Write a novel in a month! NaNoWriMo 2006 for CoH
I did this back in 2001. Got up to about 32,000 words then gave up :P
So for me? No, sorry - don't have the time now. But best of luck to those who do go for it
I'm already signed up to NaNoWriMo. I'm not doing anything CoX related though, I'm going with swords and sorcery.
Still, good luck!
The Purple Party Pagan of Paragon
Globals: @Morgana Fiolett / @Genevieve Moore
Altoholic with too many characters to count now I have all these shiny servers...
Aw [censored], I stupidly just signed up...
There goes November...
[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]
Thank you, Colie, for reminding me and posting the link.
I'm in.......see you in Decemeber with my new novel
......just gotta work out what to write now :S
We built this city on Rock and Roll!

i'll give it a go can't garuntee i'll finish but it sounds like fun
just wondering, how many of you will be doing CoX related stories?
I'm already signed up to NaNoWriMo. I'm not doing anything CoX related though, I'm going with swords and sorcery.
Still, good luck!
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Hey hey, none of that! You're here. You're doing NaNoWriMo. That's enough. No one says the novels should be about CoX world. It's the group of us doing the same thing. That's what counts.
So, if you have the time, please do hang around.
Oh, and welcome aboard, people. We have a nice gang going already! *and there was lots of wootage*
Would be the first time for me to scribble down things in advance before commencing writing but I try this time around to get done a chapter layout. I'll be using three different timeframes, maybe four, and having even a flimsy structure would help.
One part will tell about Coile's father Zirgei and how the siblings Andre and Andrea came to be. Then there are the early years around which time the powers manifest, and lastly the tragic era of Paragon City. The fourth might deal with Zirgei's father and where he came from. I guess if I end up losing the story at some point I'll let it rest and write about the grandfather. Anything to keep the wordcount climbing.
Gazooks! I'm starting to get excited about this!
i think i'm going to do something about Jack's early days, during the war and more focally, the time he spent in Egypt shortly afterwards. If that doesn't fill up the 50k then i will move on to the experiences he has had with the circle recently and try and top it up although i think the egypt thing will fill it up
Gazooks! I'm starting to get excited about this!
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join the club
For anyone who's worried about the amount of words needed:
It's only 80 A4 pages, using size 12 font.
Doesn't sound too daunting that way .
I'm going to sit in front of a blank screen and type.
I have no idea what's gonna happen
[url=http://vox-doom.deviantart.com]Take A Gander At This.[/url]
Well, my notes so far make up 20ks worth of words - so as long as I use an awful lot of conjunctions, I should just scratch the tip of 50k.
After all, punctuation is for people who don't have a wide...lots of words which make up a mental dictionary...thing. Yes.
I'm going to sit in front of a blank screen and type.
I have no idea what's gonna happen
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That's how I write. I just start from one cliche (It was a dark and stormy night....) and go from there.
"Idealism is such a wonderful thing. All you really need is someone rational to put it to proper use." - Kerr Avon
Myopic Aardvark on Twitter
I'm going to sit in front of a blank screen and type.
I have no idea what's gonna happen
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That's how I write. I just start from one cliche (It was a dark and stormy night....) and go from there.
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i do something similar but i like to have some idea ya know lol. And i probably won't do my old idea now
need to make up my mind but i am gonna do something i've been working on mentally for a while, will be nice to get it down on paper lol
Unfortunately, I have practically an entire week in mid-November that I won't be near a computer to be able to type, which would put a large dent in the struggle for 50,000 words.
Maybe next year. Until then, I'll carry on with the novel I'm not rushing on.
50,000 words?
I would enter, but I don't want to limit myself.
50,000 words?
I would enter, but I don't want to limit myself.
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Of course you are allowed to write 100k words too, or more. Just that when you get to 50k you complete the NaNoWriMo taskforce and gain a nifty badge for it... uh, how's IG not reality...?
For anyone who's worried about the amount of words needed:
It's only 80 A4 pages, using size 12 font.
Doesn't sound too daunting that way .
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mwhahahahaa 80 pages you say? now that's gonna be cake...if I don't get bother by work or my parents that is.
Edit: well I signed up now and I hope I'm able to do it. I'm already getting so many ideas but I must store them. must store them till wednesday. Then I'll make sure I start writeing for story of heaven's wing and Hell's wing and tragic story of how they came to be.
I'd love to have a go at this but I'm sure I'd never be able to write 50,000 words in one month. It seems very tough. Having never written anything more than a few pages long someting of this size, in such a short space of time, is a bit daunting.
I'd love to have a go at this but I'm sure I'd never be able to write 50,000 words in one month. It seems very tough. Having never written anything more than a few pages long someting of this size, in such a short space of time, is a bit daunting.
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My goal is of course to get 50k words together and be a NaNoWriMo winner. Of course it is. However, I don't think it'll by the end of the day be the main achievement.
I'm interested to see if I could write a novel in my current situation in life. Work, family, the stuff. I haven't written fiction since 'Magenta Brand of Darkness'. I don't have the time and energy. Or so I say to myself.
Could I make a plot and write a novel which I might try to sell to some publisher? I can always dream but if that's all I do I'll end up with some nice dreams and a blank screen. Or I can wait and see how my life turns out to be in ten or twenty years time - maybe I'll have more time to write later? OR I can go for it and prove to myself that no matter what I can write and get it all done.
I won't know unless I try. Usually I wouldn't. But, NaNoWriMo is an excellent excuse to drive myself to the limits and beyond!
