Issue 10 Impact on Roleplayers




You think Heroes for People was a riot? I lost actual friends during the Requiem War plot due to things going on away from the forums.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Indeed, I may have to return from WoW for this...

Four years ago, Zorielle 'Zortel' Rolando left her wife in the ZorTel Industries lab to protect her neighbourhood. She lost her wife to the war, she sustained heavy injuries, was rendered infertile and had life go a fair bit bad for her. Living on Rolando Island, and being the head of the Unity Vigil, what will she do? Will she stay on the island, or will she come back to lead her fellows into battle? What will the members of the Unity Vigil do?

And will the Rikti come to Rolando Island? Lord knows they have reason to.



You think Heroes for People was a riot? I lost actual friends during the Requiem War plot due to things going on away from the forums.

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Really? Geez! Sounds like intense (and derailed) RP indeed.
"Heroes for People" weren't that bad, no. It looked like it was about to derail at some point, but I guess that the "survivors" of the Requiem-plot stopped it time. (At least that's what I think concerning some of the OOC comments that arose during the HfP-plot)



Not overly fond of the idea, but what the hell? Might be fun.

Lady Patriot, being all patriotic, will do the best she can to fight for her country.. and planet.
Feyth will have a field day. Enough said.
Namida.. not sure. She might just stay with Rose to protect her or something.
Mister Patriot will come out of retirement IC to own some Rikti. Or get faceplanted.

The rest of my toons are semi-RP, so.. they do not count. :P

Sometimes, even heroes need saving.

"For truth, justice and apple pies!"



Well.. My Main Hero Is MiA Since a base Raid on Saturday.. But when this Happens He'll Feel Almost 100% Responseable..

The Experiment that Was Disrupted During the Base Raid on the NHU by the Gang Was Dragging Survivors From his version of Earth To This one, And Due to Plot Reasons He Mentioned that it'd Be Running Dangerously Close to the Rikti Homeworld.... Base raid Happens Machine Gets Blcked as base is Sealed.. Machine Gets Destroyed after it Nearly Kills Rickmans Best Friend... And Scatters all the Survivor All over the Place.

And Possibly Weakens the Barrier that Sealed away the Rikti to...



Im looking forward to this. My main Britanic has been an empowered mutant since before the original invasion, but much to his shame, never took any action during the war. Since then he has tried reddeming himself through his exploits over the last few years, but his war time inactivity still dogs him. Once this kicks off expect Brit to be in the thick of things, fighting alongside both hero and villain, doing his utmost to atone for his past. I got all kinds of ideas where the war is going to take him with this one.

For Partisan my anti-meta mastermind I can see this as a great opportunity to throw him into the limelight again, and use the conflict to rebuild Humanity First.

Big Game my mercenary corruptor will be devastated there is no hot alien chicks to flirt with, and maybe forced to reveal some of his less selfish tendencies.

That coop taskforce is going to be great excuse for forming hero/villain IC relationships.

I cant wait to unfurl the flag on this one!



I think there's going to be some interesting RPing going on whilst street hunting in RCS too...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Posted on behalf of Shadowe, who's still beseiged by the Great Firewall of his Work!

The upcoming (and as yet unfinished) retirement of Richard Huntington at Huntington Technologies (while still retaining his role on the Board of Directors with Huntington International, of course ) couldn't be coming at a better time.

He intends to become a full-time hero.

This event has been in the offing for a month or so now, I just haven't finished it, but things are proceeding apace in his quest to 'rediscover' his humanity.

He didn't take part in the first war, simply because he didn't have any powers. But this time? Shadowe will be one of those to stand tall, stand proud, and take the war to the enemy, best spoken in the immortal words of Dylan Thomas:

Do not go gentle into that good night,
Old age should burn and rave at close of day;
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Though wise men at their end know dark is right,
Because their words had forked no lightning they
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Good men, the last wave by, crying how bright
Their frail deeds might have danced in a green bay,
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

Wild men who caught and sang the sun in flight,
And learn, too late, they grieved it on its way,
Do not go gentle into that good night.

Grave men, near death, who see with blinding sight
Blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be [censored],
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.

And you, my father, there on the sad height,
Curse, bless me now with your fierce tears, I pray.
Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Oh yes, looking forward to the RP aspects of this very much. It's perfect for my main Fridan. He'll be leading his elite Shadow Shard soldiers along with the various combat robots he's built over the years. Being an ex-general, he'll be taking the lead early on, running his own mini-vanguard. Similar to the Requiem war, but more-so I think.

Akkarin is an interesting one, I think his actions will be more decided by the state of the FA at the time, and their actions, as well as his own.

As for the various other toons, I've got too many ideas, we'll have to wait and see.

PS. Agreed on Pocket D, it might end up as the main safe zone. Unsure wether that's good or bad just yet.



I'm not too sure what my characters will be doing. It all depends on when it happens, as my characters situations could have changed dramatically by then, or they could be pretty much the same as now.



Personally, I can't wait for this...

Ves was pretty much built for it, a militarty nanotech combat system that's never really had a full blown field test (apart from the Requiem war, but due to work commitments I wasn't able to get as involved with that as I wanted). Now there's going to be blood and battles on the street, nowhere will be safe, and he's going to love hacking his way through the lot of it.

