Castle's Post on PvP changes




And please dont tell me about popping oranges or bringing a kin along.

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I pvp with a MM more so I wouldn't say that.
I was going to say if your moving when you get teleported you might get away before the stalker hits you. I can see your point now though, I had thought of trying something this on a brute when I13 comes along.

My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464



It's not specifically mentioned, but its pretty clear spike damage is being nerfed, which would include AS. I expect stalkers normal attacks would be buffed, and they may get some of the squishies resistance stuff.

I really should do something about this signature.



spike damage hasnt been nerfed its just moved to different builds and different powers like shout in the sonic set.

All my toons that zonal pvp seem to come out good but then i never played fotm builds in the first place.



I could live with the majority of changes and learn to adapt to most of them even though i feel like i shouldnt have to.

However there is one fundamental change which i feel ruins the whole aspect of City of Heroes PvP and that is the movement supression.

The thing i love about CoX PvP is the movement... it is totally different from any other MMO out there and it was the unique selling point for myself.

CoX PvP is very fast paced and i loved practicing kiting, using the server lag to my advantage with a range attack and moving in close just brushing the target so a melee attack would fire instantly and generally being able to use the speed of the movement to evade multiple spikes.

However this proposed change, how i see it will just create a new type of CoX PvP where everyone creates melee toons and takes turns to fight under the globe in RV, fun.....

Remove the movement supression and i would feel alot happier about the changes, but will also mourn the loss of the PvP i know and love.



(Quick Reply, not aimed at anyone)

Hmm, one effect of the diminishing returns for PvP should be that less specialized builds get better relatively speaking. Layered defenses, such as Invulnerability with a little regeneration from IO sets, should not take as large a hit as a purely resistance based set though the S/L resist will likely see a significant decrease.

I am curious to see how the different Tier 9's are affected, such as Elude and Unstoppable. They boost defense or resistance so much that they'll likely see a significant decrease in effectiveness due to diminishing returns. For example, Unstoppable with just one resistance enhancement plus the passives might not put a tank at the resistance cap anymore. This would not be purely academic since all the toggles would be suppressed if mezzed.

Further, the diminishing returns and no mez protection may have some effects on fight clubs (whether one likes them or not) as the usually high S/L resistance will likely take a hit and all shields suppress for a short while from mezzes. Energy Melee should be very interesting due to the stuns, and having stun procs in powers like Brawl or Jab to get a stun window for a heavy hitter like KO-blow could be a viable strategy. Though I have to admit that whether those sets will be good or not is complete speculation at this point. It'll be interesting to try out the new PvP, that is for certain.

I'm looking forward to it - it should liven things up for a bit.



This dumbed and slowed down version of pseudo-pve seems less exciting than live commentary on a GCSE exam. lolwut

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^^dis, they just killed the best bit about CoX PvP, the fact its the fastest, most dynamic of any MMO

rochambo ftl

also, correct me if im wrong, did they just remove hold protection in PvP?



This dumbed and slowed down version of pseudo-pve seems less exciting than live commentary on a GCSE exam. lolwut

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^^dis, they just killed the best bit about CoX PvP, the fact its the fastest, most dynamic of any MMO

rochambo ftl

also, correct me if im wrong, did they just remove hold protection in PvP?

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Yes no mez protection whatsoever bar kb prot.
Tbh all the other changes I could live with. For instance I wouldnt miss purpled perma 2x rage brutes. And as I dont farm heavily I think I can appreciate the diminishing returns dynamic even if i cant completely agree with it.

Movement suppression is just awful.



The things is, its seems to me like the balance has switched from ranged attacks to melee. As rooks said ealier, all I can see is a see of brutes, tanks, scrapper sat under the globe 1v1in'. The supression plus the -range from taunt, imo is the thing that sucks. I can see they want to try and level the playing field, but to me, its just being tipped in the other direction!



I will not give my opinion untill i13 comes live, because Castle said some changes would/could change, and even dont go live ever...

Anyways, totally agree with the feeling of 'slowing pvp is not the key', but I would like to test it out before saying DooM and all that stuff


EDIT: Did u noticed the numbers of spines?? They gave the melee dmg buff, but it is a ranged set... OMG 450 impale unslotted, no critcs...



lmao! Jolly good show old chap! Merry Christmas!

