Things you'd like to see in the Mission Creator?
The ability to design NPC heroes in the costume editor.
A decent rating and filter system, there's probably going to be a lot of badly done missions (at least at first) being able to sort through it all to find the best ones would be useful.
How about a badge system for creating missions. When you add more missions/arcs or when they get played by others you earn badges. These badges then unlock more stuff for you to add in your new missions. Like special maps, elite bosses or even arch villains.
the option to, if you are the creator, reopen the mish and do changes (like fixing typos in the dialog and such)
Because i doubt the devs will be so keen on going thru thousands of missions just spellchecking.
Officer Cuffz lvl 50 Inv/Nrg Tank
Badge lvl 50 dwarf/human Peacebringer
Dark Air lvl 50 Ice/Cold Corruptor
Ayre lvl 50 Storm/Elec Defender
Total Cat: @Officer Cuffz
"When I say interview, I mean engage in combat and defeat..." -Laura Brunetti, on how to deal with Warriors.
You'll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialog and any clues needed for the missions
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This sounds more like setting up a skirmish map in C&C or something than a true mission creator.
Hopefully we'll be able to set scripts and events in the mission, and use some EBs/AVs, as well as string them together. I'd like to be able to create proper arcs, not a "tweak the settings of a paper mission" style system.
"Dumbed down" explanations of the mission editor. I, and I assume many others, do not want to see something like: "Insert loop automated string here", because I'd have no idea what the hell that'd do. I want things like, "Mob group spawn" and "Glowie location" - y'know, easy to understand stuff.
A decent rating and filter system, there's probably going to be a lot of badly done missions (at least at first) being able to sort through it all to find the best ones would be useful.
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will this be able to filter out maps with certain rooms?
like the reactor acrachnos map (whatever that room is supposed to be) or the cave room with 5 floors on it?
i can think some person will create a whole map containing that
i want to make my own villain group
"Dumbed down" explanations of the mission editor. I, and I assume many others, do not want to see something like: "Insert loop automated string here", because I'd have no idea what the hell that'd do. I want things like, "Mob group spawn" and "Glowie location" - y'know, easy to understand stuff.
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you don't want code, you want buttons that let you mark areas for stuff to spawn?
that sounds sensible
and i assume that they would do that anyway
i say something like starcraft map creator that was simple to use and excute with
Personally I think it will be an extension of how the base editor works. As this seems the most logical thing to do. You would have all the usual stuff and a pick a map area. So you select a map, then go into it like you would a base and place other things. You would have spawn markers, possible glowie markers, Final room marker and the like.
I'd like:
- customisable NPCs (Heros etc) to put new people and plotlines in the game
- cut scene builder
- trigger pads that can trigger doors/ object moving / object destruction / ambushes, etc etc
- dangerous spikes for floors and/or ceilings
- pits of boiling hot magma
- big rolling stone balls
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

- big rolling stone balls
[/ QUOTE ]
I will pay NCSoft 10 years subscription if this ends up in the game.
Welcome back DW - The Rani wasn't quite the same
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
trigger pads that can trigger doors/ object moving / object destruction / ambushes, etc etc
- dangerous spikes for floors and/or ceilings
- pits of boiling hot magma
- big rolling stone balls
[/ QUOTE ]
I love this idea of the enviroment itself being a threat - I wish we had it more on PvE maps to be honest.
Nothing like a concealed Trapdoor Spiked pit of Doom™ to keep teams on their toes.
The ability to set mob loyalty depending on who gets attacked.
If you have two villain groups fighting each other and the PCs attack one but not the other then the 'rescued' group keeps fighting the other mob and not the pcs. i.e you get one group or the other as a temporary pet depending on your actions.
Mind of Gaia lvl 50 Defiant's first Mind/Storm 'troller.
Deadly Doc 50 Dark/Dark Corr
and lots more on Pinnacle,Union and Defiant
I want to be able to build my own custom maps (they could use whatever revamped base editor interface we're getting in I13), make my own custom bosses/EBs/AVs (existing costume creator), make my own cutscenes and boss/spawn dialogue, customise the mission with a timer and the possibility of failing it, place glowies exactly where I want them to be, place spawns as well (from multiple different factions if I so decide) and link multiple created missions together into an arc.
If the player generated content turns out to be a single simple UI window with a dropdown to select a map, a dropdown to select enemy faction, a dropdown to select mission type (kidnap/rescue, get the glowy, defeat the boss, etc), a dropdown for level range, and a couple of fields to enter a brief mission briefing & debriefing, then I'm going to be rather underwhelmed.
Basically I want to be able to make arcs like Seer Marino's "Oh Wretched Man" redside or the Faultline arcs blueside - I don't want to be limited to making new newspaper/police-band missions.
Having just done a mission where you have to kidnap 3 people - all members of the same family - I'd love to be able to make their dialogue when you pick them up tie into each other (ie if you capture both the husband and wife at the same time, they might make reassuring comments to each other, or if it's the mother and son, she tries to make him feel better, while he tells you to leave him alone etc.)
One thing that always bothered me in the Lou's Garage mission early in COH was that when you rescued both the mother and daughter, they were only concerned about if Lou was safe, rather than each other - I'd like to be able to make it context sensitive, somehow)
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
The release of a book entitled 'CoX Mapping For Dummies'
In other words, an easy to understand guide with maybe a tutorial on how to create a map.
Access to ALL costume sets (but still not available to normal heroes and villains)
ahh yes - DW said 'the cut scene builder' - to make it more like a comic - excellent idea!
definate access to all maps - i played a map on my 50 the other day which took place in the office location but with a delapidated hospital setting with beds, screens and IV drips everywhere and thought to myself 'blimey, i've not seen this before' - so maybe keep the map design level range to the ones you'd see for your specific level, so's not to stop 'that' feeling of something new?
More physics with the items inside missions, e.g. shopping trolleys that may have been left by the roadside actually mvoe when nudged, rubble you can walk over that bricks move about in, doors that aren't just always open within offices, but would move when pushed (a bit like the phone boxes in villains). that kinda thing
Things you can actually pick up and throw, rather than things that materialise in thin air then get thrown.
Hmmm i think i am dreaming something like NWN builder in my head.
The problem is how much of the sources will become open ones. I mean can players will be able to create their own custom weapons, clothings, hair styles, map textures, items and vechiles.
Other than those i really want to hear some sound on mission briefings. ^^ Maybe this player build maps will be the end of Mute NPCs.
- big rolling stone balls
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I will pay NCSoft 10 years subscription if this ends up in the game.
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/signed. Big rolling balls of doom are essential for any proper trap building activities, as are collapsing floors, hidden blades, concealed spears and sabotaged glowies.
For that matter, we also need more set dressing - everything from cobwebs, ruined bits and bat guano to shiny computers and whizzy looking technical bits.
We also need a proper Steampunk tileset for Nemesis - I'm sure he's not at home in standard "high tech labs".
ahh yes - DW said 'the cut scene builder' - to make it more like a comic - excellent idea!
[/ QUOTE ]
Yep, but we also need custom NPCs in there. Being an arrogant git you'd definitely have to run into me (Emp / Psi / Energy) and Dreamy The Doom Kitten (Claws / SR / Invis / Confuse / Cuteness) at some point...
Welcome back DW - The Rani wasn't quite the same
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks - turns out all I had to do was divert the regeneration energy into FG and I didn't have to change after all. One quick retcon and as good as new...
Is it time for the dance of joy yet?

