Castle's Post on PvP changes




Yer, i still dont understand why no reward system isnt even talked about, that would make LOADS off people come to the zones/arena IMO.
I very much doubt that any off these changes will make any difference.

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Well, don't forget there's this new merit system coming in I13 too, and so far, it's not been said if you can earn them from PvP as well as PvE - so it's possible that changes to make PvP easier combined with rewards for PvP might be a good boost.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Surely a big part of increasing participation in pvp is to keep the current pvpers and what makes the current pvp game fun . .

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But what makes the current game fun might also be what's putting off some potential new PvPers

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Well then they need to get better at pvp

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But making it easier for new PvPers to survive might be a better form of encouragement

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No it will just mean they will take a few seconds longer to die

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Which will encourage them

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For god sake GG cant you go and spam your waste of time one liners in another thread for 30 mins pls



Surely a big part of increasing participation in pvp is to keep the current pvpers and what makes the current pvp game fun . .

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But what makes the current game fun might also be what's putting off some potential new PvPers

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Well then they need to get better at pvp

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But making it easier for new PvPers to survive might be a better form of encouragement

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No it will just mean they will take a few seconds longer to die

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Which will encourage them

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For god sake GG cant you go and spam your waste of time one liners in another thread for 30 mins pls

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It's a thread about PvP changes, and I'm saying I think they might help encourage new players to take up PvP - you're free to disagree with that point of view though

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Well seeing as so far the pvp community seems to think this wont help i guess your wrong, there is nothing there to make say the rp lot want to come into a pvp zone they still gain nothing for doing so



Yea, rewards maybe in i19 ?


Well, don't forget there's this new merit system coming in I13 too, and so far, it's not been said if you can earn them from PvP as well as PvE - so it's possible that changes to make PvP easier combined with rewards for PvP might be a good boost.

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Well seeing as so far the pvp community seems to think this wont help i guess your wrong, there is nothing there to make say the rp lot want to come into a pvp zone they still gain nothing for doing so

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I wasn't thinking of the RPers, more of people new to the game who think PvP might be something fun to try out, but then find they die in 2 seconds.

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Well seeing as so far the pvp community seems to think this wont help i guess your wrong, there is nothing there to make say the rp lot want to come into a pvp zone they still gain nothing for doing so

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I wasn't thinking of the RPers, more of people new to the game who think PvP might be something fun to try out, but then find they die in 2 seconds.

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And this has been an ongoing argument, and i still say those who do go into a pvp zone will take in one of two ways.

1. Hate it and moan that they died to fast and never come back.

2.Love it and spend the time an effort into making there toons the best they can in order to do better at it, and imo these are the players we want to come back not the cry babys.



Well seeing as so far the pvp community seems to think this wont help i guess your wrong, there is nothing there to make say the rp lot want to come into a pvp zone they still gain nothing for doing so

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I wasn't thinking of the RPers, more of people new to the game who think PvP might be something fun to try out, but then find they die in 2 seconds.

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And this has been an ongoing argument, and i still say those who do go into a pvp zone will take in one of two ways.

1. Hate it and moan that they died to fast and never come back.

2.Love it and spend the time an effort into making there toons the best they can in order to do better at it, and imo these are the players we want to come back not the cry babys.

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So making new players last longer will surely reduce the amount of type 1s, and increase the number of type 2s?

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



Well seeing as so far the pvp community seems to think this wont help i guess your wrong, there is nothing there to make say the rp lot want to come into a pvp zone they still gain nothing for doing so

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"Winning rewards you with the access to an exclusive chat room with all of your RP fantasies come true so that even the most hardened RPrs will convert into rock-solid PvPrs."



The good:[ QUOTE ]
<ul type="square">[*]Diminishing returns from buffs[*]Melee range increased[*]Travel power suppression triggered from damaging others, being damaged, healing (self or target), buffing, debuffing, placing an entity or from debuffs[*]Control duration normalized[*]Damage adjustments[*]Epic Armors, Tough all grant resistance to all damage types in PvP along with a global resistance buff[*]-75% Range in Taunt powers[*]Buff to MezResistance[/list]
[/ QUOTE ]the w.t.f:[ QUOTE ]
<ul type="square">[*]Healing won't be as effective[/list]
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Oh well. On average still looks good.

[b][color=blue]Coldest War /[color=red]/ Omega Patient[/b]
[url=""][color=red]The CoW Network (Blog) /[/url][url=""][color=blue]/ College of War[/url]



Whilst the PvP Changes are a bold move. I think with the changes plan it does iron out certain issues that do arise in a PvP Zones. I look forward to being able to test these changes and see how it spams out. Personally i can see this planned changed bring more options to a team makeup.

I just wish i could test them now!!



So making new players last longer will surely reduce the amount of type 1s, and increase the number of type 2s?

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You really don't understand do you?

PvPers don't want new players (except as targets). They certainly don't want an even fight. They have put a lot of work in creating thier perfect builds. Any attempt to balance PvP is doom for them.

I'm afraid this (or any) change to PvP balance is a complete waste of Castle's time - it alienates far more existing PvPers than the new people it will bring in.

I really should do something about this signature.



PvPers don't want new players (except as targets). They certainly don't want an even fight. They have put a lot of work in creating thier perfect builds. Any attempt to balance PvP is doom for them.

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This is not true we do want new players what we dont want is the zones filled with player moaning about being killed every 2 mins as they think x is over powered or there build is for pve and cant afford the IOs for pvp.

This however .... [ QUOTE ]
I'm afraid this (or any) change to PvP balance is a complete waste of Castle's time - it alienates far more existing PvPers than the new people it will bring in.