The one thing I don't fully agree with is PD becoming a safe haven, especially not for RP. Maybe after the initial world event, but during it you'll have everyone trying to avoid the chaos flooding there, and I'm sure many of you can already the annoyance any 'tools' might cause with so much RP to disrupt.

SG bases are, in my opinion at least, far more likely to be used for general RP concerning the invasion. Think about it, where makes more sense to relax and prepare for the next wave of enemies, a night club or your teams fully equipped and stocked base, with it's high grade defences, supplies and other things that'll prove useful ion a war.

I can't really see a pint and a pack of pock scratchings saving the world, but that big ol' laser cannon tucked under your bunk at the base might.....



Well i'm not sure how Edward is going to react but Succubus the assault bot would say one thing...


This'll allow me to bring out my Aliens quotes like never before and for them to be appropriate, as for what happens to Edward...well...Ritiki tech salvaging looks to be the way!

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



Red Commissar will enjoy having another war to add to his growing list to be a veteran of.

He and all other Russian heroes will be mobilised to aid the city by the Paragon Russian Embassy under a specific order. RC pretty much likes bringing the hurt to the Rikti and is still slightly annoyed at missing the action of the first Rikti War.

And if GG is moved to PD for the first few weeks as a relief point, I wouldn't mind. Hard to read the funnies in the middle of a heavy battlefield now.



A-bomination isn't really rquipped for this kind of combat - being a creation of a supersoldier project before the original Rikti invasion, his systems and equipment are more focused on more... mundane opponents.

However, he'll fight the Rikti - if nothing else because they pose a threat to the average joe. He'll probably syspect everyone and their aunt of being involved in some conspiracy dedicated to using the "Rikti" (which he believes are created by man, much like conspiracy-nuts today believe the moonlanding was faked) as a way to bolster capitalism and the military-industrial complex...



he's in for a shock then.



Also we do have to face that these are "upgraded" rikti that now know and will probably be targeting heroes. I will like to see how people will play things like that out.

The Rikti learnt from the first war that we are the main line of defense against them, this time araound I imagine they will have developed weapons or tactics to deal with us, and also target us first, as our military is still underclassed compared to them.

Also I was wondering if any of you plan to foreshadow this, my SGs members and I have already started ((Alth so the surprise attack remains canon, we are going to either not find the truth or have no one believe us))



he's in for a shock then.

[/ QUOTE ]

SSSHHH! he doesnt have Omega clearence!



Well. As far as I can tell, most people will fight, and a few will flee. But now, I ask myself, what will the Un-Hero do? After all, he mostly just hangs around in Pocket D, and isn't really into all that "fighting evil" milarkey...



Im looking forward to i10, the roleplay should be interesting since Catz is always away during the day trying to help the SG beat the Rikti.

I guess i'll be trying to rope some of my SG into roleplay during i10 since im the Commander of The Intrepids force.


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I shalt be updating my idea!
Thankyou Beet for the discussion
Decided since there will be high amounts of energy all over the place that the energy conflict between Catz's Good and Dark side, yes Dark side from a curse placed upon her by a spirirt, this will mean random outbursts of evilness or violence. So BEWARE




Hmm, it's going to be interesting for Sera, I think. She didn't quite participate in the first Rikti War (getting put out of it in the first 30 seconds, by her reckoning), but it made her what she is today, a scatty, scarred, brain-damaged wreck.

That said, the influx of Rikti technology could make the Skiff project look decidedly outdated.

In your dreams, I'll still be there with all the days that never came.
And I'll be just a story.
That's ok, we're all stories in the end...



AP should be getting all political and mysterious - plus she's experienced army combat before and is a little more hardened (although not an actual 'conflict' - just lots of simulations and excercises...)

There are also a number of heroes that she is interested in - a lot of this is to do with what they are capable of. The same goes for the 'villains' who, let's face it, aren;t so different from a lot of heroes.

It should certainly be an interesting World event, if not all that handy in trying to get on with life 'afterwards'.

**Almost forgot!**

The Workers' base is a converted bunker used during the Rikti War... Me smell plottage potential



Well, seeing as most of the discussion so far has been hero orientated...

XV'll be in the thick of it, nuking as much as possible. "Rikti attack drones? Those things couldn't make my morning cofee!". He's going to be as overconfident as possible, and with Upgrade Robots under his belt, he's seeing the Rikti war as more of an opportunity to steal some particularly choice tech. He'll probably get the TLF to try and take down a flagship, or something. Still, he's not going to be in the least bothered about the "war" aspect of it.

On the heroside, though, it'll be a lot more destructive.

Violence begets violence, and a war between worlds is not exclusive to Earth.

All i'm saying



hmm, this would be interesting for my characters, on one hand Drade could be called back to Grand halls to protect it, or he would stand a fight with his friends in the city..

This could also mean me working on a new alt or Battle-master so for them to fight the war.
It's hard for me to say for sure as yet.



Arcs just going to hit things and work for his job (being his job is against Rikti and has been for ages,this will be a good chance for him to score bonus points at work) with as as possible.

Havoc fang will just kill things...and kill he shall...

Dawns on front lines

And all my other alts will be <action>ing with the <object(s)> to hurt Rikti...