Issue 10 Impact on Roleplayers




So, Issue 10 is going to have an enourmous impact on Roleplayers I think. No longer will we be able to stand around chattering about random innanities whilst a war rages on around us; not if we're really heroes anyway!

So, how do you think it'll affect your characters? Some of you won't kill, well I've got news for you, it's WAR and it'll be kill or BE killed; but that's going to have a huge impact on your characters!

In the Requiem War, the killing tore Miss Ellie up so much emotionally that she ended up in shell shock, almost catatonic for a short while. It took her a LONG time to recover. When war comes, will she once again don her cape to fight for freedom and survival, or will she run and hide? These are questions many of us will have to answer for our characters.

How do you think it will affect YOUR characters? Will you stand and fight? Will you run? Will you ignore it completely, or maybe something else entirely?


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I've already got some pretty good ideas of what will happen to my characters, some admittedly, more surprising than others, i assume there will still be time for casual RP when a group of heroes are off duty to rest, of course you can't sit around talking about nothing but it should mean not all RP is based in a war zone?

Also, anyone know how long the war will go on since although i actually quite like the sound of it for some RP if it goes on for ages it might well get annoying.

So yeah, i have a few characters, most will take up their capes and fight, but i have already talked with people and have stories worked up for a couple of things to happen right at the start, but no spoilers ;]



The length of time it goes on is part of my concern too.

I suspect the world event for Issue 10's launch will last a couple of weeks at the most, then the Rikti will be 'contained' within the new RCS zone. But it's still going to have a huge affect on the game world, as the fight will probably continue for... well... forever I guess!

So sooner or later we'll probably have to ignore it.

BTW: The world event is very likely to screw up GG roleplay for a while, as it's not a "safe zone" protected by police drones.

There's other things to consider too. What about the rest of the world? In the last invasion the entire planet was invaded, will the same happen again?

BTW: No spoilers is a good thing Stalingrad! I don't so much want to know what people will do, but more to make them think about how it will affect them!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I asked myself this very question just 30 minutes ago!
How will the heroes react to this?

No more chatting in Pocket D or under Galaxy Girl's skirt for a while, that's for sure.

And the killing that's certain to follow?
Well some heroes would have NO problem with it, but many heroes would.

One of my alts is a pure Empathy defender (well got ONE attack from the psionic pool ofcourse ) and would NEVER kill another living creature. Not even a Rikti.

GoodGuy pulls his punches to make sure that he wont kill another human being, since he's been brought up with the knowledge that he's extremely strong and might kill if he hit too hard.
But he has lost his temper before and killed someone. So this invasion and following war will change his outlook on life and rock his foundations pretty bad.
He will become "darker" and more resolute. Not as naïve as before. (and will probably wear a new costume as well )



What I'll be asking myself is... how can I ignore this for my characters...

edit: Please bare in mind that I am the official first Naysayer of i10... the theme, that is, not the features which I think will rock.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Problem is, will it be POSSIBLE to ignore? In RP plots, if we don't like them, it's easy to ignore as they can't affect the game world our characters live in, but this is a massive game world plot. Ignoring it might NOT be possible.

Which means our future RP direction is going to be at least partly out of our control.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I have a few ideas worked out, but I'm personally looking foward to the RP aspect of it.

Think it could give us something different than the usual insanity at GG.



Actually I think my characters will be bizarrely unaffected. Lilit is too young to understand what a war is all about, she will view it as a part of growing up, kids can be resilient like that. Callista who sees everything in black and white (psychologically not literally) will see this as a job that needs doing no different to stopping normal crime. In her eyes you are either Bad or Good. There are no degrees of badness. So for her there will be eight to fourteen hours a day of 'CALLISTA SMASH' then home for a bite to eat and a nice chat with her friends.



What I'll be asking myself is... how can I ignore this for my characters...

[/ QUOTE ]

((Claim to be pacifist, run and hide from the rikti, spend a lot of time in PD's, have your charectors all fall into a mysterious coma untill the invasion ends, or just plain run around in circles with your hands over your ears shouting "LALALALALA!"
Truth be told, you can avoid the war, but not ignore it, as its going to be cannon.

I on the other hand am already thinking about Lunk's rally speach. He revels in things like this (and unlike the Rularu invasion, this time he's not going up against an enemy that will utterly pwn him ) and will probably be running IC combat teams througout the invasion, trying to keep the rogue isles clear
(except grandville.That 8 legged FREAK can deal with it himself. Hopefully his ivory tower will BURN to the GROUND with him still in it... that, and i have major stability problems in GV)))



I think Pocket D may become a haven away from the fighting, somewhere that battle weary heroes and villians can actually rest, take stock and not have to worry about attack from the Rikti, before heading back into the war.

