51 & 54 Month Vet Rewards




Are they a bit of a cop out, or not ?


I like the idea of having those helmets available for the 51st month reward. But can't help thinking i would never use them.

But.. I don't think i'd use them much unless i played a villain whose costume could incorporate it.

I'm sure there will be others who will like them.

54th Reward.. We'll already have 2 of the 4 items, so get only 1 choice of the other two, which it tells you in the text when you initially receive them, is meant for a different origin...




The helmets are OK, but recycling already issued vet rewards is extremely weak.

I just get the impression that they kinda regret starting the whole vet reward system, and barely spend ANY time figuring out what to use for the next one. Look at all the problems the buff pets have caused them...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



In my opinion once the vet rewards hit five years they should stop issuing anything except costume change and respecs. Five years is a bloody long time to wait for something as is and they're really running out of any good ideas.

I've always been in favor of revamping the vet reward system to a token system but to me these do seem like a cop out. The Arachnos helms are already available (except Mu) as the villain VEATs and I'm getting the feeling side-switching is going to be Issue 14 or 15 so heroes with those helms may be possible. Yeah while it is cool you can get the 'other power' that you may have wanted from the 12 or 33 month rewards it is definitely a cop out.

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



The Arachnos helms are already available (except Mu) as the villain VEATs

[/ QUOTE ]The Mu helm is available to VEATs.

I'd have preferred if they had added the helmets to the same Vet reward as the Vet Sprints, honestly... Mostly because I'm years away from both, heh.



Still those Vet rewards are very nice indeed. I personally love the new helmets. To bad I have to wait a long time before i get them though. The new powers are very handy as well and help you get through the low levels with a nice edge.

I hope they will keep up the nice rewards. Even if some of them are re-used.

I do agree that the 54 reward is a bit weak though. Would be more fun if you could choose from other temp powers instead.



Yeah like shotgun, bow, pistol, flash grenades etc...

Latest Vet rewards = WEAK!



i still love 48 veat. 51 looks intertesting but the last one is very very weak.



The helmets are okay, I suppose. Not great, but, yeah, I can see them being a vet award. The last one is just uninspired. I'd prefer to see something less useful and more ... fun. Getting some of the trainers as gladiators, or the ability to function as a trainer once per day ("Run back to the Brawler to level up? Why?") or a Skulls disguise or a "npc_target_say" command to fool around with.



Looks rather weak yea :|
As it's been said the helms should've been given along with the prints at 12 months.

And choose another power... I mean if you have blackwand, you picked it cause you're magic or mutant origin most likely. Getting Nemesis staff then will not do anywhere near as much damage. Great for the lowbie i spose with two additional ranged attacks to whip out but the creativity was rather weak imo. Rather would've seen something diffrent, like getting to pick from a shotgun (cone short range aoe), bow (long range single target) rikti rifle (shorter range energy with knockback) and so on.

Oh well, getting 45 month badge next week so this is still half a year away and then some.



Aye, rehashing the powers you've already chosen from is weak.

A cone or small AOE power choice would have been much nicer.



Lol I like those suggestions Leif. especially the now people can train with me. So long as they are lower level then you of course. Then you can stand next to the brawler and let the younglings benefit from your experience

The ability to disguise yourself is great to.



Lol I like those suggestions Leif. especially the now people can train with me. So long as they are lower level then you of course. Then you can stand next to the brawler and let the younglings benefit from your experience

The ability to disguise yourself is great to.

[/ QUOTE ]

I think the "disguise" idea would be nice. It could work like the halloween costumes did. get to pick a costume from a range of choices which can be toggled on. Maybe make it last a set amount of time? It might be overpowered if it worked like the freak disguise and actually prevented you being attacked by that faction. Although it is only one faction...
Surely this wouldn't be hard to impliment?

@Jaw Dropper - Toons of all levels so drop me a line!

Imaginary Inc.

