to one thing, regardless of the fact that there have - in the past - been issues that pertained to one area of the game alone the simple fact remains, this game, as I said earlier, is made of a wide player base so even though people like myself are excited about i14 and the content it brings there must be however something no matter how minute, to appease the other player aspects.

Now I know that there will never be full satisfaction across the board regarding issues/content etc...there never is but to focus on one area and assuming everyone will love it seems a little short sighted.

As I stated I for one am excited and will make full use of the issue but I do feel for those who do not wish to and will have to wait for another 3-6 months for something to look forwards to...

Art of War Co-Leader - Union *Global@Warscythe*

"The box said Windows Vista or better - so I installed Linux"



Was that a QR?

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It was, indeed a QR. No specific slight intended to anyone.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Was that a QR?

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It was, indeed a QR. No specific slight intended to anyone.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, thanks for the clarification. I can get a bit twitchy as the day's coffee starts wearing off.



I think the issue here is down to one thing, regardless of the fact that there have - in the past - been issues that pertained to one area of the game alone the simple fact remains, this game, as I said earlier, is made of a wide player base so even though people like myself are excited about i14 and the content it brings there must be however something no matter how minute, to appease the other player aspects.

Now I know that there will never be full satisfaction across the board regarding issues/content etc...there never is but to focus on one area and assuming everyone will love it seems a little short sighted.

As I stated I for one am excited and will make full use of the issue but I do feel for those who do not wish to and will have to wait for another 3-6 months for something to look forwards to...

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Tbh I agree with you except last point waiting 3-6 months, no issue will come 3 months anymore, as more superhero MMOs are being realased more the issues need to get bigger and better and the usual 3 month issue idea is gone now. From now on it seems to be 6 months...that's why all the doom threads are here, the content is getting stale and the people are leaving.

The devs need to look at a new approach for issues, the game is going to take a sharp blow to the face when CO and DCUO comes out, and we don't know if CoX is going to survive it. Besides, most MMOs die out at this point anyway. (4.5+ years)



To be frank, I've had to put up with Issues which contained, for example, PvP and the Arenas, which were of no use to me what so ever. If it turns out that the MA is of no interest to 80% of players (which I doubt), it will still have been interesting to more people than some of the Issues were.

Sense of perspective, please. (Kidding myself... Interwebz.)

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You aint had to put up with an issue that contained one thing only that had no interest to you what so ever.

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Uh, yeah, he has. He just TOLD you he has.

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Uh no, that was his problem not this companies. I cant remember another issue that contained 1 thing only, can you?

All the rest contained a selection of things for him to find boring.

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No, you really aren't getting it. I4 added PvP, and to support that there was the Arenas. There was, basically, nothing else in I4. I doubt whether the absolutely only thing in I14 will be the MA. There will be dribs and drabs, as there was with I4.

I6 contained the required compatibility code for CoV. If you were not going to buy CoV, you were going to get almost exactly nothing from I6.

That's two issues. I'd also point out that I did buy CoV, and so was not left with nothing in I6.

The point is, yes, they have put out terribly boring issues featuring one basic thing before, and we all had to put up with it for those who did like it. I suspect that the MA will actually be a lot more popular than the nay-sayers would like it to be, so making it a great deal more useful to far more players than I4 was, and possibly even I6.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



Heh let the architect stand on its own then, I think I've figured out when I'm going to be giving War my second try. I really hope I15 is good

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



Was that a QR?

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It was, indeed a QR. No specific slight intended to anyone.

[/ QUOTE ]
Ah, thanks for the clarification. I can get a bit twitchy as the day's coffee starts wearing off.

[/ QUOTE ]

This is why you should never let the caffeine wear off. I recommend extensive use of Red Bull for that "bouncing off the wall" feeling at bed time.

Disclaimer: The above may be humerous, or at least may be an attempt at humour. Try reading it that way.
Posts are OOC unless noted to be IC, or in an IC thread.



To be frank, I've had to put up with Issues which contained, for example, PvP and the Arenas, which were of no use to me what so ever. If it turns out that the MA is of no interest to 80% of players (which I doubt), it will still have been interesting to more people than some of the Issues were.

Sense of perspective, please. (Kidding myself... Interwebz.)

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You aint had to put up with an issue that contained one thing only that had no interest to you what so ever.

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Uh, yeah, he has. He just TOLD you he has.

[/ QUOTE ]

Uh no, that was his problem not this companies. I cant remember another issue that contained 1 thing only, can you?

All the rest contained a selection of things for him to find boring.

[/ QUOTE ]

No, you really aren't getting it. I4 added PvP, and to support that there was the Arenas. There was, basically, nothing else in I4. I doubt whether the absolutely only thing in I14 will be the MA. There will be dribs and drabs, as there was with I4.

I6 contained the required compatibility code for CoV. If you were not going to buy CoV, you were going to get almost exactly nothing from I6.

That's two issues. I'd also point out that I did buy CoV, and so was not left with nothing in I6.

The point is, yes, they have put out terribly boring issues featuring one basic thing before, and we all had to put up with it for those who did like it. I suspect that the MA will actually be a lot more popular than the nay-sayers would like it to be, so making it a great deal more useful to far more players than I4 was, and possibly even I6.

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No you aint getting what im saying, in no other issue have there been 1 thing only, there might not have been a lot, but there were other bits. You might not have liked costume options in i4, plenty of people did. I also found coalition chat handy.

Remember it aint me saying we are getting 1 thing only in an issue, it's our illustrious leader Positron, and the sooner he realises thats a [censored] idea the better.

You telling me that i14 might contain some other bits does zero for me, Mr Miller saying MA is all we are getting, is worth taking notice of.



The devs need to look at a new approach for issues,

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I agree with that opinion, not so much because of Champions or DC Online, but because the latest issue that excited me was Issue 10. Issues 11 and 12 were nice, but there was no oomph to them, no sparks flying. Issue 13 is the same, and Issue 14 ... The mission architecth is all well and good; it's a big step forward gamewise and all that -- but it's just a piece of infrastructure arriving a long time after it was announced. With that as an issue by its own there's not going to be any sparks flying off Issue 14 either.

The work the developers are turning out now is, technically speaking, better than it used to be. It's high quality, it's tight, it's shiny. But it's a jazz performance with subdued applause rather than a raucous rock show. Where's the spectacle, the energy?



Remember it aint me saying we are getting 1 thing only in an issue, it's our illustrious leader Positron, and the sooner he realises thats a [censored] idea the better.

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Pretty sure that the devs have said before that Issue X wil be 'just' this and that and by time we get hold of it we find that there is actually a lot of smallish things included...

I'd also be very interested to see exactly what the schedule turns out to be - I've got the impression that (timewise) MA is going to be more like a major patch and less like an issue. It wouldn't surprise me if we see MA hit US closed test a week or so after I13 hits and then I15 at the same position within a month of I14 on live.

On the other hand, it would appear to be a big mistake if I14 does end up as purely MA and then there's 3 months to wait until I15...

By my mohawk shall ye know me!
my toons
Funny: Ee-Ai-Ee-Ai-Oh! #3662 * The foul-mouthed Handyman! #1076 * City of Norms #132944
Serious: To Save A Single World (#83744) * Marketing Opportunity (#83747)



The devs need to look at a new approach for issues,

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree with that opinion, not so much because of Champions or DC Online, but because the latest issue that excited me was Issue 10. Issues 11 and 12 were nice, but there was no oomph to them, no sparks flying. Issue 13 is the same, and Issue 14 ... The mission architecth is all well and good; it's a big step forward gamewise and all that -- but it's just a piece of infrastructure arriving a long time after it was announced. With that as an issue by its own there's not going to be any sparks flying off Issue 14 either.

The work the developers are turning out now is, technically speaking, better than it used to be. It's high quality, it's tight, it's shiny. But it's a jazz performance with subdued applause rather than a raucous rock show. Where's the spectacle, the energy?

[/ QUOTE ]

Yes. Let's overlook the issue from my perspective.

Issue 11: Ouroboros lost its touch after a while, Dual Blades was novel but quickly wasn't that good compared to other sets. Willpower was also good, but still other powersets were better. It also was a bit boring tbh.

Issue 12: Midnighter Club got done and over with after a while, Cimerora was simply talk to him/her repeat all these missions and do a TF. VEATs were sexy at first and then just lost ooze..it soon became very bland feeling EATs.

And Issue 13...just generally the same feeling, Day Jobs...how many times will you even notice this. Multi Builds, it will only be orintated for the expereniced player to dab with but then you find you have to Enhance it again, also waiting 15 mins to change isn't that friendly. Shields looks amazing, but feels weak in reality. Pain Domination, rubbish naming, and copy/paste of Empathy. Levelling Pact - only useful for duos. PvP changes frankly suck, oh and Merit Rewards very very dissapointed at the arrangment of the system.

I14 really needs to show something more intresting and unique, MA itself is never going to be enough, Posi is only brave enough to say that on the intawebz/



Would now be a good time to point out that he only said that "it can and should stand on its own", not that it actually will?

Just because he believes that it should be an issue of itself, doesn't mean that the rest of the team has agreed with that and that it is what I14 will solely consist of.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Would now be a good time to point out that he only said that "it can and should stand on its own", not that it actually will?

Just because he believes that it should be an issue of itself, doesn't mean that the rest of the team has agreed with that and that it is what I14 will solely consist of.

[/ QUOTE ]


Posi is the main guy, so he makes the final verdict. If that IS the final verdict, then the game is going straight down the toilet.



Would now be a good time to point out that he only said that "it can and should stand on its own", not that it actually will?

