Why Do People Hate Stalkers?




What?! I spent a good deal of last week getting it over 100!

*stocks up on purples*



It's quite clear (to me at least), that the heroes of Paragon City has been forgotten by the gods (read; devs), and that villains is the new black.

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That's how I feel about it also Which is unfortunate, since I haven't gotten into the CoV side of things, one toon at 14 is all.

[/ QUOTE ]

MMORPG.com: In terms of balance, is there an equivalent power set available to the heroes in CoH, or is this a villainous advantage?
Matt Miller: The Patron Powers are stronger and more powerful than the “equivalent” powers in City of Heroes (the Ancillary Power Pools), because there is less diversification and the fact that Patron choices are permanent alterations to your character.

taken from http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm?s...e=1&fp=800,600,1145692110406,20060422034830

As if they weren't overpowered already... permanent alterations to ur character... hah!



It's quite clear (to me at least), that the heroes of Paragon City has been forgotten by the gods (read; devs), and that villains is the new black.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's how I feel about it also Which is unfortunate, since I haven't gotten into the CoV side of things, one toon at 14 is all.

[/ QUOTE ]

MMORPG.com: In terms of balance, is there an equivalent power set available to the heroes in CoH, or is this a villainous advantage?
Matt Miller: The Patron Powers are stronger and more powerful than the “equivalent” powers in City of Heroes (the Ancillary Power Pools), because there is less diversification and the fact that Patron choices are permanent alterations to your character.

taken from http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm?s...e=1&fp=800,600,1145692110406,20060422034830

As if they weren't overpowered already... permanent alterations to ur character... hah!

[/ QUOTE ]

The Dark Side is not stronger - it just seems that way sometimes...

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



It's quite clear (to me at least), that the heroes of Paragon City has been forgotten by the gods (read; devs), and that villains is the new black.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's how I feel about it also Which is unfortunate, since I haven't gotten into the CoV side of things, one toon at 14 is all.

[/ QUOTE ]

MMORPG.com: In terms of balance, is there an equivalent power set available to the heroes in CoH, or is this a villainous advantage?
Matt Miller: The Patron Powers are stronger and more powerful than the “equivalent” powers in City of Heroes (the Ancillary Power Pools), because there is less diversification and the fact that Patron choices are permanent alterations to your character.

taken from http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm?s...e=1&fp=800,600,1145692110406,20060422034830

As if they weren't overpowered already... permanent alterations to ur character... hah!

[/ QUOTE ]

The Dark Side is not stronger - it just seems that way sometimes...

[/ QUOTE ]

A lil bird says it's to compensate player's lack of skills against 'experienced' heros (/em whistle /em whistle...)



It's quite clear (to me at least), that the heroes of Paragon City has been forgotten by the gods (read; devs), and that villains is the new black.

[/ QUOTE ]

That's how I feel about it also Which is unfortunate, since I haven't gotten into the CoV side of things, one toon at 14 is all.

[/ QUOTE ]

MMORPG.com: In terms of balance, is there an equivalent power set available to the heroes in CoH, or is this a villainous advantage?
Matt Miller: The Patron Powers are stronger and more powerful than the “equivalent” powers in City of Heroes (the Ancillary Power Pools), because there is less diversification and the fact that Patron choices are permanent alterations to your character.

taken from http://www.mmorpg.com/gamelist.cfm?s...e=1&fp=800,600,1145692110406,20060422034830

As if they weren't overpowered already... permanent alterations to ur character... hah!

[/ QUOTE ]

The Dark Side is not stronger - it just seems that way sometimes...

[/ QUOTE ]

A lil bird says it's to compensate player's lack of skills against 'experienced' heros (/em whistle /em whistle...)

[/ QUOTE ]

The antics of Lord Recluse and his lackies are all about compensating, kitty-cat

@Golden Girl

City of Heroes comics and artwork



My thoughts on Stalkers:

Born to gank. Don't despise them, beause that's the only way of fighting PvP they can get away with. While they're not as supersquishy as some think, a yellow or three gets through most of their defences. Asking a stalker to drop hide and fight normally is like (and I saw this in Warburg just the other day) a scrapper asking a controller to turn flight off, stop debuffing him and 'fight like a man'. Ridiculous.

It's true that stalkers may not be as effective against experienced PvPers, and therein lies the problem. When I'm hoofing it about a PvP zone with my brute, tank, or defenders, I can tell fairly quickly who is a pro and who is not (I fall in to the 'not' category, if you're interested ). That's not to say they are worse players; but PvP comes with its own set of rules which very often need to be learnt the hard way.

Now, if someone relatively new to the game pops into siren's, enjoys the scenery, get into some fun skirmishes, perhaps tries mission or to, then gets killed four or five times in fairly rapid succession by something they cannot see to run away from or have any knowledge of how to counteract, it is bound to put them off PvP, possibly for good. And that ain't good.

There's no solution to it, as far as I can see. It's just a shame that counering stalkers is difficult without wholescale changes to one's build.

DON'T eat muffins while I'm developing you.

Pants! Turkey Magnates! A man in a box! Rogue AI! Come one, come all, to arc ID 10107 - It's [i]'Not as long as some other arcs'[/i]!



/e nods Good post Wilf.

A Paragon Defender