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Its all something for nothing, weak or not.

No one is still playing this game just for vet rewards, before someone says they aint something for nothing.



Its all something for nothing, weak or not.

No one is still playing this game just for vet rewards, before someone says they aint something for nothing.

[/ QUOTE ]


But to be honest. After 54 months of playing this game... One can expect something more than reused stuff. It's a little disappointing nevertheless.



No-one expects something awesome from the Vet rewards; but reusing an already issued Vet reward is REALLY weak. They could have at least offered one of the many other temp powers in the game...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



My suggestion:
You can summon a faithful combat pet to follow you about. You may choose one Primary and one Secondary power from any available set, providing that power does not exceed Level 6.

You may also choose one Travel Power and one other Pool Power for your pet.

Custom Pets attack at one level below yours, may not exceed two feet in height to distinguish them from players, and must be kept on a leash in non-hazard areas.

They'd have a mini-Costume Creator to play with - the only restriction being you couldn't make them look too human.

Is it time for the dance of joy yet?



Wow.. this is a Joke, as far as I'm concerned I dont care about the VET Powers but you are taking the Bloody Mickey now making the Arachnos Helmets THAT LATE!

Why were these not eariler? The COH Pre Order runs were in early, so why on Earth wasnt the helmets in Early? say 24 months, HELL EVEN 36 months would have been fine.. but 4 years and 3 months? thats a Joke.



Just a word about these rewards: disappointing.

Proud Coleader of: Fuerza Letal (H), Liga de las Sombras (V), Legion del Fenix (H), Infernal Justice (H), and a happy member of GammaForce (H) and D.O.A. (V).

My alts: http://cit.cohtitan.com/profile/13494



Its all something for nothing, weak or not.

[/ QUOTE ]

Well, yes. But it's not so much that it's weak -- stuff like the Greek letters or the boxing outfit are in some sense even weaker. It's more that this last one just strikes me as ... uninspired. And that disappoints me a little.



Well, yes. But it's not so much that it's weak -- stuff like the Greek letters or the boxing outfit are in some sense even weaker. It's more that this last one just strikes me as ... uninspired. And that disappoints me a little.

[/ QUOTE ]

I guess they decided to put all the man power into nerfs and not vet rewards



Helmets are fine, and kinda expected. The temp power reward is pretty bad, especially since they implemented the origin damage bonus to the wand and staff, so unless you're natural the only real option is to pick the one of SoM/Axe that you don't have yet.



Quick Reply.
Most posts here feels like this=
Waaah... I get free(someone will probably say it's not free since we pay on a monthly basis) stuff and I want to complain! *rolls on the ground crying*

Honestly... Anyone need a diaper change?
Maybe an icecream to make you forget that bruised knee? A nap perhaps? *pinches babycheek*



Well I like the 51st one, that's good, can delete my Widow then which I really look forward too (only made it for the costume)

54th one is a bit pants, cant I have a respec and a free tailor instead? I will have already taken the temps I like by then. But fair enough means my Scrapper can take the Blackwand as the thing didn't mention doing additional damage for natural at the time and I took that dumb lollypop instead (guess which one I'll mostly be leaving)

"Well, they found my diary today.
They were appropriately appalled
at the discovery of the eight victims
They're now putting it all together.
Women wrapped in silk
with one leg missing
Eight legs, one body, silk,
spider, brilliant!"



I can still think of one vet reward I'd love to see:

Fashion Emergency Teleporter (long recharge item that teleports you to Icon/the Facemaker)

The Purple Party Pagan of Paragon

Globals: @Morgana Fiolett / @Genevieve Moore

Altoholic with too many characters to count now I have all these shiny servers...



I can still think of one vet reward I'd love to see:

Fashion Emergency Teleporter (long recharge item that teleports you to Icon/the Facemaker)

[/ QUOTE ]

That would be kickass
And i'm pretty sure Psygon at least would agree with me!