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is spot on aside from the balance we do need balance but what castle has done is not it




From my understanding, only the heal part isn't welcome. For the so called PvP vets, take it easy. Don't go trash talking bout someone - the almighty Castle - who dedicated too much of his own damned time working on this game, trying to make it better and better.

It's easy to be a critic instead of coming up with a better solution.

@False Fiction - Virtue / Defiant

Current projects - [Glaciologist - Ill/Cold Troller] [Cloudshaper - Storm/Dark Def] [Harald Wartooth - Elec/Psi Domi]




From my understanding, only the heal part isn't welcome. For the so called PvP vets, take it easy. Don't go trash talking bout someone - the almighty Castle - who dedicated too much of his own damned time working on this game, trying to make it better and better.

It's easy to be a critic instead of coming up with a better solution.

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Sorry but castle is paid to do the job he dont do it for the fun of it, as for better solutions all castle has to do is read the pvp sections on both these and the american forums there has been loads of suggestions made.



PvPers don't want new players (except as targets). They certainly don't want an even fight. They have put a lot of work in creating thier perfect builds. Any attempt to balance PvP is doom for them.

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This is not true we do want new players what we dont want is the zones filled with player moaning about being killed every 2 mins as they think x is over powered or there build is for pve and cant afford the IOs for pvp.

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I'm not sure you can talk for "we" - all the current PvP players - but what you seem to be saying is "we only want people that play it the way we want in the PvP zones".

Which you're free to want, but please remember they're not your zones - if the devs/owners want to up PvP player numbers, at the expense of encouraging in people you don't like...well, it's their game.



well, it's their game.

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But ignoring the undeniable upset in that US thread (a long, upsetting read) would be a pretty bad idea, I feel

I agree with most of the US guys, Shock &amp; PRAF. This won't encorage more people to PvP. To encourage more people to PvP, it's not the mechanics that need changing so much as giving people who mainly PvE, a REASON to enter those zones, outside of PvE rewards which they seem to presume is theirs by god given right (Shivs/Warburg Nukes/FArmzoring Pillboxes)

All this seems to be aiming at doing, is alienating the current PvP playerbase, by starting everyone at square one, with a system that seems to contradict itself (lots of suppression, taking away CoX's main PvP draw against the competition, Melee ATs being 1-shot-held etc...)

Edit: Of course, that's just how it all seems. Could eat my words come testing, but what the heck, i'm going by what i've read



well, it's their game.

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I agree with most of the US guys, Shock &amp; PRAF. This won't encorage more people to PvP. To encourage more people to PvP, it's not the mechanics that need changing so much as giving people who mainly PvE, a REASON to enter those zones, outside of PvE rewards which they seem to presume is theirs by god given right (Shivs/Warburg Nukes/FArmzoring Pillboxes)

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That's a good point, but I'll grab the ball and run with it and say it actually needs both the things we've been talking about.

A decent (which amounts to the same thing as "hugely changed") reward system, and a revised combat system which makes PvP newbies less of a fish in a barrel for the top builds.

The rewards can be as good as you like, but if PvEers dipping their toes in the water get pwned without a chance of ever earning them, they'll quickly give up trying.



The join a Q till both teams are full then go have a pvp fight for xp plan being done in War seems to be working well im told.



Could be on the cards - Castle said it was mainly the Arena rework that's due in I13.



So if i understand it right my illusion/rad with its debuffs on you (with procs) can supress your movement everytime the proc ticks while i TP around freely? (read by castle i think that tp is a get out of jail free card).

Actually like these new changes, understand why a lot of pvpers are annoyed at *mainly* travel supression and set bonuses but if it makes pvp need more strategies apart from

*Heal me!
*Buff the blaster!
*pocket emps (finally no more xD)
*TP foe stalkers

than i'll be more than happy to spend a lot more time in sirens/RV. Shivans/nuke to be eventually available via merits is finally a good idea too though i dont think iv ever been troubled by a pvper in BB

TP it seems has become the must have power though.

*wonders how deadly my slowly building cold/psy defender would be now*

@Damz Find me on the global channel Union Chat. One of the best "chat channels" ingame!



Good point also, though the argument on the US re: the newer players is one of mentality. That being, the difference between someone losing and thinking 'Hmm, I lost. I'll examine how and improve my playstyle/build/call in some friends to help'


"omg, haxx! Nerf him!"

Catering to new PvPers is all well and good (especially with Dual Builds), but hacking off current PvPers (and I don't just mean the hardcore ones...I hardly ever PvP, have the 400 rep badge on my Corr, and these changes as they stand, are set to prevent me from entering a zone out of anything more than interest) isn't wise...

..having said that, It must be *so* hard to come to a happy medium. You are right standoff, in terms of needing both a balance and a reward. Sadly, the general feeling of the US is that they've chucked the baby out with the bathwater...Old imabalances are out, only to be replaced with new ones



If your target is targeting you, then you're under the 2s travel suppression, which = no TP

Edit: Hush my mouth, seems TP, TP team, recall friend and TP foe are Unsuppressed...

that's dumb

Edit 2, Re: getting PvErs into zones, From Castle

Shivans and Nukes will, eventually, be available to purchase with Merits, I believe. I'm not 100% certain if that plan is still the case, though.

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Well there's plenty of targets no longer entering. Let's hope the revamp does what the devs think it'll do

Edit 3
Food for thought, from Flux_Vector, in regards to Set bonuses being a part of 'Diminishing'
Catering to people who don't want to put the time and effort into their characters alienates the people who do, and especially the ones who already have.

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Regarding new players getting hammered. Couldn't they award a temp buff to players when they enter the zone IF they don't have the time badges? Just to ease them in.

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