Why Do People Hate Stalkers?
I think he's just confused cos English isnt his 1st language.
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I think he's confused cos he's a n0000b!
And as to your thoughts QiSnake, regarding that Hide is imbalanced.
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Oh, its not just hide.. its the full hide/detect deal. As I keep saying, there is next to no gray area. Either the stalker gets flattened or runs like hell with red health, or the target gets flattened or (if lucky) runs like hell. In the end, when there is a stalker in a fight, SOMEONE will feel cheated... and that is the origin of the heated divide on the stalker subject.
I love stalkers, they rock and tbh unless you've played one you really don't know how good it feels to stalk and AS someone. Its a fitting revenge for the hell we have to go through in early level bank raids
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I am sorry but you are saying that stalkers should one shot squishies because they have a hard time in bank raids??
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TG, stop taking everything so seriously..
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Hmmm i dont.I just have a hard time separate if someone is being sarcastic most of times thats why i ask explanation?
Thanks for all the feedback.On the roleplaying part maybe i misinterpreted as English not my native language.Good to see that at least there are few more people playing a stalker and contribute more than the average "lolol u sux i rox in PvP cause i one shot you" thing.
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I am new to CoX, started playing roughly 2 or 3 weeks ago. Qima is my first character. She is in her 30s, so I consider myself a beginner. Thus I don't claim to know everything, just stating what I've seen so far
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still i think is one of most complete posts regarding stalker set i seen so far
I think he's just confused cos English isnt his 1st language.
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I think he's confused cos he's a n0000b!
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*cough* Pyra this is for you CLICKY
I think he's just confused cos English isnt his 1st language.
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I think he's confused cos he's a n0000b!
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*cough* Pyra this is for you CLICKY
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haha, owned
I think he's just confused cos English isnt his 1st language.
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I think he's confused cos he's a n0000b!
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*cough* Pyra this is for you CLICKY
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haha, owned
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nothing new there then
I think he's just confused cos English isnt his 1st language.
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I think he's confused cos he's a n0000b!
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*cough* Pyra this is for you CLICKY
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lol damn you and damn Bridger for not removing it!!!
im a stalker n i get mashed at first sight in pvp even with a brute gaurding me!
People hate them because they don't know how to beat them.
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I agree with you Xanthus, when I started PvPing I really couldn't stand stalkers, but now they are.....meh apart from 1 in particular *Cough* Stalk-obot *Cough*
I really dont see why people have such problems with them, as long as you are moving about they cant AS you and when the 50 zone comes it wont be an issue cause they will be seen by almost everyone.
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gonna love that.... lvl50 pvp zone!!
i hope they hurry up with that.[finally we can use our full build]
the only thing i got against stalkers is that they always run away...
and i must agree,there is no skill in running away hahahah
i like to play against players that always try to stand there grounds.[fight till 1 is dead...]
pvp is to "play" against each other, not to run after each other. lol*
waitin takes ages....... eheheheh
Why on earth do you want to solo? This is a MULTIPLAYER game designed with TEAMS in mind, and every change the devs make just further supports this. If you want to solo, you should play halflife or something like it..
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Everyone plays the game the way they want IMO. If someone doesnt want to, or isnt able to find a team (sometimes it's really hard to, no matter how hard u try). Besides, i disagree on the assumption that this game is multiplayer oriented: just as a couple of quick tips, first of all u level much faster solo (i got my second lv50 in 12 days, and soloed it all the way from lv1 to 50); therefore, lag issues hit hard when on big teams, and that happen when u got a brand new computer, let alone if u r near the minimum requirements, when u play at the astonishing rate of 2 fps.
"But Stalkers have hide how can we see them?!11" Its not that difficult. Find a guy with the leadership pool, pop yellow inspirations, find a defender with CM, buy the temp power IR Goggles when the zone is yours, Roll SR, Stay near someone with a toggle PBAoE,
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Take my case as an en/en blaster. To be able to see a single stalker with hide+stealth/grant invis I need tactics from a defender, IR Goggles and my own tactics on top of that plus maybe a yellow or two. No matter what I do, I'll NEVER be able to spot a hide+stealth stalker on my own (aside from having a tray full of large yellows and popping two every time the effect of the last two wears off, but lets face it, this isn't an option.) This means that ALL stalkers have the edge over me NO MATTER WHAT I DO, because I can't see them until they AS me, and if I don't die from the AS, I still can't fight back, because THEN they plactate me and either kill me on their next strike which will give them critical NO MATTER WHAT, or they've teleported away and are hidden again within 10 seconds.
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Things will never be balanced when u need a team to kill an specific AT solo (and i dont know the rest of PbAoE's, but hot feet on my fire troller doesnt work on stalkers. All I can do is popping 3 medium size yellows to see them and try to avoid them, just to find out that no matter if i have seen them or not, having elude on i'll miss a 95% of the times, and i'd need like 10 shots anyway, stalkers 1 hit me.
6. Do more offensive/idiot type players play Stalkers?
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Yes. Not all, but gankers WILL choose the stalker AT for reasons I have said earlier..
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Or, on the other hand, having a stalker makes them become stupid, as the PvP overpowered AT enables them to (and I mean people who will happily ask u if that WS is ur first AT... )
A lot of good quality players play the Stalker AT.
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Agree, but sadly that's just a minority
One defender clear mind seems to be enough to own stalkers .. Seriously, I didn't know the power was THAT good before I had experienced the ultimate purple glowing radar head..