Will I complete the 50k challenge? I'll know by the end of November 30th. But by golly & gosh I'll give it my best shot.
What if I get only 30k words together? Is it a failure? I don't think so. It's 30k words more than I would have otherwise written. In my book (pun almost not intended) that's on the plus side.
I'll spend tonight thinking about it then i'll sign up tomorrow if anything springs to mind.
darn it. i've signed up.. Buddy me at "Quilla" ^_^ I wanna know how badly i'm doing ^_-
I'd love to have a go at this but I'm sure I'd never be able to write 50,000 words in one month. It seems very tough. Having never written anything more than a few pages long someting of this size, in such a short space of time, is a bit daunting.
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My goal is of course to get 50k words together and be a NaNoWriMo winner. Of course it is. However, I don't think it'll by the end of the day be the main achievement.
I'm interested to see if I could write a novel in my current situation in life. Work, family, the stuff. I haven't written fiction since 'Magenta Brand of Darkness'. I don't have the time and energy. Or so I say to myself.
Could I make a plot and write a novel which I might try to sell to some publisher? I can always dream but if that's all I do I'll end up with some nice dreams and a blank screen. Or I can wait and see how my life turns out to be in ten or twenty years time - maybe I'll have more time to write later? OR I can go for it and prove to myself that no matter what I can write and get it all done.
I won't know unless I try. Usually I wouldn't. But, NaNoWriMo is an excellent excuse to drive myself to the limits and beyond!
Will I complete the 50k challenge? I'll know by the end of November 30th. But by golly & gosh I'll give it my best shot.
What if I get only 30k words together? Is it a failure? I don't think so. It's 30k words more than I would have otherwise written. In my book (pun almost not intended) that's on the plus side.
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well personally I don't care if I win or not. I'll probably still be writing after the end of novemenber...but the plot I have is for both my main CoV and CoH characters. They're linked as lovers at the begining, but in the world of contests and "accidents" (caused by a certain Dr Aeon) they get split up and the result is phanominal powers...but complete loss of memory.
I'm going to sit in front of a blank screen and type.
I have no idea what's gonna happen
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That's how I write. I just start from one cliche (It was a dark and stormy night....) and go from there.
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It was a stark and dormy night. Boonlight done shown on the malcony. The ceroine oried tut into he light for her nove.
I must get that spellchecker running..
Entered last year. Slammed into a block after chapter 2. Got a plan this year.
Meh. Why not. Count me in.
NaNoWriMo 2006 - National Novel Writing Month!
Greetings, writers! I am here to present you with a challenge!
As writers we like to write. Duh. We have ambitions. We have dreams. We have wild dreams. Now, own up - who would like to write a novel? Ah-ha! I knew it!
So, what's to stop us from writing those novels? Nothing! It's just, life is busy. Work is stressful. Lots of homework. Family. Kids. Pets. Pals. All we need is time. Like vacation. Then we have time. Except there's trips and plans and stuff to do. So, again, when do we do it? I tell you when!
Starting next week. Oh yes, November 1st is the date that it's time to crack those literature knuckles and start hammering words on the screen. We have entered the NaNoWriMo zone!
The deal here is simple - write a novel of 50000 words during November. That's all.
Why?! Why now? Why 50k words? Why during November? The reason is simple - thousands upon thousands of others are doing the same. Got creative stress? Share it with your peers. While staring at the blank screen and adding a few characters making up a word just know that countless others are doing the exact same thing. They all share the goal - write a novel of 50k words during November!
This what NaNoWriMo is all about. Pushing forward together. Seeking and offering support to like minds and feeling the pressure of time and wordcount on you. 1700 words a day. Write or die. By the end of it you have done it. You have written a novel! I have done it once and let me tell you WHOA what a rush it was! As midnight on 30th November edged closer with less than half an hour to go the last words were typed and the wordcount passed the ever elusive and dreaded treshhold that pains and plagues the writerkind for a whole month each year. That was the year 2003.
This year I will plunge into the madness again. The month long ordeal, the reckless descent into the creative abyss is less than a week away. More caffeine! Less sleep! No house chores! *gasp* Probably less CoH! Bathing is optional! Producing text is mandatory! Yes, I will head into the breach once more and I'm not going alone.
I will drag you with me.
This is the challenge. I'm goIng to do my very best to write 50k words worth of novel during November. It is my dream to achieve something in the span of one month and emerge as a novelist. How about you? Prioritize. For one month let your creative juices flow and your writing govern your rhythm. Join me in this huge endeavour that bears the name of NaNoWriMo.
Who's with me?
Oh, one thing I forgot to mention. Your novel won't probably be much good. Mine won't. At the pace we will be going there is no opportunities to second guess the choices that we make. No editing. No removing words. Just let go and write some more. Later on we can go back, edit it all, rewrite the pages and create art. Now we will write a novel.
I hope this thread will be the focal point of our CoH NaNoWriMo writers' chat and escapades for this month of insanity. Comment! Goof around! Be creative! And while doing all that, keep writing writing writing.
I will start a new thread for my work. Daily, or whenever I finish a chunk of text that I feel like posting, I'll submit the last batch of words for public's amusement. Masochism is not required but it goes a long way. Did I mention the expected low quality of this work? I will write a novel with a title 'A for Android' and it will supposedly tell the tale of one Andre Kraft who becomes Coile, one of the many heroes in Paragon City.
What's it all about? NaNoWriMo FAQ Read it, sign up and start the countdown. As next Tuesday turns into Wednesday the keyboards all around the world flare up. The race has begun!
I repeat: who's with me?