And if this all goes live, i know im gonna lose some friends /e cries!!



I read about a poll a while back, which showed that most people who don't do PvP don't do it because they can use the time for something else which actually nets them a reward.

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Rewards are subjective.

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People not doing something because they don't rate the rewards is objective.

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Only people themselves decide what they perceive as rewards. So rewards are subjective.



Im very much alienated from the game anyway so if anything these changes might bring me back to test them, but they sure change pvp completely.



Wow that was a lot to read and my heads still spinning from all that and this thread, i must say i agree with the fact these changes are killing off my favorite part about CoH pvp, which was the fast paced action which made CoH pvp the best of the mmo market. I'm interested in seeing how this is all going to pan out but I'm also horrified this could make things i suppose we won't know till it comes to test for the rest of us to try out.


EDIT: Did u noticed the numbers of spines?? They gave the melee dmg buff, but it is a ranged set... OMG 450 impale unslotted, no critcs...

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Wait what numbers? links please



Per Castle:
The damage numbers you are seeing in the Real numbers tool are not accurate and in no way final.



I read about a poll a while back, which showed that most people who don't do PvP don't do it because they can use the time for something else which actually nets them a reward.

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Rewards are subjective.

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People not doing something because they don't rate the rewards is objective.

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Only people themselves decide what they perceive as rewards. So rewards are subjective.

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That's you repeating what you said, not responding to what I said after it.

Let's try this again; if people look at PvP rewards and decided they don't like them, that's a subjective judgement. But even so it will stop them playing.

Their not playing is an objective fact you can determine by going into PvP zones and finding there aren't many people there.

So, my point is that if the rewards aren't high enough, the objective result is fewer people PvPing.



Per Castle:
The damage numbers you are seeing in the Real numbers tool are not accurate and in no way final.

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Very true, I have seen a post where Castle says that...

Anyways, still not end numbers, but here is the link to the "new" melee dmg number... If you dont know it, they have been recalculated by their DPA (dmg per activation), so it seems like "more animation and root times = more dmg".


I was wrong with the numbers, bad memories... Only 252 dmg unslotted uncritc for impale

I hope Devs take a time thinking that numbers are not all... Common sense uses to be a good advisor.

PS: all this numbers are for PVP.

PSS: BTW, here you have the "new" dmg numbers for the ranged powers: clicky




[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />
Very true, I have seen a post where Castle says that...

Anyways, still not end numbers, but here is the link to the "new" melee dmg number... If you dont know it, they have been recalculated by their DPA (dmg per activation), so it seems like "more animation and root times = more dmg".


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What ? Is it an error, or does seismic Smash become the poorest attack of stone melee after stone fist ?? Do the dev want to definitively kill this set in pvp ?
No more big hold which ignores acrobatics (since ALL holds of the game ignores now all the anti-mezz), no more big fast attack (it's seismic smash on pve), only smashing damages... What's the interset to take it rather than super strenght ?




While hurl boulder becomes a heavy hitter...



Yeesh. There's a lot of inaccurate information flying about like nobodies' business here.

1. The damage numbers listed there are NOT accurate. They're taken from the character selection screen on the very first closed-beta US test server build, and are severely borked. Ignore them. Everything has been adjusted based on animation time, so long animating attacks are VERY powerful. In general, most ATs (such as controllers, tanks and defenders) got a respectable damage buff.

2. Castle has stated that EVERYTHING regarding PvP rebalancing is subject to change, except for the introduction of some form of movement suppression (the extent of which is still subject to change).

3. Castle has stated that at present the "you are hit by an attack" movement suppression only kicks in if the attack actually hits you. So "LOLDefence" actually just became useful.

4. Movement suppression is NOT like the PvE supression. It will affect all powers including Fitness pool passives, sprint and Combat Jumping. It works by setting a maximum speed value to a very small number - in the region of 30FPS. Teleport is the only thing NOT suppressed, since its range cannot be scaled back without affecting the range of all other powers, and Castle's only other option was to completely disable Teleport.