The problem is how much of the sources will become open ones. I mean can players will be able to create their own custom weapons, clothings, hair styles, map textures, items and vechiles.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't think we'll be given anything other than what's in game already. Too much data to take from one person and then send to everyone else.
I'd like to see better reactions enabled through scripting - if I see a cut scene with someone saying "Alright, prepare to die Hero X", then I don't expect to have to wade through another room of mobs before facing that person. The cutscenes should either trigger the speaker to hunt you down (mmmh, problems for stealth characters?), or they shouldn't trigger until you're right on top of them.
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
The problem is how much of the sources will become open ones. I mean can players will be able to create their own custom weapons, clothings, hair styles, map textures, items and vechiles.
[/ QUOTE ]
I don't think we'll be given anything other than what's in game already. Too much data to take from one person and then send to everyone else.
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If we are talking some vault like NWN vault people contribute with different things. Some made scripts while others did models for everyone to use. In the end there were many beautiful things (heh we even had horses way much before Bioware release them in their last NWN module) done.
I am afraid and also hope there will be many improvements to the game this way that devs claimed can't be done because of time/financial issues. Even new power sets.
But you are right about downloading issues, they take time. Luckily most of the modules will probably use same hak packs.
*Sigh* After that much talking i have an urge to play some NWN modules now.
Here's a linky for others who wants to take look at NWN Vault. (Heh this is also a custom portrait made by my very own self )
NWN Vault
You can look what they got, this link only leads to Portraits section of the Vault. Use right side column to see other sections.
Welcome back DW - The Rani wasn't quite the same
[/ QUOTE ]
Thanks - turns out all I had to do was divert the regeneration energy into FG and I didn't have to change after all. One quick retcon and as good as new...
[/ QUOTE ]
DW, I love you, will you marry me?
Wait, hang on, does this mean he grows into another you or a half FG-half DW hybrid?
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

i would have to say...
to be able to pick what rewards we get at the end of mishes/storylines
would make BM/WW sooo intertesting

i would have to say...
to be able to pick what rewards we get at the end of mishes/storylines
would make BM/WW sooo intertesting
[/ QUOTE ]
By interesting, do you mean selling purples to the stores would be more profitable than putting them on WW?
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
So we know that we're getting this at some point in the future.
We know roughly, what's been promised to us:
You'll be able to pick the map, villain group, and objectives, as well as write the dialog and any clues needed for the missions
[/ QUOTE ]
So what else would you like to see?
I'd like to see
<ul type="square">[*]ALL maps available to us - including the rare ones from the early levels (burning office map, disco warehouse map (the old PDP one) and the later ones, like the Paragon Police station attack from Villains and the Portal Corp map with all the damage
[*]Also, I'd like to have the capability of accessing seasonal maps - imagine combat on the slopes of the Ski Lodge?
[*]The ability to interlink maps (maybe not at first, but I'd sure like to be able to use the Mayhem/Safeguard Mission maps and click on a truck and end up in the outdoor wood map)
[*]Consequences - the branching dialogue to be enhanced so that a story arc can be like a choose your own adventure - if you fail an objective, I'd like a mission that deals with the consequences, rather than just an "oh dear, that's it then"[/list]
I'm pretty sure that it'll just be single missions at first, but arcs will come later.
So that's what I want. Anyone else care to add their tuppence worth?
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter