Issue 10 Impact on Roleplayers




Well i'm not sure how Edward is going to react but Succubus the assault bot would say one thing...


This'll allow me to bring out my Aliens quotes like never before and for them to be appropriate, as for what happens to Edward...well...Ritiki tech salvaging looks to be the way!

[/ QUOTE ]

Any player with the Bug Hunter badge will be the envy of all during this conflict. Myself included.

As for my main, The Hand of Battle is already suffering with strange dreams about a shady figure in ornate armour, and hears whispered voices when in the thick of combat that are beginning to drive her mad - she thinks. /e plot$$e Muhhuhahahahahaha!



You dont have to kill to help win a war.

He will honor his words; he will definitely carry out his actions. What he promises he will fulfill. He does not care about his bodily self, putting his life and death aside to come forward for another's troubled besiegement. He does not boast about his ability, or shamelessly extol his own virtues. - Sima Qian.



You dont have to kill to help win a war.

[/ QUOTE ]

But you will though. If you're involved in combat during the war, you won't be able to avoid it. The zig won't be able to hold the hundreds of thousands of "arrested" Rikti, and if you don't take them out; they'll take you out.

Simple question, them or you?

I think they should add some realism and have the mediport system go offline. Afterall, infrastructure such as that would be one of the first things targetted by an invader. Have triage units dotted around the zones during the world event, like in the safeguard missions, and you res at those instead. You could be picked up by paramedics and driven there, just without the animations so no different to now really, but it would add realism!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



That would be cool...

My main point of focus and intrest is and will no doubt always be the Co-Op T/SF...It sounds so...RP-Built...



You know what I want to know?

How are GOD characters going to deal with this... you know the kind... The ones that can snap their fingers and worlds are born/destroyed. Can lift mountains (pretty decent ammo, I'd say) ... or say, create a black hole?

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Good question.. How IS Grav Mistress going to deal with it?

/me sniggers!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Good question.. How IS Grav Mistress going to deal with it?

/me sniggers!

[/ QUOTE ]
OI! Cheap shot!

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Posted for Shadowe:

************************************************** ********

Speaking as someone who plays a character who technically is a black hole (for example), this is a tricky point. I guess it helps that Richard doesn't like to kill. At all. But this is a war.

From my point of view, then, having a toon who is emminently capable of wiping out entire battallions of enemy troops wouldn't make for a good story, so I'm going to be playing on Richard's psychological barriers against causing death - he always has limited himself in this way, and I see no reason (at the moment) for him to change the policy.

Naturally, for plot purposes and advancing stoylines, it might be useful to do it a few times. I don't know. I'll be playing it by ear.



Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Good question.. How IS Grav Mistress going to deal with it?

/me sniggers!

[/ QUOTE ]
OI! Cheap shot!

[/ QUOTE ]

The best kind!


Do not go gentle into that good night.
Rage, rage against the dying of the light.



Well one of My Mains... Has God-like Power.. But using it for Anything More Then "Parlor Tricks" Is Cheating and Breaking the "Rules" Not that He's Not going to Do it... Just When he Does do it... It'll Be Somewhat Different.. And He'll have to Pay for it.




I think they should add some realism and have the mediport system go offline. Afterall, infrastructure such as that would be one of the first things targetted by an invader. Have triage units dotted around the zones during the world event, like in the safeguard missions, and you res at those instead. You could be picked up by paramedics and driven there, just without the animations so no different to now really, but it would add realism!

[/ QUOTE ]

/e wants

/e wants hard!



All this talking about war makes me remind old heavy metal songs from my roleplayer youth (not that I am THAT old, though).

For example:

Heroes await me, my enemies ride fast
knowing not this raid is their last

Saddle my horse, as I drink my last ale
bowstring and steel will prevail

-----> which is a clear reference that axe tankers, katana and broadsword scrappers, TA/Archery defenders and Archery Blasters are going to seriously kick Rikti butt. The "horse" part I do not know what makes reference to...

Do you imagine the City Hall in Atlas park blown away by a Rikti Mothership?? Like the White House in Independence Day. It would be, in a way, cool.

All in all, I have never been much of a RPer in CoH, but I would very much like to be if you can forgive my lack of mastery of the shakesperian language.

Inercia, my main, was born in a little country in Eastern Europe. The totalitarian governement "recruited" (kidnapped) her at a very young age to be part of the super-soldier programme together with other gifted (mutant) children.

Inercia was given military education and training and grew up in a military environment together with other super-powered operatives, so she is used to be part of a unit and to follow orders. During her youth she was a soldier of the state, but she believed she was protecting the people and always thought she was fighting for the greater good, so she accepted her fate.
In fact she was being used as a weapon of political control and propaganda.

When a popular revolution overthrown the government, she suffered prosecution and the people she thought she was protecting for the best part of her life tried to kill her, so she fled to the States... to Paragon City, where she believed people with powers were welcome.

She found a city torn apart by war and in a cosntant process of rebuilding. In Paragon she was... alone at first. She was used to being told what she had to do. Follow orders is easy... lot easier than making your own decisions and taking chances. But she grew up to the challenge. Other heroes helped her, mentored her, showed her the way.

When she enroled in Fuerza Celtica, she didn't know she would end as co-leader of the powerful SG. Her practical thinking and her ability to picture a group of superpowered beings as a tactical unit earned her the respect of her SG mates. And it all was good in the times of peace...

... but now the WAR is here.

This is not a fight of good versus evil, make no mistake.
This has nothing to do with what is right or what is wrong.
The enemy thinks... the enemy BELIEVES he is right, as strongly as we do.
So they will fight to the last Rikti...
Are we right? Are the Rikti wrong? Who cares! Think about this while you are in battle and you are dead.
While you are in battle all you have to think is they are your enemy and they want you dead.
You and your friends. And your mother. And your family. They want you and all your loved ones dead.
So it is you or them.
Yes, better be them.

And make no mistake over this... war is not about Glory.
War is a very messy bussiness. You can't came out of it with your hands clean... nor your Soul for what matter.

No, we are not fighting for Glory... we are fighting for our very survival, for our right to exist.
Humanity must stand together as a whole, superpowered beings and normal humans. Heroes and Villains.
Petty rivalries have no place here.

And there is no flag to be raised over our heads if it is not one that represents all Earth... the whole humanity and also the non-human friends that live among us.

We will prevail or we will perish. I do not know.
There is a thing I know, though...

We will fight.
And we'll keep on fighting until we can't fight anymore!


Inercia will lead Fuerza Celtica to battle.

A very powerful and very dangerous fighting force that can strike with the precision of a scalpel and the force of a battle axe... and Inercia will constantly be thinking how much would she like not having to be the leader the others look up to. How good it would be if Final Avenger came back. To him leadership was a second nature, a glove that fitted perfectly. Final would lead them to battle and he would always be the point man, the first to charge and the last to guard a retreat. Always protecting the team, so strong so invulnerable...

But Final Avenger had left... no one knew where she was, not even Warave his girlfriend... so, Inercia would have to lead Fuerza Celtica... from behind, like a general that sends his troops. Anyway... there is a job to be done. The Rikti have made a fatal mistake attacking Earth. Now it is time to make sure it will be their last.



Do you imagine the City Hall in Atlas park blown away by a Rikti Mothership?? Like the White House in Independence Day. It would be, in a way, cool.

[/ QUOTE ]

I severely doubt that City Hall will be obliterated. It would make it way too hard for new players to start up, as they would have to go to Galaxy City. And if that got his too...?

I think that battle damage to systems and infrastructure will likley be kept to a minimum. However, I too would like to see a few more ambulances scattered around, and paramedics picking people up. Again, in my pessamistic mind, I find it unlikley to happen, doe to the supposed "blanking of the RP crowd" that people have commented on in the past



How are GOD characters going to deal with this... you know the kind... The ones that can snap their fingers and worlds are born/destroyed. Can lift mountains (pretty decent ammo, I'd say) ... or say, create a black hole?

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Well, Crucifix III is one of the God's right-hand men, and is also a Balancer of the Multiverse. However, when he exits 'The Void' to be in the mortal world, his powers go down to that ten times of a human.

Still, he does have some serious magical mojo he can dish out.

I think this is going to hit Ultimune the worst though. He's just a fifteen year old kid with no powers, just some martial arts training and gadgets.

He's never had to kill anyone/thing before, so I expect he might snap partway through the mayhem.



*imagines Red curling in a ball shouting "Ze Horror! ZE HORROR!!!!"*



Well my old character Prof Terror would be orgasming in a corner no doubt due to all the tech he can steal.

My new one will probly kill one and go "[censored] is this? *poke poke*"



I was going to use the 'failure' of the Rikti as motivation for some 'mental' changes in one of my characters. Might be intresting if I speed up the changes a bit so the new and improved sentient Battle Unit Omega can prove its superiority by smashing down some Rikti.

Other characters wise Cactus Brawler is just going to be seeking more money in the chaos, either way this isn't his planet he doesn't really care.

New char Inside-Out Man don't know how he is going to react yet since I've still got his character nailed down yet.

Brawling Cactus from a distant planet.



i'm just waiting for following conversation after getting a defeat all rikti mission.

"So what is it we got to do?"

"Awww's a bug hunt..."

Badge Earned: Wing Clipper

A real showstopper!



*imagines Red curling in a ball shouting "Ze Horror! ZE HORROR!!!!"*

[/ QUOTE ]
Not likely. Red IS a War Veteran.



So was Colonel Kurtz.

The horror...

In your dreams, I'll still be there with all the days that never came.
And I'll be just a story.
That's ok, we're all stories in the end...



*imagines Red curling in a ball shouting "Ze Horror! ZE HORROR!!!!"*

[/ QUOTE ]
Not likely. Red IS a War Veteran.

[/ QUOTE ]
If even the last year of GG hasn't made him curl up in a ball shouting "Ze Horror! ZE HORROR!!!!" ... then I don't think a little war will phase him

@ShadowGhost & @Ghostie
The Grav Mistress, Mistress of Gravity

If you have nothing useful to say, you have two choices: Say something useless or stay quiet.



Red Commissar - The Man of Styrofoam



He is ze man of ze world.



I have two questions that no one's posed or answered in this thread yet;
"What exactly is it that makes those few people dislike this theme? What would you prefer?" Your answers below.

The one thing I don't fully agree with is PD becoming a safe haven, especially not for RP. Maybe after the initial world event, but during it you'll have everyone trying to avoid the chaos flooding there, and I'm sure many of you can already the annoyance any 'tools' might cause with so much RP to disrupt.

SG bases are, in my opinion at least, far more likely to be used for general RP concerning the invasion. Think about it, where makes more sense to relax and prepare for the next wave of enemies, a night club or your teams fully equipped and stocked base, with it's high grade defences, supplies and other things that'll prove useful ion a war.

I can't really see a pint and a pack of pock scratchings saving the world, but that big ol' laser cannon tucked under your bunk at the base might.....

[/ QUOTE ]

I agree!
Trying to keep in touch via a resistance is far more appealing to me than slouching over in a bar and complaining about aliens. It should be a good staging point to increase Hero relations and alliances, where no IC reason has existed before, everyone will be standing side-by-side as allies against the enemy. But, then once the connections are made, I'd like to play out hiding in a bunker only to jump out and ambush some rikti then retreat again, talking over Coaltion channels to those cut off around the city.

He'll probably get the TLF to try and take down a flagship, or something.

[/ QUOTE ]

Say no more, I have some very interesting ideas for making a story arc out of this.

P.S. Has anyone noticed this is exactly like what happened to Rubi-ka in the last Anarchy Online expansion pack? Lolz.

It takes Chaos to move the world to Action.