5. There have been many, many suggestions on the US threads about how to balance this movement suppression mechanic, the current favourite appears to be:

&gt;100' attack does not suppress the target but suppresses the attacker for 4s.
80' attack always suppress the target for 1s and the attacker for 3s.
40' attack always suppress the target for 2s and the attacker for 2s.
7' attack always suppress the target for 4s and the attacker for 1s.

These numbers would have to be the total buffed range of the power. So Boost Range and range enhancements will be included in the suppression calculation.

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6. The "Healing debuff" thing is currently intended to work along the lines of "-25% heal for each heal applied within X seconds". Depending on the way this is set up, it may or may not affect the "unresistable" heals such as reconstruction. Castle has stated that this change might get repealed due to how Spectral Wounds operates. Even if it goes ahead, we can probably expect anti-griefing measures such as a "accept allied heals" configuration option.

7. Apparently all sets are getting a Resistance and/or Defence buff if they don't already have them. So the likes of /Regen will still be viable even if its healing potential is affected by the "heal debuff" change.

8. Patron and Epic pool powers are getting rejiggled anyway, so this isn't likely to overly favour any particular epic set. For example, Weapon Mastery's Web Grenade is getting replaced with a Focussed Accuracy clone. It remains to be seen just what all these changes will entail, but it's likely that powers that aren't taken very often will be replaced with better alternatives.

9. The power scaling effect works along the lines of ED, although the value "curves" differ from AT to AT. In theory, it's meant to stop characters from getting allied-buffed to sky-high levels of defence/resistance/damage/etc. Someone with a +100% Damage buff might get 95% actual buff, but with +200% they'd get 110% (numbers randomly invented to illustrate my point).

10. Castle has stated that the general intent of these changes is to level the playing field between high-end optimised PvP builds and lower end unoptimised builds. In other words, someone who is new to PvP should have the capacity to be reasonably effective when fighting veterans. If this doesn't happen with the proposed changes, expect major alterations to those changes.



thanks for the numbers defuser, woah good to see my spiney getting some damage love without the need of extensive buffs. Although somewhat disappointing that nukes have been nerfed for pvp, would have thought with they're long recharge they would have kept they're numbers...



[/color]<blockquote><font class="small">En réponse à:[/color]<hr />

While hurl boulder becomes a heavy hitter...

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Just like super strength, which on the other hand keep big damages on kockout blow, the equivalent of seismic smash (before i13), and get more damages on its first attack, while stone fist stay ridiculous. Add perma-rage to that and tell me what's the interest of stone melee, now



Maelways is right, all these numbers have been taken from the char creator in the training room server...

Anyways, I dont expect "big" changes, since they have normalized the numbers, trying to make powersets more similar, and in that way, making pvp a viable way for any1 that wants to go in, ignoring his powerset selection...

Of course, I expect some changes in those powers, but more in the way of endurance/recharge/secondary effects that changing a number that 'already' has been normalized.

A way to change a power dmg number could be to re-animate it, shortning animations times, but I think this would go to more fx work, and I seriously doubt it... So the only chance could be making the use of those powers more longer, either increasing end or increasing recharge.

Of course, this is only speculation, which is what we are lookin for here, isnt it??




5. There have been many, many suggestions on the US threads about how to balance this movement suppression mechanic

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I wouldn't mind seeing different suppression strengths for each AT, also lets them fiddle with the balance later on as well.

My MA IDs:
Fiend Space: 211464



Thnx for the summary maelwys.

Personally I dont mind some of the other changes. The movement suppr sucks. Zonal pvp is going to be a mess. SS/SJ being a waste of slots and TP being king. Gank squads will rule as it will be impossible to escape. Stalkers will be even more unbeatable.
Even more base camping for heroes.
I truly hope it wont be half as bad as i am thinking but i just cant see it.
And the fact pvp zones arent getting any attention till post i13 doesnt help.



Basically the way I see it, is this movement suppression thing is gonna be the kicker, we already have teams for stalkers tpin for multi AS, this is gonna be the same but worse, because you wont ever be able to get away from them. But if you manage to attack them, you wont ever get a kill, what with TP being the only unsurpressed travel power. IMO either find away to surpress them all or dont bother, beacuse tbh, I can see this tp thing sucking really hard!