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Actually, you're right there. Clear-mind really does work wonders for detection. But detection is only part of fighting stalkers, hitting and revealing is the next step, and whilst its not always such a hard task, you will occasionally get a stalker who seems to have slipped kevlar into his/her ninjasuit.
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I try to be sporting and have no defence on my stalkers (yes plaural, I have another concept now ) so if u get me u have pretty much killed me
CM is awesome V newbie stalkers but experienced ones can ruin your day, as I always say just because you ahve the ability to see them doesnt mean you will
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Difference between being able to track your prey and being able to take them down. Cheetahs tire themselves out during their sprints, I'd rather leave out tactics in favour of being able to bash things with.
I'd rather leave out tactics in favour of being able to bash things with.
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You're a Tank at heart, kitty-cat
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
You know from the main index, this thread keeps looking like 'Re: Why Do People Hate Sta...'
Oh, Stalkers... heh. That makes more sense.
I don't hate stalkers. I do hate not having a team when I PvP, since Tech doesn't seem to do that great damage, and I can never catch them when they fleeee (they almost always flee).
I also hate it when villains sit in Tsoo mobs, cause they debuff something fierce, and it slows down the fun.
I'd rather leave out tactics in favour of being able to bash things with.
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You're a Tank at heart, kitty-cat
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Prefer the term fighter
Wow (eeek! He said Wow!). Is this thread still going? I'm happy as a ferret, cos that means I'm not the only one with a problem with stalkers.
Anyways. There's been some pretty good arguments from both "sides" since I last checked in, and the conclution I have come to is that the stalker AT doesn't fit this type of gameplay at all. I say again; At all.
Considering that the Hero AT's were created maybe three and a half to four years ago, and the villain AT's were created something like three years later (or so), it's not surprising that the Heroes are lagging behind in respect to fresh and innovative tricks. Just look at the inherent powers for Villains, then look at the inherent powers for Heroes. It's quite clear (to me at least), that the heroes of Paragon City has been forgotten by the gods (read; devs), and that villains is the new black.
It's quite clear (to me at least), that the heroes of Paragon City has been forgotten by the gods (read; devs), and that villains is the new black.
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That's how I feel about it also Which is unfortunate, since I haven't gotten into the CoV side of things, one toon at 14 is all.
I still enjoy CoH more. I don't like how the villains seem to have managed to pick up much better inherent powers over our heroes, but I'm still holding out for Issue 8 rounding things out for the rest of us on the 'good' side of the fence.
Wow (eeek! He said Wow!). Is this thread still going? I'm happy as a ferret, cos that means I'm not the only one with a problem with stalkers.
Anyways. There's been some pretty good arguments from both "sides" since I last checked in, and the conclution I have come to is that the stalker AT doesn't fit this type of gameplay at all. I say again; At all.
Considering that the Hero AT's were created maybe three and a half to four years ago, and the villain AT's were created something like three years later (or so), it's not surprising that the Heroes are lagging behind in respect to fresh and innovative tricks. Just look at the inherent powers for Villains, then look at the inherent powers for Heroes. It's quite clear (to me at least), that the heroes of Paragon City has been forgotten by the gods (read; devs), and that villains is the new black.
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agreed, the rage on my blaster is used continuously, far more than my squishy blasters Defiance which use becomes negligable (is it ever used?) when you're teaming with a good healer.
I'd rather leave out tactics in favour of being able to bash things with.
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You're a Tank at heart, kitty-cat
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Prefer the term fighter
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Either way, it's still a lie
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
far more than my squishy blasters Defiance which use becomes negligable (is it ever used?) when you're teaming with a good healer.
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I got a 400pvp rep at level 42 AR (gimp) blaster that solo mostly these points based on defiance. I hate healers and any form of healing when playing that toon in pvp zone
I think that the inherent powers in pvp need some tricks to be used correctly.A defiance blaster teaming with a defender means infinite stamina resource for the defender.Make that defender a bubbler and u can see the point made Full toggles running all time and no worries on stamina...
Does the PvP rep go down if you've not been in a PvP zone for a while?
Mine seems to be doing that...
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Does the PvP rep go down if you've not been in a PvP zone for a while?
Mine seems to be doing that...
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Yes, it goes down in general and only goes up if you win.
Does the PvP rep go down if you've not been in a PvP zone for a while?
Mine seems to be doing that...
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Yes, it goes down in general and only goes up if you win.
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Guess I'd better hunt me some Stalkers in Siren's tonight
@Golden Girl
City of Heroes comics and artwork
Does the PvP rep go down if you've not been in a PvP zone for a while?
Mine seems to be doing that...
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Yes, it goes down in general and only goes up if you win.
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I beleive it depreciates at a rate of 1 pvp point per day
**Acceptable "support" responses**
Its your fault
Its your computers fault
Its your ISPs fault

Its a fitting revenge for the hell we have to go through in early level bank raids
CM is awesome V newbie stalkers but experienced ones can ruin your day, as I always say just because you ahve the ability to see them doesnt mean you will
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Now I'm really interested whats behind this statement..
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As dumbeldore said "I dont need a cloak to become invisible"
I love stalkers, they rock and tbh unless you've played one you really don't know how good it feels to stalk and AS someone.
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I am sorry but you are saying that stalkers should one shot squishies because they have a hard time in bank raids??
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TG, stop taking everything so seriously..
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I think he's just confused cos English isnt his 1st language. But seeing as heroes have to traverse the hollows, maybe we can get permanukes or something
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