Just because he believes that it should be an issue of itself, doesn't mean that the rest of the team has agreed with that and that it is what I14 will solely consist of.

[/ QUOTE ]


Posi is the main guy, so he makes the final verdict. If that IS the final verdict, then the game is going straight down the toilet.

[/ QUOTE ]

Awesome - the means that weekend threads can continue without a single bit of change, except for many more "I told you so!"'s


"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon

Myopic Aardvark on Twitter



Would now be a good time to point out that he only said that "it can and should stand on its own", not that it actually will?

Just because he believes that it should be an issue of itself, doesn't mean that the rest of the team has agreed with that and that it is what I14 will solely consist of.

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Posi is the main guy, so he makes the final verdict. If that IS the final verdict, then the game is going straight down the toilet.

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And Posi said it "can and should stand on its own" not "will stand on its own".

There is an important difference.

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Let's not forget that the MA was supposed to be one of many features contained within I13. That said I think Posi's quote could be a bit misleading. The MA will be a massive feature I'm sure but I severly doubt it will be the only feature of I14.

I'm still hoping for butt capes for widows



And Posi said it "can and should stand on its own" not "will stand on its own".

There is an important difference.

[/ QUOTE ]

In context -- as a response to a direct question of whether I14 would contain only the mission architecht -- it's difficult to read Posi's words as not strongly indicating that I14 will, at least by and large, consist only of the mission architecht.

No, it's not a decisive, offical announcement of fact, but it is a very strong indication.



This is one of the funniest threads I've seen in a long time.



Warning warning people misreading interviews warning warning

Dont you think that what he means is that the MA is so big that comparing the size of it to past issues it could easily be classed as a single issue ?

Also remember they plan whats in issues well before, do you honestly think they had NOTHING planned for i14 and that it was just lucky (in their favour) that MA had to get pushed back? I agree with standoff (think it was you, too tired to scroll back) in that it could be released as i13.5, unless they put it into i14 and make the issue huge.

Would offer you all a beer but seems like a few of you need to calm down just a little bit

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



And Posi said it "can and should stand on its own" not "will stand on its own".

There is an important difference.

[/ QUOTE ]

In context -- as a response to a direct question of whether I14 would contain only the mission architecht -- it's difficult to read Posi's words as not strongly indicating that I14 will, at least by and large, consist only of the mission architecht.

No, it's not a decisive, offical announcement of fact, but it is a very strong indication.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's an assumption based on a vague answer. He was asked directly whether I14 will only include the MA and didn't give a direct answer.

I don't see that as a reason for people to go ape over it, not that you, Leif, did..

[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]



Warning warning people misreading interviews warning warning

Dont you think that what he means is that the MA is so big that comparing the size of it to past issues it could easily be classed as a single issue ?

[/ QUOTE ]

No, not really. It was a very straightforward question. It's quite possible, of course, that Posi was mentally going "Well, we hope to be able to include animated loincloths, dual-fun scrappers, walk/don't-walk emotes and spicestations too, but it's possible we won't get those finished in time so I better hedge my bets and waffle a bit on the answer." It's possible, but I rather doubt it as Positron -- and NCSoft in general -- hasn't exactly been shy of pulling the old "Oh, we've got great things planned. We can't wait to see your faces when you find out" routine.

Also remember they plan whats in issues well before, do you honestly think they had NOTHING planned for i14 and that it was just lucky (in their favour) that MA had to get pushed back?

[/ QUOTE ]

I suspect they had I14 planned for early- to mid Q2 2009 originally. Then they decided to not include the mission architect with I13, so they divided I13 in two, and I13.5 became the new I14, scheduled for Q1 2009. The old I14, now I15, gets rescheduled to, at a guess, late Q2, early Q3.

That's just my guess, of course, and I could be wrong. *shrugs* Don't think I am, though. Software projects tends towards that kind of shuffling.



And Posi said it "can and should stand on its own" not "will stand on its own".

There is an important difference.

[/ QUOTE ]

In context -- as a response to a direct question of whether I14 would contain only the mission architecht -- it's difficult to read Posi's words as not strongly indicating that I14 will, at least by and large, consist only of the mission architecht.

No, it's not a decisive, offical announcement of fact, but it is a very strong indication.

[/ QUOTE ]

It's an assumption based on a vague answer. He was asked directly whether I14 will only include the MA and didn't give a direct answer.

I don't see that as a reason for people to go ape over it, not that you, Leif, did..

[/ QUOTE ]

Maybe because i13 and now i14 aint got much in them for a lot of people.

And i15 is looking like a long wait for something new.

Also he didnt sound very vague in that interview to me, in fact he seemed quite pleased about it all.

Well they sounded very pleased with the 1st draft of pvp changes and epic/ppp powers last week till they had to do a u turn on 3/4 of it, lets hope they do a u turn on this too.