Formerly @Crimson Archer, now @CA
The Militia - Protecting Paragon City through roleplaying since June 2006!



I guess you're right, Lunk.

Hmmm... maybe Tower of Power can out do his uGG version and park a Rikti Mothership in the Northsea... without loosing his team and slip in to a year long coma...

Maybe Grav Mistress will once again take command of the Peregrine Defence Force until being relieved by General Hammond (as in the Requiem War)

Maybe Roselin will fight side by side with Lady Patriot for Paragon... maybe she will just keep her shop open in Port Oaks and keep the Rikti and looters out of her jewellery shop.

Maybe Rosalin will be locked inside her birthlab... maybe she will be out Head(man) hunting?

I'll wait for it to hit test, hope my overall mood over the theme will have improved a little, and hope test will show me it's not all that bad... not holding my breath, though.

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Ive got some solid ideas (a few people know this from a IC bit last year) which im solid for my main RPer...

Im looking forward to RPing this epic conflict between good and not-quite-as-good



Im looking forward to i10, the roleplay should be interesting since Catz is always away during the day trying to help the SG beat the Rikti.

I guess i'll be trying to rope some of my SG into roleplay during i10 since im the Commander of The Intrepids force.




Well, Ef'll be raiding his weapons and going in an all-out one man army style against em and Beet..

Let's say he's going to remember a few things

I am the Blaster, I have filled the role of Tank, Controller and Defender
Sometimes all at once.
Union EU player! Pip pip, tally ho, top hats and tea etc etc



I suppose Max could do his part for the Home Front

"Are you a Rikti?"

"Are you a Rikti?"

"Are you a Rikti?"

"Are you a Rikti?"



Hehehe, nice one Max

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Eres probably won't be too bothered - she's effectively immune to "conventional" forms of attack (i.e. anything that only cripples the flesh) - but she'll fight anyway; a dead world isn't the most productive one, after all.

If my warshade is active before Issue 10, she'll probably revel in the carnage. A chance to cut loose and kill in public is something she wouldn't pass up on.



The Hyperion Watchmen will stand firm against this new threat, taking the fight to the invaders. I'm sure that, united with our Coalition allies, the Militia and the Paragon City Protectors, we will show these foul aliens the error of judgement invading our home!



Watchmen stand united? Pull the other one Aero! Chances are that High Burn will run and hide! After all, dealing with street punks, even cybernetically encanced street punks is one thing, but aliens with energy weapons and scary psyonic powers? She barely held it together the last time the Watchmen took on some Rikti...

Dr Mechanibus, however, will definatly step up. Just imagine all the great scientific achievements he could make with looted Rikti gear! Plasma-destrukto tanks, here I come!



Ah - did I forget to mention that the sight of Solar Flare running headlong into a huge mob of Rikti to lay waste to them would be an awe and courage inspiring sight strong enough to encourage High Burn into believing that united, we can achieve anything!?

I think though that i10 will give us a great opportunity to take our toons in a new direction - whether they "find themselves" and prove to be true heroes, leaders, compassionate, cowards etc.



Ah - did I forget to mention that the sight of Solar Flare running headlong into a huge mob of Rikti to get utterly smeared into a sticky goo a hilarious and side splitting sight strong enough to encourage High Burn into believing that Solar Flare really is a suicidal maniac?

[/ QUOTE ]

Just thought I'd fix that up for you there...


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



I think though that i10 will give us a great opportunity to take our toons in a new direction - whether they "find themselves" and prove to be true heroes, leaders, compassionate, cowards etc.

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For some, that happened during the Requiem War last year.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Ah - did I forget to mention that the sight of Solar Flare running headlong into a huge mob of Rikti to get utterly smeared into a sticky goo a hilarious and side splitting sight strong enough to encourage High Burn into believing that Solar Flare really is a suicidal maniac?

[/ QUOTE ]

Just thought I'd fix that up for you there...

[/ QUOTE ]

Haha - that's probably more like it, but hey ho - it's RP - I can say that I intended to sacrifice myself to the cause!

Re: The Requiem War; I must have missed that. I joined on UK release day, but had a huge gap in the middle before returning some way into i8.



It's was a roleplay event only, nothing game wise but it DID affect nearly every roleplayer in one way or another.


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Like the "Heroes for People" riot?